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Nothing is like your first reading - My 1st


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This is so exciting, now I regret not owning books 1-3. *blames brother, from whom she borrowed them* I can't believe you make me want to reread the series when I only just finished my last reread. GAO



To the Admins:


You should be payin' this guy.


I'm here most days, God knows, but I'll def be checkin' in every day to see how this thread is progressing. It's so fun to live vicariously...


Tangled love triangle? Try tangled love PENTAGON!


Gets bigger then that actually  :D

but lets stop giving stuff away O_O

No no love going on *whistles*


Your accuracy rate has gone up ;) This is tantalizing.


I know for me at least, I remember what's happening in tEotW. Granted, I may forget if something happened in aCoS or tPoD for example, but first 3 books are pretty easy to remember because there's like one plotline.


Tangled love triangle? Try tangled love PENTAGON!


Gets bigger then that actually  :D

but lets stop giving stuff away O_O

No no love going on *whistles*


You Lie!  :(

No author would ever violate the sacred love triangle!

Love Square? Blasphemy!

What next? a Love Nonagon? A Lust Cube? A Just-Friends Icosahedron?

Tiinker & Impressive Bosom, you should wash your mouthes out.


hey! Less idle chit-chat, more readin'!  ;D


This is going to be one hell of a ride.  Thanks, Dralid, for what's here now, and what's to come... in so many ways, it's a voyage of (re)discovery for us too!


This is a great thing.


I'm now hoping that you can keep it up, and I am looking forward to any parts where something is "intuitively obvious" and you can give us an answer that we are now all biased on.


Tangled love triangle? Try tangled love PENTAGON!


Gets bigger then that actually  :D

but lets stop giving stuff away O_O

No no love going on *whistles*


You Lie!  :(

No author would ever violate the sacred love triangle!

Love Square? Blasphemy!

What next? a Love Nonagon? A Lust Cube? A Just-Friends Icosahedron?

Tiinker & Impressive Bosom, you should wash your mouthes out.


You're absolutely right! :D A LUST CUBE? Refer me to the book which has one of those plz!


Tangled love triangle? Try tangled love PENTAGON!


Gets bigger then that actually  :D

but lets stop giving stuff away O_O

No no love going on *whistles*


You Lie!  :(

No author would ever violate the sacred love triangle!

Love Square? Blasphemy!

What next? a Love Nonagon? A Lust Cube? A Just-Friends Icosahedron?

Tiinker & Impressive Bosom, you should wash your mouthes out.


You're absolutely right! :D A LUST CUBE? Refer me to the book which has one of those plz!


I know of no books containing a Lust Cube, but I have read a few with an Erotic Tetrahedron


Go Dralid!! I'm loving this - makes me remember how I felt first time round.. Enjoy it. You'll have fun looking back at your initial thoughts a while from now!


On a side note, I'm exceptionally glad that I haven't come across an erotic tetrahedron yet  :o


A blog would be awesome for this - i love the thread idea but blog posts would be even better ;D

Although I see where you are coming from, as this kind of one-man show is usually the domain of the blogosphere, I disagree. A wise man once said it's all about location, location, location. A small isle, alone in the internets, is a lousy place to set up shop. I'd rather peddle my friendship in the beating heart of an active community.


Chapter 5

- Home again (for the first time). The farm is a farm. Unless this novel is going to go harvest moon on me there's not much to see here.

- Reverse Culture: Pine and Oak trees are apparently just Pine and Oak trees. No new fancy names here. (Needlebranch tree would be a cool name for Pine, not sure about Oak)

- Now that we've gotten a wonderful description of the farm, it is possible that the Dark Horseman will ransack the place while they are at Bel Tine. But I'm not feeling it. We'll call that a hedge prediction.

- Interesting: a comment was made about how Rand's mother would fill the table, so apparently Rand knew her before she died. While I'm thinking about it, two facts come to mind. I do not believe that she has been named yet, and always as Rand's mother. I do not recall any Tam's wife, though he clearly cared for her. The latter fact is probably unimportant, but the former? I think we will hear first of her deeds, then later in dramatic reveal "Don't you know Rand? She is your mother."

- Oh goody, a chest that Rand has never seen opened? Lemme see, lemme see!

- Yay, a big sword. One that represents an untold chapter of Tam's past! Twelve points if it is magical, or is good at channeling one's energy, or has some other supernatural property that you can't find in just any sword.

- Apparently tea is important to Two Rivers people, it is mentioned almost as much as food. (As we finish staring at the awesome sword, Tam reminds us that dinner is almost ready, but we can't forget the tea).

- Yay, a guest for dinner! And the author is toying with us, exaggerating every little bump, creak, and knock of the door to remind us that the Black Rider is out there, somewhere.

- Why am I typing? I just read the next sentence. Battle has broken out!

- Half-Human, Half-Ram creature. More importantly, the first clearly non-human life (though it is possible the horns are just a helmet, my money's on non-human)

- I love how Rand cannot decide between and thus keeps altering between trying to help and trying to run away.

- Will Tam escape? On one half, Tam is Rand's only connection to his past, and killing him off will make for great surprises later, but my gut says he lives through the minotaur creatures. (probably to die against the Black Rider)

- Yay! Tam Lived, and apparently he can track and stalk too (He snuck up on Rand from behind, and wasn't noticed.

- Oh, so these are Trollocks.

- NOOOOOO! Poison! .... maybe.

- Rand Vs Narg, the Trollock. Round 1. Ding!

- Myrddraal ?=? Black Rider

- Winner, Rand! (Darn it, I was looking forward to the adventures of Narg :P)

- Yay a Fade. I wonder if it is a race or if it is a profession?

- 3 points awarded for a super sharp blade (the other nine are waiting for something a little more supernatural)

- So Rand's plan is to use the cart shafts as a stretcher for Tam.

- My last prediction for this chapter: "Wisdom" Nynaeve is going to prove incompetent at being able to treat Tam; "Wisdom-in-training" Egwene will be the one who saves his life; but she will defer credit to Nynaeve.


Do you have a favorite character yet?


I have a soft spot for wordsmiths. Anyone who can walk up to a king, call him a fool and everyone in his court backstabbing political opportunist, and not only walk away, but be paid for the deed is my idol. My love of bards is tenfold in a book, because the medium demands so much of them. The author must be at the top of his game while crafting a storyweaver. Tell us the bezerker rends his enemies in twain with his bare hands? Say it and it is so. Did the sorceress just enchant a man's heart? Write it and it is done. But if a jester ends a battle with twenty-six words, three periods, one comma, and a parlor trick - Whoa, hold up. You must prove it.


I pray to the Light that Thom Merrilian is not a one night stand.


i'm just putting a marker her, so i'll remember to follow the thread.


and about the time-schedule you put up earlier, don't rush it.

i took a few years to finish it the first time. off course, that was before i found this site. being here ealrier would pobably have forced me to go quicker


Aaah I remember my first read of WoT. It is such a fun ride. Everything that I speculated pretty much turned into a RAFO haha. It only gets better as the book and series go along (at least until err tPoD?? Then picks up again in tGS?). Enjoy it!  :)


I've just registered a forum account after years of lurking just to comment on this thread; hopefully I won't spoil anything important, but you did ask for it:


And is no-one gonna tease me about my wild theories or drop me some tantalizing hints? I know it goes against what you've been trained about spoilers, but there's a difference between a spoiler and a teaser. I promise that I won't let it ruin my experience.


- The prologue is probably a flash-forward of some sort, because at the end it is attributed to the record of the fourth age, but chapter 1 puts us in the third age.


You're a loony, and you'll be face-palming over this in the very near future.


- Tam has magical ability, and Rand does too, albeit undeveloped.

- Tam is probably not a native to the village

I do not yet accept that Tam is the biological father...I say this because Tam is probably a powerful <mage>


So close. So far.


but I don't think I can take twelve books of gender-bashing.


Uh oh. Better brace yourself.


I hope Mat gets to play a large part of the book.


What? Stop being silly. We never see Mat again and he is completely and utterly irrelevant.


(Mat blew what?)


The peddler arriveth, and he hath a name: Padan Fain. The name was presented to the reader with so much fanfare that we know he will be sticking around in the story.


If only that weren't true.


- Ooh, more coins. Moiraine seems to want to form bonds with all the young men.


Come on now, it's not like she's a Green.

Artur Paendrag sounds like Arthur Pendragon, or King Arthur...but those tales are unimportant


Nothing related to Artur Hawking to ever be important never.


- Yay, a big sword. One that represents an untold chapter of Tam's past! Twelve points if it is magical, or is good at channeling one's energy, or has some other supernatural property that you can't find in just any sword.


It's actually the Master Sword from Zelda. It can shoot rings of energy if Rand's at full health


- Apparently tea is important to Two Rivers people,


Heartleaf tea is especially important to Mat.



- Oh, so these are Trollocks.


Trollocs. At least you aren't calling them trolls, like some people do.


- Rand Vs Narg


Narg smart!



- Myrddraal ?=? Black Rider


You're completely right about this one, which really isn't a spoiler at all.


(You can spell Myrddraal but not trolloc?)


(Darn it, I was looking forward to the adventures of Narg )


Narg and Bela are getting their own prequels.



- Yay a Fade. I wonder if it is a race or if it is a profession?


Fade = Myrddraal. There's no sense in letting you trip over the vernacular.



- My last prediction for this chapter: "Wisdom" Nynaeve is going to prove incompetent at being able to treat Tam; "Wisdom-in-training" Egwene will be the one who saves his life; but she will defer credit to Nynaeve.




and about the time-schedule you put up earlier, don't rush it.


Yeah, I've been mulling it over. I have no chance of finishing by November. I think my attention to detail is what makes this work. If I skimped on that, it'd be as if a chocolatier decided to stop using cocoa butter. Sure you could still make something that sells and tastes like chocolate, but it wouldn't be chocolate. It's not that I can't read it faster. Trust me, left to my own devices, I'd be through book twelve in three weeks ... probably two. Seriously, I have a weakness for good narrative. (It's the only weakness I have (or at least will admit to.)) I've gorged whole volumes of fiction on many occasion. But I digress. My point is you (yes, I mean everyone here in the thread, even you, the guy lurking in the corner who hasn't said anything yet) deserve quality. The real stuff.


No point really to hurry your read, other than you just *WANT* to know what happens which I can totally dig.

Think of it this way...we know book 12 is looking like a 2012 release at this point, so the longer it takes you to get through, the less time you have to wait between 11 and 12! Win win man! :)


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