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What Parts Have Made You Get..THE MADDEST..at a Character in The Series So Far??

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The only bad thing I thought Rand did in his "dark" stage was balefire castle and nearly kill Tam. For the rest, I liked him haha and those things only made me sad for him, not really angry.

Weird, to me that first one actually made sense and he a very legitimate reason to do it. I wholeheartedly agree about Tam though. I guess I meant 60% of what he said to other people. (Especially Hurin)


Oh god! I forgot about Hurin! Of course, that is anothher thing to add.


With the Balefire incident, I am kinda half half on it. I thought, as you said, it made sense, and it was legit, however, it nearly destroyed that part of the pattern, it was a prety close call. For the rest, I loved his intelligence, how he acted, with rutheless efficiancy, getting what needed to be done. If he can do that, but remember that his friends are on HIS side, it will be good.

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By far, Faile.  Gawd, I despise that woman, especially after hitting/slapping/insulting Perrin over and over again in TSR.  In later volumes, she's a conniving manipulator.  There's one scene (I think TPOD), where Faile looks forward to a "splendid argument" with Perrin.  Evil woman, evil ways.


To be fair to Faile, make up sex is really good...


Nynaeve and her hypocracy. (Why is it men always believe Violence is the answer? She should beat them all with a stick) okay, funny, but i hate hypocracy.


Anytime someone (especially Rand) is called stubborn for not doing what another person wants. What can be taken as Mule-headedness by Rand can also be taken as arrogance by the other persons.


Basically any time they do the holier-than-thou or thats-not-appropriate-in-a-christrian-world-thing.


Of course the condescending way women always treat the men. Ive never understood why men vs women should be such big theme in the books, if its any indication of RJs life then his has been very different from mine.


Basically TheBeerPatriot said what needed to be said.


Edit: Forgot, anything Seanchan, especially Tuon.



I actually find really frustrating, and often skip reading, the chapter where Nynaeve and Elayne discover the Kin, and get kidnapped and questioned and disbelieved etc. Hugely frustrating.


I get mad at people not saying stuff a lot.

The time Egwene is talking to Rand - in Cairhien? - when the AS embassy is on its way, he askes her where Elayne is, and she doesn't tell him,  but his ta'veren'ness nearly pulls the words out of her mouth, and her face goes all rigid trying to keep her teeth closed. She could have said that, after. Mat would have, if it were him - "Burn it , Rand, stop making stuff happen!" or such. Instead, she leaves him all self-loathing, feeling rotten cos he thinks she's afraid of him.


And def the way Elayne treats Mat en route to Ebou Dar. It's v mean spirited, throwing her weight around with him cos Vandene and Adeleas won't recognise her new status.


Egwene for being a cow to Siuan and Gobshite Gawyn after her rescue in TGS. Were they supposed to just leave her (as they thought) in a dungeon, unable to channel, under attack?



Oh God yeah, Egwene with the whole pride thing while studying with the Wise Ones. Silly b****. Elayne and Nyn knew she was a student to the WO's, how the hell would they think less of her for having restrictions on that study? So stupid.


Oh and the Windfinders and co bursting in on Elayne in her bath. Kinda liked her response to Birgitte and the guardswomen - " I do not expect anyone to manhandle an ambassador, but I do expect the privacy of my rooms" - but she went and ruined it by blushing and what not.


Actually the Windfinders in general. If ever anyone needed slappin', it's that lot. Or Mat set on them, in bad temper, a lot more often.


1. Cadsuane - pretty much whenever she does ANYTHING

2. Faile - when she was angry and didn't tell Perrin that she wasn't mad at him

3. Tuon - when she dismissed Mat as superstitious when he was talking about the 'Finns

4. Rand - when he raged at Tam (even though I kinda understand)

5. Egwene - when she doesn't take Mat seriously as a good general


There's no way in hell that Rand's atrocity in balefiring Graendal's fortress can be justified.  I mean have people been reading the series?!?! The Dark One clearly wants more balefire used because of the effect it has on the Pattern.  I was EXTREMELY mad at Rand.  Even though I do understand why he was so on edge... he's had a pretty tough time. 

5. Egwene - when she doesn't take Mat seriously as a good general

This one makes me mad too, but I can see excuses for Perrin, Nynaeve, and Egwene. The last they actually saw and talked to him extensively was in the Stone/Ebou Dar/Aiel Waste. He wasn't in his element any of these times, he was just a slightly more mature prankster. Since Tuon, he's matured but none of them have seen him in awhile, they have no proof Mat is an awesome general. Given his odd sense of responsibility, they all probably think he was put in charge of the Band by Rand.


Thought of another:

-The constant political squabbles among one of the most powerful organizations. I really don't like Aes Sedai. (Except Nynaeve, Cadsuane, Egwene, Hattori, Daigan, Moiraine, and Erian)


Jordan's women are so stupid they're hilarious.


I would have to agree with this.  With only a few exceptions, I find most of the female characters to be truly obnoxious. But, I hate Gawyn more than any of the rest. He had some promise in the early books, but he's nothing but a little B***h boy for the rest of the series.


When Rand was all like "Oh btw Gawyn, I didn't kill yer ma. That was Rahvin" and Gawyn was all "that's coo" then Rand was like "Oh, P.S. I got your sister pregnant then ran off with another woman"  but Gawyn went "whatev, I hooked up with the girl you thought you were going to marry for the first 19 years of your life and she knew I wanted to kill you!" and Rand said "dang"




Every time someone holds back on saying something and confusion and malcontent spreads because of it makes me really mad. Really. Mad.


@talligan: Precisely, sir. That's been such a strong motif for the entire series, it's made it in some ways so frustrating to read.


@Hadilmir: I was thinking that earlier on, actually - Eg, Nyn, Perrin and Mat are all going to have trouble dealing with each other, because it can be hard to allow yourself see how someone has changed. Given that they are all in the 20-26 (ish?) age bracket, there's a whole lot of change going on.


They've been watching for changes in Rand - has he gone mad - which of course isn't particularly helpful.

Most of the time, though, Mat and Perrin can be kind of honest. Mat did accuse Rand of taveren type manipulation of a coin toss at Rhuidean, and Perrin does deal fairly honestly with most peeps.

The Rand-killing-Morgase thing really freaked me out too. For God's sake, surely some idiot could have put out a newsletter or something.


Don't forget that the reason most of us hate Nyn, is that everything we hate about her is because of her character flaws of stubborness and never admitting she is wrong.


I'm so surprised no one mentioned Elaida. seriously, how big of a beeeyotch is she? if there was a right and a wrong way to act, she chose the wrong way to act on every decision she's ever made! and karma rules.... enjoy the Seanchan you nasty nasty woman! hahahahahahahahahahahahaha.


Um...how about everyone (and i mean EVERYONE) jumping to the conclusion that the forsaken were responsible for the massive surge in saidar & saidin when Rand and Nyn were cleansing the one power with the Choeden Kal.  I mean, come on, if the forsaken were channeling that much power, you've already lost and have no chance to survive...make your time  ;D

But seriously, what the hell is wrong with those idiots?


I hate Egwene for not putting Gawyn right. She knows Rand didnt kill Morgase, she was in the room with him when he was told! And she knew Margases' lover was one of the Forsaken. Why couldnt she say that! or at least say rand's attack on Caemlyn was out of revenge for Gaebril killing Morgase


5. Egwene - when she doesn't take Mat seriously as a good general

This one makes me mad too, but I can see excuses for Perrin, Nynaeve, and Egwene. The last they actually saw and talked to him extensively was in the Stone/Ebou Dar/Aiel Waste. He wasn't in his element any of these times, he was just a slightly more mature prankster. Since Tuon, he's matured but none of them have seen him in awhile, they have no proof Mat is an awesome general. Given his odd sense of responsibility, they all probably think he was put in charge of the Band by Rand.



Egwene was in the Waste and Cairhein with him, specifically during the battle for Cairhein, so she should know that the Band is all Mat, not Rand.

Egwene was in the Waste and Cairhein with him, specifically during the battle for Cairhein, so she should know that the Band is all Mat, not Rand.

No, she heard that Mat killed Couladin. As far as we know (And very likely, given everyone's failure to communicate) she never heard any credible claims of Mat's skill.


I feel, from these posts, that a good deal of anger towards certain characters comes about only because the poster doesn't realize that they themselves know everything and the characters know next to nothing.



I feel, from these posts, that a good deal of anger towards certain characters comes about only because the poster doesn't realize that they themselves know everything and the characters know next to nothing.


Amen on that one.


I absolutely hate(to the point its almost unreadable) the part when nynaeve and elayne get to salidar and get questioned and treated like children by the "Aes Sedai". OMG! Nynaeve defeated a forsaken, they had both fought the black ajah and won, and they had a seal off the dark ones prison. they had literally acheived more than any Aes Sedai (with the possible exception of Moiraine) in 3000 years!!!!! and they get treated like it was nothing and they are children. who the F##k do the Aes Sedai think they are, i just wanted to bitch slap the S#!t out of those hoes.



Egwene going all hardcore on Nyn, for lying. While busy lying to the WO's about going into The Dream without them. Having a fit and ripping her and Elayne a new one, because they were about to blab in front of the WO's.


YES YES YES!  A thousand times YES.  I'd like her character so much more if she'd explained her situation to Nyn (even after she started bullying her).  Nyn wouldn't have gotten her in trouble and I think their characters would have grown closer...


I think it may be this dishonesty that causes most people to not like anything she says/does.


I like Egwene, but it is hard to ignore her CONSTANT dishonesty and hypocrisy.  I'd like someone to ream her for it, but I doubt that will happen anymore.


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