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Asmo resolution?

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Who else is like me and fairly apathetic about who killed Asmodean and but is praying we find out in ToM? i just want it out of the way so we can focus on the awesomeness that will be aMoL. Ive been reading Brandon Sandersons twitter and he  is refusing to say whether it wil be revealed in ToM. It just seems like their dragging it out for fun. I will be realy dissapointed if Asmos killer is not revealed in ToM


I dont really care anymore. Unless Mazridin did it to stop Asmodean from exposing the whole Mazridin thing by telling Rand theres something wrong about Taim, then I think the death has lost all sense of excitement.


I only want to find out so that the entire fanbase can stop debating over something very trivial and start debating on bigger issues.


Seriously, I never got why Asmodean is such a big issue. I'd be perfectly happy never finding out.


Perhaps someone can explain this obsession with it?


I never cared about it. I can't understand all the fuss, it is so very irrelevant.


A chance to play detective, perhaps. This is RJ's Poincare conjecture; or a Fermat's last theorem. Plus, Asmodean could've taught Rand some more stuff; or Thom, Rand and Asmo could've started a band.


I'm surprised I haven't heard that Taim is Asmodean.


I think the mystery's relevance depends on who the killer is.


A known Darkfriend or Forsaken wouldn't mean much other than we're all pretty dim for not figuring out who, but somebody largely unsuspected would be highly relevant for the upcoming plot.


I don't care who did it and do not believe that it is important so long as Rand finds out that Asmo is dead.


I would like to see it cleared up in ToM so that we stop getting threads on it, particularly the ones which are obviously wrong.


I think BS wants to put it in AMoL just to screw with us (and I think RJ would have wanted the same), but if it will not fit there story wise it will be in ToM.


I wondered whther Asmo fell off Rand's skimming platform while Rand was trying to move privately around the Palace.. and Asmo re-appears, falling out of skim-space, dead, onto another skimming platform. And Rand thinks: Oh. That's what happened.



A reminder, discussions about who killed Asmo is only allowed in that big scary thread on the Sructured board. Any of that here, and I will lock this thread immidiatly.


is there a poll about Asmodean's killer anywhere?


I've been one of the converted to thinking it was Greandal until 5 minutes ago.

I listened to BS at the end of the audio book, and he made it sound like RJ wanted to be quite clear in the final books.


I'm changing my vote. (or would if there was a poll somewhere)

I now believe it was Moiraine or Lanfear.


I'll explain why on the sticky thread.


I don't think we're gonna find out in ToM. The twitter messages are relatively recent I believe, and since he has had the book done for a while now, I think he would know if it was in there or not.


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