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July Sign In


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Hello all! :D


Happy July!


So, for this sign in, I want you to all post a character name and a short something I should know about them. The theme for July is short stories and I'm determined to write one. About you! :D Go ahead and make 'em a good guy, a bad girl or any mix in between. Magic or not, buxom or flat. Hit me with your best shot! *grins*

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Character: Legna Morvane


Legna is a fertility goddess who is, herself, pregnant and starting to show! It's makes her magic a little off, as Junior seems to be putting in his two cents with every twist of her wrist. She's tall and flowy, as all goddesses should be, though she waddles just a little when she walks. Her hair is the blue of the sky and her skirts, the green of the meadow in Spring. Her eyes are the color of lilacs, just blooming on a summer morning. She wanders the Earth for exercise, since the Head Goddess threatened to disown her if she got fat. If she happens upon someone who needs help, she uses her magic for them. That may or may not be a good thing... ;)

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Character: Male, no name yet (not good with those, let's just use "Bob" for now)....


Bob was the son of Elena, goddess of the Seas. His father was a mortal man, lost in the times. Bob was sent to the Temple when he was 9, and lived there, developing his skills. Every son or daughter of the four gods was sent to the Temple. For within each of these children lied the power to control the Gods' domains. And some, such as Bob, could control even the Gods themselves.




Okie....small idea that needs to be developed in my head more, but here is some outline stuff. I copyright this..*licks his post* Can't touch it. ;D


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Many times I've been told... "Reever, Christ but you smell like a French Whorehouse!" Which isn't surprising, seeing as I was born and raised in one. Why should I tell you of that? What does it matter in the telling of my tale. And tale is what it is for certain. Is it true? It could be… might possibly be… It is assuredly the tale I tell to those who ask. Why would anyone ask to hear my tale? That’s for you to judge.

I was born Guillaume Jean-Baptiste de Rive in Port Royal, Jamaica, before it sank beneath the sea during the great quake of 1692.  But the man who my mother said was my father always called me Billy Rivets, the short times I ever spent with him... He was a "buccaneer et un rogue" she would say in her softly musical voice with a small wistful smile and he always left us with Spanish pieces of eight and silver when he left. "The Capitaine" stopped visiting us once he was made "admiral" though.

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You know the hardest thing about my life?  It's my job.  It's not easy to belong to a family of high-flying trapeze artists when you have a paralyzing fear of heights.  My brothers all tell me "Celie, you big sissy, just get up there and do it!"  But how can I?  I'm 4'6" tall, weight 155 pounds and have an overabundance of mammary glands!  How the heck can I balance up there?  I keep telling Mario and Antonio "heck no" everytime they try and cajole me into flying around with them, but they just ignore me and flip my little chubby self right up into the air!  All I've ever wanted is to put on a shiny, white apron and get it filthy making delicious goodies in the kitchen.  Darn my family members and their insane need to go flying around like chimpanzees in the trees!!

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So I was born and raised in a houseboat off the coast of North Carolina, where the dolphins would race our boat and when we stopped on shore we could find small hermit crabs and shells. Diving under the waters was a wonderful treat. The world is so different under the sea. Sometime I would dream myself a part of it. With fins instead of feet and the ability to breathe water. Too swim to the very depths of the Ocean and discover new life there. Too follow the dolphins, when they left the boat, to the hidden depths and share a dinner with them. Maybe a tea party, with some fish on the side of course. Then a dance would take place and I would be the person(fish?) who everyone wanted to dance with. But the night would end and I would go to my boat and lay in my bed falling asleep to the soft rocking.


My name.... Torrie, yup thats a good one.  :)

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(This if from one of my old D&D character sheets.)


Dori Brownlock is a kender.  In her late early 20's she behaves more like a small child innocent, but with no sense of ownership or the value of objects, which often gets her in trouble.  She travels around on her own with a bag-of-holding in which she keeps all the "treasures" she "finds".  She is particularly drawn to anything shiny.  She collects coins also, but only keeps the ones with pictures on them that she likes, regardless of what the coin is made of or its value. 

She's very congenial and will chatter nearly anyones' ears off, given the chance.  Sometimes that also gets her in trouble.  Left to her own devices she often wanders on her own, sneaking food from camping fires with her bow or by stealth.  She's not malicious, but takes great offense if referred to as immature or childish in any way. 


Here's a self portrait that Dori made of herself:


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I don't know where I was born, or when. My first coherent memory is of waking spluttering out seawater on the shores of some land I didn't know. That was three years ago. Give or take a few months. The first few months were difficult, to say the least. Wandering around the land, trying to survive with no clue on how to do that or go about it. Moving on instinct mostly, which didn't always lead to success. For those instinct were almost as alien to this world as my life prior to washing up on that shore is to me. I was so sure that watching the apes would provide food I could eat. Instead I got poisoned more often than not. Luckily some people found me and nurtured me back to health. Giving me foods that none of my senses could place, putting me in clothing that clashed with my inner self and teaching me things that seemed exceedingly odd to me. But survive I did, as I wandered the lands and learned ever new ways and techniques. Within the first year I became a master in suriving techniques while the second honed my fighting skills. This last year forced me to finetune my people skills which was helped greatly by the fact that I seem to have a nack for learning languages. Lately though, I've started to feel a pull on me. Flashes of a life before the shore hit me at odd times, though I can not place them. Images of odd looking houses in stone and carts that ride all by themselves without any mastives to pull them. The Priests and Priestesses tell me to look to the Gods for guidance, but those are proving to be more bother than help.


They call me Mystica. Though I know that's not my birthname.

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Hello children!  I am older than most, younger thn Santa and find a holiday in everyday!  I was born on Christmas Eve, at which time my Daddy christened me Holly.  Which actually fits with my last name of Wasseling quite nicely!  Mama never really appreciated my holiday heart or the fact I found joy in most everything, at least I think that was why she didn't much like me.  LOL  Of course it could also have been that I border on a genious IQ, am gifted with magic at my command and have always been blessed with beauty.  In any case, I left home at an early age and have wandered the world ever since!  I've been a Professor of Holiday Magic at Hogwarts, been the leader and ridden in the Cavalry of the Band, trifled with the deamon of the Dragons and am a Pirate and sometimes a Pirate's wench!  It is anyone's guess what I will get next!

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I took a long trip to leave myself, to search for another me elsewhere. I haven't found anything, I just forgot what I was looking for. I did forget what I was looking for, I've been lost.





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You know the hardest thing about my life?  It's my job.  It's not easy to belong to a family of high-flying trapeze artists when you have a paralyzing fear of heights.  My brothers all tell me "Celie, you big sissy, just get up there and do it!"  But how can I?  I'm 4'6" tall, weight 155 pounds and have an overabundance of mammary glands!  How the heck can I balance up there?  I keep telling Mario and Antonio "heck no" everytime they try and cajole me into flying around with them, but they just ignore me and flip my little chubby self right up into the air!  All I've ever wanted is to put on a shiny, white apron and get it filthy making delicious goodies in the kitchen.  Darn my family members and their insane need to go flying around like chimpanzees in the trees!!


hey i resemble that discription*rotfl* except i'm 4'9"


Use part of my old chars bio for rp's


Bellanoire, a name that has rung down through the millenia within our hidden society, Beauty of the Dark, the french or rather the inhabitants of that land had called her. Luna a name and leagion, from even further back in the Empire de Roma. She has travelled the world in search of others of her ilk. Leaving more ledgons in her wake. You can track her through the world on the fables in different lands, but no one knows her beginning.  It starts with ice, from a time when everything is covered in sheets a mile thick. On an advance of what we call today the iceage, a woman alone her cave died in an outbreak of phnemonian and finially her mates death and woman gave birth, there in the snow, she meant to kill herself and the child with her, but the spirits of the earth interviened. You see humans as we are are ill equiped to live in such harse climates, and indeed there had been hundreds of sorties into these areas over thousands of years none successful, all who tried died leaving nothing behind. But humans have spirit and its that that finially gave them a chance when the earth spirits desided to help them because they so admired the young woman giving birth in the cold and still praying to them to except her offering for her cave to rest in piece. Now humans where not the only creater on those glacier swept mountains to need a patron. The grey wolf also could not compete with dair wolves and cave bears, and other suck strong creatures. Monsters by todays standards.

The spirits created a pact between the human woman and the wolf clan, also a mother wolf who breed out of season and had but one pup born alive this same night. An exchange was made, the pact that to this day is still honered and only rememebered by one. in the exchange the wolf pup stayed with the human female and they hunted together creating a partner ship, she raised the pup as if it was her own, the alpha female raised the female child, although it quickly became apparent that she would need extra protection from the elements the spirits gave her the ablity to change from her human self to that of a large timber wolf. They gave her the ablity to always be a keeper of the pact, but they didn't realize that they gave her imortality as well.......

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I hate my younger brother with a fiery passion. I mean, I am part demon. He is part angel. WHY MUST LIFE TORTURE ME SO? And now that I've found my father and his new life with his perfect little family, I have to watch over this little brat of a half-brother while he goes off to "explore the world". How am I going to have any fun with him around, and his little friends? Sure, he's strong in battle and "old enough to handle himself", but I'm the most mature person IN this group, and so I have to keep their bums out of the fire in order to save my own! And that is truly upsetting. Why must everyone be so inconsiderate of MY feelings? And somehow they think I am the annoying one...


The name is Marna, by the by. Don't forget it.




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....and have an overabundance of mammary glands!  How the heck can I balance up there? 


Behave yourself....behave yourself...behave yourself.....damn!


Samuel R Rye, known as Sam to most, was a drifter and a loner since the loss of his family to a house fire.  Living like the hobos of old, riding trains and sleeping wherever he could, he wanted no part of society anymore. 

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It took me awhile to make the connection.  I mean, there I was staring at my own face but it was on someone else's body.  Sure, I'd heard about people having doubles but this was uncanny.  When I found out that Ria had been raised by an aunt who just happened to be sister to the aunt who raised me . . . well, coincidence could definitely be ruled out.


I didn't like Ria at first.  She was the perfect daughter, or niece, to her Aunt Lona.  I, on the other hand, gave no end of grief to my Aunt Zora.  She says I was a spitfire from the very beginning, always busy, always questioning, never content to just accept what I was told.  I guess that's why I pressed her so hard when I bumped into Ria in town.  Imagine my surprise to learn that she and her sister, Lona, had been meeting in town every year since they took us home when we were infants.  Always meeting in secret, never even speaking in public.  What were they hiding?  What are they still hiding?  She's so infernally evasive when I ask her -- she just says its for our safety.  When I ask "Safety from what?" she just replies that my parents had enemies and to leave it at that.  "Don't borrow trouble, Laria," she says.  Funny think is, I don't think I'm borrowing trouble to find out why my sister and I are in danger.  I think if we were in danger as infants, we'd still be in danger now and it's best for us if we can prepare for it.  It's almost enough to make me approach the Wizard's Guild and ask them to scry for an answer but Aunt Zora says it's not safe to do that, either, because "we don't know who we can trust."  It's maddening.  And we'll be leaving tomorrow and I have no idea when or if I'll ever see my sister again.


That's why I'm sneaking to Ria's room now.  I hate to worry my Aunt, but I need answers.  Maybe Ria and I can find them . . . if we go back to the kingdom where we were born and do some snooping around.  Someone, somewhere has some answers and I'm determined to find them.

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