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Dear everyone. 2 things:

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Two things that are bothering me, and others as well.


1. All the quasi-rp. Sure, throwing somebody in the moat, or slapping Verbal in the butt (or getting beat up by Lor if you try to do the same to her) may be fun (and often amusing), but entire paragraphs or more of all RP is way too much. You wanna RP stuff? Great, start here: http://forums.dragonmount.com/index.php/board,4.0.html


The RP staff can help you get into the correct roleplaying groups to be a Warder or Aes Sedai or whatever else. Here in the WT however, you are still the same person you are offline, and not a character that needs to be roleplayed. You don't walk into the room with your sash flowing in the wind surveying the tapestries with your serene eyes. You click on the board, select a thread, read it, and post in it. And maybe throw somebody in the moat.


2. Do your own homework. I've seen some threads pop up where a person had done some research, and was up against a wall. They needed help and came to the WT to ask for some help. Sure, thats great, its what we're here for.


And I've seen some threads that have essentially translated to "I'm lazy and don't want to do any research for my homework. You guys do it for me."


IMO that needs to stop now, thats not going for help when you need it, thats abusing the people who are here and willing to help out when needed. They are here to get you past that wall you're stuck on, not carry you on their backs all the way.


Edit: A couple of updates...


A) These are my personal opinions that I'm sharing here, and aren't actually WT law. You can ignore me if you so choose. Don't ignore the ajah heads and disc leaders if they tell you to cut it out on their own boards though.


B) Item number 2 has been pointed out to me to be something from another org, and in some cases not actual homework help requests. In that case, carry on, though my message still stands for those who are actually too lazy to do their homework.

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Amen. Y'all know I love a bit of RPing in my posts, sometimes, but lately it's just become a bit much.


As for the supposedly lazy people wanting us to do their homework ... if you're so enamoured of the WT, come for a Group visit. But this crap is starting to work on my nerves.

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The correct way to deal with quasi-rp is to ruin it by RPing something ridiculous.  Kinda like when in elementary school they had us write part of a story then pass it to a partner and I would include a homocidal Easter Bunny in everyone's story.

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Millon he's not saying that all RP be banned from the tower and that it's okay in moderation and playfulness, just that there is a problem with the pages and pages of it popping up lately.


in otherwords the RP style writing that happens in the bonding events (which is acceptable) has been leaking over into discussion threads and taking away from the convo.




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Of course not, Mil. :)


The unacceptable type talked about here refers to the kind that rambles on for several lines and even into paragraphs or where the majority of the post is over-run by RP-style action description.  Real conversation seems to get lost when these kind of posts become too numerous.



Now for acceptable "light" RP....

*pushes Red into the Moat* ;D

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I was PMing with a friend of mine earlier about the subject when a thought occurred to me. When I started months back there MAYBE a handful of what I think your defining as REAL conversation. When I read this thread it made me think that just maybe I entered in a time of flux. Maybe a prolonged period of inactivity, which seems to claim most of the warder yard and haunts the ajah like a memory of a bad accident, has lead to some lax in protocol. Gave me a different perspective. And I think I uderstand better.


That being said, I still think it to be little off that you give someone the tools to paint color but want black and white. Again, I believe I entered on a woof in the wave and just about everyone was taking part in the fun. That is exactly what it seemed like when I joined. Just a little fun. A costume party that didn't end. Serious discussions still occur. Albeit very seldom. I have not seen a serious discussion flooded with spam. Maybe I am not active enough.


I honestly think it's the lack of actual discussion that you don't agree with. Not the RP at all but you would prefer that maybe we should act a little.....less childish is the term that comes to mind but I don't think that is quite it. I can't seem to find the word. All in all, this places activity has increased a lot from when I joined. It may not be discussions of exit strategy, or a way to plug an oil leek or the best way to keep the border along the ceiling your painting straight while matching the pattern to keep continuity. I think there would be less RP if there were conversations. I like the random RP here as I don't want to join a place where it is NECESSARY with each and every post. My description of a costume party comes to mind again. Is it Cheri and art work or is it fun?


Also, for me at least, it was discussion and theory that brought me to DM in general. I got verrrrry burned out with discussion on those boards. People are vicious. Majority of people who come to DM and lurk tend to start out that way. With the same result. I'm sure there are those here who tasted some of that passion and vehemence. Not that pleasant. I left DM. Funny enough I was just talking to Marta about this very thing. I had an account (and if you guys could direct me in the right direction to have that removed I would appreciate it. The name is under Millon Daine. not just Millon) I spent most of my time in theory and discussion and did not like the competitiveness. When I came back recently I was looking for a lighter atmosphere and I stumbled here. Never looked back. I noticed the remains of previous convos but that's just what they were wiith the every now and then rumination of some of the senior members as THEY RP IN THERE BARS. I'm thirsty myself right now can someone grab me a drink?


Who off you now would have posted *slides Mil a drink* There is no bar and there is no drink. Honestly, to finish my point, to have convos you have to start them.

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My ten cents worth...


1) How do you draw a line between being too RP-ish and acceptable? Like someone said, the Bond threads are full of RPing and that's acceptable. What about the party threads? That being said, what about the Cocktail Bar threads on each of the Ajah boards? Are we supposed to just post non-action stuff? Personally, I don't get it. What's wrong with a full thread of RPing? This is a community, which means there are bound to be all sorts of people who express themselves in all sorts of ways. So some people prefer to post in pure action posts. *shrugs* I say, let them. As long as they aren't doing anything silly like flooding or anything... what harm can there be? Okay, so you don't like people who post as Godders who turn the White Tower into chocolate candy and create cows made of marshmellows, but if it's just about standing in front of the wind machine and being all cool and supermodel-like... Once again, I don't see what the real problem is. We're here with non-RL stuff like being Warders and Aes Sedai and Bonding and having moats and stuff anyway, where do we draw the line? You find it annoying? I'm more interested to know why. It's just words. Skip the action posts if you don't like it. *shrugs* Soon are we gonna stop people from posting pictures in their posts? "Do that in photobucket, not here." Or what about poems? "Go do that on writeyourpoetry.com, not here."




2) We're a community. There are bound to be people who are lazy and just can't be bothered to work and leech off the rest of us. If you don't feel like helping, don't. There isn't an obligation for you to do their homework for them. My problem with what is being said is that, suddenly, we have to judge people based off what we THINK they are like? This one, LAZY! That one, ok, maybe not so lazy. I don't see the need to judge anyone. If you personally think someone is lazy and doesn't deserve help, so be it. Don't help. But don't stop people from trying to ask for help either. I'm a Blue. Helping in causes is WHAT I DO. I'm not going to turn down any requests for help. If I can help I will.


I'm not saying what Barmy says is wrong. But I just hope people won't be afraid to ask for help from the community/family that they love and belong to. Because that's what being a family's about. We support one another and we help one another and we should never be afraid to ask for help.


That being said, don't get all pissy if noone helps either. *lol* Lord knows, I haven't got the patience to help anyone do their research for them. But if it's something I know intimately and can help with, I will.


Like I said, just my ten cents. *grins*

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1) As repeatedly stated now, no one is saying some LIGHT RPing in between everything else is wrong. However, DM has an RP section, and it would be rude to encroach on their "territory". That is what some people (including myself) are worried about - that things are heading towards that possibility.


It's one thing to light RP walking into the Hall to go bond someone as yourself. It's another thing when it seems you've made up some character that you're doing a full on RP about. That's when the blurring of the lines are in danger of occurring, and that's what we're trying to head off.


The problem seems to be that people see others doing things when they first join here, then they try to top them. The next lot who join, try to top THAT. It's occurred with many things, like pranks, skirting the PG-13 line, spamming, thread hijacking, "warder hunting", etc ... and now the latest thing seems to be RPing.


The point of Barm's post is to give a gentle tug on the reins and say "Oy! It's fun, it's acceptable in small amounts, but don't take it TOO far." We (Staff) have to unfortunately do that from time to time, otherwise things get out of hand.


2) I'm just going to quote Barm, since he said it clearly:


2. Do your own homework. I've seen some threads pop up where a person had done some research, and was up against a wall. They needed help and came to the WT to ask for some help. Sure, thats great, its what we're here for.


And I've seen some threads that have essentially translated to "I'm lazy and don't want to do any research for my homework. You guys do it for me."


We received some information about the latter group, which indicates that most of those were just pranks. Really uber cool people for making a joke of the majority of WT members' willingness to help out. Well done *claps hands sarcastically*. (That's my personal reaction to the matter, btw). However, there were some "genuine" lazy people as well. I agree with Barm about them - get off your lazy arse and do your own work. If you're really stuck, then there are some awesome people on here who will be more than willing to help you.

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after reading arguements for and against this, i've been able to make a more informed decision. 


i honestly agree with points from both sides, because Barm, Million, Boopsy and Elgee are right in certain areas.  Elgee's post actually helped me to come to a conclusion as to what the real problem is.



if you look at DM's set up, it's very organized.  the mods and admins have done a wonderful job in seperating the board into sections so topics and discussions aren't muddled all over the place.



comming from a Mod's POV, i see Barm and especialy Elgee's point.  there is a time and place for everything on this board.  when the new book came out, all tGS discussions were restricted to tGS spoiler board; its the same concept with Spam, discussions, RP, and other things.



granted because the SG's are a community like, there is gonna be different elements leaking into the community side.  as i see it, this is the more lax side of DM, which is why it's the most popular.  its a place for people to be themselves and find others who they can relate to.  so ofcourse there will be Spam, RP and discussions made in the seperate SG's even though there are certain sections for that here on DM.


honestly, i guess the same can be said for all the Mafia games popping up in the SG's lately (of which i'm guilty of).  even though there is an organized section here on DM for the Mafia games, people see the activity that Mafia creates and use it as an activity in their SG (atleast thats what i try to do). 


even with mafia, there is a certain protocol to follow, such as contacting the SG leader and informing them you want to run a Mafia game and getting permission first.  with my HP mafia, i contacted Claire and she put me on the calendar, so my game didn't compete or ruin any planned activities.



but like i said, i also see Boopsy and Millons points.  the SG's are for people to be themselves; thats what makes this community so great.  we can let down our guards and hopefully find friends.  some people like to RP, but not to the extent it takes to character develope and plot and follow a set plan. 


part of the what makes these SG's so popular and great is the fact that there aren't too many rules.  this allows people to flurish, to be themselves; start restricting the SG's too much and you'll see a decline in alot more ways then just membership.


in short, i understand both sides, but i have to agree nore with Barm and Elgee.  in moderation and playfullness it's fine, but there is a place for sever RPing; if you enjoy making paragraphs and pages of action like posts, then check out the designated section



i'm staying away from the issue of the lazy people, because i have a rather harsh opinion of that and people wont like what i have to say; so i'll keep those thoughts to myself lol  but i totally agree with Boopsy 100% on what he as a solution.  if we just start ignoring those types of posts, then eventually those people will clue in and get the point.


I had an account (and if you guys could direct me in the right direction to have that removed I would appreciate it. The name is under Millon Daine. not just Millon)


i agree about the discussions.  i've tried to get into those like i did with HP.  but the peopel are a bit too agressive and the series has way too much detail for me to try and debate lol.  same goes for the Debate and Discussion board, yet i find myself always goign back for more punishment lmao


as for the older account, you can post a thread explaining the problem in the "Ask the Staff" section and the global mods and admins will help you.  or you could PM a global mod and ask for help that way :)



We received some information about the latter group, which indicates that most of those were just pranks. Really uber cool people for making a joke of the majority of WT members' willingness to help out.


if this is true then honestly i feel sorry for those "uber cool individuals" that there life is so bad they have to stoop to such childish things to make themselves feel better *shakes head*

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The correct way to deal with quasi-rp is to ruin it by RPing something ridiculous.  Kinda like when in elementary school they had us write part of a story then pass it to a partner and I would include a homocidal Easter Bunny in everyone's story.


*lol* I am SO glad I didn't have you as a student.  ;)

This explains why teachers are leery of doing anything new and thought provoking...

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I've seen lots of posts about Barms point number 2 and have to step in and explain what it is... it's not a "prank" per say or people trying to be "cool" or disrespectful... it's a greyman's task in Shayol Ghul.  Talk to Verbal about that if you feel it should change or be removed... he is staff in both Shayol ghul and the White tower.

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Eh....see, maybe it's just me, but that's why I really don't like that those Greyman tasks spill out into other places in DM. I've gotten pulled into some before because I thought they were serious, because I'm not an SG member and therefore don't know anything about those pranks. I don't want to spoil SG's fun, but. If I wanted to be involved in that stuff, I'd join SG.


As for Barm's first point, I think maybe he was misunderstood a little... I don't think he's saying we have to have serious discussions, and no spam / non-serious discussions. He's just saying to cool it on the RPing. Nothing about having non-serious discussions. That's what I thought he was saying, anyway.

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