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...and the entire basis for this theory is that she's thirsty for power?  You could say the same of all the Forsaken, so why the fixation on Lanfear?


Because Lanfear is the one Forsaken that we really know the personality and background of. Well, relatively, at least. We know that she has always been obsessed with power. It's a bit sexist, but I guess men are almost expected to want to have absolute power, so from a woman it's... weirder. More note-worthy.


Anyways, I just think that Lanfear has some sort of weave or charm that makes her THE MOST ASTOUNDINGLY GORGEOUS AND FANTASTICALLY STUNNING WOMAN EVER, or distorts how people see her-- almost like the Mask of Mirrors. Clearly she was always beautiful, but her current level of beauty doesn't seem naturally possible.  ::)


But it is. She was considered that beautiful before she turned to the Shadow. She was with the most accomplished man ever in the AoL before he left her because of her obsession with Power. She was considered probably the most Beautiful woman of any age. Remember when she lets go of the Selene disguise how she appeared to Rand. And how he needed to close his mouth after words. I believe that she's naturally beautiful, because she took pride in her appearance. Not on the level Graendal did, but still vain none the less. I believe she does wear ter'angreal but not for her looks.

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...and the entire basis for this theory is that she's thirsty for power?  You could say the same of all the Forsaken, so why the fixation on Lanfear?


Because Lanfear is the one Forsaken that we really know the personality and background of. Well, relatively, at least. We know that she has always been obsessed with power. It's a bit sexist, but I guess men are almost expected to want to have absolute power, so from a woman it's... weirder. More note-worthy.


Anyways, I just think that Lanfear has some sort of weave or charm that makes her THE MOST ASTOUNDINGLY GORGEOUS AND FANTASTICALLY STUNNING WOMAN EVER, or distorts how people see her-- almost like the Mask of Mirrors. Clearly she was always beautiful, but her current level of beauty doesn't seem naturally possible.  ::)


But it is. She was considered that beautiful before she turned to the Shadow. She was with the most accomplished man ever in the AoL before he left her because of her obsession with Power. She was considered probably the most Beautiful woman of any age. Remember when she lets go of the Selene disguise how she appeared to Rand. And how he needed to close his mouth after words. I believe that she's naturally beautiful, because she took pride in her appearance. Not on the level Graendal did, but still vain none the less. I believe she does wear ter'angreal but not for her looks.


Perhaps. We know she's obsessed with power, though, and awing men with her looks seems to be a really easy way to control them.

Eh, nothing really to back it up, just a feeling.

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...and the entire basis for this theory is that she's thirsty for power?  You could say the same of all the Forsaken, so why the fixation on Lanfear?


Because Lanfear is the one Forsaken that we really know the personality and background of. Well, relatively, at least. We know that she has always been obsessed with power. It's a bit sexist, but I guess men are almost expected to want to have absolute power, so from a woman it's... weirder. More note-worthy.


Anyways, I just think that Lanfear has some sort of weave or charm that makes her THE MOST ASTOUNDINGLY GORGEOUS AND FANTASTICALLY STUNNING WOMAN EVER, or distorts how people see her-- almost like the Mask of Mirrors. Clearly she was always beautiful, but her current level of beauty doesn't seem naturally possible.  ::)


But it is. She was considered that beautiful before she turned to the Shadow. She was with the most accomplished man ever in the AoL before he left her because of her obsession with Power. She was considered probably the most Beautiful woman of any age. Remember when she lets go of the Selene disguise how she appeared to Rand. And how he needed to close his mouth after words. I believe that she's naturally beautiful, because she took pride in her appearance. Not on the level Graendal did, but still vain none the less. I believe she does wear ter'angreal but not for her looks.


Perhaps. We know she's obsessed with power, though, and awing men with her looks seems to be a really easy way to control them.

Eh, nothing really to back it up, just a feeling.


You're right.  There's nothing at all backing this up. 


"OMG she's pretty! Cheater!"

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...and the entire basis for this theory is that she's thirsty for power?  You could say the same of all the Forsaken, so why the fixation on Lanfear?


Because Lanfear is the one Forsaken that we really know the personality and background of. Well, relatively, at least. We know that she has always been obsessed with power. It's a bit sexist, but I guess men are almost expected to want to have absolute power, so from a woman it's... weirder. More note-worthy.


Anyways, I just think that Lanfear has some sort of weave or charm that makes her THE MOST ASTOUNDINGLY GORGEOUS AND FANTASTICALLY STUNNING WOMAN EVER, or distorts how people see her-- almost like the Mask of Mirrors. Clearly she was always beautiful, but her current level of beauty doesn't seem naturally possible.  ::)


But it is. She was considered that beautiful before she turned to the Shadow. She was with the most accomplished man ever in the AoL before he left her because of her obsession with Power. She was considered probably the most Beautiful woman of any age. Remember when she lets go of the Selene disguise how she appeared to Rand. And how he needed to close his mouth after words. I believe that she's naturally beautiful, because she took pride in her appearance. Not on the level Graendal did, but still vain none the less. I believe she does wear ter'angreal but not for her looks.


Perhaps. We know she's obsessed with power, though, and awing men with her looks seems to be a really easy way to control them.

Eh, nothing really to back it up, just a feeling.


You're right.  There's nothing at all backing this up. 


"OMG she's pretty! Cheater!"


"SHE'S A WITCH! BURN HER!" - random villagers from Monty Python and The Holy Grail

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  Who created the Bonds of Dominion , at least was it men or women ?

Do you mean the Rods of Dominion? They were actual people, as well as the office they held at the time. I don't know if they had actual rods that symbolized the office, but if they did, nothing I know of suggests they were ter'angreal or anything like that.

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  Who created the Bonds of Dominion , at least was it men or women ?

I beleive they are talking about the Dominion Band (Rand's collar), it would have been Seanchan Aes Sedai trying to control men who could channel during the taint era.


Yes , that one . So , it has being created by some random damane ? But how it was be find in Tanchico by Nyn and Elayne ??

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  Who created the Bonds of Dominion , at least was it men or women ?

I beleive they are talking about the Dominion Band (Rand's collar), it would have been Seanchan Aes Sedai trying to control men who could channel during the taint era.


Yes , that one . So , it has being created by some random damane ? But how it was be find in Tanchico by Nyn and Elayne ??

I don't think it was made by a Damane, it was made long time ago by Aes Sedai(they mention in the BWB about Seanchan specifically trying to control the men as weapons) trying to control the maddness of the men, which is why when Elayne tried to destroy it since it was heartstone. As to why it was in the palace, that we don't have the background information to know as of yet, if ever.  I'd say it is safe to conclude there are more than one, around if not found.

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Moiraine attempted to do something like Compulsion to Rand before leaving the Two Rivers, before he'd ever channeled, and he resisted.

And from the books:

"I had suspicions from the first," Moiraine said. "Suspicions are not proof, though. After I gave you the token, the coin, and made that bonding, you should have been willing to fall in with whatever I wanted, but you resisted, questioned. That told me something, but not enough. Manetheren blood was always stubborn, and more so after Aemon died and Eldrene's heart was shattered. Then there was Bela."

My question is: can a Tracker be used as a form of coercion? Do we have any other indication of that? If so, why doesn't Elayne use it in that fashion to control her informer?

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Moiraine attempted to do something like Compulsion to Rand before leaving the Two Rivers, before he'd ever channeled, and he resisted.

And from the books:

"I had suspicions from the first," Moiraine said. "Suspicions are not proof, though. After I gave you the token, the coin, and made that bonding, you should have been willing to fall in with whatever I wanted, but you resisted, questioned. That told me something, but not enough. Manetheren blood was always stubborn, and more so after Aemon died and Eldrene's heart was shattered. Then there was Bela."

My question is: can a Tracker be used as a form of coercion? Do we have any other indication of that? If so, why doesn't Elayne use it in that fashion to control her informer?

All that shows is that men who CAN channel can not be coerced, he wasn't channeling all the time during EotW, which would support the idea the bond between men and women via Warder Bonding is different when you include the channeling aspect.

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Maybe it's just my poor memory...


when and why did Rand stop using the sword of fire?


It's right about the time he captures Asmodean and is taught a lot more about channeling.  There's many more effective weapons than that sword, as Lanfear pointed out.  LTT really demonstrated this in KoD. 


The only reason he carries a sword now is for those occasions where he's unable to channel.  Not that it helped against Semirhage.

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Maybe it's just my poor memory...


when and why did Rand stop using the sword of fire?


That is a good point. I think it was after his captivity in book 6.


CoS - Shadar Logoth, when he's chasing Sammael and runs into a bunch of trollocs.

That's the last occasion I can remember.


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Maybe it's just my poor memory...


when and why did Rand stop using the sword of fire?


That is a good point. I think it was after his captivity in book 6.


CoS - Shadar Logoth, when he's chasing Sammael and runs into a bunch of trollocs.

That's the last occasion I can remember.



An even then he was hesitant to use it due to the attention it bring on him from Mashadar.

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Maybe it's just my poor memory...


when and why did Rand stop using the sword of fire?


That is a good point. I think it was after his captivity in book 6.


CoS - Shadar Logoth, when he's chasing Sammael and runs into a bunch of trollocs.

That's the last occasion I can remember.



An even then he was hesitant to use it due to the attention it bring on him from Mashadar.


do you guys think that there was further reason behind him stopping?  by stopping were there ramifications?  or is it really unimportant?

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