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Posted (edited)

Linda thinks it's a direct reference to Linda Lovelace.



After she got famous for Deep Throat, it came out that she'd done a bestiality flick with a German Shepard.



Spoilered for lurking children.

Edited by Terez

If true, I'm even more disturbed now that he could come up with a Linda Lovelance reference off the cuff like that.


Plus, not that I don't appreciate the consideration Terez, but I think if lurking children could make it this far into the forum they can figure out how to press a spoiler button. Or did I just tell them what to do? :tongue:


Well, for his generation, Linda Lovelace was pretty much a household name. This was back when they showed porn movies in the theaters...


I suppose then it is understandable. Disturbing, but understandable. And it isn't like he was being serious. I hope that the girl/woman didn't think he was..


I'm sure he was serious about the first two suggestions.


when does perrin find out first about the taint being removed?i know its somewhere in KoD but cant find it


when does perrin find out first about the taint being removed?i know its somewhere in KoD but cant find it

Perrin very likely learned of the Cleansing exactly as it happened. At least, I think it's highly unlikely that Grady and Neald wouldn't tell them when they realized what happened, since they were all aware Rand was doing something:

"It’s Rand," Perrin muttered thickly. He shuddered as the colors tried to return, but he hammered them down. "His business. He’ll take care of it, whatever it is."


when does perrin find out first about the taint being removed?i know its somewhere in KoD but cant find it


KoD, Chapter 29: "Grady and Neald claimed the male half of the Source was clean, now, but Perrin could not see how that could be."


That's simply the absolute latest time he must've known. As I said before, it's really unlikely that they didn't share this fact with him right as it happened (since, as I've said, they were discussing Rand's actions with the rest before they knew what he was doing).


Not get all epistemic on ya'll, but there's a lot of interpretation in the word "knows." Even now, Perrin doesn't "know" that saidin has been cleansed, because he can't channel the stuff. He just knows that Grady and Neald have said so, and while he doesn't understand how that could be, he doesn't have any reason to distrust them or doubt their judgement, beyond the whole bit about male channelers tending to go insane. And since G&N aren't acting insane, he discounts that as a possibility. He doesn't know that Rand did it, because it's not like G&N were standing around, holding the Source while Rand was cleansing saidin, and then suddenly went, "Hey! No more taint! And right after all that powerful channeling too! That must have been what did it. Didn't you say the Dragon was doing that? The Dragon cleansed the taint! Go Team Dragon!" It took Perrin's channeling boys a while to be sure it was cleansed at all, after all.


Now, Perrin has adequate reason to believe that saidin has been cleansed, and he has a decent enough reason to suspect that Rand's behind it. IIRC, Grady and Neald mention they suspect that as the cause, and Perrin's bright enough to put 2 and 2 together and not get 3. But Perrin's not the kind of guy to say or think, "No! Rand cleansed saidin! I KNOW it because of the mad deductive skillz I possess," especially not on the evidence he has. In fact, because of his focus at the time, he probably won't even care enough to think about it or talk about it except to say "You say saidin's cleansed? And right after Rand's super-powered channeling expedition up north somewhere? That's nice, now back to Faile." That's essentially his reaction both during the immediate channeling event and when he first hears that saidin might be cleansed in KoD. The cleansing of saidin's not really an important point of the plot for him, at least, not while it's occurring. We know he hears about it in KoD and cares enough about it to actually believe, or at least give it the benefit of the doubt, by ToM. And of course, he knows something's going on as it's occurring, but nobody except Rand and Co. and some of the bad guys knows what that is until a little while after it's happened. Even other male channelers. It was enough time that you wouldn't automatically associate the one with the other, but they were both significant enough that anybody with a brain should at least suspect the super-channeling event and the cleansing of saidin were connected.

I was wondering if balefire can erase the effects of balefire.
I wrote something similar to the following in another thread.


h1 = time it takes for the first balefire to hit target

h2 = time it takes for the second balefire to hit target

w1 = amount of time the first balefire takes away

w2 = amount of time the second balefire takes away

t1 = h1 - w1 (the moment to which the first balefire undoes)

t2 = h2 - w2 (the moment to which the second balefire undoes)

t = amount of time between the times they are woven

if t1 is greater than 0, t2 would need to be greater than t + h1

if t1 is less than 0, t2 would need to be greater than t + t1


Those are only guessing; I am not entirely certain. Those for the case of where the first balefirer is the target for the second balefire.


I rather suspect that balefire directed at a balefire wielder cannot undo the effects of the first balefire. But the threads burned out will remain burned out and in addition, the target of the second balefire will be unrecoverably burned out too.


If two exactly equal streams of balefire are directed by two power slingers in a showdown and each stream strikes at exactly the same instant, and each stream has just sufficient power to burn out the seconds required for the other stream of balefire to be released, will we get a sort of flickering, make-and-break circuit with the pair endlessly popping in and out of existence?


That's simply the absolute latest time he must've known. As I said before, it's really unlikely that they didn't share this fact with him right as it happened (since, as I've said, they were discussing Rand's actions with the rest before they knew what he was doing).


thanks guys :) i saw the previous quote from KoD a bit after my post but was thought there might be an on-screen discussion between Perrin & Grady/Neald that i might have missed in KoD. seems like there is only the quote from KoD.




I own the audiobook of ToM, which doesn't include the glossary. Does anyone know if there is a legal e-book verion that is free, or do I have to buy the whole book to get access to it?


I just thought I remembered BS talking about making the maps and glossary available for people who owned the audiobook. No problems, just have to borrow it from the library I guess.


I own the audiobook of ToM, which doesn't include the glossary. Does anyone know if there is a legal e-book verion that is free, or do I have to buy the whole book to get access to it?

Well, there's this. I think it's legal. Actually, I have no idea, I just assume the wiki project is 'on-the-level' enough not to do it otherwise.


Question: Was Ishamael free just before, during, or just after the Aiel War?

Some time after, for sure, when he put a stop to the BA hunt for Rand.

Posted (edited)

Thanks. Is that in the World book? I lent it to my aunt but haven't got it back yet. I'm rsearching for a fanfic set during the time, so I need to know whether I can have some fun writing with Ishy. :)




Did he have something to do with the "suspicious" deaths of Amyrlins, and that whole mess?

Edited by Sephie

Thanks. Is that in the World book? I lent it to my aunt but haven't got it back yet. I'm rsearching for a fanfic set during the time, so I need to know whether I can have some fun writing with Ishy. :)




Did he have something to do with the "suspicious" deaths of Amyrlins, and that whole mess?


ACoS "Prologue"


The interview was coming to a close - they never lasted longer than for Alviarin to report and be given her own orders - but she had a question yet to ask. "The Black Tower, Great Mistress." Alviarin wet her lips. She had learned much since Ishamael appeared to her, not least that the Chosen were neither omnipotent nor all-knowing. She had risen because Ishamael killed her predecessor in his wrath at discovering what Jarna Malari had begun, yet it had not ended for another two years, after the death of another Amyrlin. She often wondered whether Elaida had had any hand in the death of that one, Sierin Vayu; certainly the Black Ajah had not. Jarna had had Tamra Ospenya, the Amyrlin before Sierin, squeezed like a bunch of grapes - obtaining little juice, as it turned out - and made her appear to have died in her sleep, but Alviarin and the other twelve sisters of the Great Council had paid in pain before they could convince Ishamael they had no responsibility for it. The Chosen were not all-powerful, and they did not know everything, yet sometimes they knew what no one else did. Asking could be dangerous, though. "Why" was the most dangerous; the Chosen never liked to be asked why. "Is it safe to send fifty sisters to deal with them, Great Mistress?"


Eyes glowing like twin full moons regarded her in silence, and a chill slid up Alviarin’s spine. Jarna’s fate flashed into her mind. Publicly Gray, Jarna had never shown any interest in the ter’angreal no one knew a use for - until the day she became snared in one untried for centuries. How to activate it remained a mystery still. For ten days no one could reach her, only listen to her throat-wrenching shrieks. Most of the Tower thought Jarna a model of virtue; when what could be recovered was buried, every sister in Tar Valon and every one who could reach the city in time attended the funeral.

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