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Twilight Saga: New Moon Mafia Game-Over, Vampire Team Volturi Win and Naeann


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Sorry, this was late. I worked late because I don't go in tomorrow and had to go some places for hubby on the way home. I also had to read 9 pages of votes to make sure I got everything. I am counting Wolfie's vote. 2 reasons, one she is 13 and new and two she is being replaced and the vote really was not needed.


Votes Stand at:


Boopsy(14): Alanna, Cairos, Duncan, Ed, Lavinya, Lily, Meesh, Pete, Red, Rey, Sarah, Tigara, Tynaal, and Wolfie.

Rey( 1): Boospy

Alanna (2): Charis and Rahesta

Lavinya (1): Naeann


Not voting MCS and Siera.


11 votes needed to lynch, Thank you Meesh for catching my mistake and posting that list! Sorry to make you wait so long.



Many names and accusations were made during the day. The group was unsettled to know that there were human blood drinking vampires among them. It was just too much for Rosalie and she ended up in the wrong place at the wrong time and was killed. The group had decided that if they were going to have to eliminate someone they would all vote or those not voting would die to see if any of the non-vegetarian vampires didn't have the stomach to kill one of their friends. MCS and Siera did not place a vote. It saddened everyone, but Cheif Swan volunteered to shoot those who didn't vote. If they were innocent they would die, however, if they were one of the human blood drinking vampires they would have to be dealt with by Jacob and Sam.

Chief Swan hesitated as really did not like shooting unarmed people, but the vampire situation was desperate. He shot MCS only to find out he had killed Mike Newton an innocent. He then turned his gun on Siera and the bullet bounced off her. Jacob and Sam were not sure as the vampire stench had filled the gym. They tore apart the body of Siera and tossed her pieces out the one window they had been guarding. The wolf pack on the outside burnt her body only to discover it was Esme Cullen they had killed. The wolves were deeply effect by this and were thirsting to kill a human sucking leech.

The town folk had voted and Boospy was chosen to throw to the wolves. Boopsy was forced out the window. The wolf pack surrounded Boopsy and ripped him apart and burnt the pieces. They were pleased when they discovered that Boopsy was actually Laurent a human blood sucking leech and mafia.


MCS- mod killed for not voting- Mike Newton innocent townie

Siera-Esme Cullen-innocent vampire

Boospy-Laurent mafia vampire


Night begins. You have till Thursday 7PM, MST to send in your night actions. Because of the Christmas holiday day two will not end until next Monday.


17 players left in game. Wombat is replacing Wolfie.


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is okay Min, RL has a tendency to get demanding, especially around this time of year lol


alright, 1 down.


awe esme!!!  i really liked her.  though we could all do without Mike, he;s such a pest ::)


i hope the healers protects Rey, as it turned out he was telling the truth



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Esme Cullen is a veggie vamp.  she is the docs mate and has no power


Laurent is a rouge vamp.  hes a blood sucking type.  he was with James and Vicky but only by happenstance and for company.  he was one of the vamps who decided to try to kill Bella.


Mike Newton had a crush on Bella and was insufferable in the books.  it was nice when he finally gave up on bella and moved onto Angela (other human townie)

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Oh..the "mom"....ok.


In the first movie/book? Cause that is when she is getting chased right? Did he have a power? Or, is that totally useless in the game?


The white guy who liked her?


EDIT NEW: The sign-up thread is the 'dead' thread...

lol..that is cool.

It will keep people following the game.

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  • Club Leader

Welcome, Wombat. And welcome to the dark side of addiction.


So, I think we will just assume Rey is the Finder for now Cairos?


I think we can assume Rey is A finder, not necessarily the only one. It wouldn't be unheard of for the mod to have put two in a game this size, particularly if one of them is not 100% accurate. They wouldn't necessarily be told that, though.



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  • Club Leader

Oh, Ed, you don't know?


Pete's game is totally original. Every role is something he made up. That's why we got to know them up front. They are brand new roles. This is more "normal." Okay, nothing about my sister is normal, but you know what I mean.....





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Ok...well, then my first experience is with the abnormal, which makes the normal seem abnormal.

You get me here?

I have to do a lot of rethinking and make my brain see things differently now...

Oh, Min...she I think is as normal as you. ;)

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Guest dragonsworn1991

So it looks like the James, vicky, and laurant team is the mafia with a possible symp, I am not sure who that is as of yet.


We also lost A cullen which isn't good, I figure Min would load them with the best roles. We lost Mike newton who was just a vanilla townie it appears.


So all in all we lost three innocents day 1 and one scum. Two innocents possibly roled. So all in all a pretty sucky day one for the town. I am just glad Min didn't make the cullens lover with their mates that would have been drastic.

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i still think i was onto something night one



2 mafias,  1 is team james (3 mafia) the other team voltuiri (3 - 5 mafia)



will find it and quote it if ya'll want.  in a game this size i could see having two different mafias

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I agree that that is the mafia team, but why would they have a symp?


P.S. What is a vanilla? just an innocent with no power/ability?


Day 1 has been tough, but at least we have one scum down, we just have to make sure everyone votes in time. If they had voted, it would have been 1:1 loss.

Make sure you guys vote!!!!!!


I don't think Min would have done that with the Cullens.

She made them innocent, so, that would be way to easy for mafia.


EDIT NEW: Another family?

I understand cult with all the talk about them, but what do you mean family?

Is there another family in the books/movies?


EDIT NEW NEW: I think the quote would help, I still don't get some of it. But, I agree 20 is a big number. I thought it would just be a big mafia, like 6 or 7 of them.


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another family = another mafia.  meaning 2 seperate mafias. 


they might have a symp if the other mafia team has more numbers.  to help even things out.  a symp creates basic confusion in the game.  they are alligned with the town but do everythign they can to help the mafia team they are with win.  because the symp wins with the mafia




this is what i came up with on friday or so


okay since min has said she's put many tweaks in the game i'm guessing this


there are two seperate mafias.  Team James, and Team Valturi.


Team James


book facts


James = tracker

Vicky = insane postal chick with a grudge

Laurent = not really into the whole killing Bella and making the Cullens life a living nightmare



mafia possabilities


James = night action tracker, or mafia detectve role

Vicky = unrolled

Laurent = maybe a god father type role where he is veiwed as an innocent or unrolled




Team Volturi


book facts -


Aro(leader)- mind reading

marcus(leader) - seeing reltationships

alec - paralysis

chelsea - relationship manipulator

demetri - tracking

jane - illusion of pain

renata - protector



there are more volturi but i only listed those with powers.  now i dont think there would be more than 5 mafia on this team and no less than 3.  of those that are listed, i think these are the best choices



mafia possibilities


jane or alec - freezer

demetri - nigh action tracker

renata - protecture/nurse

aro - detective/finder



well there are 21 people in this game


if there are 2 seperate Mafia's and they break down to Mafia 1 3 and mafi 2 3-5  then we are looking at somewhere between 6 and 8 maifa total. 


that would still leave us with between 15 and 13 innocents.


i'm not taking into account other roles such as vigilanties, symps, cults or serial killers

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*gives loving to everyone especailly Rey before trudging off to Deadland with Jade and the others*


you know, it could be a gambit ....  i've seen this done in another mafia game, but the agressor didnt get away with it  :-\  and with a game with so many newbies in it, i wouldnt put it past the mafia the try it on the off chance it works.



for you newbies, a Gambit is where one Mafia member leads a lynch assualt on another mafia team mate.  this is done in hopes that the person leading the lynch is then assumed innocent  for the rest of the game.




either way i think the safest bet is to protect Rey and maybe have the detective veiw him to find out if he's scum or not

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