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Blade of Light, Three Become One. (Full Spoilers).


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I've read most of these posts but not all so I'm not sure if all of my inquires have been mentioned...


But here's my hypothisis in simple terms


Blade of light = Calladnor (obvious)

3 powers = saidin, saidar, and True Power

people in the circle =

Rand (obvious) (true power)

Jahar Narishma ("he who follows after") (Saidin)

Alivia  (Min's viewing saying she will help Rand die) (Saidar)



Now this is just based off everything presented... I'm not sure how it will happen, what loopholes will be needed, the outcome, etc....  Just my conclusion on the information given.

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I've read most of these posts but not all so I'm not sure if all of my inquires have been mentioned...


But here's my hypothisis in simple terms


Blade of light = Calladnor (obvious)

3 powers = saidin, saidar, and True Power

people in the circle =

Rand (obvious) (true power)

Jahar Narishma ("he who follows after") (Saidin)

Alivia  (Min's viewing saying she will help Rand die) (Saidar)



Now this is just based off everything presented... I'm not sure how it will happen, what loopholes will be needed, the outcome, etc....  Just my conclusion on the information given.

In a circle of three, it has to be two women and one man.  Men can only make up half the circle in circles under size 5.  Circles larger than 4 must have men in the minority.

With all the discussion about the blade of light, 3 become 1 I wanted to point out something I think people have been confused about. To me it seems some believe that if Rand and any two women or Rand and one other man and woman link and wield Callandor that Rand will have to give up control. But the above quote clearly says that in a circle of one man and one woman, as well as in most circles of up to thirteen, A MAN MUST LEAD. Well just my two cents:)


From the WoW Wiki:

The only way to use Callandor safely is within a circle of two women and one man, with a woman melding the flows


So again, just like at the cleansing, a woman would be leading. Rand would not be leading or melding any of the powers (of which he can only bring 2 if he can even channel Saidin and the TP at the same time). So the theory of combining the powers does not fit the wording of the prophecy.


Reading through most of this topic I'm not saying anything new:


I agree with negawalker from much earlier, The 3 becoming one would be the 3 powers, saidin, saidar, and the True Power. From Lews Therin ramblings we do find out that he knew the seal wouldn't hold and that there would be a backlash. Obviously he will Callandor with two women, one being Moiraine (one of Min's viewings says that Rand will fail, or die can't remember exactly if she is not with him and she thinks that it is the only viewing that is wrong, and Mat is going to rescue at some point), the other I haven't really figured out yet.

          I think the TP will be used to actually seal the Bore, and the TS will be used as a secondary. Kinda like a second lock to avoid a backlash on saidin and saidar. we know that the TP is given by the DO and I've read Rand gets it from his link with Moridin/Ishy, what I don't know, and haven't read yet is that the DO can actually block access to the TP once someone has tapped into it. I only believe about the TP cause there will be a backlash, and The TP is the one that won't be missed. Unless the supposed flaw in Callandor also shields it user(s) from the taint and therefore the TS.


  Okay alot maybe's in there, but I'll let you all now dissect it.


The Light is the key I think.


The three are one. That is Mat, Perrin, and Rand, the three ta'varen. Morraine commented in the very first book, something to the effect "could it be that three tavaeren in one place that the dark one himself could be weaved into the weave." Well those are the three. And that makes them the weapon of the Light against the DO. The blade of Light refers to them as the blade of the Light, against the DO.






I reckon that the three become could mean this. What if the special thing about Callandor is that it allows Rand to somehow combine the ta'varen affects of himself, Mat and Perrin. With this combined affect Rand could actually manipulate the weave of the pattern itself using tremendous amounts of the one power, hence the no buffer on Callandor. Part of my reasoning for this is when Rand fights Ishamael with Callandor. Rand is able to instinctively counter every attack by Ishamael. I think this is becuase the sword was amplifying the ta'varen affect allowing Rand to tap into past life knowledge. Note: I think this, because it is my personal opinion that Lews Therin in Rand's head was the pattern trying to intervene and help Rand with his past life knowledge but the taint sort of stuffed it up.

So, what happens is Rand sort of links himself with Mat and Perrin (a quasi-warder bond), amplifies the combined ta'varen affect through Callandor, overloads on power, changes the pattern and weaves it around the Dark One, sealing him outside of it.

This theory is probably a bit mad, but what the hell.


  I got a wild theory.  The Snakes and Foxes have demonstrated the ability already to give Mat the memories of others.  What if they are able to take souls.  What if the tower of Ghenji is the blade of light, and Mat is able to take control of it (thus having it in his "hands").  what if the 3 become one is Thom and Noal's souls being torn from their bodies and placed in Mats?  Presumably at the end of tGS Rand is cured of his schitzophrenia.  It would only be fitting for more schitzophrenic characters to emerge. 


      What if Elayne, Min, and Aviendha all wind up in the same body, leading to Avi having rands babies by being in the same body as Elayne.  I dont have a theory however on how anyone else other than Mat, Thom, and Noal might be effected by the powers of the Tower of Ghenji or the powers of the snakes and foxes, which may or may not be the same thing.


I reckon its Saidin, Saidar and whatever Fain uses. I think this because of what happened at the Cleansing.


IIRC, Rand made Saidar push Saidin away from Shadar Logoth. At the same time, the Taint was attracted to the Shadar Logoth evil-confirmed by BS. So, Saidin was pushed away from SL, while the Taint was pulled towards SL, hence the seperation. So, I think Fain may somehow become involved. I think this will be Fains ultimate role; despite the fact that the Taint was attracted to SL, they are still opposites according to BS, so technically we have three powers that could counter the Shadow. Saidin, Saidar, and Shadar Logoth, which became evil to fight evil.


Reading through most of this topic I'm not saying anything new:


I agree with negawalker from much earlier, The 3 becoming one would be the 3 powers, saidin, saidar, and the True Power. From Lews Therin ramblings we do find out that he knew the seal wouldn't hold and that there would be a backlash. Obviously he will Callandor with two women, one being Moiraine (one of Min's viewings says that Rand will fail, or die can't remember exactly if she is not with him and she thinks that it is the only viewing that is wrong, and Mat is going to rescue at some point), the other I haven't really figured out yet.

         I think the TP will be used to actually seal the Bore, and the TS will be used as a secondary. Kinda like a second lock to avoid a backlash on saidin and saidar. we know that the TP is given by the DO and I've read Rand gets it from his link with Moridin/Ishy, what I don't know, and haven't read yet is that the DO can actually block access to the TP once someone has tapped into it. I only believe about the TP cause there will be a backlash, and The TP is the one that won't be missed. Unless the supposed flaw in Callandor also shields it user(s) from the taint and therefore the TS.


  Okay alot maybe's in there, but I'll let you all now dissect it.


The wording of the prophecy and the mechanics of Callandor don't fit this. Also if the TP was being used against him, the Dark One would simply cut off it's access. Read through the previous pages. This very idea is touched upon a lot actually. If you want to advance it, then try to provide evidence that it fits the prophecy as it is worded and examples on how the TP can be accessed without the Dark One's express permission.


So what if you fill up the Eye of the World with the TP, then when the DO cuts you off from it, you still have a Well of True Power to draw on.


Ding!  Lightbulb went off in my head.  That could totally work!  Though, wouldn't it require the death of multiple people to likely make it happen?  I mean, creating the Eye of the World required that, though maybe they died to cleanse the taint from saidin and maybe it had nothing to do with just pooling it into a "2nd source."  I really like this idea...  Good thinking!


Reading through most of this topic I'm not saying anything new:


I agree with negawalker from much earlier, The 3 becoming one would be the 3 powers, saidin, saidar, and the True Power. From Lews Therin ramblings we do find out that he knew the seal wouldn't hold and that there would be a backlash. Obviously he will Callandor with two women, one being Moiraine (one of Min's viewings says that Rand will fail, or die can't remember exactly if she is not with him and she thinks that it is the only viewing that is wrong, and Mat is going to rescue at some point), the other I haven't really figured out yet.

         I think the TP will be used to actually seal the Bore, and the TS will be used as a secondary. Kinda like a second lock to avoid a backlash on saidin and saidar. we know that the TP is given by the DO and I've read Rand gets it from his link with Moridin/Ishy, what I don't know, and haven't read yet is that the DO can actually block access to the TP once someone has tapped into it. I only believe about the TP cause there will be a backlash, and The TP is the one that won't be missed. Unless the supposed flaw in Callandor also shields it user(s) from the taint and therefore the TS.


  Okay alot maybe's in there, but I'll let you all now dissect it.



The wording of the prophecy and the mechanics of Callandor don't fit this. Also if the TP was being used against him, the Dark One would simply cut off it's access. Read through the previous pages. This very idea is touched upon a lot actually. If you want to advance it, then try to provide evidence that it fits the prophecy as it is worded and examples on how the TP can be accessed without the Dark One's express permission.




BS said at one of the Q&A's that the TP can be accessed w/out the DO's permission. Check out the Metaphysics thread:


20. Question: Did Rand directly have the DO’s permission to channel the TP?


20. Answer: It’s very difficult (but not impossible) to channel the TP without the DO’s direct permission.


End of discussion on that point. Now, I'm not saying that is in fact what happened, but BS seems under the impression that the TP can be accessed without the DO's direct permission. So I'll go with him.


Now, for the record, I think the Fain power will be the 3rd, not the TP, as that is basically the essence of the DO, so if it touched both saidar and saidin, then BOTH could be tainted by the counterstroke.



There are so many patterns fitted in this prophecy that all may be possible but only one of them is the true pattern. For example:

1) I think of Rand's women becoming one;

2) I think of the three different sources of Power;

3) I think of Rand's connection to Perrin and Matt;

4) I think of Matt's future adventure at the Tower of Genjei (meaning, he and the other two should act as one in their try to save Moiraine).

5) I think of Perrin, Berelaine and Faile. They are obviously connected in some strange way of the Pattern.

6) I think of Logain and his two Aes Sedai. He is capable of wielding Callandor without harming himself using his Aes Sedai.

7) I think of Rand's connection to Moridin. He has finally merged with his memories as LTT and he obviously is connected to Moridin. Perhaps they could merge as well?


What about a connection between saidar-channeling women who are at Rand's side? Meaning, Aes Sedai, Sea Folk channelers and Wise Ones? Except for the Kin and Seanchan, there aren't any other active female channelers (this rules out Sharah). The Kin is subsequent to Aes Sedai and Seanchan.. well, they are against Rand.


Overall, I think our best shot is for Rand's connection to Perrin and Matt. There are so many three-connections in the WoT that it would initially be impossible to assume that there will be only one such connection.


I recently went back and read a BS Q&A with someone from Theoryland. In this he talks extensively on the subject of Mordeths transformation from being initially good in his intentions when seeking a way to destroy the Shadow and thus the DO. BS said that Mordeth searched too hard and stumbled on to things he should not have every messed with and that is how he became the evil version that destroyed Aridol and created Shadar Logoth which is the version that now is merged with Padan Fain.  We know that even though there is some Fain left in there they both hate the DO, Fain for what the DO did to him by making him a 3 ta'varen blood hound against his will.  And from this BS interview we know that even as a seperate evil to the DO, Mordeth still hates the DO so this leads me to now change my opinion and say that it will be MorFain that has to be part of the 3 becoming one.  If not that then definitely his brand of evil that works so well against the DO will be used similarly to the cleansing of Saidin.  Rand and two ladies will form a Saidin, Saidar enclosure that can't be tainted because MorFain will be inside cornering and fighting it forever.  This will most likely in my opinion, become the new Bore.  And as long as it is sealed up properly which it should be since the taint counterstroke will be prevented, the evil of Mordeth and the Evil of the DO will counter and fight for all eternity.  This also falls in line with a quote from RJ that his ending will leave us with the complete possibility of the story continuing on but he planned to walk away from it and not look back.  This of course does not include his outriggers which won't progress the story but show other points of view from other story lines.


I love how in this Q&A he pointed out that the DO is not the root of all evil but there are things more ancient and dark that have been lost and forgotten, as well as things of good that have been lost and forgotten the same way.  He compared Mordeth's findings as the ancient opposite of Perrin's lost ancient good powers as a Wolfbrother.  Great explanation.  The other thing I like is that BS gave the questioner a RAFO when he asked what it was Mordeth came upon that turned him so this could mean that we will find out....YESS! I really hope so.


the thing i dont like about fain is that it's too LOTR/gollum


Except that Gollum was extremely weak, pathetic, and opportunistic. Padan Fain pretty much wrecks house. I agree other than that, there are a lot of similarities.


Its not like that at all. Gollum was a two faced fanjob only interested in the ring and pretending to help people and pretending to be nice in order to get where he wanted....


Fain is not like that. The similarities you talk about are from a plot sense when you compare the greatest fantasy series of all time (wot) with another one which has been the daddy to them all for years (in complete ignorance of the other great works people wrote which were otherworldly, such as, the bible)


Similarities exist in that they are both self interested that's true. Gollum from a plot point of view exists in tandem with the main focus of the plot, the ring and its journey to the volcano. In wot Fain exists outside of the story line in a real breaking the mould sort of way...


Sooooooo IMO i don't see them as the same at all. That's my two cents.


the thing i dont like about fain is that it's too LOTR/gollum


Fain has had enough foreshadowing to remain on the list though. Of all the things that were set up for involvement in the plot later, Fain has done virtually nothing with his powers other than wound Rand. He has to have some plot related reason for getting those powers, because almost everything else has had important reasons for being there. Fain will deal with something nobody else can I think


I would say Fain has a mojor part in things to come. Rand used the evil of Shadar Logoth to cleanse the male half of the source. He used that evil to fend off a version of the DO's evil that was the taint. I could imagine that the evil that's leftover in Fain could be used in someway against the DO again.


Rand used the evil of Shadar Logoth to cleanse the male half of the source. He used that evil to fend off a version of the DO's evil that was the taint.


Did we read the same series?

He placed the taint pool into Shadar Logoth, and then they were both....well, annihilated...


He didn't use it to cleanse the source though....




He in essence, used one to cancel out the other. Apparently the form evil in Shadar Logoth was just as old as the DO himself, it's not directly related to the DO. Rand knew the evil was different from the 2 wounds he's recieved. And from the feedback he got from Flinn when the Fain wound was healed. I would think if that evil could basically cancel out the taint, it could be used against the DO again in some fashion. Just an opiniom.


The taint needed to go somewhere. The evil of Shadar Logoth pulsed pretty much opposite the evil of the Shadow. When SL crested, the Shadow was in a trough, when the Shadow crested SL was in a trough. To me, it's like waves, and they negated each other.


Anyway, perhaps Callandor was meant to allow the holder to channel Saidin free of the taint so long as he was linked with two women. Granted, Rand's kind of negated the need for that, but it would seem like something that would be of vital importance if people were waiting on the Dragon's rebirth. The prophecy seem to imply that it will do something greater, though.


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