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The Big (Currently) Unoticed Thing In Books 4-6 (Mistborn Spoilers)


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Not sure if this has been mentioned, but i was wondering if it could have something to do with Lan's uncle(or whatever he is). Issam(sp),Lord Luke, or Slayer whichever youd like to call him. He first is shown in TSR, but we learn he has some earlier interaction with the Grey Man in TGH.


The Selucia channeling theory is completely ludicrous.  Her secret is that she is a highly trained body guard for Tuon.  The fact the Tuon can fight doesn't point to Selucia not needing to be a great fighter.  It says in the book that she is a seriously hardcore super fighting bodyguard.  Her usefulness is the fact that when seen no one thinks of her as a threat.  Tuon has on many occasions called her off of whooping people, especially Mat in order to either see how things played out or to preserve their cover in situations she deemed unthreatening.  Selucia cannot channel she is just an ace in the hole for Tuon should the need arise.  Thom is a smart man and realized this and the importance not only for his own safety but knowing that Tuon is the empress heir and important to Seanchan so using his brain he decides to keep his mouth shut and look the other way so that Selucia and Tuon don't decide to off him in his sleep.  In a Tuon POV (can't remember which book) she has thoughts on this exact subject so this is pretty obvious.


Not to mention, due to all the assasination threats against the Imperial family, everyone around Tuon would have to be trained fighters. Protect the Emperor/Emperess at all costs. I was never surprised that Selucia is a serious kicker of asses. Matter of fact, it would only make absolute sense that the person closet to Tuon would be an amazing fighter. So yeah, that's why those of the High Blood are surrounded by people who can fight. The assasination attempts.


Thom, knows all and sees all. Thom didn't become the greatest player of the Game of Houses for nothing. He's absolutely aware of his surroundings at all times. Him noticing Selucia and her abilities is routine for Mr. Merrilin.


Not sure if this has been mentioned, but i was wondering if it could have something to do with Lan's uncle(or whatever he is). Issam(sp),Lord Luke, or Slayer whichever youd like to call him. He first is shown in TSR, but we learn he has some earlier interaction with the Grey Man in TGH.


Slayer has been discussed the hell out of in the forums. There's no way Brandon could have missed that.


Perrin the blacksmith and the Aiel.


The Aiel generally revere blacksmiths - they cannot be taken gai'shain and are not required to fight. What do they think of Perrin? Do they know he's a blacksmith? His people won't even let him examine a horse's shoe himself! If they don't know, what will happen when they find out? They may not approve of him fighting.. or they may flock to his banner, now he's got rid of the axe.


Will this be significant?



Doubt it - the Aiel have already followed Perrin into battle several times.

They already respect him plenty both for his courage as well as his battle skills.

I think they've known he was a smith since TDR (Book III) when he frees Gaul.




Just going to ask the question:


"Why did Moiraine leave the acrobat angreal for Lanfear to find on the wagons?" 


I don't think this has ever been discussed.



Just going to ask the question:


"Why did Moiraine leave the acrobat angreal for Lanfear to find on the wagons?" 


I don't think this has ever been discussed.



Moiraine knew she had to put it there from seeing it in the rings in Rhuidean. I thought it was fairly clear that she placed it there for Lanfear to find because the interaction between it and the redstone doorway ter'angreal is what caused the doorway to melt, trapping the two of them in Finnland (and perhaps even stilling Lanfear - we aren't sure yet).


Perrin the blacksmith and the Aiel.


The Aiel generally revere blacksmiths - they cannot be taken gai'shain and are not required to fight. What do they think of Perrin? Do they know he's a blacksmith? His people won't even let him examine a horse's shoe himself! If they don't know, what will happen when they find out? They may not approve of him fighting.. or they may flock to his banner, now he's got rid of the axe.


Will this be significant?




I don't think it's the Aiel so much as the other Noble's and Two Rivers people who won't let Perrin do anything himself. The Aiel would respect a leader (pseudo-chief) that still does things for himself (ie their dislike of non-gaishan servants and lazy nobles).


Perrin the blacksmith and the Aiel.


The Aiel generally revere blacksmiths - they cannot be taken gai'shain and are not required to fight. What do they think of Perrin? Do they know he's a blacksmith? His people won't even let him examine a horse's shoe himself! If they don't know, what will happen when they find out? They may not approve of him fighting.. or they may flock to his banner, now he's got rid of the axe.


Will this be significant?





I don't think it's the Aiel so much as the other Noble's and Two Rivers people who won't let Perrin do anything himself. The Aiel would respect a leader (pseudo-chief) that still does things for himself (ie their dislike of non-gaishan servants and lazy nobles).


The Aiel also recognize Perrin as brother in arms with the Car'a'carn. This also makes them trust him so much more than any other wetlander. The same goes for Mat, but in a different way. Not only is he friends with Rand but has a tremendous prowess for war and tactics. They regard anyone with such a great military mind in high esteem. And Mat is turning out to be probably the greatest mind to ever exist.


Perrin has actually led Aiel in battle, Mat hasn't. While they have respect for Mat for killing Couladin and in general, being awesome, Perrin has a more direct relationship with the People of the Dragon. Everyone from Rhuarc, to the Maidens, knows Perrin is a good, shading to great, battle-leader.

At least thrice, in the TR, At Dumai's Wells and at Malden, Perrin's been in near-impossible situations, and found ways to win.



The only Aiel Mat ever spent time with in the past year was Melindhra, I think, and of course she tried to kill him. Perrin's been dealing with the Wise Ones, helping them to disperse the Shaido, and has the respect of Gaul, a future clan chief. It's all about networking.


Speaking of which, Mat's married into the Seanchan, so it would be a conflict of interest in any case.


Also, I thought Moiraine left the bracelet there because she saw the event unfold in the ring ter'angreal, and knew that the bracelet would lure Lanfear to the wagon with the doorway then help cause the doorway to melt.


Just going to ask the question:


"Why did Moiraine leave the acrobat angreal for Lanfear to find on the wagons?" 


I don't think this has ever been discussed.



Moiraine knew she had to put it there from seeing it in the rings in Rhuidean. I thought it was fairly clear that she placed it there for Lanfear to find because the interaction between it and the redstone doorway ter'angreal is what caused the doorway to melt, trapping the two of them in Finnland (and perhaps even stilling Lanfear - we aren't sure yet).


As well as the angreal giving Lanfear the courage to take on LTT head-to-head, thereby precipitating the fight.


Not to mention, due to all the assasination threats against the Imperial family, everyone around Tuon would have to be trained fighters. Protect the Emperor/Emperess at all costs. I was never surprised that Selucia is a serious kicker of asses. Matter of fact, it would only make absolute sense that the person closet to Tuon would be an amazing fighter. So yeah, that's why those of the High Blood are surrounded by people who can fight. The assasination attempts.


Thom, knows all and sees all. Thom didn't become the greatest player of the Game of Houses for nothing. He's absolutely aware of his surroundings at all times. Him noticing Selucia and her abilities is routine for Mr. Merrilin.


I always thought that Tuon and Sulucia both can channel. Tuan is a student (in some way) and Sulucia is a teacher. Also, remember when Tuon collars the three AS and than tries to use them against Mat (to stop him from freeing them) she is startaled that "weaves melt around him." She is the first Seanchen domani trainer that instead of "almost" seeing the weaves straight out says she can.

Also, what is the requisite to become the Daughter of the Nine Moons? I wouldn't be surprised if every empress of the Seanchan throne could (or even had to be able to) channel. 


tuon flat out says she cant weave with the power, that the difference between her and marath damane is that she CHOOSES NOT TO. and she wasnt shocked to hear about suldam being able to channel, so she knew THAT secret, its probably something handed down, you know when they get announced as the heir apparent, the empress takes them to one side and says "you can channel, but your not marath damane unless you do so, unless its to power the crystal throne, in which case, heres how to invert weaves". now im not saying it happens exactly like this, but in a society like the seanchan, the people in power know more than those they subjugate, and would see it as necessary for the good of the empire.


Not to mention, due to all the assasination threats against the Imperial family, everyone around Tuon would have to be trained fighters. Protect the Emperor/Emperess at all costs. I was never surprised that Selucia is a serious kicker of asses. Matter of fact, it would only make absolute sense that the person closet to Tuon would be an amazing fighter. So yeah, that's why those of the High Blood are surrounded by people who can fight. The assasination attempts.


Thom, knows all and sees all. Thom didn't become the greatest player of the Game of Houses for nothing. He's absolutely aware of his surroundings at all times. Him noticing Selucia and her abilities is routine for Mr. Merrilin.


I always thought that Tuon and Sulucia both can channel. Tuan is a student (in some way) and Sulucia is a teacher. Also, remember when Tuon collars the three AS and than tries to use them against Mat (to stop him from freeing them) she is startaled that "weaves melt around him." She is the first Seanchen domani trainer that instead of "almost" seeing the weaves straight out says she can.

Also, what is the requisite to become the Daughter of the Nine Moons? I wouldn't be surprised if every empress of the Seanchan throne could (or even had to be able to) channel.   


Pretty sure that not every Empress has been able to channel - I just reread WH and in Tuon's first PoV she thinks about how shocked people were when she wanted to become a sul'dam. If every empress could channel (albeit secretly as sul'dam) I don't think this would have been seen as so uncommon.


Look this is all interesting but it probably should be in the Tuon and the Seanchan thread.

Definitely not here.

Yes, Tuon is a very proficient damane, which means she can channel. Or rather, has the potential to channel.

There's no proof that Selucia can channel and a lot of evidence suggesting she can't.

Whatevah - it all started happening in Book IX folks --  


Look this is all interesting but it probably should be in the Tuon and the Seanchan thread.

Definitely not here.

Yes, Tuon is a very proficient damane, which means she can channel.

There's no proof that Selucia can channel and a lot of evidence suggesting she can't.

Whatevah - it all started happening in Book IX folks -- 


Indeed it does.


Look this is all interesting but it probably should be in the Tuon and the Seanchan thread.

Definitely not here.

Yes, Tuon is a very proficient damane, which means she can channel.

There's no proof that Selucia can channel and a lot of evidence suggesting she can't.

Whatevah - it all started happening in Book IX folks -- 


But the first time we hear about the Daughter of the Nine Moons is in Book IV.  I know this is kind of strech but what if there have been hints about Tuon and Selucia and we just never noticed them because we did not know what to look for?  I think the most likely place to look is for a dream Egwene had. 


What is the evidence that Selucia cannot channel? 

What is the evidence that Selucia cannot channel? 


Hard to believe none of the Aes Sedai wouldn't have noticed. Since they didn't bring it up that's pretty good proof to me. Add to that the repulsion that Tuon has for channelers and why she would then have her closest adviser and bodyguard be what she considers an animal.


My impersonation of some recent discussions:


Mr. A: Well if pigs could fly then we'd all be in trouble


Mr. B: Well if Pigs had wings they could fly.


Mr. A: But they DON'T have wings. Besides their bones are too dense and bodies as well, so they'd not be able to lift off or else they'd just bump their arses along the ground in giant leaps..


Mr. B: But they could have wings surgically added.. you know like plastic surgery, like... THEN they could fly.


Mr. A:  ::)  I think I'll just go drown myself




#1 Sul'dam... do NOT channel. They can be TAUGHT. Big difference

#2 TUON ... is a Sul'Dam ... She does NOT channel. Even if she see's weaves (which I'm fairly certain she denies, might be wrong).. SHE don't bloody channel. She refuses to be taught. It is disgusting and abhorrent to her to even consider it. She relates to her damane as "pets", sub-human. WHY for pete's sake would she have her VOICE, her personal "maid", companion, body guard and Truth Speaker now, for all love, be able to channel? DON"T answer, that's a rhetorical question... Selucia is very simply and very secretly, a very skilled martial arts practitioner.


tBUT is NOT Selucia nor anything to do with her.. Wrong Books! ...




My impersonation of some recent discussions:


Mr. A: Well if pigs could fly then we'd all be in trouble


Mr. B: Well if Pigs had wings they could fly.


Mr. A: But they DON'T have wings. Besides their bones are too dense and bodies as well, so they'd not be able to lift off or else they'd just bump their arses along the ground in giant leaps..


Mr. B: But they could have wings surgically added.. you know like plastic surgery, like... THEN they could fly.


Mr. A:  ::)  I think I'll just go drown myself




#1 Sul'dam... do NOT channel. They can be TAUGHT. Big difference

#2 TUON ... is a Sul'Dam ... She does NOT channel. Even if she see's weaves (which I'm fairly certain she denies, might be wrong).. SHE don't bloody channel. She refuses to be taught. It is disgusting and abhorrent to her to even consider it. She relates to her damane as "pets", sub-human. WHY for pete's sake would she have her VOICE, her personal "maid", companion, body guard and Truth Speaker now, for all love, be able to channel? DON"T answer, that's a rhetorical question... Selucia is very simply and very secretly, a very skilled martial arts practitioner.


tBUT is NOT Selucia nor anything to do with her.. Wrong Books! ...




Well put. And your discussion impersonation cracked me up. :)


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