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Questions/Theories Answered or New Tidbits Added (Full Book Spoilers)


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I have a question and this is the only thread I could find that would likely be where it should go:


When or where was it revealed about Morgase geing in Perrins' camp?  Was the first mention of her when he informed Rand about her, or did I somehow gloss over it in my read or was it in book 11?  I was really looking forward to when this was going to be revealed.  Was it revealed when Faile et al where trapped in the wrecked building?  I was rereading 11 when the Gathering Storm arrived.  So maybe I should go back to that and continue my reread. ;D


I apologize if this is a dumb question, please forgive me, I am somewhat Brain damged (two strokes).


Well Morgase had been with Perrin's since.....CoS i believe. Remember that she goes under a pseudonym (Maighdin) while with them. She was with Faile the whole time they were being captive by the Shaido and a little before that. so whenever that happened, that is your answer. the books kind of blend in for me. Now her identity has not been revealed to Perrin and Faile until we see a glimpse of Galad talking to Perrin (we assume Galad recognizes his step-mother with whom he lived with).


Faile kind of knew that there was no way that she was a servant or whatever she was posing as. But she didnt know her actual identity. So Galad in tGS reveals her identity, which we will hopefully see a POV of in the next book.


does that answer it?


I think Padan Fain will play a huge role in the end. Remember in Book 1 he claimed that he knew how to defeat the dark one.

The Eye of the World, Hardcover page. 592


      Rand felt the hate in that look, and the fear. When Fain spoke again, though, his voice was unruffled. "Padan Fain is simply one of the disguises I have been forced to wear over the years. Friends of the Dark pursue me, for I have learned have to defeat the Shadow. I can show you how to defeat him, Great Lord."

     "We do as well as men can," Agelmar said dryly. "The Wheel weaves as the Wheel wills, but we have fought the Dark One almost since the Breaking of the World without peddlers to teach us how."

     "Great Lord, your might is unquestioned, but can it stand against the Dark One forever? Do you not often find yourself pressed to hold? Forgive my temerity, Great Lord; he will crush you in the end, as you are. I know; believe me, I do. But I can show you how to scour the Shadow from the land, Great Lord."


That's Mordeth trying to induce Angelmar into applying the methods used in Aridhol. Not a direct means of defeating GLoD as such, more methods of killing and torturing everyone on the assumption that they may be DFs.


As  a newbie, Im not sure if this is the right place to put forward my theories as to what happens next, if not my apologies. I think that some of the story's subplots will develop along these lines...

- with the support of Morgase, Perrin will negoiate a treaty with Elayne, annexing the Two Rivers from Andor, allowing the Red Eagle to be raised and Manetheren reborn. In exchange Perrin will, as well as being King, allow himself to be bonded to Elayne,and serve as the Captain General of Andor, leading Elayne's army at Tarmon Gaidon.(Min's vision of Perrin wearing a lion helmet, as king, would therefore be explained.)

- Aviendha will be captured by the BA, and with a circle of 13 BA and 13 myrddraal, turned to serve the shadow. Considering many view her to be vital in linking with Rand and Elayne(?) so Callandor can be used effectively, this would have enormous ramifications regarding any plans in the attempt to defeat Shaitan.

- The rescue of Moiraine will rely on Thom bringing with him his harp into the world of the Aeflinn/Eelflinn, and Mat will lose an eye in gambling with them to release her. (Is Mat really the Fisher?)

- Rand will be linked to the WT, by becoming the first male Aes Sedai in 3000 yrs.

- Egwene will offer the Wise Ones the title Aes Sedai automatically, and make Sorilea Mistress of Novices! (That will give them some backbone!) Also she will change how Aes Sedai are graded, from just merely strength in saidar, to other factors (calibre of will, wisdom, inner strength etc.)

- Padan Fain will be turned back to the light, before the end. (have no idea how, just have a feeling.)

Well, thats some of my crazy notions, please feel free to respond, rebutt, or utterly balefire these possibilities, Id like to see what others opinions of what the Wheel weaves


I dont think that perrin will be bonded to Elayne, i believe that Brigitte will stay and be the Captain general, with Gawyn being egwene's warder. I think its possible for rand to become the first male aes sedai, of which he will probably be the leader, i dont think he would like being underneath anyone, much less egwene, and of course he is the strongest and most knowledgeable of all the channelers alive excluding the forsaken. Padan Fain is essentially 2 great evils fused together, i dont think he will be coming back to the light.


Not sure if this is where this belongs but I have seen some discussion in this thread on this topic so here goes.


First we have the 3 become 1 prophecy and Mins revlation about Callandor along with Cauds admonition to Rand that it is not buffered and should only be used with two females to help buffer


We have the Availa will help Rand die.  Help not kill or whatever just help.


Then we have Lews Therins talk about what happened at the sealing of the bore


As an aside I believe that Jordan has indicated that if they would have tried together (male and female) then both halves of the power would have been tainted so the problem is the method not the lack of Sadir.


So if you can't use the OP what do you use.  Not the TP I don't think the Dark one would allow you to use his own power aganist him along with being burned to a crisp.


What if you can use the OP you just have to use it in a differnt way.


Way back in the EOTW Moraine tells us what the liquid is in the pool.  She mentions in passing the aes sedai who did it worked through the taint and died to make it pure. 


This got me to thinking what if method they used to buffer the power from the taint is the same one that could be used to set the seals on the dark ones prison without corrupting the power. 


What if Moraine knows they way to do this either through her questions or through the rings.


We know Rand will fail without her (Min's viewings). 


Put it together we have Moraine and Availa and Rand wield Callandor in a way that protects the source from the dark one but causes them to die which gives us Availa helping Rand die.  The method only works because Callandor is unbuffered (hence you have to use Callandor not some other angeral). 


It all works but it is way out there as Theories go.  So feel free to rip it to shreds. Maybe we will still learn something from it.




Little theory I've been thinking of is..


Is Sorilea a darkfiend? Or maybe Bair.

This sprouts from the fact that only Cadsuane knew where the male a'dam, and she probably only told these two where she had hidden it, but not long after Cadsuane revealed their location, Semirhage got free and Rand was nearly captured. And on that very night, Cadsuane was with the Wise Ones, too far away to stop or discover its thief.

Epic timing?


It has been stated or hinted many times in previous books that Sorilea does not follow Rand because of duty or honor, but simply because she wants as many Aiel people to survive as possible. 


Maybe it is just red herring, but it is something to think about till the next book comes out.


Little theory I've been thinking of is..


Is Sorilea a darkfiend? Or maybe Bair.

This sprouts from the fact that only Cadsuane knew where the male a'dam, and she probably only told these two where she had hidden it, but not long after Cadsuane revealed their location, Semirhage got free and Rand was nearly captured. And on that very night, Cadsuane was with the Wise Ones, too far away to stop or discover its thief.

Epic timing?


It has been stated or hinted many times in previous books that Sorilea does not follow Rand because of duty or honor, but simply because she wants as many Aiel people to survive as possible. 


Maybe it is just red herring, but it is something to think about till the next book comes out.


Your theory is very plausible. I used to think it was Shaidar Haran who did it as he can apparently negate flows of the One Power but I would think he would have taken the CK if he did in fact open it. A female channeler wouldn't take it as it would be useless to them (except for a Forsaken who could use it as leverage.


Put it together we have Moraine and Availa and Rand wield Callandor in a way that protects the source from the dark one but causes them to die which gives us Availa helping Rand die.  The method only works because Callandor is unbuffered (hence you have to use Callandor not some other angeral). 


It all works but it is way out there as Theories go.  So feel free to rip it to shreds. Maybe we will still learn something from it.


Interesting theory with more merit than most.  Including some of my own.


We have to hope that Moiraine learned something of great value during her sojourn.  An idea like this might be it.

Put it together we have Moraine and Availa and Rand wield Callandor in a way that protects the source from the dark one but causes them to die which gives us Availa helping Rand die.  The method only works because Callandor is unbuffered (hence you have to use Callandor not some other angeral). 


I'm not sure who the two women are who are going to link with Rand, although Alivia is likely because she's basically the strongest female channeler and is going to 'help him die', but I agree that Callandor might be what is used as the 'buffer' between Saidin/Saidar and the DO.  It has to have some type of special attribute or else all of the Callandor discussion in TGS was superfluous.


Callandor is impervious to balefire as shown in Book 3 when Rand is fighting Ishamael in the stone (at least, when Saidin is being drawn on it heavily), so maybe it'll be enough of a buffer from the DO.  That being said, Cuendillar is also impervious to balefire, and the DO corrupted that well enough (i.e., the 7 seals). 


Is Callandor described as Cuendillar anywhere?  I remember it being characterized as a crystal sword 'that is not a sword', but can't recall if there is a clear indication of its composition.  If it's not, it's the only thing aside from cuendillar impervious to balefire.


Anyone have a quote for me?



For Majsju, the oath against lying does leave room for sarcasm.  It is intent and result that matter.  No sister can intentionally speak an untruth either with the intent of passing on false information or with the belief that false information might be passed on.  Thus the careful slicing and dicing of words.  But if someone were to hold up a piece of white cloth and ask whether it was black or white, someone who had sworn the Three Oaths would be capable of saying that it was black as a matter of sarcasm.  But not if, for example, the person asking the question was blind and thus might well take the statement for truth rather than sarcasm.

From the blog, january 06.


Thanks  :)


Put it together we have Moraine and Availa and Rand wield Callandor in a way that protects the source from the dark one but causes them to die which gives us Availa helping Rand die.  The method only works because Callandor is unbuffered (hence you have to use Callandor not some other angeral). 


I'm not sure who the two women are who are going to link with Rand, although Alivia is likely because she's basically the strongest female channeler and is going to 'help him die', but I agree that Callandor might be what is used as the 'buffer' between Saidin/Saidar and the DO.  It has to have some type of special attribute or else all of the Callandor discussion in TGS was superfluous.


Callandor is impervious to balefire as shown in Book 3 when Rand is fighting Ishamael in the stone (at least, when Saidin is being drawn on it heavily), so maybe it'll be enough of a buffer from the DO.  That being said, Cuendillar is also impervious to balefire, and the DO corrupted that well enough (i.e., the 7 seals). 


Is Callandor described as Cuendillar anywhere?  I remember it being characterized as a crystal sword 'that is not a sword', but can't recall if there is a clear indication of its composition.  If it's not, it's the only thing aside from cuendillar impervious to balefire.

I got another wacky theory.

He shall hold a blade of light in his hands, and the three shall be one.

I don't think the three means Rand and two women. Rather, I think the three the prophecy is talking about is Rand, Moridin, and the Dark One.

Rand have stated in the new book that his ultimate goal is to kill the Dark One himself, so he cannot interfere with creation anymore.

Maybe, the link between Rand and Moridin will connect them to the Dark One as well(Via the True Power), and somehow, Rand will use that link to force the Dark One inside him, using the Callandor to keep him there.

Then Alivia comes in and kill them all.

The End.


I got another wacky theory.

He shall hold a blade of light in his hands, and the three shall be one.

I don't think the three means Rand and two women. Rather, I think the three the prophecy is talking about is Rand, Moridin, and the Dark One.

Rand have stated in the new book that his ultimate goal is to kill the Dark One himself, so he cannot interfere with creation anymore.

Maybe, the link between Rand and Moridin will connect them to the Dark One as well(Via the True Power), and somehow, Rand will use that link to force the Dark One inside him, using the Callandor to keep him there.

Then Alivia comes in and kill them all.

The End.


Given the prophesies, foretellings,  Dreams, Viewings, et al that still remain to be fulfilled, plus the new ones added in TGS, something pretty wacky has to happen to make most of them come true.  Why not your idea?


Rootbeer, why do the three have to be women? i agree it isnt necessary. here's an odd theory, the three may mean Rand, Perrin, and Mat. three of the strongest taveren to warp the pattern around them at the last battle, forcing it against the DO itself?


So if you can't use the OP what do you use.  Not the TP I don't think the Dark one would allow you to use his own power aganist him along with being burned to a crisp.


What if you can use the OP you just have to use it in a differnt way.


I think everyone here is going the wrong path - Rand's blood is what will be used to seal the bore. Note how prominent his blood sacrifice is in the prophecies (don't have them on hand but I remember the earliest and most powerful prophecies all involve the Dragon's blood being the sacrifice for man's salvation). His blood contains the Aridholl poison and is that of the Light's Champion.

The only question is whether he has to die to make that happen. I think that yes, it's not a Red Cross blood donation - he'll need to give his all to save the world. He'll die so both he and the people he loves can be reborn again (to live you must die).


THere are little to no nations Demandred could have been manipulating that Rand hasnt discovered (Except in Shara or Seanchan, but were not going there) Taim ordered RAnd killed, Demandred did too, and TGS noted that Demandred had an army at his disposal...the Black Tower


It's the entire Karethon(sp?) Cycle.




It's certainly a mash-up of all the fragments we've been given, but that's not the same as it being the whole thing in the right order.




Allundra is talking about using Copper to make her 'large' dragons.


Copper is not strong enough for a canon.


No, Alludra was talking about copper and tin, which make bronze, which was the primary alloy for black power cannon. Google it and you'll find tons of pictures.


If I were to start looking for factual errors in a Sanderson book, I'd look toward metals last considering that he had to have researched them a lot for Mistborn.


So if you can't use the OP what do you use.  Not the TP I don't think the Dark one would allow you to use his own power aganist him along with being burned to a crisp.


What if you can use the OP you just have to use it in a differnt way.


I think everyone here is going the wrong path - Rand's blood is what will be used to seal the bore. Note how prominent his blood sacrifice is in the prophecies (don't have them on hand but I remember the earliest and most powerful prophecies all involve the Dragon's blood being the sacrifice for man's salvation). His blood contains the Aridholl poison and is that of the Light's Champion.

The only question is whether he has to die to make that happen. I think that yes, it's not a Red Cross blood donation - he'll need to give his all to save the world. He'll die so both he and the people he loves can be reborn again (to live you must die).

If this is so, Semi's weave will come in handy. She explains to Merise that she can draw all the blood out of a body instantly and replace it with other substances, while keeping the donor alive in excruciating pain.

Maybe Alivia and Nyn between them will pull this off dumping Rand's blood at the Bore and replacing it with Moridin's. Seems a bit gruesome though and I hope they're the same group.


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