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Who else hates Faile?


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It's a close one actually, but Elayne hasn't neutered her man yet.  Faile is worse.


Aren't you supposed to get your wolf spayed/neutered?  ::)


I guess that's why there aren't any pups running around yet.


Faile's always been one my favorite characters. Smart, tough, beautiful, loving... and stubborn. How's that bad?

Jorden overdid the whole "Berelain and Faile fighting over Perrin" thing but in the end I still liked both Berelain and Faile.


I doubt they will split up, as Min saw a viewing of a Broken Crown around Perrin, which if I remember correctly is the symbol of Saldean royalty which he would only have a claim to through Faile.


As to whether I like her or not.. Yes, of course I do. Shes resourceful, bold, intelligent, loving and most importantly - knows how to handle knives!


I have never understood the dislike for the likes of Faile / Elayne et al, they all each have their charm and own unique appeal. But of course everyone is entitled to their own opinion - a pox on thee free speech!


This is a tricky one for me because certain parts of her personality are really cool, like how she demands to be lorded over by her tough manb and always listens when Perrin yells. She really seems to like it when he gets all manly, which in itself is kinda sexy.

I think that she embodies the whole "behind every great man" saying. She wants Perrin to be tough, though it does sometimes seem that she has him whippeed, That's more Perrin's way of looking at it.

She does piss me off sometimes though so I understand the thread. The series would have been interesting if Perrin had become a man on his own rather than being bullied, but... thats kind of what girlfreinds/wives are for... at least in my experiences ;)


This is incredible to me.  I am new to the forums, and had no idea that anyone would ever hate Faile or think less of Perrin because of her.


Haha guys I'm just having a good old fashioned rant. ;)


I dislike her, but I do sometimes loathe her. I understand that she's helped shape perrin into who he is and that she is the reason for a lot of the change in the TR, but there's just something about her that galls me. Not too sure what, but I definetely liked perrin more before faile.

Everyone has there opinion :)


While I dont think Fail (faile) hurt Perrin as charecter, she is definetly the worst person in the world. She is mean and pushes people around to get her way. She is sneaky and under-handed. Her only good points came through while she was a Shaido prisoner, but that doesn't make up for most of her flaws.


I hope Perrin will put on a white tuxedo one of these days, and run away with Berelain


It depends on the book. I liked her character in TDR and TSR. Not so much after that.


The whole cheating thing is what disgusts me. In no way does Rolan ever actually try to force his attentions on her, just flirts and suggests. He obviously wasn't helping her just b/c he thought he might get in her pants (er...skirt), if that was the case he would have pressed her more. If i'm not wrong at some point in KOD she thinks about hooking up with him and not just as a way to escape and that she didn't think she could resist him much longer. I think why this pisses me off so much is because how hard of a time she gave Perrin about Berelain when any person could tell he is not the cheating type.


Do I hate Faile?


Hmmmm...difficult question.  I want to say yes, but at the same time, I feel it's more her dwindling role in the story that I don't like.  In TDR she's a great addition, but she and Perrin fall in love a little too fast.  Her jealousy from then onwards is fine, but the way Perrin is CONSTANTLY thinking about it (every two paragraphs or so) really kills his POVs.  She's a great character in her own right, but the characters she interacts with and her role in the plot make her considerably more annoying than she should be.


As for the Elayne thing, again, it's less her personality that cripples her and more where she is and who she's with.  Too many of RJs characters have the same problems, and certainly in Elayne's case, they keep the same company too long, making things go stale.


One of the reasons Mat works so well later on (although he's become one of my biggest Love/Hate characters) is because he changes company so much.  First he's with Rand, then he's at the tower, then he's with Thom, then he's with Rand again, then he's with the Band (great characters added here), then he's with a prominent member or two of the band + Elayne, Avi, Birgitte and Nynaeve + Olver, then he's with Tuon...etc, etc;


But you see my point.  Elayne gets irritating because she's always with Nyn or Birgitte and she develops very little and often unrealisticly over the series.  Faile is the same.


damn you.


Indeed.  I suppose knowing won't scar my appreciation though.  I was gonna comment on not knowing that, but didn't wanna seem stupid if it was like Knife of Dreams: Chapter 6: Faile..WHAT ARE YOU DOING WITH THAT KNIFE!


I don't really remember book 7 onwards, just major plot points.  Only read crown of swords to crossroads twice each and KoD once several years after reading the others, so nothing really stuck.  But I've read LoC and earlier about six times now...hehe.


Reyoru when you realise you've accidentally put up spoilers you don't just leave them there and appologize, you remove them immediately so you don't spoil someone else.


For those of you who were spoiled, sorry I didn't see this in time. We do our best, but...


If you ever see another incident like this please PM myself, Majsju, CUBAREY or Muirenn immediately.


And no further mention of what was mentioned, in appology or discourse!


Faile hate? So last season.


I don't really have a problem with her. She's not perfect, but she has a lot of good points, and I think they outweigh the bad. Although I can see how some might find her jealousy  frustrating.


I like Faile.


In fact, I feel on the minority on these boards because I don't hate or dislike any of the (good) Characters.  The only ones I really hate are those that are, well, bad guys lol


Ok, and Galad...but he's a bad guy! Elayne said so!! Kinda....


In TDR she's a great addition, but she and Perrin fall in love a little too fast.  Her jealousy from then onwards is fine, but the way Perrin is CONSTANTLY thinking about it (every two paragraphs or so) really kills his POVs.  She's a great character in her own right, but the characters she interacts with and her role in the plot make her considerably more annoying than she should be.


So in fact Perrin is annoying. Not Faile. It's not her fault that he's pretty useless for 3 books. Nor is it her fault that he totally forgets about the war against the Dark One.


Actually I think I like her way more than I like Perrin. She's fun and interesting and he's so boring. It's a pity she didn't fall in love with Mat or Rand.  ;D


In TDR she's a great addition, but she and Perrin fall in love a little too fast.  Her jealousy from then onwards is fine, but the way Perrin is CONSTANTLY thinking about it (every two paragraphs or so) really kills his POVs.  She's a great character in her own right, but the characters she interacts with and her role in the plot make her considerably more annoying than she should be.


So in fact Perrin is annoying. Not Faile. It's not her fault that he's pretty useless for 3 books. Nor is it her fault that he totally forgets about the war against the Dark One.


Actually I think I like her way more than I like Perrin. She's fun and interesting and he's so boring. It's a pity she didn't fall in love with Mat or Rand.  ;D


Did a reread of TDR yesterday afternoon and evening. I had forgotten Perrin's internal thoughts are so absolutely idiotic even before he met Fail. Come to think of it, the only time I've ever really liked Perrin was when he was fighting Victor Charlie and the NVA in the Central Highlands and the Delta...oh, I'm sorry, I meant fighting Slayer and Trollocs in the Two Rivers.


Sure, RJ.


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