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Sakaea Haven

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Now you lot *gives the unruly lot the look* keep the flirting in here down. This is for our Sakaea and I have a feeling the lass appreciates a little less of the hip swaying and the lash fluttering. Kapish?



Sakaea, this is your very own thread till you get access (if you haven't already) to the inside of the Tower (and afterward too, obviously lol). Them over excited jumpy ones (like I used to be too, btw) can get overwhelming and without wanting to wals right over more laid back people ;) Don't hold it against them though, they're all cute and cuddly and yummy after all.


So, maybe a little about you and us now, aye? :D


I live in Belgium and work at the university. Love to read, though I have these reading attacks in waves and sometimes I don't read for months and then suddenly I hàve to read the moment I wake up till the moment I go to bed. In those times, I literally devower books. lol My favorites are fantasy, no big surprise I'm afraid, but I'm also very interested in topics like psychology and cultural history. Ancient civilisations and more specifically their habbits, traditions, rituals, beliefs, social interactions, etc. Not so much politics or economics.


I also love to travel and have been doing that a fair bit over time. I've visited every continent except for Eurasia, Greenland and the poles *grins*. I literally dream of going to New Zealand, but sadly it doesn't look like that's gonna happen any time soon or maybe never in this lifetime.


I've got a degree in Communication's Management, corporate communications but I didn't go to college untill I was 27, which was a bit funny as some of my teachers were younger than me. They were more uncomfortable with that than I was though, as I figure it don't matter 'who' I learn something from, so long as I get to learn it. *nods* lol


Have a huge love for animals, though I prefer the crawling bugs on tele and not so much in my presence. :look



So enough about me, how about you? What do we need to know about Sakaea?





note: Light, I hope I spelled her name right... *bites nails*


Don't worry Myst. I'll keep them reigned in ;D



I just wanted to extend a welcome to Sakaea. Hello darling! Welcome to DM and the WT!





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Hi Sakaea. I'm Lily, and I would be one of the ringleaders of the wild children Mysti is referring to. I'll refrain from flirting with the guys, but I refuse to refrain from hugging.


*snugglehugs* Glad you joined us! We're really not a bad lot, I promise, just a little boisterous.




Hey Sakaea! I'm another of the wild children Myst is talking about, sorry if any of it has made you uncomfortable. We're not a bad lot at all *nods* just a bit over excitable tee hee.

Myst: I get in those same reading funks. I stated this summer vacation (at the end of May) on book 3 of WoT, and am currently on book 7!  :P


*snugglebites the Jumpy Twin* ;D We'd not have you any other way loves.


LOL Mashi, that sounds very familiar! I read the Twilight books front to back in one breath (even at work :look)


Thanks for the welcome, everyone. And yes, you spelled my name right, and no, the hip swaying and lash fluttering wasn't bothering me; in fact, I found it to be quite amusing.

So, about me... I'm almost 21, I live in Northern Idaho, and I'm a radiology student. My 2nd semester starts on August 24, and I can't believe how close that's getting! My favorite things to do when I'm not working or studying are read, play video games, watch movies, and be with my boyfriend. I'm trying to get my boyfriend to join DM and join the Warder's Guild. He loves the books too, so he may join.

As far as books go, I'm much the same way; if I have spare time, you'll find me with a book. I love fantasy, horror, and science fiction above all else. I have nearly every Stephen King and Dean Koontz book ever written, I love Bentley Little and David Weber, and I love the Twilight books.

For video games, Final Fantasy reigns supreme. I am currently playing Final Fantasy X for the 5th complete time, and I have played VII through XII repeatedly. I can hardly wait for FFXIII to come out at the end of this year!!! I also enjoy Ratchet & Clank, Jak & Daxter, games of that sort.

I like all sorts of movies, particularly The Number 23, Lord of the Rings, Monty Python and the Holy Grail, The Princess Bride, the Saw movies, The Prestige...I could go on for a while :)

My favorite TV show ever is Babylon 5, and I have the whole series on DVD :D

My b/f and I are pretty serious; we've dated on and off for about 7 years now. He's starting college in August as well; it will be his first semester. I'm really excited for him, and I really hope he does well. We're trying to see as much of each other as we can this summer, cus once semester starts, he'll be working and going to school, and I'll be so busy with homework and clinicals, we'll be lucky to see each other once or twice a week. I know I'll have 8 hours of homework the first day; that's just how my teacher is.

Well, that's enough about me to be going on with, I believe. *snugglebites/hugs everyone* Thanks again for welcoming me!!!


Sakaea! Yay!!! Another Med-Head! I'm going in to my third semester of nursing school which is my fast track to pre-med if I don't fizzle out. I'm not terribly big on video games, but I do have a fondness for guitar hero and I used to watch someone play the final fantasy games (loved the story..) I'm a bit challenged when it comes to video games... The last thing I really played was my sega genesis  :P (which I still have..)


*squeals* Monty Python! Princess Bride! Saw! Number 23! Lord of the rings! Love them all.. how about Shawshank Redemption?


*snuggles* Sorry about the homework you are expecting :( Clinicals really are a pain in the butt. We have two days of clinical a week, 4am-4pm and they are consecutive. I feel your pain. *hugs*



Welcome to the White Tower Sakaea!  ;D You'll love it here I'm sure.


Just an FYI though...the Head of the Whites, Delenn, is also a huge fan of B5 (as am I ;) ) and so you're likely to find her pouncing on you once she's dug herself out of a snowdrift long enough to read this thread  :D




Welcome to the White Tower Sakaea! Northern Idaho you say. We have someone else here from there. I love Final Fantasy too. However, I watch my son play as I am horrible at video games.


Welcome, Sakaea! We've already talked a bit over in the Aiel Org ;) I am not one of the wild children Myst mentioned (LOL) but I enjoy their antics as well and have a lot of fun with them in the dorms ;D I'm a pretty mellow person.


I LOVE Princess Bride. I was talking to someone the other day who had never heard of it and I was like 'What? What?' *g*


If you like Stephen King, then I'm assuming you've read his Dark Tower series? I actually haven't yet, but they're definitely on my to-read list. My sister loves them, and we tend to love a lot of the same books.


Mashira, my clinicals aren't that bad, it's Tuesdays and Thursdays from 7am til 4pm, and I hate 4am! I'm sorry *hugs* I've never seen The Shawshank Redemption, but I have read the book (Stephen King wrote it!). It's on my must-see list, tho.


Kara, I'm so glad someone besides me sees what an amazing series B5 is! I've probably seen the whole series about 8 times.


Alanna, yes, I have read the Dark Tower. You must read it. It ties together so many characters from his other books, 'tis truly amazing. Have you read a lot of his other books? It makes DT a lot better if you have.


Minuet, who else is from ID? I wonder if I know them, LOL!


Just curious, but why do 2 of you say you are video-game challenged? *confused*


Well, I say that I am video game challenged because when I used to play video games it was the old fashioned 2D kind, where all you had to do was run forward and jump a few times. I never played anything after the Sega Genesis and then I saw an x-box and it confused the crap out of me! I can't seem to make the head turn, and the body run at the same time. I tried a few times and I generally end up running in the wrong direction, whilst staring at my boots :p  I once even shot myself in the foot *shakes head in shame*


Try a PlayStation 2 or 3 game. The controllers are much easier, and RPG's are generally easier than shooters :)


Hi Sakaea. ;D

Yay for another Idaho person!


I'm from Southern Idaho, myself.  I'm in Austin (a.k.a. "the Rahad" :P ), Texas now though. And I'm new to this site too.  I look forward to being a Novice with you. :D


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