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As you stand there waiting, anticipately, the body of TMD suddenly burns into flame, the rope with it. In a flash he is gone and something falls to the ground.

One of bulds up the confidence to go over and see what is has fallen, kneeling they pick it up and star at the blackened Amulet. The hieroglyphics are just visible and they announce that this is the amulet of Sekhmet.


TMD the Symp has been lynched.


It is now officially night, All night actions are to be pm'd to me asap.


*shakes head*


roka your rushing into things, its nighttime, so mafia vote. we gotta wait till its day again before we can try lynch someone else


*me thinks roka is trying to trick people*


I'm just getting the feeling that your words, although quite correct for an innocent, are way too often uttered and way too neatly formed, as if you're trying to appear good... trying too hard, so I just ventured what my vote during the day will be, think of it as a spoiler *nods*


Tayol speaks the truth. The Night phase is when the Mafia can decide to lynch one of us. The Healer and the Finder can also send in PM's to the Mod. The Healer can choose someone that he/she thinks might be a target for the mafia and the Finder can choose a name from the rest of the players and "view" them..ie the mod will tell them what alignment the person they "viewed" are (innocent or mafia).  :D


*gets some much needed kip*  ;D


curse you people! I hope you all die!



*shakes fist angrily*



edit: I hope ROKA dies


What the hell? I din't do anyting, I was just thinking outloud, how the hell was I supposed to know people are going to get hurt by it! Got you good though heh heh


It was a good result...good have been better..but also could have been a helluva lot worse, we could have ended up lynching one of us innocents! 


they speak, as in, they're in the proscess of an online mesage board conversation that might take the span of several days what could otherwise be said in the space of a minute, evenso, message board past-present and future tense applies here, so, "they speak" fits fine.



To exemplify, irl, people that aren't actually speaking at the same exact moment you utter a statement, but have said something directly prior and will say something directly after your statement, present tense of "they speak" is the correct usage, you cannot say "they spoke" since they are clearly still speaking, and you cannot say "they will speak" since they already spoke. Ergo, present tense.

Now transfer that to message board talk, if it's inside a day, present tense applies due to timezone differences and people getting tired of typing for the day, so, while one post may look like 1 completed statement that happened in the past from your perspective, it can also be viewed as simply a part of a sentence in a longer statement, which is a continuing action that spans several days of posts. Ergo, they speak.



Of course, should they chose to not utter a single word from now on, I will indeed stand corrected, but only if that turns out to be the case *nods*



Am I making myself clear!?


The room goes dark, none of the torches seem to work, and you see nothing. No light can seep into where they are entombed. One by one they drift into a light sleep.


You wake hearing noises, but you ar frozen to your spot, the darkness pushes in on you are lie there hardly breathing. It sounds like someone is being strangled, not wanting it to be you you daren't go near to where the noise is coming from. You hear the last gasping breaths of someone, but who you cannot tell. The thump of the body hits the floor and you know they are dead. Someone moves away from the body, the sound of their foot step crunching quietly on the floor. A voice shouts "NOOoooooo!" and then there is a scream as a flash of light appears and disappears just as quick. You lie there wishing for the night to end, the sound of your heart beat now drowing any other sounds, it there were any. But it is silent.


After what seems like hours, the torches seem to come on one by one, for a moment you dare open your eyes, but you have to know. Slowly people start moving around, you open your eyes and pull yourself up. You look in the direction of the first noise you heard and there is a body, lying there, not moving. You get up and slowly make your way to the body, as you look down you see the face of Eclipse lying, eyes open, but unseeing. His Fedora hat lies just by him, you pick it up and place it over his deathly face. It's then you notice the amulet he is wearing. It looks dull and you know it cannot be used again. There is a scream and you turn to see someone bending over another body. As you look closer you see that he id once have an Amulet, but it had burnt into his skin. You know at once that the image burnt there would have been the Amulet of Anubis.


Eclispe owner of the Amulet of Isis (finder) has been killed


Tayol the once owner of one of the Amulets of Anubis (Mafia) is dead.


It is now Day, you have 7 of you left it takes 4 votes to lynch.


swell, just swell, now we're left to guessing who the mafia is since the only one who can find out for certain is dead... just bloody great  :P


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