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The One Scene You Are Looking Forward To In AMOL

Mighty Chin

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Egwene doesn't deserve to be put under such a good light in aMoL. Not to mention the part about Rand "knowing her wrath". What the hell? Rand is a far better character than Egwene, and he is already "feeling the wrath" of about every female character in the books. Not fair.
One more shouldn't make much difference then.
Guest Dreadlord

RAND FINDING OUT WHO MORIDIN IS! And the link between them playing its part. Im still annoyed that Rand hasnt found out that the Forsaken are being reincarnated


I'm actually quite curious to see what happens if/when Perrin and co. meets up with the White Cloaks led by Galad. Not so much the Galad/Morgase reunion but when Dain Bornhald and Byar see Perrin again. It could be quite interesting.


I want to see a show down between Perrin and Luc in the wolf dream, but only if Hopper is involved.  :-\

And if Hopper dies in the wolf dream Sanderson is going down! >:(


I'm not really replying to my own post; I forgot something:  what is Verin up to this time; where did she go, what is she doing?


Faile dying


Haha, we got that from your sig already. :D

I don't like Faile so much, but it would be more satisfying if someone, preferably Perrin or Berelain, slapped her around a little and taught her some manners.  She's a strong-willed character, and if she wasn't so busy being a b****, I would actually like her.


I'm looking forward to most of the scenes mentioned, but above all, I want to see if the forces of Light can get it together before the last battle, and how they will do this.  There is a lot of prejudice to be dealt with, and I wonder if they will even be able to fight with each other.


I'm looking forward to the entire book, yup one long scene!


I am looking for to all the obvious:


- Moiraine's rescue and return, the inevitable encounter with Rand

- Reunion of the Three

- Mat and Tuon's reunion when Mat realizes that she is now the Empress

- Outcome of TG and Rand's fate

- Logain / Taim showdown (I'm getting popcorn for that one)



The not so obvious, some of which I am shocked that they have not been mentioned:


- The return of Asmodean (j/k)  ;D, well I would like to know who killed him once and for all

- The transfer of Lan's bond from Myrelle(?) to Nyneave

- The encounter between the Aes Sedai in Rand's entourage when it comes to light that there is Black Ajah in their little group bound to Rand.

- Cadsuane and how she does what needs to be done

- Perrin killing Masema

- Finding out that Mat is no longer linked to the Horn.  Olver will blow it for the last battle



Can't wait to see the face, or read the face of Moridin, when he realises that he has lost, and that Rand Al'Thor is winning.


On a side note: I am really afraid of Kaznen. One should not be afraid of the weapon, but the manufacturer of the weapon.


Also, I am sexually attracted to Trakand 01. I don't know why, or how, but I just am.

Guest Dreadlord

I feel as if there has been quite a good buildup to a one on one between Rand and Moridin so far,ever since the crossing of balefires and especially more since KoD, when Rand clearly sees Moridins face for the first time, and also since the incedent where one of Moridins thoughts seem to float across the bond (although Im not 100% that was the case in that incedent). I really want the link between them to have a good part in the next book, Rand will figure out what happens when they "touch" ala the "if either moves a hairswidth they will touch" maybe they could communicate via the link, and I really hope if Rand and Moridin do fight that Moridin seriously kicks some crap out of Rand before it ends. Rand should be in a bad state after that fight, even compared to the state he is in after KoD.


Why, don't you like Rand? I mean, he should be hurt, because it would be a fight to death.


Oh great, now I contradicted myself once again.

Guest Dreadlord

Yes I like Rand, he is my favourite character overall, but Moridin is my favorite bad guy-he shares that position with Taim-and I have always thought that Moridin would be the perfect one-on-one for Rand, unlike the other Forsaken Rand has killed. I cant stand the idea of Moridin going down as easily as the other Forsaken have. We have never seen the True Power used in battle yet, and thats something unique to Moridin. The only thing Rand has on Moridin is being Ta'veren. Yet we know taht the Ta'veren effect can be mimicked and if anyone knows how to do it I would have thought-at least I hope-that its Moridin. Moridin also uses the True Power, which we know is more powerful than the One Power, so going off the True Power alone it seems as if Moridin is indeed better equipped for such a fight than any other Forsaken. Add that to how powerful he is, and that he is Nae'blis-Champion of the Dark, pretty much-it all points to it being a better fight than other one on ones Rand has had. I want Moridin to throw Rand about like a little rag doll with the True Power


I cant stand the idea of Moridin going down as easily as the other Forsaken have.


Agreed.  At least one of the Forsaken needs to kick some Light ass.  I'm not positive the True Power is more powerful than the One Power, do you have evidence for this?  In any case, Rand is the only one who knows about it, so Moridin could walk into a crowd of Aes Sedai or Asha'man and start killing them before they knew what was going on.


TP is not more powerful than OP, at least not in the common use of the word. It is different in some ways, yes, and has the benefit of not being detectable. But it is not more powerful.


It is definately more dangerous, because a normal channeler wouldn't sense the True Power. Hybrid made a good point that Moridin could go into a crowd of Ashaman and AS and start killing them, and no one would know that it was Moridin.


Moridin, Demandred, Greandal and Aran'gar should all go out in blazes of glory.  I mean three of the four have been doing stuff and there parts have been built.  I expect good things from Demandred in AMoL, I mean we've already had one useless Forsaken we don't need anymore.

Guest Dreadlord


Since only the Forsaken and possible channelers sworn to the Shadow can tap into the True Power, very little is known about its attributes. It can be used much like the powers of saidar and saidin, although both genders can access it equally well. The True Power can perform any feat that the One Power can, although it does them in such a different way that it may betray the wielder's evil origins: a gateway created with the True Power causes a subsonic "scream" as the Pattern is ripped to shreds, in a bastardization of the taint on saidin, wherein the Pattern is indeed "bent" and "ripped" to Travel, but is to a far greater degree; The Healing performed on Lews Therin Telamon just before he died was much more painful than ordinary Healing, and was said to "darken the sun" and to "sear his body" when it was forced on him by Ishamael, wherein the Healing is agonizingly painful instead of resulting in a cool and gentle sensation; and any offensive use of the True Power is of a greater magnitude than that of the True Source, such as when Moridin, Ishamael's new identity, used it to telekinetically crush a piece used in a chess-like game - subconsciously, Moridin obliterated the body of his servant as well as the sheer power of it leaped out in all directions; and while the True Power and the One Power interact in a rather violent and destructive manner, it can intertwine with the powers of the True Source to unravel to weaves that were cast - this is noted when Moridin stares in awe at Aviendha's ability to disrupt the workings of One Power without being able to tap into the black energy that is the True Power. The True Power is also undetectable to those who can utilize the One Power, unlike saidar and saidin, which can be sensed by other channelers, by either sex, regardless of their strength with the One Power, which is often a factor in determining the might and location of a weave cast, and by whom. Only the Gholam in Ebou Dar could feel it, but forgot the meaning of that feeling.



It doesnt actually say outright that the True Power is more powerful, but several things said state that when the One Power and True Power come into contact there are negative effects on the One Power, but not the True Power. The bold bit about the destructive capabilities is the key to what I mean, when I say the True Power is more powerful. In a fight, that gives Moridin a slight edge over Rand. Moridin can actively use that in battle; Rand may be Ta'veren, but he cant consciously make that work so any Ta'veren affect is likely to surprise himself as well as Moridin.


Using wikipedie may not be the best way to get accurate information...


and any offensive use of the True Power is of a greater magnitude than that of the True Source, such as when Moridin, Ishamael's new identity, used it to telekinetically crush a piece used in a chess-like game


Just because we have not seen anyone crush a little gamepiece with the OP, it does not mean it can not be done.


while the True Power and the One Power interact in a rather violent and destructive manner, it can intertwine with the powers of the True Source to unravel to weaves that were cast - this is noted when Moridin stares in awe at Aviendha's ability to disrupt the workings of One Power without being able to tap into the black energy that is the True Power.


Say what now? Read that chapter carefully, Moridin makes no reference to TP when he is musing about what Avi has done.

Guest Dreadlord

The only reason I put a Wikipedia quote up is because Im at work at the moment.


Im sure it is noted that the True Power is more powerful than the One Power. Im sure it was mentioned by either Demandred or Moridin. It has been a while though, and Im on a reread again so it will all come clear. The True Power has always seemed more powerful though. Being undetectable is the only other thing different about it, which hardly seems like a worthy trade for the side effects.


Something I do remember-clearly as well-is that Moridins thoughts reflect that he uses the True Power almost exclusively and he thinks the price is worth it. I think its safe to say one of the consequences of using the True Power too much is losing your eyes-check out Ishamaels corpse, the eyesockets were empty-so how can the True Power be worth that, if the only difference is that youre the only one that can tell what your channeling? Im 99% sure it is more powerful.


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