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***TRAITORS IN THE BLACK TOWER*** Mafia game thread.


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*stabs everyone in the Game*


Night Actions NOW!!!!


I was going to poke, but this is the BT :P


You have till 8pm BST (3pm EST) Tonight.

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The suspense is killing me!


Oh no, thats just Tal - quit stabbin' me woman...

*stabs back*


*realises how likely that is to result in Modkill and therefore refrains  ;D*


It neeeever happened >.>


Stop the wingeing Dae..*stabs more*... :P


Again another restless night for all of you. You dread what you will see in the morning. When daylight begins to creep through the window, you don't want to open your eyes. But you feel a dampness by you hands, in-fact it has seeped under your body. You jump up thinking there must have been a rain storm last night and the roof had leaked, till you remember the place was sealed completely. Looking down the dampness was red and only then did you turn to the person lying next to you, the blood had come from him. His neck had been slit from ear to ear.


Blig Blog the roleless innocent is dead.


10 players left it takes 6 to lynch.


cough um me ok so far i have

Tayol - innocent

Lotd - mafia

Demi - innocent


i basically when for those who seemed the most suspicious , i i guess you can see if you didnt already why i didnt vote tay yesterday, though i think i might go on a bit of a diferent tact tonight


i reallyt thing we should look at the more inactive players , especially vemy .. perhaps hes just busy with other games but its really starting to um ..(he is still alive right?)  ping that hes not his usualy talkative self um but any thoughts?


Well... since we're trusting Loki thus far. No voting for Tayol or Demi.


I forgot something... it would look silly if you saw it.


*peeks out of Jelly's room*


Why do I have a stab wound?


Well now, that does help quite a bit.


That leaves the possible suspects as follows:


1. eclipse

2. Jelly

3. Naeann

4. Vemy

5. Korin

6. Dae


I leave myself out for reasons I can elaborate upon later.


1.) Now, a careful examination of the past lynches should reveal a voting pattern and show us who has votd for innocents, but not for LoTD.


Then we look at it player by player:


Vemy has been wobbly in all of the games lately - and I don't think he would have let LoTD act the way that he did.


I also don't think that Nae would have let LoTD play that way.


Not that anyone ever controls another player, per se, but an experienced player can make a strong argument against certain behaviors. Especially when they know that other players in the game will pick them off.


So that brings us down to eclipse, Jelly, Dae, and Korin.  4 possible evils out of 10 players.


I suggest that we pick the most suspicious of the bunch to lynch. Then Loki will look at one of the other three tonight for a find.


By the next morning, there will be 8 players and only 2 possible mafia, so we could miss and still win.


I'm assuming that the experienced players are familiar with this very basic force-play, and know why I am suggesting it.


And I say we start the lynch with [glow=red,2,300]eclipse[/glow]0, who is one of the most helpful mafia I have ever seen.  ;)




this is so confusing >.<


i have no clue who i wanna lynch.....


im thinking clim or eclipse or loki.... i dont know.....


It's not confusing at all, you just showed me you're a mafia because you named two people who are most obviously not mafia...


Anywho, In the interest of preventing two night kills, I'm [glow=green,2,300]unvoting[/glow] for Tayol and voting for [glow=red,2,300]Clim[/glow].


Looks like you're gonna be the first one out two games in a row man.  The first time it was bad luck, this time it was bad play... 


Hope you learned your lesson.




Now you know never to vote against a uncontested Finder again!


You made us waste our lynch on you when we should've been lynching Tayol or LotD...




As you all crowd round the body, the head seems to have been twisted back and despite being laid on his stomach, LotD's face stares up at you, neck broken.


LotD a Mafia Traitor has been killed


and i would like to vig, or whoever killed lotd, just to hold fire for the moment, if they arnt so lucky this time it might confuce matters (not to mention the you might hit an innocent side of it, you got lucky the first time and well done, but um dont be pushing the luck and all)


Luck had nothing to do with it...





Excellent. [glow=red,2,300]Unvote eclipse[/glow] and vote [glow=red,2,300]Dae[/glow].



Anybody would think i was here enough to be suspicious!


As seeing i'm in a similar boat to Vemy, i aint gonna vote for him without being intensely hypocritical so he's off the voting list.


And to be fair, i don't see this overwhelming evidence that Nae is innocent - i really wouldnt put it past her as a more experienced player to be hiding


Again, although i normally trust ya Wes, you might be doing a Vemy and be making yourself real useful, and actually be Mafia... Been done before, by worse players than you.


Metagaming, Jelly has just proven quite how successful she is at Mafia, especially playing a spammy happy kind of player. At the same time, gut feeling is yelling innocent.


Korin and Eclipse i haven't been paying enough attention to, but im persuaded by eclipse's above post and therefore will say he is innocent i guess. Leaving Korin, and i really havent been paying enough attention to this game to have any inkling as to what, or how suspicious he is playing.


Which is essentially the problem - so i'm pretty much reduced to gut feeling and its going for [glow=red,2,300]Naeann [/glow]for now


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