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Corrupted by the RP side....


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Well ladies and gents, i've managed to get myself fairly well reestablished over on the Org side of things, and so i've finally taken the next logical step and joined the dark, sorry the RP side of things.


I'm sure more than a few of you may have met me, for anyone else, hi i'm Dae and i'll be your new victim. I have some RP experience in other universes (LOTR etc.) and a little LARP etc. Hopefully won't be too much of an issue switching to the WoT universe  ;).


Surprise surprise, the Bio i've entered is for the Band, Dae himself is coming out to play. However, i'm eyeing up bringing another stock character of mine in, either at the Black Tower or the Warders. 'sides that, feel free to contact me on me MSN, or by PM.


Looking forward to RPing with the lot of ya



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