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Has anyone else found their primary school crush on Facebook yet?? I wanna hear stories so I can compare them to mine *lol*


I am ridiculously excited about having found this dude. Hehe. I will be disappointed if he's not hot anymore, haven't seen any pics yet. ;)


A primary school in the states is K-6 (and somtimes smaller K-3) so not sure what you mean by primary school.


Our primary school goes up to year 7, which is when you're 11 turning 12. ;) Well, it used to be that way anyway, and I think it mostly still is in Western Australia.


then nope, they don't have any primary schools at face book, only highschools.  I checked after I posted lol.




I managed to find one of my best friends from 4th grade on Facebook... I was a pleased little girl.  I couldn't find my grade school crushes though, 'cause I don't remember their bloody last names.  Cody and Joseph are sort of common names :/


I have tried to find some of my other random crushes over the years, but no luck :D



Guest nephitess

Nope no crushes...but i found some really old friends....i was very excited. :D


I've come across quite a few people from my old primary schools. I was surprised, considering I moved to a different part of the UK for my secondary school education (i.e. 11+). What was even more surprising is the fact I ended up at the same university as one of them, and in the same city as several others!


Well there isn't much point to Facebook really...except that it's the only place some of my friends are, so that's how I communicate with them. i.e. I just found Mierin Sa'hr, a former Green sister, at Facebook, but I haven't talked to her in years and haven't seen her anywhere else! Also found an old Red, Marigween, and then there's my Green sister Tanya who is only there as well.


There are friends from my town who have moved overseas who are only there. You get the idea. *g*


Anyway...MySpace's point, for me anyway, is the music bit - MySpace Music. You can find artists that you never would've heard of otherwise, and make some very cool discoveries!


ANYWAY (again)...! It was easy for me to remember this guy's name, it's quite UNusual. *g* It's quite good to see actually that he seems like a bit of a dickhead, so I don't have to pine over him again :P Still, I am always looking for distractions from the current dickhead ruling my life. *lol* So in a way it's a pity.


I haven't found many from primary school, mostly high school - there are craploads of people from my high school!


I use Facebook mostly to keep in touch with online friends, either from here or from the msn chats which are now shut down in the UK (a lot of us lost touch when that happened). Managed to get back in touch with a couple of folk that way. Otherwise it helps me keep in touch with my brother in China.


Friends from primary and high school I keep in touch with through Friends Reunited instead.


It was quite scary the way Facebook wanted me to look for all the people in my email address book - including people I work with and such and some of my old (and scary) lecturers *lol* Thankfully I didn't accidentally hit the "add" button or whatever it was!



Guest nephitess

If anyone wants to add me to there Facebook...just pm me :D


Facebook is kinda cool for keeping in touch with people, especially long lost elementary school chums. 


Little more private then blogging, but more public too.


Addictive too!



Addictive too!


You can say that again! I've been on and off all day when I was meant to be translating some Ancient Greek!


It's a great way to stay in touch with old school friends. Plus now that they have added the option of groups holding events, it's been a great tool for my university rugby club so all its members know what is going on.


Yes it certainly is good for finding people you knew when you were a kid, and so on *g*


and addictive...


I'm sort of addicted to adding photos. *g* I haven't added most photos from all my TRAVELS yet. Yikes!!


facebook is silly!! *nods*


I do have it tho.. but if you add me, dont you dare sending me all those crappy applications or whatever!! they are driving me insane!  ::)


Don't worry chicka, I hate them too *g* I don't send them to anyone. I do occasionally (very occasionally) ask people to take a quiz. But it's very rare. :) I promise I won't ask you if you don't want *lol*


I am one of those people who has sent about 3 email forwards in her entire life, in other words I very rarely do any of that spammy crap. So you can trust me :)




I very rarely do it unless it's something I really like.  My mom forwards me crap all the damn time... drives me nuts.  One of my sisters used to also and I asked her to please stop (was way worse than my mom).  She got so offended, she banned my email.  Yeah, she's a nutcase.


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