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Been reading for ages and now ive joined


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Hi there


finally got round to joining the board, the pull over speculating over the end of the series has got too much


im 27yo from glasgow and ive been reading the WoT for about 5 years now i make a point of reading them all at least twice a year and jus aching to get my hands on memory of light :)


hope to have some nice discussions with yous soon :)

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Welcome to Dragonmount Belar. We are happy to have you join us here. I think we are all aching to get our hands on Memory of Light. I am still on book 8 the first time through, but I went and got all the books so I will have no interruptions in my reading. I am just crazy that way.


Please consider visiting the Aiel Org. We are a small group, but very friendly. Even if you don’t plan on joining at least come by for some oosquai and be treated to Aiel hospitality.

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My recommendation is that you look into all the board on the Community side.  :D  I joined The Tower first, then the Aiel, then the Ogier and now frequent the Illumnator's Org.


Each has a great wealth of new friends. *nods*


The Illuminator's is all about the creative side of folks.  ;)


There are also the Role Play boards.

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Welcome to DM!


Eh hem... *straightens tie and lays papers on podium*  I would like to officially bid you welcome to Dragonmount from the Wolfkin.... okay  hehehe



maybe not officially but Welcome anywho and come on by and check out the wolfkin. We're the mostest friendliest likeablest groupy group there everest was!  We like new people basically and would love to see ya there!  Please ignore my strangeness it takes a few to get used to and I'm feeling particularly strange tonight. Anywho.... We're the Nautre org and do everything from telling stories to sharing pictures.... Love to see ya there!

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*is still getting used to Boyd's strangeness  ;)*


Do stop by the Wolfkin indeed.  We love visitors and you are sure to recieve a welcome like no other!  *hands Belar a bottle of Tequila and a bowl of Chilli*  Welcome, welcome!!!

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welcome neighbour, to our humble, or not so, if i may say so myself on the behalf of the 7 day old left out in the rain and put in a warm cupboard to let ti breath custard, and heloo. i hope you enjoy it here whatevery you do and where ever your go *cough*fiddlesticks*nudge*(with ythe asumptions that you're one of those crazy scottish folk)


also when you become more acquainted with us, and the addiction proper, to dragonmount sets in, we have a 'euromeet', we just finished the first one, in london and it was a blast, and only very slightly geeky considering..and if your a chocolate lover..the next one is in belgium ..but yes im being premature, aquaint thy self first ..and have fun :D

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Do you happen to read Eddings?  Belar, the Bear God??  Hmmm?


yup i do read a lot of eddings, its a series i go back to year on year as its is a nice easy read


Thanks for the gread welcome, ive already gone and enlisted in the band, and im looking to have some great fun :)

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