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I think I see what they tried with his apology (him being so duty driven that he takes an extreme view of protecting her, which is an admirable quality), but I didn't really like the imbalance of it. Moiraine should be just as apologetic towards him. She's the one who masked the bond ever since S1E8 which practically made his job impossible. Then she irrationally insulted him as a bad Warder early in S2. Even if we understand it was to push him away I don't think show-Lan saw it that way. I got the feeling Lan thought he had failed her by not understanding her condition (stilled or shielded?), but to me that's asking too much from Lan. He's not supposed to be the One Power expert in the relationship. 


Anyway, when Lan apologized to her I thought the obvious response from Moiraine should have been "there's nothing to apologize for" and take part of the blame. Now they kind of made it look like he was the only one at fault. Maybe they'll get Moiraine's side of the story in next episode because now they made her (unintentionally?) look a bit inconsiderate. 

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5 hours ago, Vartija said:

I think I see what they tried with his apology (him being so duty driven that he takes an extreme view of protecting her, which is an admirable quality), but I didn't really like the imbalance of it. Moiraine should be just as apologetic towards him. She's the one who masked the bond ever since S1E8 which practically made his job impossible. Then she irrationally insulted him as a bad Warder early in S2. Even if we understand it was to push him away I don't think show-Lan saw it that way. I got the feeling Lan thought he had failed her by not understanding her condition (stilled or shielded?), but to me that's asking too much from Lan. He's not supposed to be the One Power expert in the relationship. 


Anyway, when Lan apologized to her I thought the obvious response from Moiraine should have been "there's nothing to apologize for" and take part of the blame. Now they kind of made it look like he was the only one at fault. Maybe they'll get Moiraine's side of the story in next episode because now they made her (unintentionally?) look a bit inconsiderate. 

maybe moiraine will apologize later. just like how she first was rude to her sister, then apologized.

i really hope that moiraine will apologize.

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On 9/29/2023 at 4:43 PM, fra85uk said:


No way they can possibly do Falme AND Tear in the Season finale

Would be more probable to have first half S3 Tear an second half Aiel wastes

5-6 S4

7-8 S5

9-10 S6

and so on up to S8

It would not be an impossible feat, they might ask Lan to study how to do it

It would be hard to do Tear, Wastes, Tanchico, and the Battle of the TR all in one season IMO.


On 10/1/2023 at 5:08 AM, Vartija said:

I think I see what they tried with his apology (him being so duty driven that he takes an extreme view of protecting her, which is an admirable quality), but I didn't really like the imbalance of it. Moiraine should be just as apologetic towards him. She's the one who masked the bond ever since S1E8 which practically made his job impossible. Then she irrationally insulted him as a bad Warder early in S2. Even if we understand it was to push him away I don't think show-Lan saw it that way. I got the feeling Lan thought he had failed her by not understanding her condition (stilled or shielded?), but to me that's asking too much from Lan. He's not supposed to be the One Power expert in the relationship. 


Anyway, when Lan apologized to her I thought the obvious response from Moiraine should have been "there's nothing to apologize for" and take part of the blame. Now they kind of made it look like he was the only one at fault. Maybe they'll get Moiraine's side of the story in next episode because now they made her (unintentionally?) look a bit inconsiderate. 

Every husband ever, “I am sorry it was my fault.”

His friend asks, “what did you do?”

”I am not exactly sure.”

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On 9/30/2023 at 1:33 PM, Jaysen Gore said:

I think we get Tear in 2 episodes (Callandor, Doorway, Faile / Berelain, Invasion) , then they split up as you listed. Nyn and Elayne sneak take a certain something something back to the Tower, setting up their rat catching escapades in the Tower before heading to Tanchico. 



Rafe has again stated that season 3 is all book 4, he said in the recent twitter interviews that season 2 completes the book 3 arc. 


On 10/1/2023 at 5:08 AM, Vartija said:

I think I see what they tried with his apology (him being so duty driven that he takes an extreme view of protecting her, which is an admirable quality), but I didn't really like the imbalance of it. Moiraine should be just as apologetic towards him. She's the one who masked the bond ever since S1E8 which practically made his job impossible. Then she irrationally insulted him as a bad Warder early in S2. Even if we understand it was to push him away I don't think show-Lan saw it that way. I got the feeling Lan thought he had failed her by not understanding her condition (stilled or shielded?), but to me that's asking too much from Lan. He's not supposed to be the One Power expert in the relationship. 


Anyway, when Lan apologized to her I thought the obvious response from Moiraine should have been "there's nothing to apologize for" and take part of the blame. Now they kind of made it look like he was the only one at fault. Maybe they'll get Moiraine's side of the story in next episode because now they made her (unintentionally?) look a bit inconsiderate. 

Moiraine at this point in the books is much the same, it is why she becomes so desperate and almost frightened when the dragon reborn Rand goes off on his own, and then at the start of the shadow rising he goes about doing things his own way and cuts her out of his decision making. Then she has her visions of the future and realises that she can’t try to control Rand but at best can try and just educate him and show him his options. Lan actually becomes angry and Rand for how much he almost breaks her. In the TV show now Rand will always have it over her that he saved her life. 

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53 minutes ago, Scarloc99 said:

Rafe has again stated that season 3 is all book 4, he said in the recent twitter interviews that season 2 completes the book 3 arc. 

I believe he stated season 4 would be more closely aligned with book 4.  I do believe there will be some wiggle there.

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1 hour ago, Scarloc99 said:

Rafe has again stated that season 3 is all book 4, he said in the recent twitter interviews that season 2 completes the book 3 arc. 

I don't pay attention to interviews during the season to avoid potential spoilers / hints, but this indeed makes me think that callandor is getting moved or replaced. So if they do that, and have them end this season on Domon's boat, you can open with in Tear as book 4 does, and cover the same ground. Or even Mayene, if the doorway doesn't get moved, and Perrin still meets Berelain.

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4 hours ago, Scarloc99 said:

Rafe has again stated that season 3 is all book 4, he said in the recent twitter interviews that season 2 completes the book 3 arc. 

 Does this mean no Faile? From the rumors I guess they will bump Mat's flashbacks and staff beating of G and G to Camelyn.

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3 hours ago, Jaysen Gore said:

I don't pay attention to interviews during the season to avoid potential spoilers / hints, but this indeed makes me think that callandor is getting moved or replaced. So if they do that, and have them end this season on Domon's boat, you can open with in Tear as book 4 does, and cover the same ground. Or even Mayene, if the doorway doesn't get moved, and Perrin still meets Berelain.

Here's my thinking:

1. The Bowl of the Winds as a macguffin is kind of pointless. The weather stuff is hard to do well on TV and it's a plot point that ends up going nowhere. Also, unclear how much we will get of the Sea Folk.


2. The search for the Bowl is not pointless as it gives the wonder girls something to do while Rand is out Dragoning. Moggy, Nynaeve's block, Luca (I hope), lots of development in T'a'R, the male a'dam, etc. Not to mention it pulls the girls away from Egwene and Rand geographically for awhile, which is useful.


3. I'm convinced Callandor exists because RJ thought it would be funny to play with "the Sword in the Stone". But Callandor is a really interesting thing to have in the mix at the end because it's a ticking time bomb (or is it?) and Rand has to use it to win (or do the Forsaken just want him to think that?) 


4. Replacing the Bowl with Callandor as the macguffin solves three problems: (1) the time you have to spend setting up Tear; (2) what to do with Nyn and Elayne during S3; (3) how to keep Callandor if you lose the Stone.

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1 hour ago, Elder_Haman said:

Here's my thinking:

1. The Bowl of the Winds as a macguffin is kind of pointless. The weather stuff is hard to do well on TV and it's a plot point that ends up going nowhere. Also, unclear how much we will get of the Sea Folk.


2. The search for the Bowl is not pointless as it gives the wonder girls something to do while Rand is out Dragoning. Moggy, Nynaeve's block, Luca (I hope), lots of development in T'a'R, the male a'dam, etc. Not to mention it pulls the girls away from Egwene and Rand geographically for awhile, which is useful.


3. I'm convinced Callandor exists because RJ thought it would be funny to play with "the Sword in the Stone". But Callandor is a really interesting thing to have in the mix at the end because it's a ticking time bomb (or is it?) and Rand has to use it to win (or do the Forsaken just want him to think that?) 


4. Replacing the Bowl with Callandor as the macguffin solves three problems: (1) the time you have to spend setting up Tear; (2) what to do with Nyn and Elayne during S3; (3) how to keep Callandor if you lose the Stone.

Love the post; I almost agree completely. I'm not sure if Nyn / Elayne to Tanchico is a S3 thing, though; I think we get them in the tower doing not much, while we mainly get Rhuidean and Two Rivers. 


Another thing I would add to consideration is that Sea Folk - especially the kind doing Sail based sets and journeys - are nightmarish to film. You can't get the CGI textures of the boat right,  you can't build complete physical sets and get cameras where you want to go, and you absolutely can't do anything that involves real water at scale on a tv show like this. So I've always thought - since this was announced - that of the 4 peripheral cultures, the Sea Folk were the ones we were sure to lose.

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2 hours ago, Guire said:

I am very happy about getting Faile but come on can't we get a strong nose. As one of the few nose guys on the planet I feel unseen☹️


I think they should have cast Lea Michele.  There will be an obligatory musical episode, and she could have shone there.

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5 hours ago, Guire said:

I am very happy about getting Faile but come on can't we get a strong nose. As one of the few nose guys on the planet I feel unseen☹️

That is a thing? I mean, is there club for people that fancied Steffi Graf? Asking for a friend...


But yes, a fine Roman nose or a Persian nose would really have been great for Faile, though the actress posted does not look like she will troubling to look at even if she has a small nose. 


Bloody ashes, now I am wondering if Roman people still have Roman noses, and if not, why not? And if they don't, can you still call them Roman noses? And who does have Roman noses now? I'm going to be thinking about noses all day now *sigh*

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Glad that they cast Faile and she looks like she will do a good job but one of the saddest things to me out of the changes they made is they gave Perrin and Gaul's white cloak cage fight to Avi and the reason I am so sad about this is because Faile's line about Perrin and Gaul speaking 5 words to each other and proceeding to turn a bunch of white cloaks into sausage is one of my favorites lines in the whole series and a great introduction. Also Avi already had one of the best introductions in the series with the maidens and the fade so it just kills me that we don't get that line.

Edited by Gary Again
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2 hours ago, Gary Again said:

Glad that they cast Faile and she looks like she will do a good job but one of the saddest things to me out of the changes they made is they gave Perrin and Gaul's white cloak cage fight to Avi and the reason I am so sad about this is because Faile's line about Perrin and Gaul speaking 5 words to each other and proceeding to turn a bunch of white cloaks into sausage is one of my favorites lines in the whole series and a great introduction. Also Avi already had one of the best introductions in the series with the maidens and the fade so it just kills me that we don't get that line.

This was a great scene. Early Faile was terrific. RJ really gave us some clever dialogue. 

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13 minutes ago, Mirefox said:

Now that we’ve wrapped up the Moiraine shielding question, hat did that whole storyline accomplish that couldn’t have been done with her retaining her powers?

(1) it set up the confrontation with Siuan, leading Siuan to believe that Moiraine was lying to her (and therefore possibly a darkfriend?) thus giving her the impetus to use the oath to compel Moiraine's obedience. Which leaves us with the interesting question (at least to some) of whether they can ever repair the relationship.


(2) it set up the reason why Siuan would question her decision and reverse course on the Dragon question. Moiraine's shield prevented her from training Rand. (And yes, I know she can't train him in how to use the power, but her ability to use the power would allow her to provoke a response using the power which is better than nothing in terms of training.) 


(3) it gave a clever mechanism by which to explain: (a) the difference between being shielded and being stilled; (b) the ability to see male weaves vs. female weaves [thus undermining the tired S1 talking point about degendering the OP]; (c) the concept of 'tying off' a weave which will come in handy later.

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