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S1E3: A Place of Safety


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It doesn't bother anyone that in E1 it is mentioned that Trollocs hate deep water then in this episode Nyneave kills one after it follows her and search's in a deep pool?  Also how did she find everyone when they are on horses and moving quickly and she is on foot?  


Suspension of disbelief is important but this is not something you can just ignore. 


I have to say, I am very disappointed in the 3 episodes I have watched so far, Not just because I am a fan of the books. 


I have been able to overlook some of the glaring deviations from the source material. 

But the poor CGI, bad pacing, poor plot explanations, wooden acting, make this  hard to watch, It is sad that this might make it thru 2 seasons (only because they have already paid for 2 seasons)  but I don't see the writing, acting or effects being strong enough for it to last to MOL And it is not because of the source being to difficult to bring to TV. The Expanse, Foundation, GOT, Dune and LOTR's have all have very intense and complex stories and so so far they have all been able to have decent runs.

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6 minutes ago, Chwooly said:

It doesn't bother anyone that in E1 it is mentioned that Trollocs hate deep water then in this episode Nyneave kills one after it follows her and search's in a deep pool?

Was the water that deep? Little over waist high? Small pond with no current and sudden deep spots. Why would a trolloc be afraid of that?

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5 minutes ago, DaddyFinn said:

Was the water that deep? Little over waist high? Small pond with no current and sudden deep spots. Why would a trolloc be afraid of that?

Because of what was said in E1 about they having a fear of water, So much so that they wouldn't cross small streams.  The pool was cloudy so there was no way to see how deep it was. So yes I stand by my question. 

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31 minutes ago, Chwooly said:

Because of what was said in E1 about they having a fear of water, So much so that they wouldn't cross small streams.  The pool was cloudy so there was no way to see how deep it was. So yes I stand by my question. 

Where in episode 1 is that mentioned? In episode 2 we see trollocs crossing the shallow river right behind the group and when approaching Taren Ferry Moiraine says trollocs are afraid of deep water. In episode 3 the trolloc walks in the pond. Maybe a bit too careless, I admit, but it doesn't jump right in.

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On 11/20/2021 at 4:22 PM, DaddyFinn said:

Where in episode 1 is that mentioned? In episode 2 we see trollocs crossing the shallow river right behind the group and when approaching Taren Ferry Moiraine says trollocs are afraid of deep water. In episode 3 the trolloc walks in the pond. Maybe a bit too careless, I admit, but it doesn't jump right in.


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Dangit @Chwooly has a fair point. I loved episode three. It saved this series for me because after episode two I was ready to be done. However I was not necessarily a fan of super warrior ninja nyn. I was able to deal with that because of the scene where she is tied to the tree looking pissed as all hell. However this is just another problem. Basically what I’ve been saying …. Living with the changes but there’s poor execution that must be fixed. If Rafe hasn’t changed writers and directors yet he needs to now or this franchise dies before it begins

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8 hours ago, DaddyFinn said:

What scenes were too clean? Staged, in parts maybe. Real world is colorful.

Basically all the broad shots. The tinker camp (yes I know Tinkers are colorful, but still looks like a set), the village (basically every damned thing in the village), the bar, the forest where Nynaeve is healing Moiraine (that’s some beautiful green moss you got there). You can practically see the mist makers tucked under the leaves. The production feels cheap and staged.


The darkfriend scene was important, but just felt incredibly cheesy. It looks and feels YA. CW. I’m not trying to hurt anybody’s feelings or annoy anybody or troll them, but Amazon needs to fix this!!!! This production is several grades below GOT quality. The music sucks, too. Nothing memorable. It is all just CIS-level “ominous tones.” I can’t believe that this is what Amazon is getting for 10mil an episode.


I’m going to add these sentiments over to the general season 1 thread because some of it doesn’t directly apply to E3. 

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I thought they did a good job with the TV version of Thom.  He always was a killer, and I didn't mind his song about Lews Therin.  I also don't mind that the patches are on the lining of his coat.


I enjoyed the Darkfriend reveal. The chase was a bit silly, but the set can't have been cheap and they had to get their money's worth out of it.  She lost points for calling the Great Lord "Dark One", but I do hope Amazon release Darkfriend Dana's cook book as bonus content.


Noted the foreshadowing that Mat is into older women.



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Ok there are some great moments here that I think are brilliantly subtly done. 

The scene where Matt learns the body is an aiel, is really well interspaced with scenes of Rand. This subtly highlights how Randa hair and complexion match the Aiel far more then he matches the 2 river folk. This is really good foreshadowing and I imagine because on TV it is far more obvious the link we will get that big reveal far earlier in the series. 

Thoms introduction was great, I was happy it was held off to be a moment in itself and the interaction between him and Matt was perfect. I didn’t even mind Matt looting the body, it indicates the effect the blade is having on him however because we have not really got to know him pre blade for many it won’t really seem that he is slipping into darkness. 

Nyn meeting Lan again had some nice foreshadowing of what we know will happen in the future and having Her kill a trolloc on her own was really strong and defines her character. I was concerned they would have her use the power in that moment of anger and was pleased they didn’t. 

Now my really big gripe, Fain has still not had his story told, I really hope that in the next episode or at most 2 we get a long 20min flashback of what he has been doing, him with the Trollocs chasing the runaways and then entering Shadar Logath. It is getting to the point where he will have been out of the story too long, or will just appear and with a throwaway line explain what he was doing. 

Thinking about it Episode 3 feels a little better it is clear a decision was made, for good or bad, that eye of the world doesn’t really get going until the group is split up. I am hoping that story pacing now slows down and things are allowed to breathe a little but I fear that with only 5 episodes left to get through a lot of story the constant rushing of story telling will continue. 

Edited by Sir_Charrid
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1 hour ago, Reader said:

I thought they did a good job with the TV version of Thom.  He always was a killer, and I didn't mind his song about Lews Therin.  I also don't mind that the patches are on the lining of his coat.


I enjoyed the Darkfriend reveal. The chase was a bit silly, but the set can't have been cheap and they had to get their money's worth out of it.  She lost points for calling the Great Lord "Dark One", but I do hope Amazon release Darkfriend Dana's cook book as bonus content.


Noted the foreshadowing that Mat is into older women.




Maybe not older women in this telling.  Just sayin'.  Episode 2 - 'loves' Perrin.  Best mates love?  Maybe.  Maybe not.



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1 hour ago, Sir_Charrid said:

Now my really big gripe, Fain has still not had his story told, I really hope that in the next episode or at most 2 we get a long 20min flashback of what he has been doing, him with the Trollocs chasing the runaways and then entering Shadar Logath. It is getting to the point where he will have been out of the story too long, or will just appear and with a throwaway line explain what he was doing. 


Isn' that accurate to the books though? I think he shows up in Baerlon which is cut of course, but his actual story isn't revealed until Fal Dara I believe.

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1 hour ago, Reader said:

Noted the foreshadowing that Mat is into older women.



 Rand might think Mat is into older women, because that might be how it seems to an outsider.  But we saw how Mat acquired the bracelet from an older woman in the Winespring in Episode 1.  Mat might flirt/sleep with older women  because older women are the ones with money, and he's been trying to provide for his sisters.

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Mat looting the corpse, when he obviously didn't want to and looked guilty (and apologized for it), made me wonder...Did he really steal the bracelet in Episode 1, or did he ask for it/receive it as a 'gift for services rendered' from the woman he went to.  It seems odd to me he'd feel guilty about stealing from a corpse when he was able to steal from a living person.  And that might help fuel his mother's accusations that he was going to be a womanizer like his father.  It's subtle, but I think there might be something to that.

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13 minutes ago, WhiteVeils said:

...Did he really steal the bracelet in Episode 1, or did he ask for it/receive it as a 'gift for services rendered' from the woman he went to.


That's really interesting, and it could foreshadow his relationship with Tylin, if we ever get that far.


Other Half watched Ep3 after lunch, and demanded to know how Lan, if he is such a highly-trained warrior with preternatural abilities from his bond with Moraine, was able to be snook up on and almost murdered by Nynaeve, no matter how brave and skilled in woodcraft she may be.  I... had no answer.  He still enjoyed it, though.  He is actually looking forward to Ep4, which is something of a wonder - he stopped watching GoT after the second episode, because he thought it was boring and derivative.  Some people...

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34 minutes ago, Maximillion said:


Maybe not older women in this telling.  Just sayin'.  Episode 2 - 'loves' Perrin.  Best mates love?  Maybe.  Maybe not.



I'm trying to avoid TV spoilers, but that change would cross a line in the beautiful Slovenian sand. Disappointing if true.


I'm only assuming the exit from the Two Rivers was filmed in Slovenia - it really reminded me of Lake Bohinj.  As lakes go, it's a good one.

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1 hour ago, MasterAblar said:


Isn' that accurate to the books though? I think he shows up in Baerlon which is cut of course, but his actual story isn't revealed until Fal Dara I believe.

While yes in the books his story really takes off in the great hunt and we only learn of what happened to him after the fact, in a visual medium like TV a character like that, who has not really been explored, really needs to develop alongside the other characters given how important he is.

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