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Kat Dennings is a beauty and great actress too, in this case with contacts perhaps she would look/feel right. (not laughing?)


Who wouldn't want to see Cavill....I sure hope he'll get some part in the series. He's handsome, a good actor and there's this sense of chivalry about him, something a bit epic.


Tom H is younger but as far as acting goes, both him and Anthony are great for the part  of our betrayer of hope imo. I get the age thing, but still rather a credible actor who's older than a younger one who doesn't have the gravitas.  We should make some polls haha and see if we get some actors that will be cast right?

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7 hours ago, Hawaii Rod said:

  Hugh Laurie would be perfect for the role of Thom Merrillin.

I've heard that said. I don't disagree. Me, I like Sam Elliott (I don't care that he can't do a British accent), but Laurie is a good second choice I think.

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3 minutes ago, DragonFairy said:

But can Hugh Laurie sing? I think Timothy Omundson would be a good choice for Thom. For Logain, I would like Aidan Turner. He's got the looks, the talent and he's a good brooder.

I dunno, can he? :P

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4 minutes ago, SinisterDeath said:

I dunno, can he? ?


Well, I'll be darned! Not bad. ? Quite good actually, and he plays the piano as well! Now if he can just play the flute and the harp...


On 7/16/2019 at 1:38 PM, Sunrose said:

e should make some polls haha and see if we get some actors that will be cast right?


Check out this fan casting site. Someone actually chose Rosamund Pike for Moiraine!


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2 minutes ago, DragonFairy said:


Well, I'll be darned! Not bad. ? Quite good actually, and he plays the piano as well! Now if he can just play the flute and the harp...

Luckily that can be pretty easily faked.

But that man is an amazing talent... I had no idea he was British until an Interview on tv... Then I learned about Black Adder...

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1 minute ago, SinisterDeath said:

Luckily that can be pretty easily faked.

But that man is an amazing talent...

Yeah, but how cool would it be if he could? I would imagine the casing director would be like "how much do you want?" He's quite talented indeed.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Seen a lot of talk about Hugh Laurie on this page.


Personally, were this 30 years earlier, I would have thought Christopher Llyod a better fit for Thom than Hugh Laurie.


It ain't 30 years earlier though and Lloyd is far too old now, alas. In any event it don't really matter if the actor can sing, that can be dubbed over like a girl at the Chinese Olmpics.


As for the other roles, I've got some unusual opinions about them. Way I see things the WoT TV series is prolly gonna end up being done in the LOTR/GOT all serious and lingering and mopey mode, and while GoT certainly was more explicit than LOTR it was also following in the same over-serious mold LOTR did, a mold set for modern fantasy productions by the film Gladiator.


And, partially because it just ain't a tone of story telling I care for, and partially because it really is played out by now, I think that is a pity. I'd rather see The WoT done in a style somewhere between Conan and Krull, with a bit of Flash Gordan flair thrown in.


And to that end, seeing as no screen adaption can ever be 100 percent loyal to paper anyway, I would be fine seeing many liberties taken in adaption of the text so long as the proper tone was struck.


So, in pursuit of that proper tone which is the only tone that would properly befit such a product of the 80s as WoT, my dream cast for the WoT would be as follows:


Moiraine: Rosie O'Donnel. A bold choice, I know, but beyond the comedic persona she truly is and intense and skilled actress, and one of the few today I'd expect to have the chops to properly pull off the role.


Lan: Once upon a time, Arnie. Today, The Rock. Alternatively Elba would also do fine, and it might add some flavor to make Randland more mixed.


Mat: That kid from Kickass


Tam: Kevin Costner


Aviendha: Chloe Moretz, if the height issue is too large to overlook she'd also do fine as Egg Wind.


Thom: Kirk Cameron, especially if the writers would add in a line where he asks the kids to call him Mike.


Well these are the only ones to come to mind right now for a dream cast. If more occur to me later I will be sure to share.

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3 hours ago, Dagon Thyne said:

Thom is one of the roles which I think should go to a somewhat well known actor.  Preferably a stage actor who has done Shakespear, since I feel that the "High Chant" version of stories would kinda work like somewhat hammy Shakespear style acting.  

Yeah, you have it right. Thom has to be played by someone who can hold a crowd by telling a story, and also seem as though he could do just the same for fancy folk. And that is a rarer talent than it sounds like it ought be. I have seen(and heard) more than 1 mediocre(at best) story teller at a Ren Faire.


It is actually pretty hard to think of an actor who could capture the essential traits of how I imagined him. Perhaps Prince if he weren't both dead and tiny. Or maybe the narrator from 300, he must be old enough by now, but I am not sure if he is tall and lanky enough, but at least he could tell a captivating story.

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4 hours ago, Zorlon said:

Or maybe the narrator from 300, he must be old enough by now, but I am not sure if he is tall and lanky enough, but at least he could tell a captivating story.


Are you referring to Dilios, played by David Wenham? Also known for playing Faramir in The Lord of the Rings movies? He's only about 53 right now. I'm trying really hard to picture him done up as Thom, and the only reaction I am getting out of myself is an urge to giggle (sorry, I just finished a bowl of some of that good South Farthing "pipe-weed" that Gandalf loves so much, much better to smoke than the Two Rivers tabac I'm following it up with!).


That said, I wouldn't mind seeing Wenham in the series, he's a damned fine actor, and is a fairly recognizable face (although most Americans won't remember his name). He would do well in any number of roles (excepting Cairhienin roles, as he is 5'10"). I'm pretty sure he can be fluid with his accent, so that wouldn't be a problem.

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8 hours ago, Dagon Thyne said:

Thom is one of the roles which I think should go to a somewhat well known actor.  Preferably a stage actor who has done Shakespear, since I feel that the "High Chant" version of stories would kinda work like somewhat hammy Shakespear style acting.  

I keep picturing David Stathairn (especially after how he looks in The Expanse in which he is almost unrecognisable!) as Thom. I don't know if he has any Shakespearean experience, but I do know that he has experience in front of live audiences (he was in the circus for a while, something I have in common with him, actually. Yes, that's right, I was actually in a circus, and it was weird as bloody ashes reading about Elayne & Co being in the circus having actually been on the road in one myself!). This doesn't necessarily qualify him for Thom, but it sure gives him gleeman credentials LOL,


This pic is the one that keeps coming to mind lately when I think of Thom... extend those mustaches a bit more...


That said, I recognize that Stathairn, at age 70, is probably just too old to play Thom. But dang if he just doesn't look the part in that picture!


Edited by imlad
left something out and a typo
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Okay, I guess I'll throw in my listing of dream choices (this is literally dream choices, discounting the costs these actors are going to incur):


All the Myrddraal: Adrian Brody. (this will cost some $$)


Tam al'Thor: Adrian Paul (hair color can be changed to graying if Rafe really wants to keep Tam looking that old; has some serious swordplay skills for later in the series, isn't necessarily the strongest of actors, but good enough for what is needed for the story), or the ULTIMATE DREAM casting of Sean Bean (Do I need to say more on that one???)


Abell Cauthon: Callum Keith Rennie (hair and beard color can be darkened; ever since I first saw him on Battlestar Galactica I always thought I was seeing a grown up Mat Cauthon in the flesh, and he's a great character actor to boot).


Thom Merrilin: Jason Carter (this guy can do it all, dance, sing, storytell; he has all of Thom's skills except maybe juggling and playing an instrument, both of which can be handled with doubles or stunt performers. I can't claim to have come up with this idea, saw it somewhere else and fell in love with the idea).


Padan Fain: Mackenzie Crook (this is the cheapest of the choices I have in mind for Fain, the others being Tim Roth and Steve Buscemi; still I think Crook would actually fit the role better).


Bayle Domon: Liam Cunningham (aye, this do be a bit of type casting: a ship captain on one show to a ship captain on another, both of whom "move up in the world" attached to the coattails of others; but come one, it do be Liam bloody Cunningham, Ser Davos Seaworth himself!! Can't go wrong there at all, and it would be cool to see at least one actor carry over from GoT to WoT).


Geofram Bornhald: Ian McElhinney (okay, sue me, I included another GoT actor in the bunch. But he sure has the feel of Geofram Bornhald to me. He might not be available, depending on whether or not Krypton gets renewed for a third season over a SyFy Channel, or if their shooting schedule permits).


Jaret Byar: Nikolai Witschl (okay, this one is iffy. I never pictured Byar as older, which apparently he is supposed to be, not having caught the fact his hair was gray in the dozen or so times I read tEotW. But this guy fits Byar's look in every other way, especially if you look at the thumbnail for the video next to his publicity photo; it's from Riverdale where he plays the creepy creepy creepy coroner).


Gareth Bryne: Michael Hogan (basically the only choice to play Bryne in my personal opinion. Twenty some odd years ago it used to be Patrick Stewart, by he's long ago aged out of that particular role. After Hogan's amazing performance as Saul Tigh on Battlestar Galactica he cemented his place in my mind as Bryne; this is one of the three casting choices that I am the most invested in to be honest, well, along with Verin Mathwin and Ishamael). 


Ba'alzamon/Ishamael: David Tennant or Andy Serkis (I cannot decide which one of these two I want in this role more, as both would just be amazing and chilling. I somewhat lean towards Tennant after his run on Jessica Jones, but Serkis is still pretty danged close behind, as he can be just as menacing. Still, either would be amazing, and probably could pull an Emmy nomination in this role for Supporting Actor if given good material to work with).


Elaida do Avriny a'Roihan: Maria Doyle Kennedy (After The Tudors and Orphan Black I am more than happy to see her in anything, and she definitely fits the description of Elaida if you ask me; she is actually a quite beautiful woman, but in the right hair and makeup she can appear to be more "handsome" than anything else, fitting Elaida's description. And her acting chops are superb).


Morgase Trakand: Elizabeth Mitchell (the hair color can be changed with dye or a wig, and the age is only overshot by a handful of years; she is a rather good looking woman in her middle years with strong acting ability to serve her well in the storyline of her character, assuming it doesn't get cut).


Verin Mathwin: Imelda Staunton (this is another of the choices I am super set on: she is exactly the right height at 5'0" tall, she is even rather grandmotherly looking when she wants to be; give her the right hair, do whatever Rafe & Co plan to do for the "ageless" look, and presto you have Verin. She's even a little plump, no offense intended! And with the fact she played that horrid character in the Harry Potter movies, many viewers won't trust her at first, which is perfectly fine, and exactly as it should be. Elayne, Egwene and Nynaeve don't trust her at first, and it would only add to the tension of the show if the viewers automatically start off with a little distrust of her, even if it has nothing to do with the show itself. I cannot help but think this is the most perfect casting choice for Verin, and I hope Rafe and the casting director agree).


"Selene" (aka Lanfear's younger alter ego): Margaret Qualley (First of all, that publicity photo on her imdb page is crap, so here is some better pics of her so you can see why she would be so good at enticing Rand and confounding Hurin and Loial. Qualley is a talented actress, and has a pretty good resume for someone her age. I just find it weird that I used to have a crush on her mom, Andy McDowell, and now I have one on her... yes, dirty old man am I! BTW, I don't have a pick for Lanfear's normal persona)


Leane Sharif (pre-stilling): Indira Varma (from Rome to Luther to Game of Thrones I've greatly enjoyed her work, never once has she been less than convincing in her roles. She is a strong woman, and I think Leane is perfect for her. I have no pick as of yet for a post-stilling Leane).


Rahvin: Either Tahmoh Penikett or Jon Hamm (This is one I can't quite make up my mind on either. Partially depends on the age range Rafe & Co are looking at for Rahvin. Both of these actors work IMO, although I actually have little exposure to Hamm's work, only Good Omens and Black Mirror while I've watched Penikett on Dollhouse and Battlestar Galactica. I favor Tahmoh slightly, but figure Hamm would be a more likely pick, despite being more expensive. Honestly, there are a number of roles I would love to put Tahmoh into, but this is just the most likely one for him).


Alanna Mosvani: Another one with multiple picks. Depending on what they are going for we have Nina Dobrev, Adria Arjona or Morena Baccarin (This mostly boils down to the age range Rafe & Co are going for when they cast Alanna. Nina might not look it, but she is actually 30 years old, and Adria is just a little bit behind her at 27. Morena is 40, but looks stunning for her age. They are all 5'7" I believe. Morena is probably the most likely pick, and I am just looking for an excuse to cast Nina or Adria in something LOL).


Liandrin Guirale: Alexandra Dowling (I mostly know here from The Musketeers, but those who paid attention will recognize her as the bride at the Red Wedding. Sort of fitting that I want her as a "Red" Ajah member then, no?) 


Juilan Sandar: Lennie James (I fell in love with this guy's acting watching Jericho ages ago, and enjoyed seeing him on The Walking Dead when I actually used to watch that show. He might be older than most people imagine Juilan, but I think his skills as an actor fit perfectly. And he has shown an ability to do accents, something that I haven't paid attention to with many of these casting choices I know, which will be usefull I hope if Rafe & Co try to give us some verisimilitude to what RJ wrote and said about how the various nationalities sound).


Be'lal: Mark Sheppard (He was Badger on Firefly, Romo Lampkin on Battlestar Galactica, Tanaka on Dollhouse, Canton Delaware on Doctor Who, Benedict Valda on Warehouse 13, Willoughby Kipling on Doom Patrol and of course Crowley on Supernatural, do I need to say more? I mean, come on, it is Mark mother lovin Sheppard!)


Asmodean: James Callis (The man who gave the greatest performance of the entire Battlestar Galactica run, with all the other BSG cast members I've listed I couldn't possibly leave out Callis, and Asmodean is just crying out for Callis to fill that role. I see many behavioral parallels between "Jasin Nateal" and Gaius Baltar, at least in my head. The only trait in which James Callis doesn't fit the description of Asmo is his height, Callis only being 5'8" tall, but we already know the showrunners are not being sticklers when it comes to character's height).


Fortuona Athaem Devi Paendrag: Ashleigh Murray (I just like her. 'Nuff said)


Demandred: Nikolaj Coster-Waldau or Adrian Paul (Well, assuming Adrian Paul doesn't get cast as Tam, I think he would be pretty badass as Demadred, and would make the fight scenes during Tarmon Gaidon quite memorable. That said, I prefer Jaime Lann- I mean Coster-Waldau for Demandred. Do I really need to explain that one? Pretty obvious, much like the Sean Bean as Tam al'Thor pick I would think!).


Semirhage: Sara Martins (She's pretty danged good, really loved her on Death in Paradise until she left a couple of seasons ago).


Moridin: Ian Somerhalder (I hated hated hated him on The Vampire Diaries for the longest time, but then you were supposed to. The guy is good, and stupidly good looking too. Physically he's a perfect fit for this role, and his acting, playing the downright evil is something he can do in his sleep if he wanted to).


Lan Mandragoran: Joe Manganiello (Yet another casting idea that I cannot claim as my own. Saw this discussed in video by Nae'blis over on YouTube on thought it was a pretty danged good pick. He just has to shave that scruff off of his face in my opinion. The only concern I have is whether or not the showrunners are going to go with "other than white" performers for the various Borderlanders as I have seen/heard discussed online the past few months, which I have no issue with. But if they are casting Malkieri as white people, then Manganiello fits the bill completely).


Jaichim Carridan: Blake Ritson (This guy just really really creeped me out on daVinci's Demons and was rather creepy as well on season one of Krypton, but not as creepy on season two. Some aging up might be needed by adding some gray at the temples in his hair, but that's pretty simple. His performance on daVinci's Demons though is the true testament as to why I think he should play Bors, I mean Carridan.)


That's all the casting picks I've come up with the past few months, or at least the ones I am happy enough with to share. There are some that are just silly (Peter Capaldi as Thom!) that I didn't list, and others where I didn't include all the other alternatives, just the ones I liked the most. I hope you emjoy my list, and that you don't feel this gigantic wall of text seems like I'm dropping some spam into the thread.


So what do you think of my ideas? Any in particular you like or dislike? Sure, some are completely pie in the sky dreams (Sean Bean, Adrian Brody, Nikolaj Coster-Waldau), but they are still fun (I think) to imagine.

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15 hours ago, Zorlon said:

Lan: Once upon a time, Arnie. Today, The Rock. Alternatively Elba would also do fine, and it might add some flavor to make Randland more mixed.


Elba is a fine actor but too charming and handsome to be Lan.


You need someone with a face like stone, and a rough manner,  so that others wonder what Nynaeve sees in him. 

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@imladsome those may be good choices especially for Thom and Tam I have a feeling some of those won't appear at all or will be killed after their first or second appearance. Like Morgase, who should probably be killed by Rahvin or in Rand's attack. Other probably will be combined, Like Liandrin, Alviarin and Galina will probably be one person, with extras playing others as needed.

Also if Adrian Paul is who I think he is, all I'll be hearing whenever Tam is There Can Be Only One.

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50 minutes ago, KingRodel said:

@imlad I've only ever seen David Straitharn in Lincoln, which I now will never see the same way again. LOL.


I know him from a couple things, and totally didn't realise that was him until I saw it on his IMDb page LOL. Now I'll never get this look out of my head either!

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