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Lily's Uni journey


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New semester - new class.


This quarter I'm taking a Math class. It's frustrating, and the questions on the test aren't all covered by the lecture. So, I'm struggling to figure them out. I can't wait for this class to be over! I've given up worrying about my GPA and just hoping to pass this class with a C or better.

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I use to tutor math. Depends on what it is I suppose. I can't stand quadratic equations. I know how to do them, just detest them is all. I prefer trig. 


Good luck, I know how hard it is to study when you don't like the subject. I am actually thinking of taking some courses. Lily you have inspired me. 

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  • 1 month later...
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It's the first week of Developmental Psych and, like every other class, there is a week and a half's worth of work to do. To top that off, I got my weeks confused and thought this was spring break, so I offered to work more hours. They have scheduled me even more hours than I agreed to. I'll be chatting with them about that today. Meanwhile, I'm just a bit panicked. I know, deep breaths and put one foot in front of the other until it's done. 

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • Club Leader

I'm disappointed. This is the class that I really wanted to take and learn the stuff, and I don't have time to do any reading. I'm watching the lectures and taking the quizzes off of them alone. There is usually one or two questions that weren't covered, so I look them up in the text. It's been working so far. I have an A at this point and I don't see that changing. It'a been a good class and there are only 2 weeks left to go and then summer break! I have so much to do over the break - things I don't have time for now. 

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4 hours ago, LilyElizabeth said:

I'm disappointed. This is the class that I really wanted to take and learn the stuff, and I don't have time to do any reading. I'm watching the lectures and taking the quizzes off of them alone. There is usually one or two questions that weren't covered, so I look them up in the text. It's been working so far. I have an A at this point and I don't see that changing. It'a been a good class and there are only 2 weeks left to go and then summer break! I have so much to do over the break - things I don't have time for now. 


You can do the reading later if it really interests you.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...
On ‎5‎/‎1‎/‎2019 at 7:26 AM, LilyElizabeth said:

Well, I got an A in Developmental Psych. It was borderline between an A and an A-. She rounded up. I enjoyed that class and would gladly take another from her. Now, a nice long break until August.


Just savor the breaks. It's so nice when you just have to worry about a job and not class too.

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