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Lily's Uni journey


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Thanks, Mandien. I started college in my 30's and got my AA. Now, I'm in my 50's but I don't care. I want to have my degree and I will. I love learning. I may feel differently next semester when I'm taking statistics, though. lol

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On ‎5‎/‎28‎/‎2019 at 7:54 AM, LilyElizabeth said:

Thanks, Mandien. I started college in my 30's and got my AA. Now, I'm in my 50's but I don't care. I want to have my degree and I will. I love learning. I may feel differently next semester when I'm taking statistics, though. lol


I found statistics easier then algebra.

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56 minutes ago, LilyElizabeth said:

That's good to know, Ryrin. I think my brain is more like yours than his, being that we both chose the same career field. At least I hope so. 


I was thinking that very same thing!

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  • 2 months later...
  • Club Leader

I moved this thread over because a new semester started and I'm so excited. I signed up for Abnormal Psychology because I had previously taken a class by this professor and I really enjoyed it. I thought it was going to be about REALLY abnormal things like sociopaths and serial killers. lol Turns out, it's about the things I work with on a daily basis - ADHD, Bipolar disorder, Autism, etc. I'm so excited for this class!

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...
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I'm enjoying Abnormal Psych a lot. A couple of weeks ago, I just didn't have time to read 3 chapters in the week we were given to do so, so I tried to wing it. I failed the test. That was a first for me, or at least I don't remember ever failing a test before. This week I got an A-. Much better. It's looking like I have a B average so far. I'll be really happy with a B from the class. Of course, I'd prefer an A, so I'm shooting for that. 

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  • 1 month later...
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An interesting thing happened towards the end of Research Methods.  My life had so much going on, not the least of which was possible homelessness, that I emailed my professor and said that I couldn't finish the paper, and was turning in what I had done so far. I just couldn't focus my mind on writing a paper, although I did take the final. I ended up with a B- in the class, which I will happily take. 

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Awesome. When I was in graduate school I asked for an extra week to finish a paper as my mother was dying of cancer (out of state.) I didn’t get it. The professor said “we all have things going on.” He was a social work professor.

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My next class starts Monday, but I can get a jump start this weekend if I want. It's called Sensation and Perception and sounds really boring. At least there is no research paper this time. I don't have time for one of those right now. I'm moving in 10 days and still have a lot to pack. 

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