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BT Bonded Mafia [Game thread]


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What was that all about?



Jab at Ley




I got all information I wanted.



The answer: I didn't get anything out of it in terms of either information or reads and knew I would not, so I unvoted.

You're going to have to elaborate on this one mate. Your vote and unvote were half an hour apart in a dead game. All of two other players posted in between: Nego twice and LZM once, neither in response to your vote. Huh?



Another jab



People taking Nego's panty comments seriously is super awkward lol


tries to take attention off of nego





Already explained it Shad.

"<i>Well, I guess I did not get the information I wanted. I got the information to know I would not get any more. If you really need to know, from my lover.</i>" if this was your explanation, I still don't get it.



Keeps pushing for attention on Ley




Niniel's posts on the last page might warrant the conditional that she was the lead wagon, but at two votes I really don't think it does.


She's like Sooh. You can't really detect any emotional engagement in the game when she's scum. She'll go through the motions but it's always a lot more drab.


Leelou and Ley both hoping on her for lack of game-related content in a game with almost no content was kind of weird, especially considering she's not the sort of player you expect to be leading the charge.


In general I don't feel like Leelou has done much of anything yet? and Ley is being weird but he's being weird in the open so not sure what to make of it yet.


Feels like Nego is joking a lot but still trying to make some reads out of the reactions, which is generally a good look.


Nyn's already done more game solving here than in her last few scum rands when she actually had content to fake things by.


I like LZM on a lot of levels plus I want more time to process him specifically.


All of these feel like garbage reads because they are because it's an 11 page game, but yolo would lynch Leelou or Ley.


Town read on Nego... iffy read on Ley.

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This vote kinda came out of no where and I've mentioned it before. He was town reading him on D1... then did a 180 once LZM put some heat on him. He had the ammunition to try for a lynch on Ley following the pressure he was putting on him the previous day. But I can also see the value of placing this vote at that moment for distancing purposes.

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I mean he's trying to make it come across that with Lee/Ben's death there's only one v/v left and since he thinks LZM is town... that means one of me/Ley and one of Nini/Nego are scum. He could have went after Ley considering the pressure he put on him d1. So it's a question of whether he sorta felt like he was going down and wanted to give his partner a chance or he was lobbying for me to hop on that considering how I felt irt nego D1.

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I'm not as sold on Nyn as everyone else.  She does tend to back off of me when she's a wolf because it's worked for her, but I've also never been in a situation wrt her where I am a viable mislynch.  She's capable of producing thoughts that sound good in short sequence and the most notable thing about her scum game in my experience is a lack of stamina in the long haul--something that's not really a factor in a game of this volume.  I think her scum game could shine in this environment and I'm not going to trust her especially when I know she's gunning at a villager.


full spewing mode lol    sprinkle sprinkle all around

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The joke phase back and forth with Nyn and Nego was just weird because I never really wrapped my head around when/how it transitioned from joking to serious.  I still kind of get the vibe looking at it that Nego was joking all along and Nyn turned it into an actual debate.


Then this... back to soft defending nego  lol

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Last time I was scum with Nyn I suggested we get into a big fight in the thread because we're known for it as v/v and it could make people read us both town for the wrong reasons, but she largely ignored me, which makes me think she isn't inclined to fake fights with her teammates in general and the Nyn/Nego thing wasn't w/w.


Nah, just means i'm inclined to ignore you.

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I mean in a normal game I  would vote her to protect myself but in this case I only know my alignment and there are three others that I don´t know about (Nego, Leelou, Leelou´s lover). 


Is there a reason for people not revealing their lovers?


Only thing I can think of is by not revealing we don't give the wolves that info and thus they are not able to use it to plan their moves.



here nego is advocating not to reveal lovers. This is kinda funny considering his vote on lee and stance that she might be scum with ley's lover... you'd think he'd want that piece of information. further more the knowledge of lovers narrows it down mechanics wise.... so this is an interesting take from him. I think it's actually beneficial for scum for us not to have shared this information because scum KNOWS who their lovers are obviously and that the remaining four are town... doesn't matter a whole lot who's coupled with who.

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