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The Tainted Times Returns - May 2017


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It's here!  What you never knew you always wanted... the return of the dearly departed monthly Black Tower news, our very own Tainted Times!  *the crowd goes wild*


After a long drought, news of the planned Wheel of Time television series appears to have revitalized membership, and apparently someone kicked over a rock and long-inactive BT members began to resurface...  Since it's been an age or so since the Tainted Times was published, let's go back in time a few months for this one.





February of 2017 brought us new members Aradin and thehumantrashcan (better known as Oscar).  


March was a quiet month overall, but in April, Cross bravely volunteered to join our ranks, and Al Jenn Mael was removed from the Deserter's Tree. Night Angel Kage and Wheeloftime13 also returned from the wilderness known as "IRL".


May saw the addition of the extremely tainted Shad_ to the rolls of the Black Tower, along with the return of the notorious LedZepMan.  Guest appearances were also made by Despothera, Dawnflower8, and the mad monkey, ed2funy.  Former Logain Nikon managed to slip in behind the scenes, and there was much rejoicing.





Ahh, it's been so long... the laziness of the Shadow has infected even the Light, and our Farmhouse has been silent.  Hopefully this will change shortly, because...




The former Points Page and Deserter's Tree, located offsite, was swallowed by the turning of the wheel, along with the rollers used in our One Power battles.  Through the efforts of TMD and Nikon, the rollers should soon be restored to accessibility and functionality... and Leyrann has been the very soul of industriousness and has recreated the Points Page from scratch in table form here, in our Farmhouse.





A Light vs. Shadow event is in the works - originally proposed for May, now pushing to June.  Watch for further information on dates, and make sure to sign up here to help or propose suggestions!


As a part of the Light vs. Shadow event, there will be a Hunger Games style melee.  Sign up here to fight for your chosen faction, and may the odds be ever in your favor.


Our most recent mafia game (Black Tower Mini Mafia) concluded in April with a mafia win.  Players are still needed for Leyrann's Cliche Mafia game - in signups here.





The 300,000 post thread is up to 233,854 replies - stay tuned for next month's update to see what kind of progress we have made!


Is anyone still interested in comparing the Black Tower's post volume to General Discussion?  We have fallen farther and farther behind in our attempt at DM domination, *cracks the whip*




And that will do it for this month's Tainted Times - feel free to comment with your suggestions, questions, and tangentially related spam, because WE ARE THE BLACK TOWER.  You know that's who we are.


Signing off,

~ Tress, Storm Leader of the Light

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Looks great, Tress!


Would like to mention that the mafia game is also event related.


@cindy: What do you want? More strength without angreals, or a lot more strength with angreals? Buying the Dragon sa'angreal would push your "with angreal" numbers all the way to 70-94. And for the points you put into the normal ranks (wheter you want the Dragon sa'angreal or not), do you want them into primaries (Air, Water) or secondaries (Fire, Earth)? Also, do you want Air and Water to be equal strength, or do you want to keep Water stronger as it's your Light element?

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Looks great, Tress!


Would like to mention that the mafia game is also event related.


@cindy: What do you want? More strength without angreals, or a lot more strength with angreals? Buying the Dragon sa'angreal would push your "with angreal" numbers all the way to 70-94. And for the points you put into the normal ranks (wheter you want the Dragon sa'angreal or not), do you want them into primaries (Air, Water) or secondaries (Fire, Earth)? Also, do you want Air and Water to be equal strength, or do you want to keep Water stronger as it's your Light element?

I trust your judgment and your math, and thank you!


I should give you points just for all this work. wish I had more to give.


I think water has to stay strongest for me, cause I'm like a blue paladin or something, and the rest as you think best. I do

like the sound of a dragon :happy:

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I went for equalizing ranks a bit by putting points into Fire and Earth, by the way. I like equal strength a lot, and it also enables for the highest chance to succesfully weave balefire (as you need to roll a high enough number for all five of the powers).

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