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Wheel of Time TV show


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For something so hastily thrown together, it wasnt quite that bad at all ( Winter Dragon ) it was bad but it was also very hastily made, the fact that you can see subtle things like the change in tone and brightness as he starts to realize everyones dead are nice thoughtful touches. It just did not appear to have very much production value at all

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For something so hastily thrown together, it wasnt quite that bad at all ( Winter Dragon ) it was bad but it was also very hastily made, the fact that you can see subtle things like the change in tone and brightness as he starts to realize everyones dead are nice thoughtful touches. It just did not appear to have very much production value at all

I didn't have too much of a problem with the episode content itself, as quickly and low budget as it was made, but I do have issue with Hariet not being told a thing about it filmed & airing and herself/bandersnatch grouo not being consulted/involved in it just so they could keep the rights... Very low IMO.

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Personally, I want it to be an anime.  I think it could be great, especially with the success in the past with Full Metal Alch and recently Attack on Titan, it could do well.  It would also help with internal thoughts of the characters and could keep the OP to not be cheesy.  But the money is in the live action which opens up a whole can of possible awfulness.  Whatever the case, I would find a way to watch it when it comes out and even watch tho whole first season, even if it's bad.

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Personally, I want it to be an anime.  I think it could be great, especially with the success in the past with Full Metal Alch and recently Attack on Titan, it could do well.  It would also help with internal thoughts of the characters and could keep the OP to not be cheesy.  But the money is in the live action which opens up a whole can of possible awfulness.  Whatever the case, I would find a way to watch it when it comes out and even watch tho whole first season, even if it's bad.

You're not alone. I'd love an anime too. 


And I've seen plenty of non-cheesy anime. Deltora Quest is a bad example since both the book series and the anime were aimed at children, whereas Wheel of Time would not be.

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My honest thought has always been that it would work best as a high quality aminated series, for two reasons - one being the magic, which can be simulated with good CGI work, but the more important reason is the length of time the series would need to run to showcase the events of the books, which takes place in a remarkably short amount of time. This series could easily run to 7 to 10 years if done well, and the actors that start out portraying a 17 year old in the pilot will not believably be able to portray a 19 year old by the time the Last Battle is filmed. Animation would solve that problem much more easily than makeup.


But a live action show would have a wider mass appeal, so I suppose we'll have to suspend disbelief there.

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That's a good point, another point I was considering was that the first few books have quite a bit more content and then iirc Jordan was getting pressured to write more or something and did a lot of filler work in three or so books which generally have a much slower pace, so originally they might be able to do a book a season or something, but later on that would likely have to change.

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My problem with animated, before anything else, is that it isn't real-time. I want to see actual people in the series, not animations. Furthermore I also don't like many of the things that are often used in anime, though I do have to admit that I don't know wheter there's also other anime because it has kept me from watching more than the occasional bit when someone links to it.

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Animation in general has a ton of flaws, just as many as there are in live action things. A tendency to make things "cuter" or do crap like "fan service" for no reason with nothing to do with the plot, it could work but I foresee it being much less enjoyable than the live action series they intend to make. Plus I like the gritty realism live action (and wheel of Time) bring, with animation there's another level of disconnect added.

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I'm really excited as this is something I've waited a long time for. I really want to see the live action show and I think now is the absolute best time for it.


Fantasy shows and movies are a lot more mainstream now and the success of Game of Thrones (though I'm not personally a fan) has really paced the way for this.


We're actually getting a show made by a legitimate studio with legitimate people involved instead of Red Eagle so I'm pretty excited.


It could well be terrible (though I really hope it's not) but I know I will most certainly be watching.

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im EXTREMELY nervous that my beloved series will get butchered.


It HAS to be live action for me. I want to see it bought to life.


Hopefully it will be as good as Game of Thrones   think it NEEDS to be done that style


the first  4? books will probably be the hardest to pull off really  cause thats where all the character and story development that you can skip is   books like 8 and 9 however can be massively condensed due to the filler nature of them

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Yeah I think that is why television would work best. The early books would likely need a season each but as time goes on multiple books could be fit.


When it comes down to it it's never going to be as good as the books especially when so many people have enjoyed the series for so many years, but I hope they stay true to it and don't mess it up too badly lol

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