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*knock knock*

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*heaving a basket absolutely OVERFLOWING with delicious munchables, Charis knocks on the front door of the White Tower, straightens her skirts, schools her face and flips her hair*


Anybody home? Can I come home? Been a long, long, long time, y'all. Anybody I know still here?


Anybody want a snack?




*hears a knock and an announcement at the door* I love snacks! And a monkey happened to steal all the ones I brought... *Goes through the door and rifles through the basket* oh! Blueberry!! *Plops down and starts munching*


Hey Charis!!


Its me!


No not really lol but since I joined lots of posts about come backs.


Which makes me super happy because now I get to have more of the DM experience.


CJ!! (oh dear ... that's gonna get confusing! lol) .... *tacklesnuggles her Sis*


How's you, darlin?


*winks at the monkey...* WAIT A minute, who put HIM in charge AGAIN? Hi Eddie!


*smooches her sister* Hi Delly!


*passes Halli the basket* Hey lady! Good to see you!


AIELLLLLL! HIII! Facebook stalking is a noble profession. 


*kisses Ryrin formally on both cheeks* That means a lot, coming from you. Thanks!


Millon! Hello! I met your beautiful Aes Sedai and my souvra, you know! She's pretty fantastic!


Hiya, my Kat! Mostly work, nothing new there... looking at starting to freelance full time which is exciting but scary. You know, life. Stuff. Adulting. woo.


Nice to meet you Killshandra! Um, let's see... I've been gone just a smidge shy of four years, I think. Well... yah. Call it about four years. Which is like, AN AGE in DM time!


*snugglessmooshes her sister LG and then eyes askance* You been giving people my nickname, sis? I had it first! I'm good, Momma. Life is weird, but pretty good. How are YOU?


Hi Chaelca! Help yourself!


uh, Hi, Ahmyra! Nice to meet you! I'm not exactly sure what you mean by that, as this is my second post and first thread in four years... I used to kind of be everywhere, though, that's true!


It's so good to see everyone! 


Has it really been that long?  :ohmy:


It's so nice to have you back. Please come by the Greens! 


Ryrin, yeah, kind of hard to believe, but yes, it HAS been that long! Time flies, I know!


Ed... that's... really not reassuring at all. But we all know how Mama feels about her kaf, soooooo...


He makes good Kaf *nods*


Also, it weren't me! The new Captain General has those initials hehehehe



uh, Hi, Ahmyra! Nice to meet you! I'm not exactly sure what you mean by that, as this is my second post and first thread in four years... I used to kind of be everywhere, though, that's true!




On Tar Valon.net, where I also am around there is also a Charis and it seems you are not her.... My apologies.


oh, Kat, he did!


Haha, Ahlmyra, no, it isn't me! There used to be another Charis around here too, a White. I don't know if she's still here or not, but it was quite the coincidence! Charis is my RL name, so when I made my SN I didn't even think about it! 


Mama, I knew that! I forgetted. *clings to her nickname*


Mills! Congrats, that's amazing! And it was lovely Marta I met- I went to Serbia for three weeks for her wedding about a year and a half ago- it was amaaaaaazing!


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