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Trick-or-Treat II Mafia - Game Over - Mafia Wins!!!!


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Can we PLEASE not link huge WoTs just to add a word or two? Looking at you Bob.




I will say tho, that if I had the knife, I would stab one of the lurkers. Prob one of Verbal, Yates, or Ishy. All three are refraining from commenting on relevant game matters as much as possible. And even if you hit town, meh a lurking town don't help much either. And a town PR lurking as a strategy should be knifed as well, since lurking is a good way to get killed by mafia anyways. Either way, those three make me uncomfortable with how little they're adding compared to what's normal for them. Mebbe throw in Hallia as well. She always lurks but that could prod her to start actually playing more in games she signs up for.

Woah.  Scummiest post of the game.


No one has the time for me to write out EVERYTHING that's wrong with this post so let me just highlight the three biggest fallacies presented here:


1.  Pushing a lynch all lurkers strategy on Day 1?  That's scumtastic play 101, bro.  Unless you honestly believe scum would NOT be active in manipulating the game despite being the informed minority?  Please.  Nonsense.


2.  A lurking PR should be killed as well?  Really?  There's NO reason for a PR to lurk?  And you think scum will kill a lurking Town because...???  Please.  Nonsense.


3.  Do we or do we not have this conversation about lurky Halia in Every. Single. Game. ???   And has it changed her behavior?  At some point the "lynch Halia because she's lurky and it might maybe sometime eventually possibly prod her to post more" strategy has to be thrown out the window and you have to accept her lurkiness as meta if she's allowed in a game.  Please.  Nonsense.


If you have a knife and you ARE Town, Leelou, stick it in Despo's belly then proceed to carve out his delicious candy coated insides.  The policies he is pushing above are proof that his mere presence in this game is going to hurt the Town.  Badly.



Bolded: On DM it's quite common for mafia to go after the lurkers, especially N1. Active/vocal players tend to be lynched, and less active players have less connections to others. So yes, mafia can and will kill lurking town here.



Other than that, I approve of this post. I could consider moving my vote to Des; this post + his attempt at making Leelou wait with her kill = bad gut feeling.

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2. Leelou never hinted at anytime that she could only use the knife at night. iirc, she said "I have a knife and I'm itching to use it". On my phone right now so I can't go back and grab the quote, but that's what the post boiled down to

That is correct, I was originally going to not mention it til night, but I can use it whenever. Games here move so slow compared to what I'm used to and yes I got bored so I decided I'm going to use it during this day phase. There are enough interactions that a mid day flip will help us on day 1 and there is enough time for us to change trains if necessary.

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Darthe, I edited out a picture that wasn’t PG-13. That was easier than pointing it out to you. I hope you don’t mind.



The lady at the door gives each of you your favorite candy. (She’s just good that way.) As Despo’s candy is put into his bag, it falls through and hits the ground. He examines his bag and sees that it has been slit by a knife. He throws his empty bag down in frustration,  grabs a handful of candy from the bowl the lady is holding, and shouts “Whoever did this, I hope you get run over crossing the street!”





Despothera, roleless town, has been sent home


It is still day one. Carry on. 

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Vote Count:


Not Bob (5) – RTE, Aemon, Leelou, Mish, Hallia

Cloud (3) – Verb, Dap, Kat

Pral (3) – Darthe, Cloud, AJ

Andrej (2) – Pral, Not Bob

Lenlo (1) – Yates

Moon (1) – Salami

Hallia (1) – Lenlo

Darthe (1) – Andrej



With 20 alive, it takes 11 to lynch

Deadline – Monday 8PM MST/ 11PM EST (I think I'm GMT -8 for you Europeans)


Not voting – Ishy, RTE, Tress, Moon

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Why did you pick des? Just wanna know your reasoning and why you picked him over someone coming under more scrutiny from the crowd.


It would have seemed more helpful in my mind to use it on someone more people were voicing concern over.


Also, just letting you know this is a long weekend because we have thanksgiving. I'll try to be around but my family may well steal me away to eat and craft and play.

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Why did you pick des? Just wanna know your reasoning and why you picked him over someone coming under more scrutiny from the crowd.


It would have seemed more helpful in my mind to use it on someone more people were voicing concern over.


Also, just letting you know this is a long weekend because we have thanksgiving. I'll try to be around but my family may well steal me away to eat and craft and play.

This is a good posf. Kat is town.

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Well, I'm touched.


Are you guys?



Who do you think I should stab? And if I was going to just impulse stab, you would have been dead the second I got the knife.

For the record, I am glad you didn't kill me.

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Why did you pick des? Just wanna know your reasoning and why you picked him over someone coming under more scrutiny from the crowd.


It would have seemed more helpful in my mind to use it on someone more people were voicing concern over.


Also, just letting you know this is a long weekend because we have thanksgiving. I'll try to be around but my family may well steal me away to eat and craft and play.


I'll go through my thought process in a bit, just dealing with a crazy chick situation at work right this second.

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