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We are auctioning off the leaders of the WT. (updated rules 6-8 )

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[move][glow=black,2,300]All of the Ajah heads.  We're gonna throw in the Amyrlin, the MoN, the new sword capn, the new keeper, and even the head of the Cuen discipline!  [/glow] [/move] 

That's right! They have volunteered to put themselves up for bidding to be someone's slave for a whole week.  How does one bid without DM money you say?  With your words!  Send in your bid to my email box describing how you would best use your newfound slave and why you deserve to win them.  I will then put up a thread for each Head, etc.. with all of the bids and a poll will be opened up.  Vote on your favorite bid and the one with the most votes at the end of a week wins!  YOU MAY BID ON ONE OR ALL, THREE OR SEVEN... NO LIMIT ON BIDS!!!!! :) :) :)(added July 8 )

Up for bid...


The Amyrlin: Kathana

The Mistress of novices: Lor(U4ea)

The Keeper: Dwyn

Sword Captain: Sham

Cuen leader: Vemynal

Blue Head: Nia

Brown Head: Raeyn

Gray Head: Mendorah

Green Head: Momma Jade

Red Head: Myst

Yellow Head: Nyn






To bid you must  send an email to Naeann, (that's me)telling me how you plan to use your new found slave.  Be creative!!!  Use your imagination.  The sky is the limit as long as you stay within the Forum guidelines.  Please make your submission between 2 and 20 lines... No one liners or novels please!!!  You have two weeks to place your bids.  DO NOT POST THEM HERE... submit them by email ... I will then open up a poll with the submissions for each volunteer and everyone can vote on their favorite.  This way its fair for everyone.


You may NOT do anything to compromise any bonds.(warder,souvra, or otherwise)

You may NOT do anything outside of Forum guidelines. (sorry, PG-13 applies here too)

Remember that this is ONLY for a week.... and they are free to do ANYTHING they want to you once the week is up.. so keep that in mind. *grins*  Some of these leaders are pretty mischevious. *coughKathcough*




I'm going to use email because it's easier to keep track of them all.  This email addy will ONLY be used for the submissions.. I don't use this email addy for anything else.  I just made it.. albeit.. for something else.. but my other email is rather swamped.






The purpose of this is so the submissions are voted on based on what they are instead of who submitted it. Anonymity FTW!




Please have the subject of the email be which person you are bidding on and the body of the email can have your submission for your bid and please include your DM name so I know for sure who you are.



Thanks for looking and have fun bidding!!  [glow=red,2,300]Please ask if you have any questions.[/glow]


~Naeann and the Yellow ajah~



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Guest nephitess

OOOoooo....this looks fun!!


*rubs her hands together with an evil grin*


Now I don't know why you would say that Mother, what could someone possibly want to do to their boss??  ;D hehehe


*grins at Kath*  What's to regret?  It brought your warder out of the woodworks for a bit. *grins bigger and runs off to see if there are any bids yet*

  • Moderator

*grins at Kath*  What's to regret?  It brought your warder out of the woodworks for a bit. *grins bigger and runs off to see if there are any bids yet*


Joe only posts if it's going to get me in trouble.



*grins at Kath*  What's to regret?  It brought your warder out of the woodworks for a bit. *grins bigger and runs off to see if there are any bids yet*


Joe only posts if it's going to get me in trouble.


Yah I think someone sent the Warders a memo saying they had to do that  ::)


yep, our union fought hard for that clause in our contract


"Whenever our Aes Sedai are in trouble we can sit back and laugh our bums off"

  • Moderator

Oh my god. The idea of a Warder's Union is frickin' hilarious. We need to get that into the dragonCon parade somehow.


insanity: 3


logic: 0




Surely I have rubbed off on you more then that :P


well Ata, the problem with insanity is you get a lot of bad ideas as well as good ideas^^


for example, most things involving fire are bad, not that i ever learn from it but there you have it^^


He has no logic... including about his union creed.  He has come to my rescue many a times when I've been in trouble.  Once I was safe.. he proceeded with the laughing.



He'd best stay on my good side or I'll let Barm's bid on him be the one that wins. *coughs*


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