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Everything posted by HeavyHalfMoonBlade

  1. CONTACT - PM, Discord HeavyHalfMoonBlade TIMEZONE - +1/+2 CET WANTED LINK - none as yet INTRO: I'm a separated father of two, I come from Scotland but live in the Netherlands. Always been keen on writing but never done any outside of NaNoWriMo, and that was quite a while ago now. Looking forward to failing miserably to learn the ropes πŸ˜› CHARACTERS: Kaylee Tammuz - Commoner - n/a - Bio
  2. That is kind of difficult to say. Thinking, thinking. Well, as Ba'alzamon. he told all three Emond's Field boys that he knew who they were and the Eye would never serve them. Owing to the fact, he didn't actually know which was the Dragon Reborn, that would have to go down as a lie, though not to Rand, there he was actually correct πŸ™‚ What about the Tower will try to use you? That could be seen as manipulating the truth, but he seemed to more than imply that the Tower would not be about winning the last battle only. Though, that could all be put down to insinuation. Certainly I don't think there is anything in Ishamael's character that we should trust - all his good qualities (if there were any left in Ba'alzamon) - were entirely secondary to his hopes of ending suffering by breaking the wheel. If he would sell his soul, cause so much suffering through thousands of years, he would not be above telling whatever he thought would be the most effective lie to gain the breaking of the wheel. What people will do for the greater good, huh?
  3. Yes, but there is always the wriggle room that by being so close to him she was in the last defense of her life - or that if Rand died then it would mean the death of the world. All the arguments that have been used about the boat in fact. It is just rather opaque.
  4. Meh, I rewrote an awful lot of the history but Kaylee was not happy with it, and was being willful. So changed most of it back to save my energy for the actual RP which seems more worthwhile.
  5. TRIGGER WARNING: Assault of undefined nature. Name: Kaylee Tammuz [note: the main square in Illian is the Square of Tammuz, so far as I know it has no other role in books but I can change it if necessary] Age: 26 Place of birth: The city of Illian, Illian Physical: Typical Illian "Mediterrean" colouring and dark hair. Long dark hair, long scar from the corner of her right eye to her chin, pulling her mouth upwards slightly on the right. Of middling height, and average looks, and for the WoT, has a distinct lack of bosom. Slender, with the calloused hands of someone that has known manual labour. Height 5'7" Mental & Emotional: Positive traits Self-reliant Is a good cook, but bizarre with seasoning (due to taste) Neutral traits Obsessively clean (personal hygiene, clothes, hands – from working in a tannery and people’s reaction to it, particularly the smell) Has little to no sense of taste (no particular cause, runs in the family) Will never submit to anyone Hates insects Respects Aes Sedai and authority figures in general Negative traits Jealous of other women – for their relationships and family, or their ability to have them, or their choice not to Abrasive with men that flirt with her Fussy about neatness Hesitant to help others (who are not family, etc) Anger issues, is irritable and prone to explode when irritated Character History: Kaylee grew up in Illian, the third child of a leather merchant in the city. Her childhood was uneventful, learning the trade of leather work and running the shop. When she was 16 she was betrothed to a tanner’s apprentice, Mattinos Tammuz, who she knew from the family trade. The marriage was happy, but remained childless. Mattinos started to drink and stay away from home. Kaylee tried to be a good wife and would visit any healer she could find about her lack of children. When she was 25 she was accosted in the back alleys returning home from delivering a batch of leather to her parents shop. Mattinos heard the commotion but was too drunk to come to save her. He was killed in the altercation and Kaylee received her scar. Deciding to get out of Illian, Kaylee takes a shipment of leather up to Cairhien. She has some savings and had a letter of introduction to a cousin who may have work in a leather shop in the city. But the caravan is attacked by bandits on route and she enters the city as a refugee, with few of her possessions. In Cairhien, she attaches herself to a mercenary band due to her leather working skills and gets a rudimentary training fighting with daggers and a spear. On the death of the Mercenary Captain from natural causes, the band splits up. Kaylee heads to Merrilor, fortuitously nearby at the time, to reevaluate her options. Character Reputation: Is known as skilled leather worker in Illian, and has limited connections with mercenaries around Cairhien. Connections: None Character Goals: Short-term Get money, possessions (not be a beggar, high priority) Medium-term Make a new life away from Illian (high priority) Long-term To be rich/comfortable (upbringing, medium priority) To have a family (be all and end all) Weapon Score - 4 Trained - Spear Practiced - Daggers/short swords* *Transitional
  6. I cannot give you any information about it but it looks like TarValon.net are still running the yearly scholarship. Could be an idea to head over there if you are looking for more information. Other than that, I cannot say I have heard of any other scholarships relating to WoT. Sorry the answer could not be more informative.
  7. I'll try to pick it up as I go along. I mean, it cannot be that difficult, can it?
  8. TOR Questions of the Week Part II: Wheel of Time Interview Search: Theoryland of the Wheel of Time (Robert Jordan) See Question 3. This would appear to be definitive proof for Aan-Alone's statements. Though I suppose it is up for debate if author comments are canon or only published books.
  9. I'd be hesitant to go with the Champion fighting for the DO. That seems too much like believing Ishamael's lies from tEotW. Or should we just believe him? The heroes can be spun out during End of Age malarkies, take Brigitte at the end of the second Age, and even Gaidal Cain being spun out so took no part in the end of the third Age, as a thread in the pattern or as a Hero. Hawkwing was under the thumb of the Shadow last life, so I would say it makes more sense that if spun out at the same time as the Champion that they often were in conflict. They are about restoring balance, not ensuring the complete victory of the Light.
  10. Unfortunately the forum seems to be sleeping a bit at the moment. Maybe the financial year end hits more people than poor Mumsy. But please sign me up for the game though you may need to guide through it, I'm not terribly bright. You could also try advertising on Discord, perhaps some here only check their own forums and have missed this little corner.
  11. This is a point oft debated. I'm not sure why RJ left this ambiguity in. Iirc, in tEotW Moiraine first says the oath is only Shadowspawn. But in tGH already, Sheriam mentions Darkfriends in the oaths. So pretty much straight off the bat it is confused. And in NS, we have the actual wording that makes no mention of Darkfriends. Yet what about the Last Battle? The Aes Sedai could only attack actual Shadowspawn and not, for example, Dreadlords, even though that is what the Green Ajah was created to face? Darkfriends must be counted as Shadowspawn, yet why have that wording? I guess we will never know.
  12. While the barbarity would certainly fit in with a lot of the Seanchan and damane lore, I think perhaps it would be giving too much attention and recognition to the Aes Sedai. The Seanchan feel dirtied by the very name - would they really want a constant reminder? Would it not be more fitting that they are treated like nothing more than marath'damane, and then damane once properly collared?
  13. Welcome to Dragonmount, Nyniamh! Hope you enjoy your time here. We've got forums for the books, the TV show, Social Groups, Role playing, a bunch of media from Dragonmount itself, in short more than you can shake a ter'angreal at. Just have a browse, I'm sure you'll find something to your fancy πŸ™‚
  14. I think this is a subtle issue. What you say is absolutely correct, when referring to situations where you see your options as reacting or remaining aloof. Often choosing not to escalate only leads to more collateral damage. But I'd argue that "being the bigger person" can be interpreted as to how you respond. I would say that it should taken as not reacting to pettiness with pettiness, to lies with lies, to hurtful remarks with hurtful remarks or to anger with anger. But you can absolutely be the bigger person while using the proper channels for complaints/punishments, publicly supporting any victims, making clear any such behaviour is not welcome, giving the advice that the person in question could try to be a bigger person. I would frame being the bigger person as attempting to emulate the people that I have been honoured to know and that I have admired. But it is definitely a matter of judgement. Appeasement or trying to not not rock the boat for the sake of the atmosphere of a space are not per se bad things, indeed in many situations they are admirable. But definitely responsibilities that one has to others should not be overlooked or downplayed.
  15. Did a quick google search and just to correct my completely off-topic aside, according to Freud, the horses pulling your coach this way and that due to unconscious impulses - your inner child - is the id, the driver trying to satisfy those impulses and control them is the ego, and the old person telling the ego what it should do and how it should do it - our conscience - is the superego. None of which has anything to do with self image, or this thread.
  16. That sounds like a case of Schrodinger's douchbag, but operating on a subconscious level. For those that haven't come across this before Schrodinger's douchbag is someone who makes a potential offensive or controversial statement, and then depending on the reaction of the audience decides whether it was only a joke or is actually a strongly held opinion. Never considered that this could operate below the conscious level, but recent experience has taught me that some people pretty much lie to themselves constantly to protect their ego or self image. Or is that the same thing? Ego and id. Hmm, seem to remember an analogy of a coach (you) , the horses (your emotions?), the driver (id?) and an old man nagging about how badly the coach is being driven from the back seat (ego?). That doesn't seem right. Meh.
  17. Well if enough people show interest...
  18. There he is! Post traumatic stress from playing "Waar is Waldo? [where's Wally]" with my daughter.
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