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king of nowhere

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Posts posted by king of nowhere

  1. 2 hours ago, Elder_Haman said:


    I feel you. But...




    You can see the colors on her dress when she is pushed from the cliff. The colors are in roughly the same place on her body as they were in the pool. To me, it looks like Egwene's dress is already wet when Nyn pushes her.


    Egwene's hair is unbraided in the pool shot, but braided when she goes off the cliff. Here's my take:



    true about the colors.

    on the down side, egwene has hairs unbraided. in the two rivers, every woman braids her hair as a coming of age. egwene, as an adult, should have her hair braided. she unbraids her hair later, when she goes out of the two rivers, as a symbol that she doesn't want to go back. if it's a ceremony in the two rivers, it makes no sense for her to be unbraided.

    of course, they could have changed that part about two river culture.

    it's also possible it's part of some vision, where the braid has a special significance.

  2. 6 hours ago, Guire said:

    I can deal with him going into rage, charging at darkspawn, her following then getting killed.  If he rage thrashes and kills her. Ugh.  I think that is too much of a fundamental change in who Perrin is and what he becomes.  This also probably removes Faile and Lord of 2 Rivers arc.  Very tough to be sympathetic to wife killer that shacks up with hot chick from out of town.  

    i disagree.

    accidentally killing your people in battle by friendly fire happens all the time. i would never call perrin a "wife killer" if in the heat of battle he swung at a dark shape he mistakes for a trolloc.

    and sure, i would expect him to be overcome with grief and not be out looking for another romance so fast... but remember, there's more than one year passing from winternight to meeting faile. that's enough time for a proper mourning.

    I would not like this plot change because it would change too much about perrin, but they probably could work the story around it.


    wait, maybe you are thinking that perrin goes into berserk mode and attacks everything in front of him indiscriminately? yeah, that would be different.

  3. there's to keep in mind the difference between changing the story, and showing stuff that in books happened in background, without changing the story.


    showing the aes sedai capture logain is not changing the story. it was in the books, it just gets focus. Bring some of the protagonists there, this changes the story. moiraine and lan fighting in emond field was not shown in the books, but it happened. whatever initiation is going on with egwene, didn't.


    oh, we may also include showing stuff at different times. it would be the case if we get shown new spring material, that happened in the books, but that as readers we wouldn't see until much later.

  4. 6 hours ago, Guire said:

    Several WoT centered reaction videos I saw mentioned it.  They seemed fairly confident that she was at least a young woman strongly linked to Perrin.  The fact it is mostly unverified speculation is pretty reassuring.

    you know how it is, somebody says something and it catches on and people start repeating it, and eventually everyone is repeating it - possibly in a way mangles by repeated retellings - even though it's baseless speculation, or debunked. that's how most fake news start

    Now, I can't guarantee it won't happen. they may actually do it, have perrin with a wife that he accidentally kills. and as @thehumantrashcan pointed out, they may have several good reasons to do it.

    But before wailing in despair, let's keep in mind that no matter how much the rumor got inflated, it's still baseless speculation

  5. it's a rumor that's been circulating for a while, ever since someone saw the name layla aybara.

    someone checked the books and saw there was a layla, and she was a girl whom perrin courted at some point. add in with sanderson saying there was one big change that fans would probably not like, some people connected it all by theorizing she's perrin's wife and she dies in the attack on winternight.


    the short of it all is, we don't know. we have no official source on who layla aybara is, or if they made big changes to perrin's arc. it's just a big speculation based on a name, it doesn't have any concrete support. on the other hand, as we have very little confirmations regarding details, we also have no refutation.


    it's actually something someone could ask rafe. but then, we'll know in a couple months

  6. 3 hours ago, Daenelia said:

    But there was too much happening, too quickly, to get a sense of what the story will be about.

    yeah, if I had not been already a wot fan, the trailer would not have hooked me for exactly that reason; scenes change too fast to actually be able to make out anything. Like, the first time I watched the trailer, I was all like "wuh? what's happening there? what was that thing in the last scene?"


    Had to watch it slowly, stopping at each scene, to figure out what was going on.

  7. 7 hours ago, flinn said:

    The Egwene relationship was just silly. At their age, they would have already been married or definitely having a physical relationships.. What else is there to do for teenagers in a small village?

    this is a very ethnocentric view; other cultures may work differently. Actually, it doesn't hold much water even under an ethnocentric perspective.

    I mean, in today's western world, if rand and egwene have been together for years, there's no reason for them to not have sex. Unless they are deeply religious.

    In the western world 100 years ago, there would be no reason for them to still be unmarried. Well, a lot of girls married around 15-16, but not all of them, and a couple waiting a bit more was not so unusual. Though, with egwene approaching 20, there would be a strong social pressure for her to be married already.

    Actually, that pressure to be married was because there was constant need for more children, as most of them were lost to sickness and many others were lost to war. randland has fairly advanced medicine and child mortality is much lower than we had in our preindustrial society, and they've seen no wars in centuries, so there would be no such social pressure.

    And let's not even start talking about other cultures, I'm not enough of an expert there. But there are places where somebody would look at this and think "this is silly, egwene's parents should have arranged her marriage by the time she was 12", and others that would be like "two single adults alone together without any kind of chaperone? scandalous!!!".


    ultimately, this is a book where there is a culture making widespread use of slaves, but being quite egalitarian and meritocratic otherwise. A culture of people who could easily conquer the whole world, but choose not to; they don't know why, but they have 12 chiefs who tell them they should not, and they follow. A culture where, for three days every year, people go out in the streets and have sex with random foreigners, while they are quite prudish at any other time. the place is commanded by an organization of magicians that's heavily infiltrated by darkfriends, who could easily root them out, but they don't because they find the very concept shaming.

    And your suspension of disbelied fails on whether a couple of young people who are maybe-sorta-into-a-relationship have sex or not?

  8. 1 hour ago, Raezold said:

    1.Wasn't Leane supposed to be amazingly beautiful?


    2. Myrdraal is over the top with his rows and rows of teeth like some alien space worm I've seen in some movie somewhere.


    4. I never got the fact that apparently Emond's Field has always been like an international town with people from all over the world. Wasn't that supposed to happen only later on in the series? If it isn't then I guess this one's on me for having a crappy memory.

    5. It feels all very woke and female centred. Which is also the reply I got when I showed the trailer to some people who never read a single word from WoT and who are definitely not going to watch this with me it seems. Well, at least I can watch it in my own time then.

    1) leane was supposed to be amazingly good with using makeup and flirting. Nobody ever mentioned her looks before she started trying to use it. and she was described as basically unkempt and business-like. I mean, we see her on the trailer with a very displeased expression and unflattering clothes. Put a smile on her face and some wardrobe that won't spell the message "i am too important for you to bother me", and she'd surely improve.


    2 I see your point, but myrdraal are supposed to be terrifying. In the books, they have the power in their stare. In the movie, of course they can't do it. And the various fan art I saw wasn't going a good job at evoking fear. Changing it for a more fearsome look is part of adapting.


    4) The only scene I can see with emond field is the tavern, a few seconds we see near second 10. Except the group of Mat, Rand and Perrin, I can't see details anywhere else. Still, I can't see any blonde hair there, which fits with descriptions (there is a white-haired elder that could be mistaken at first glance). People are some variations of tan.

    I was also concerned about them putting diversity where it would make no sense worldbuilding-wise, but as far as I can tell from those few seconds, this is not the case.


    5) it can certainly give that impression. But just because it's centered around females, it does not mean it's woke (in the negative connotation). in the books, women held power, but they were as flawed and as jerkasses as anyone else.

    Ruling, being protagonist, being strong, winning. None of them is particularly relevant for wokeness. What matters is being a positive or negative character. If all the positive characters belong to a category and all the negative character to another, then the movie(book/whatever) is political. if the movie is dominated by women, but those women are all abusive jerks oppressing good men, then the movie is not woke, and in fact it could be used as right wing propaganda. This is not the case with wot, positive and negative characters are evenly split among genders, cultures, and everything else.

    Yes, it's a world ruled by women. But those women are never shown neither implied to be better.

    And nothing we see in the trailer supports a change in this. You can tell that to your woke-fearing friends.

    And by the way, what's with the woke fear? Apparently, there's some people who go into a panic as soon as they see a woman leader, and refuse to watch any further. I'll be the first to admit that there are some extremists in the "social justice" field taking things too far, but you shouldn't let this define your views. Not every story with a woman  protagonist has to be about feminism, not every story with a black protagonist has to be about racism, and not every story with a white male protagonist has to be backwards and reactionary. Let the story be judged for its own merits


    I won't contest your other points, they are either subjective, or they are even things I can agree with.


  9. villages getting exterminated and eaten is no problem. as long as you don't show it happening. just have the characters stumble upon an empty village with blood splattered around. have someone ask where are the bodies, and someone else more knowledgeable state that the trollocs brought them for food. Have a character look into a coockpot and vomit; you don't need to show the actual content of the coockpot.


    most torture is done with the power, which makes it extremely easy to keep tv-14. the villain channels inside the victim, the victim screams in pain. you don't have to show anything. rapes can be implied without being shown, just like in the books.


    dumai's wells? i think they can show piles of corpses, as long as the camera does not go close enough to see many details.


    just like the R-rated scenes can be described using pg-13 language, they can also be filmed in such a way, without taking anything away from the story

  10. 1 hour ago, flinn said:

     The ridiculously bad sex scenes was the worst thing about GoT. If sex scenes are something you look for in a tv show, I think something is wrong with you. Especially in the internet age. All the porn you could possibly want is already at your finger tips.


    I belive (hope?) that's not what people are complaining about. the fact that they keep throwing around the words "young adult" like it's the worst possible slur make me inclined to think they are afraid the show will devolve into dumb love triangles melodrama.

    Because of course we know there are only two kinds of movies: those with gratuitous sex and violence, and the dumb teens love melodramas, with no other possible options. If wot won't have sex, then it must have some poorly inserted love triangles. (some forums use blue text for sarcasm, not sure if it will be recognized here)


    Most of those worried about "YA" are vocal complainers, and I'd dismiss them as already deeply prejudiced against the show, and grasping for everything they can find to support their prejudice that the show will suck.

    But there are also a few people who say "everything is fine, except the bright colors make me thing this will be YA, and it would be really bad". I don't know, maybe they've been emotionally scarred by something they've seen in the past. I have no other hypothesis on why someone would react so badly to lack of dongs or lack of dirt

  11. as someone who understands nothing of clothing, i obviously don't see anything wrong with them. what they wear on the field seem standard medieval garb. what they wear in the tower's hall goes between standard medieval fancy garb, and extra-fancy garb

    (as in, i noticed that the more clothing is fancy and refined, the more it tends to get more uncomfortable to wear and to look ridiculous to anyone not of that culture. I mean, just ignore all your social conditioning that a guy in a suit is important, won't it look like a bad penguin cosplay? Of course, it's all part of the status symbol. If you can wear something uncomfortable and movement-restricting, it means you have servants and don't need to work. If you can wear something silly and be taken seriously, you must be the most important person in the room)

    I have no idea what else they should be wearing.

    As for the intricate and detailed descriptions given in the books, they were the only passages where i had to look some words on a dictionary. And even then, I still couldn't picture most of it


    But seeing people get so hung up on clothes, i wonder what could be so bad about them

  12. Yes, I suppose it works really well for someone who is not familiar with the source material. It works worse for someone who is already a fan, because you see a lot of changes. The trailer starts immediately with egwene being thrown off a cliff, and it has a few more sequences of that, something that's not in the books. And it follows with a lot of scenes of logain, which again are not from the books.

    It's even worse for a fan who did not follow productiion and was not ready for the changes. My brother was quite unimpressed with the trailer, he complained a lot.

    Probably that's what rafe was meaning by "gird your loins"

  13. From this and other threads discussing the adult rating I get the terrible feeling that nowadays some producers are encouraged to put in some boobs in the trailer just to make the statement "this is not a kid's show". And that some viewers won't take seriously a trailer without boobs; "there's no gratuitous sex, it must be aimed at children".

    This can't be a serious metric by which to judge a show

  14. this is a new avenue for me. I can assume maybe people see something that does not contain gratuitous violence/nudity, thinks "this is YA material", and immediately associate it to goofy teenagers succeeding against people more mature and competent than they are for no reason, and love triangles melodrama.

    but it's not a very balanced way to look at this. And slapping in a pair of tits and a disembowlement in a trailer just to show that "they are serious" does not seem a particularly trustworthy thing either.


    I mean, maybe they do not put boobs and disembowlement because they have a childish plot targeted to children.

    Or maybe they do put boobs and disembolwements because they have no plot and are trying to compensate with fanservice.

    Either way, the presence/absence of b&d does not tell you anything about the plot's quality. You'll just have to take the risk.

  15. my opinion on a man's "prettyness" is not particularly relevant, because as a straight man i am not equipped to judge; but while some characters (all of them men) described lan as ugly, i never imagined him as such. there is an air to lan. a solidity. lan makes you feel safe. lan makes you feel like you can trust him. I'd be surprised if women did not react to this

  16. right, good spotting of the towers.

    by the way, the wing facing dragonmount is not taller, it's merely perspective. but it has a different roof.

    So it means that in the first splash picture we are watching north.

    Then either the ogier groove isn't the ogier groove (and by the way, do I see buildings poking through it?) or they moved it.

  17. 2 hours ago, Ryan al'Thor said:

     On another note, I find the complaints about "lighting" or other trivial things ridiculous.


    I don't even notice that stuff unless it's pointed out to me. If it's pointed out, I don't care about it. I'm sure there are people who care, "connoisseurs", but I can't belive they would be a large number, or that the quality of a movie would depend largely on it.

  18. no, we are watching the south east side, and everything matches. the positions of the shol arbela and the chairien bridges fit perfectly, with one being parallel to the tower and the other being at a 30° angle. the white tower has 2 wings, one on both side, and they are aligned east-west, like in the map. the ogier groove is a bit more northward than it was supposed to be, it's between the two bridges instead of south of the last one, but it's the only detail slightly out of place.

    actually, it's a much better fit on the map than i thought it would be initially


  19. and yet, the white tower was supposed to be square... well, not really important.

    i have to say, it does not look like a tower because it does not look tall. but then, it's just so wide that you don't realize how high it is.considering how much stuff they do have in that tower, it should be pretty large indeed

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