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Multiball Mafia - GAME OVER - TOWN WINS


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@ Luthine. Why wouldn't I vote when it's a new day?


Idk i thought there'd be more discussion before throwing out votes, but apparently not. Personally I had AJ at the top of my townie list, voted for Hallia, suspected WiFi (which I don't anymore), suspected Lily (on stand by) so I'm reassessing basically almost everything I think I knew.


Niniel, you didn't address any of my other points? At this point I feel like I'm really talking to myself. I'd like to know if you'd missed 1)what I'd said about town reads and thus why I only ISOed people I suspected and 2) AJ's (and Zander's might I add) various comments about liking my posts/thinking I'm town. Or if you were just arguing in bad faith.


Basically if you're a misguided townie or a mafia.


I'd have to ISO and I'm on mobile atm but why is no one suspecting Lenlo/Sooh? (aside from Kat but well, not sure about their "spat"). Sooh had been rightly called out on giving the illusion of participating, then Lenlo makes nice with Dice, just like that.


For now my suspicion is more gut feeling/process of elimination. I didn't dislike Kat, Talmanes and Dice's respective last posts but something feels off about Lenlo. Opportunistic might be the right word.


Anywho, see you guys tomorrow.



It still feels really odd. You choose to iso people that you are already suspicious of. Then all of those leads to the conclusion that they are scummy. So what is the point? To use it to put them in the right order, or what? 


AJ didn´t mention you much at all if you compare to other that he talked about. Of those alive he buddied me and Dice the most. But the way he treated you is a part of why I´m suspicious of you. Now I know that it´s not always good to base reads on dead people´s posts but that is what I have right now. 



No, I had notes on everyone, I chose to share the iso of people I was suspicious of and as I explained when I did it's because 1)town reads can put a target on people and 2)this being a multiball, even people hunting for mafia can be mafia. I don't get what you don't understand about that, if you're pursuing this to make "your case" or what. It was even based on your post about multiball being tricky (that I quoted) that I chose to not put too much faith in town reads, so what is so odd about that?


Can you expand on the latter? Because at first it was that he didn't mention me that made me suspicious, now it's "the way he treated me".


Also you didn't address the point that I was being damn obvious following AJ's lead until the very, very end, even when Nynaeve, Hallia, Zander and Wifi were calling him scum. Very bad and pointless play if I were his teammate, which I'm not because I'm town.

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So first, afew things. Wish Zander had kept that PR. Woulda been funny. Second, GO GO POWER RANGERS.

Zander grilling Luth over her mafia experience and player knowledge. Asking Hallia about her Nyn read. Null tells for him. (Zander, #65, 66)
This one is weird. Awkward joke? Why worry about post count? (Katiora, #82) Her next 3 posts bug me as well. It feels like its going to far, like shes over exerting herself to make the joke. Not natural. (Katiora, #95, 96, 97). This post by her was also just... SO WEIRD. Why this concerned about post counts? And whats this policy lynch/modkill comments for? (Katiora, #104)
Zander is just so... forward about this stuff with Luth. Its like hes interrogating her and I have yet to see the point of it in my catchup. (Zander, #138) Curious as to why Kat is sketching Zander out. Shes sketching me out, but I have my own reasons. (Zander, #146). 
Random Dice comment. Why is this Dice? (Dice, #158). Dice is bothering me abit. Not really commenting on anything gameplay wise, but throwing a town read out for Zander (Dice, #173 and others). 
Liking Nyn. Posts like these show me shes thinkin. I like thinkin (Nyn, #177). Also like this one (Nyn, #185). Zander and I agree on something. (Zander, #188). Aj feels like hes splitting hairs here. Nyns point made sense to me (AJ, #197). Me and Hallia agree (Hallia, #202). Im still not seeing it Dice. I feel good about Zander, but hes made some posts that feel weird to me. At this point id give Zander a 70/30 town lean myself (Dice, #221). 
Kat avoids answering the question (Kat, #257). I dont see that as a backtrack Dice. More a clarification (Dice, #260) This is a better reaction imo. Lilys post isnt great, but its hardly damning (Zander, #280). This post is skeeeetch (Kat, #286). What if theres a Lie Detector Zander/Kat? Or any other number of roles? Even if it is a joke, I dont see why you cant answer it (Kat, #291). +1 (Nyn, #308). The Nyn/Luth fight is null imo, simply because this isnt a content/logic fight. This is a "Im right about something pointless and your not fight" (The whole exchange).
This is a bad vote right here. Theres nothing alignment indicative about this argument. I dont see why the vote (Hallia, #345). Hallia getting defensive (Hallia, #364). Quick jump from Niniel. First post of the game I think? Right onto Hallia. Its not a bad vote on its own, but it came from nowhere (Niniel, #376). My god me and Zander agree again. Are we town together for once? (Zander, #379). Liking AJ (AJ,  #383). Even worse post by Hallia imo. Theres so much apathy, as if she doesnt care about this vote (Hallia, #408).
95% of this list is "I dont know, no clue, what?". How in gods name is this "Not a horrible list" Hallia? (Kat, #414). I honestly cant tell what the point of this post is. Willing to put it out there? Way more vague? Did we read the same list? It was nothing but vague! (Hallia, #419). +1 to Niniel (Niniel, #422). Lily managed to say little, with alot of posts (Lily, #442 back). Agreed for the most part (#470). Good post AJ. I didnt find any of those damning in a vaccum, but when laid out its not a good look for her (AJ, #512). 
At this point, Zander Nyn and AJ are basically town in my books. The weakest of those 3 is Zander, but the lowest grade diamond is still a diamond.
Started to skim abit here. Got tired of catchup. Sorry not sorry. Good point by Dice. Moving up the books (Dice, #544). Decent list from AJ (AJ, #583).
Heres where im at. Each grouping has a light ordering? Like... if your at the top your at the top, same with the bottom, but the middle can shift. Make sense? Maybe?


Wiffy (mentored by Laine) - Solid middle line. Probably more wolfy then towny, but shes new and confusing me
Luthine - 



Caught up.



What I get from this: AJ was at the top of his Town list. AJ turns out to be scum but that doesn't make him revise his reads list one bit apparently, he simply goes on to his 4th town read, just like that, who wasn't part of his "town core" according to the colors.



Welp... There goes the core. 


Dice, you have hereby been promoted to my best town read. Congratulations.


And apparently all it takes to ~convince Dice is this exchange:






well at least i wasnt totally suxed in by AJ.



Lenlo  can I actually trust you this game?



who do you think should be todays lynch?

Was there a game you couldnt trust me in?


Imo... Kat or Luth/Wifi.


I say /, because I could do either of them. One kinda resolves the other to some extent. Id lynch Wifi over Luth at this point though.



Which isn't worth anything as far as arguments for trusting someone go...





You said some of her posts were bad but you never elaborated much IMO. Coming in that late (not your fault albeit) and then voting instantly warrants a good look in my book.

Thats fine, looking is good. Just stating there were infact reasons.



Could you share with the class? I also asked you what made you suspicious of me before but you didn't answer.


I tried reading through the Kat/Lenlo spat but honestly my eyes glazed over, will go back to it when I haven't just woken up if I have the time.


Right now I have an off feeling about Lenlo cozying up to Dice right away like that. Add to that Sooh's convenient posts about anything but her game thoughts. (I know it's 2 different people but still the same "player" with the same alignment).





Zander 237 Nynaeve 134 Andrej 122 Hallia 73 Eldrick4221 64 dicetosser1 63 Katiora 56 Wildfire Sedai 52 Luthine 47 LilyElizabeth 34 Niniel 33 Lenlo 31 Talmanes 19 Sooh 13



all right zander lets see what CCSOHW says shall we?


According to it Talmanes is probably scum right? followed by either nini or len depending on if u add sooh and len together or not.



all right lets see


vote talmanes

So I have no idea what acronym means (seriously you all use way too many freaking acronyms), but you're voting me for not having many posts I take it? I would hope you could come up with a better reason at this point.



Dice, could you explain this vote? As in, did you have reasons others than those stated to cast this vote? Because that's something I could see happening early D1, but D2 with 3 townies down this is not a good look.


By process of elimination more than anything else I'd say my suspicions atm are on: Lenlo, Niniel, Dice. Not in any order


DL is 1 am for me so I won't be around then, I will be here around DL-3.


By process of elimination more than anything else I'd say my suspicions atm are on: Lenlo, Niniel, Dice. Not in any order


DL is 1 am for me so I won't be around then, I will be here around DL-3.

And therefore asleep when I wake up :P





@ Luthine. Why wouldn't I vote when it's a new day?


Idk i thought there'd be more discussion before throwing out votes, but apparently not. Personally I had AJ at the top of my townie list, voted for Hallia, suspected WiFi (which I don't anymore), suspected Lily (on stand by) so I'm reassessing basically almost everything I think I knew.


Niniel, you didn't address any of my other points? At this point I feel like I'm really talking to myself. I'd like to know if you'd missed 1)what I'd said about town reads and thus why I only ISOed people I suspected and 2) AJ's (and Zander's might I add) various comments about liking my posts/thinking I'm town. Or if you were just arguing in bad faith.


Basically if you're a misguided townie or a mafia.


I'd have to ISO and I'm on mobile atm but why is no one suspecting Lenlo/Sooh? (aside from Kat but well, not sure about their "spat"). Sooh had been rightly called out on giving the illusion of participating, then Lenlo makes nice with Dice, just like that.


For now my suspicion is more gut feeling/process of elimination. I didn't dislike Kat, Talmanes and Dice's respective last posts but something feels off about Lenlo. Opportunistic might be the right word.


Anywho, see you guys tomorrow.



It still feels really odd. You choose to iso people that you are already suspicious of. Then all of those leads to the conclusion that they are scummy. So what is the point? To use it to put them in the right order, or what? 


AJ didn´t mention you much at all if you compare to other that he talked about. Of those alive he buddied me and Dice the most. But the way he treated you is a part of why I´m suspicious of you. Now I know that it´s not always good to base reads on dead people´s posts but that is what I have right now. 



No, I had notes on everyone, I chose to share the iso of people I was suspicious of and as I explained when I did it's because 1)town reads can put a target on people and 2)this being a multiball, even people hunting for mafia can be mafia. I don't get what you don't understand about that, if you're pursuing this to make "your case" or what. It was even based on your post about multiball being tricky (that I quoted) that I chose to not put too much faith in town reads, so what is so odd about that?


Can you expand on the latter? Because at first it was that he didn't mention me that made me suspicious, now it's "the way he treated me".


Also you didn't address the point that I was being damn obvious following AJ's lead until the very, very end, even when Nynaeve, Hallia, Zander and Wifi were calling him scum. Very bad and pointless play if I were his teammate, which I'm not because I'm town.



means nothing. thats a  "scum wouldnt do that argument" kinda like "scum wouldnt claim mafia RB with their first post" yet ive seen it happen.  never say never





Welp... There goes the core. 


Dice, you have hereby been promoted to my best town read. Congratulations.


And apparently all it takes to ~convince Dice is this exchange:






well at least i wasnt totally suxed in by AJ.



Lenlo  can I actually trust you this game?



who do you think should be todays lynch?

Was there a game you couldnt trust me in?


Imo... Kat or Luth/Wifi.


I say /, because I could do either of them. One kinda resolves the other to some extent. Id lynch Wifi over Luth at this point though.



Which isn't worth anything as far as arguments for trusting someone go...





red   your making an assumption. tell me where i said i trust lenlo.


Blue   you are right   but i also read it as a joke as len and i have played together a lot



Zander 237 Nynaeve 134 Andrej 122 Hallia 73 Eldrick4221 64 dicetosser1 63 Katiora 56 Wildfire Sedai 52 Luthine 47 LilyElizabeth 34 Niniel 33 Lenlo 31 Talmanes 19 Sooh 13



all right zander  lets see what CCSOHW says shall we?


According to it Talmanes is probably scum right? followed by either nini or len depending on if u add sooh and len together or not.



all right lets see


vote talmanes



This is really lazy. Especially since you know that he was gone from DM some time (we are both playing his game and know that he disappeared) and asked to be replaced. I don´t know if you want to catch AJ´s team but if you do, I think it´s unlikely that Talmanes is on AJ´s team. 


Talmanes is like the closest to a town I got right now. 





double post again  sigh


right lets try this again




Zander 237 Nynaeve 134 Andrej 122 Hallia 73 Eldrick4221 64 dicetosser1 63 Katiora 56 Wildfire Sedai 52 Luthine 47 LilyElizabeth 34 Niniel 33 Lenlo 31 Talmanes 19 Sooh 13



all right zander  lets see what CCSOHW says shall we?


According to it Talmanes is probably scum right? followed by either nini or len depending on if u add sooh and len together or not.



all right lets see


vote talmanes



This is really lazy. Especially since you know that he was gone from DM some time (we are both playing his game and know that he disappeared) and asked to be replaced. I don´t know if you want to catch AJ´s team but if you do, I think it´s unlikely that Talmanes is on AJ´s team. 


Talmanes is like the closest to a town I got right now. 



thank you  have a town lean. tho i disagree with tal  hes done nothing tro say one way or the other




Zander 237 Nynaeve 134 Andrej 122 Hallia 73 Eldrick4221 64 dicetosser1 63 Katiora 56 Wildfire Sedai 52 Luthine 47 LilyElizabeth 34 Niniel 33 Lenlo 31 Talmanes 19 Sooh 13

all right zander lets see what CCSOHW says shall we?

According to it Talmanes is probably scum right? followed by either nini or len depending on if u add sooh and len together or not.

all right lets see

vote talmanes

So I have no idea what acronym means (seriously you all use way too many freaking acronyms), but you're voting me for not having many posts I take it? I would hope you could come up with a better reason at this point.



Dice, could you explain this vote? As in, did you have reasons others than those stated to cast this vote? Because that's something I could see happening early D1, but D2 with 3 townies down this is not a good look.





loved ninis  ures is ok but as i dont know u im being morte careful



i could still vote tal  hes done nothing to make me think i shouldnt




Vote Count


Luthine (1) : Nini

Dice (1) : Lily

Kat (1) : Lenlo

Lily (1) : Talmanes


Not voting: Luthine, Wiffy, Kat, Dice


With 8 alive, it takes 5 for a majority.


Deadline is 5pm on Wednesday








@ Luthine. Why wouldn't I vote when it's a new day?


Idk i thought there'd be more discussion before throwing out votes, but apparently not. Personally I had AJ at the top of my townie list, voted for Hallia, suspected WiFi (which I don't anymore), suspected Lily (on stand by) so I'm reassessing basically almost everything I think I knew.


Niniel, you didn't address any of my other points? At this point I feel like I'm really talking to myself. I'd like to know if you'd missed 1)what I'd said about town reads and thus why I only ISOed people I suspected and 2) AJ's (and Zander's might I add) various comments about liking my posts/thinking I'm town. Or if you were just arguing in bad faith.


Basically if you're a misguided townie or a mafia.


I'd have to ISO and I'm on mobile atm but why is no one suspecting Lenlo/Sooh? (aside from Kat but well, not sure about their "spat"). Sooh had been rightly called out on giving the illusion of participating, then Lenlo makes nice with Dice, just like that.


For now my suspicion is more gut feeling/process of elimination. I didn't dislike Kat, Talmanes and Dice's respective last posts but something feels off about Lenlo. Opportunistic might be the right word.


Anywho, see you guys tomorrow.



It still feels really odd. You choose to iso people that you are already suspicious of. Then all of those leads to the conclusion that they are scummy. So what is the point? To use it to put them in the right order, or what? 


AJ didn´t mention you much at all if you compare to other that he talked about. Of those alive he buddied me and Dice the most. But the way he treated you is a part of why I´m suspicious of you. Now I know that it´s not always good to base reads on dead people´s posts but that is what I have right now. 



No, I had notes on everyone, I chose to share the iso of people I was suspicious of and as I explained when I did it's because 1)town reads can put a target on people and 2)this being a multiball, even people hunting for mafia can be mafia. I don't get what you don't understand about that, if you're pursuing this to make "your case" or what. It was even based on your post about multiball being tricky (that I quoted) that I chose to not put too much faith in town reads, so what is so odd about that?


Can you expand on the latter? Because at first it was that he didn't mention me that made me suspicious, now it's "the way he treated me".


Also you didn't address the point that I was being damn obvious following AJ's lead until the very, very end, even when Nynaeve, Hallia, Zander and Wifi were calling him scum. Very bad and pointless play if I were his teammate, which I'm not because I'm town.



The way he treated you = hardly mention you at all.


As Lenlo say, that doesn´t mean anything. 


Grr... we can´t just have one vote/player. If I should pick between Kat, Dice and Lily then I don´t know.


Dice - really lazy. He unvoted Talmanes but didn´t vote anyone else or said who he was suspicious of. This is not the Dice I know. 


Lily - feel like she changes her mind so easily in this game. It´s not uncommon for her to do it but I don´t feel that she is really looking for mafia. But I don´t think she is AJ´s team mate. Could be on the other team. 


Kat - the emotional posts rings true but she is also over reacting to Lenlo.



What about this. Can everyone state who they don´t want to lynch?



I don´t want to lynch Talmanes or Wifi. 


Grr... we can´t just have one vote/player. If I should pick between Kat, Dice and Lily then I don´t know.


Dice - really lazy. He unvoted Talmanes but didn´t vote anyone else or said who he was suspicious of. This is not the Dice I know. 


Lily - feel like she changes her mind so easily in this game. It´s not uncommon for her to do it but I don´t feel that she is really looking for mafia. But I don´t think she is AJ´s team mate. Could be on the other team. 


Kat - the emotional posts rings true but she is also over reacting to Lenlo.



What about this. Can everyone state who they don´t want to lynch?



I don´t want to lynch Talmanes or Wifi. 

Honestly I know i'm overreacting to lenlo a bit but it's ANNOYING AS ALL GET OUT when I type this whole thing and he bolds one statement in it, takes it out of context and makes it say something I didn't mean for it to say and then IGNORES everything else I say. I have seen I KNOW 2 other people ask "what else makes you suspicious of Kat" and he has ignored everyone. There's nothing... he says oh there's stuff there.. but no one has seem to have seen it. 



Honestly I really think that Len is the scummiest person here and the fact that he's not being suspected by more people worries me. To me it seems that he clears the really vocal people and susses anyone else trying to post that isn't as vocal or as good at typing swaying posts (like me) I'm not an argumentative person. When I try to argue I often become a bit too passionate  and i'm also prone to tinfoiling and getting too much in my own head. He has buddied Dice, which has also been noticed by others. Then looking at his votes. His vote on Hallia was horrible. No explanations... just putting her at L-1. At first I didn't think too much about it but after going back and re-reading... it really doesn't look good. And I don't care what you say you have to look partially at Sooh's involvement in the game. While she was here she posted but everything she posted lacked content. But it had just enough you could tell she had been reading the thread. That to me looks scummy. And it rang scummy to Nyn who is dead. I honestly think Len had her killed last night. It makes sense. AJ was being sussed by Zander. Whoever that was probably put the hit out on him. Nyn was suspecting Lenlo, she didn't like his vote on hallia and thought it was opportunistic. It was a good chance for him to put someone he knew wasn't on his scum town at L-1 but not actually drop the hammer on. The more I think about it the more convinced I am. 





I was trying to keep from getting a bullet in the back.  :smile:  Ya know tone it down a little bit...stay under the radar so I can do good.  Of course I started out on the wrong foot right from the beginning so I had to keep defending myself and then I kept opening mouth and inserting foot.  :smile:


But yeah you want it straight out: I took AJ out, plain and simple.  

I wouldnt say this clears you, as 2 mafia teams, but it does a dang good job of gettin you off the table today. Nice shot.



I was trying to keep from getting a bullet in the back.  :smile:  Ya know tone it down a little bit...stay under the radar so I can do good.  Of course I started out on the wrong foot right from the beginning so I had to keep defending myself and then I kept opening mouth and inserting foot.  :smile:


But yeah you want it straight out: I took AJ out, plain and simple.  

I wouldnt say this clears you, as 2 mafia teams, but it does a dang good job of gettin you off the table today. Nice shot.






it erased my thoughts after the quote....... lemme see if I can retype it. 



To me the quote above is just gross. I think pretty much everyone can agree that Wifi is not experienced enough to claim a false role. I mean she thought that if she was in a QT she was cheating for goodness sake. If ANYONE is town clear this game it's her. Trying to cast shade on that might be the scummiest thing you've done. 


@Dice - Out of curiosity what have I done to make you thinfk you should vote me? (Based on you saying I haven't done anything to make you not vite me).


As for lynch still not liking Lily, has just been wishywashy and not contributing much to the game. I don't know if something else is going on but I'm comfortable with my vote here.


I'd also be comfortable lynching Luthine. Her posts have gotten better but I still get a feeling she's been more interested in seeming busy then uncovering scum based on her posting.


I don't want to lynch WiFi. I don't see anything else suspicious about Kat either. Niniel I'm still watching but wouldn't want to lynch at this point. Dice makes me wary for some reason but has done nothing to make me suspicious again so won't vote there either.


I'm not liking Lenlo much at this point but I'd rather watch him today than Lynch him today.


Please. Show me an example of bold in one thing and ignoring the rest in your posts? Cause it hasn't happened.


The hally vote was well founded, there were reasons. So that statement is also false. Also I put her at L-2, do another strike against you.


Hallia was vocal, didn't clear her, so that's been disputed.


I'm on the phone. Don't hace my notes, can't get previous stuff atm.


For WiFi the fact of the matter is there's 2 wolf teams. It's possible she's matched with someone experienced. I already said she's definitly not wolf with AJ and will not be lynched today. So ni, there's no shade.


Anything I missed in there Kat, or you gonna say I bolder one part and ignored the rest again?


Nope didn't miss anything. Your entire post is based on false facts. The only thing remotely true in that post is that I've been unable to respond to Niniel asking me for reasons on you, which she asked earlier today


Please. Show me an example of bold in one thing and ignoring the rest in your posts? Cause it hasn't happened.


The hally vote was well founded, there were reasons. So that statement is also false. Also I put her at L-2, do another strike against you.


Hallia was vocal, didn't clear her, so that's been disputed.


I'm on the phone. Don't hace my notes, can't get previous stuff atm.


For WiFi the fact of the matter is there's 2 wolf teams. It's possible she's matched with someone experienced. I already said she's definitly not wolf with AJ and will not be lynched today. So ni, there's no shade.


Anything I missed in there Kat, or you gonna say I bolder one part and ignored the rest again?



Ok so if Wifi isn't Town then who is?? Who miss shot and shot Town (the two town that were pretty much concensus town) in the situation where Wifi is mafia? If she had a more experienced player would they really tell her to claim THAT day 1? What you're saying isn't logical at all. It IS pushing shade on a town. no doubt town. You are the only person that seems to have a problem with that statement. Why is that lenlo? 


And honestly you're not even hunting for mafia. All you're doing is responding to posts and pointing at me, regardless of what I say. 


And i'm sorry there was only one post where you blatantly ignored the entire post except for the small part i had about you that you highlighted and then you twisted to try to make me sound like I was saying you were mean. My bad. You haven't posted a whole lot so it seemed like more. 




Well... That sucks. Two games in a row Zander is town and get killed D1. *face desk* 



Ok... I need to know, what is up with everyone sussing me this game? I have hardly had any time on here to post when we actually had stuff going on but I"m at the top of the list for trying to help a newbie? I do not get it still. I mean... If that's the only thing that ya'll can find ya'll are looking WAY too hard to find a reason to lynch me. 


So far I think Lily is still suspicious. Been reading back over some of Zander's ISO and he was sussing her and Luthine for a while but I'm still trying to go over it and I'm out of time at work. Honestly the only person he had sure cleared was Nyn..... 


Honestly i'm not sure what to think of Lenlo. I think part of me just wants him to be scum cause he keeps accusing me and apparently can't understand the premise that some people can be nice in mafia and not look for fights which makes it hard for town to win.... not naming any games like the one we just finished together where he argued with a town for the majority of the game and made himself look bad... 

Im sorry, I cant what? Ive been rather pleasant this game, and when not aggravated by Sili was quite calm and affable last game. Are you saying I cant be nice while accusing you of being a wolf?


And I didnt argue with town last game. I argued with Sili. A single individual. And as it turns out, we were both wrong. So how bout you cool it there?



Well... That sucks. Two games in a row Zander is town and get killed D1. *face desk* 



Ok... I need to know, what is up with everyone sussing me this game? I have hardly had any time on here to post when we actually had stuff going on but I"m at the top of the list for trying to help a newbie? I do not get it still. I mean... If that's the only thing that ya'll can find ya'll are looking WAY too hard to find a reason to lynch me. 


So far I think Lily is still suspicious. Been reading back over some of Zander's ISO and he was sussing her and Luthine for a while but I'm still trying to go over it and I'm out of time at work. Honestly the only person he had sure cleared was Nyn..... 


Honestly i'm not sure what to think of Lenlo. I think part of me just wants him to be scum cause he keeps accusing me and apparently can't understand the premise that some people can be nice in mafia and not look for fights which makes it hard for town to win.... not naming any games like the one we just finished together where he argued with a town for the majority of the game and made himself look bad... 

Im sorry, I cant what? Ive been rather pleasant this game, and when not aggravated by Sili was quite calm and affable last game. Are you saying I cant be nice while accusing you of being a wolf?


And I didnt argue with town last game. I argued with Sili. A single individual. And as it turns out, we were both wrong. So how bout you cool it there?



I happen to agree with Kat.


@Lenlo - you've not done a whole lot besides argue, you haven't given solid reasons for anything (we'll just have to agree to disagree here). I don't think Kat has done much to be suspicious and I really don't see merit behind our WiFi is on another scum team theory.


I've been trying to give you some time to get caught up and make some solid posts but I haven't seen that yet.


Right now this whole exchange is reminding me of AJ @ Zander N1 which is really making me want to lead more toward Lenlo being scum.


UGHHHHHHHHHHHHHH it did it again. Every time I quote it quotes twice and erases what I put behind it.




Lenlo is doing the bare minimum necessary to appear active in this thread. He isn't hunting scum. He's reading and responding (at least partially) to anything directed at him and then ignoring the rest, watching us put votes on everyone else. He's not trying to solve he's skating by and pointing at me. 



And lenlo I know I have been asking you for more information on me since yesterday, and you haven't answered it  yet. So you being on your phone NOW isn't an excuse cause you had no problem quoting stuff yesterday. 






Ok so Wifi has claimed Town, does anyone else think that I'm still scum for trying to help her like we were in a QT together? Does anyone have a case on me besides that "scummy" not so tell? I have explained it several times and it's like no one seems to listen to my explanation. However, no one ever gives a better case about me than that and everyone has me in their bottom and I don't know how much  more Town I can be. I'm telling you I think Lenlo is scum. Everything I say he twists it to say something that I didn't quite mean. 




Kat, your thinking is rooted solidly in the ok ne wold team mindset. I never said she was wolf, I said she wasn't lock cleared 100% town. There's a difference. As I said, I will not be voting WiFi today or most likely tomorrow.


Now considering I think you're mafia and Lily is more then likely to be mafia, I'd say I have been hunting I have my reads. The fact that you havnt done anything to change those is your fault.


Finally, whose the one bold img one thing in a post and ignoring the rest now Kat? I dare say it applies more tp you then me.


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