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Time to Toss your Pancakes


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Well today is Shrove Tuesday or better know in the the UK as Panckae Day.


First a few facts:


Pancakes were made so as to use up the eggs and butter before Lent began.


This tradtion is very old and the receipe for pancakes can be found in cookbooks as far back as 1439. Pancake tossing goes back to the seventeenth century.


The worlds largest pancake was made in Rochdale (UK) in 1994. It was 15ms diameter and weighed 3 tonnes. If eaten was estimated to be about 2 million calories :shock:


Ralf Laue from Leipzig holds the world record for tossing a pancake. 416 times in 2 minutes.


Mike Cuzzacrea ran a marathan while continuing to toss a pancake for 3hours, 2 minutes, 27 seconds.


These pancales are thin, more like Crepes than the thicker kind usually had for breakfast over the pond.


A receipe


110g / 4oz Plain Floyr, seived


2 eggs

200ml / 7fl oz Milk mixed with 75ml / 3fl oz water

50g / 2oz butter


Sieve the flour and salt in a bowl and make a well in the centre. Break eggs in the centre and whisk them incorporating a little of the flour.

Gradually add small amounts of the milk and water mix, once all in whisk the mixture until it is smooth

Melt the butter in a frying pan and add 2 teaspoons to the mixture and whixk again. Put the rest of the melted butter aside and use it to lubricate the pan.

Put in about 2 tablespoons of the batter into the frying pan (7 inches, increase amount for bigger pans) and cook. when one side done turn the pancake over using a spatular or if brave by tossing!

Once done put on plate and add filling of choice.


The most common filling over here is to sprinkle the pancake with sugar and add some lemon juice role it up and eat.


So what do you do on this day...what's your favourite filling.


Happy Pancakes days....time to enjoy. :D


I can't be bothered making pancakes (lazy student syndrome! lol! :lol: ), but I will go out and buy some!


And jam. Remember the jam! I am currently having a lengthy discussion with my friends on whether to use strawberry or raspberry jam with the whipped cream.


*bounces* yep yep, I had pancakes today, just with raspberry jam and butter... and another lot with sugar and squeezy lemon juice *nods* yummy


Tay never thought of using jam...Tinks wanted just sugar...bless her, thank goodness it's once a year :D Next time though I'll try her with jam...I like that idea.


Hehehe over here it was the last day of carnaval....


Wich is a four day event in the south of the netherlands... It really like Carnival in Rio, we dress up funny and have lots of parades. We drink alcohol nearly non stop..

But this year wasn't fun for me, my best friend got into a fight and ended up in the hospital :cry:


I really would love to try a Semlor once *nods*


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