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World's End Mafia - town wins comprehensively


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zander you arnt proving what you think ure proving  






Sorry for making you wait.


I think I want to kill...


[v] Zander [/v]


Tinas vote



Vote Count:
Shad (1): Cory
Zander (1): Tina
Not Voting: Blom, pizza
With 4 dead players, 3 needed to lynch 



VC  only Tina of the scums voting


I think so, Pral. And I...


You have the okay from the scum team to go on. If cory and Pizza agree then I don't mind if the DL moves much much earlier.


Besie votes



Can I help you guys in any way?

Tell you what, I'll give you one question that I answer truthfully.

Terms and conditions: I won't out my scum bud in any way, so don't try that one.


ok 1 question answered HONESTLY and FULLY


is nolder Town?


Apparently Zander thinks I'm a monarchist :dry:


your English. You HAVE to be a monarchist dont you? :D


Before we worry about Noliver Twist, we must first cross the Swamps of Shadness.



Hint: Someone is going to drown in it. There will be tears.



Shad died and was a Gmork.



+1 Pizza



catch up post i was working on before i saw the votes



(Should I just assume pizza is going to vote Shad)





Pizza I want you to hammer zander



My VERY NEXT POST!  and they are 1 min apart

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Prals not Yates he'd have said game over....especially when things are getting a little heated.

I mean I'll still do the game if it's really on, I just think odds are better it's already finished.


Why would Shad lolcat if he still had a wolf that wasn't on the radar?


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Honestly if I had three shots right now I'd take out Tina, Shad and Besie.


Besie or Nikon is probably the decision for the third but I think Besie has more equity to go deep. If Nikon is a wolf he's not getting far.


I am treating this as must lynch even though it isn't, and I have literally never lost a game as a villager at must lynch in my entire career.


If there is time to settle down and have faith in me, this is the time.



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Ok so in my mind it's probably between Dice and Nikon.

Wolves are desperate so I can see Dice as a wolf encouraging Nomi to kill Xander.

But it feels more like a crime of passion to me. Like Dice really thought Xander was out to get him.

If that's fake then ok I got played.


Final opinion is that last wolf is the lurker.


What was that motto ya'll been using? KISS?

Simple explanation right there.

He has no good or bad gameplay to analyse.

Hiding in plain sight.

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Cory straight up just read from where Pizza comes back into the thread and asks who to vote concerning Dice first.  Then talk to be about that alone.  Please?

Give him time.


Please Zanderman.

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Honestly if I had three shots right now I'd take out Tina, Shad and Besie.


Besie or Nikon is probably the decision for the third but I think Besie has more equity to go deep. If Nikon is a wolf he's not getting far.


I am treating this as must lynch even though it isn't, and I have literally never lost a game as a villager at must lynch in my entire career.


If there is time to settle down and have faith in me, this is the time.





Cory straight up just read from where Pizza comes back into the thread and asks who to vote concerning Dice first.  Then talk to be about that alone.  Please?

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And FTR I'm not even saying that's Nikon's fault necessarily.

He's just so far behind that any meaningful gameplay is beyond him now without monumental effort.

So he's just sitting around waiting to see if he can skate by.


I mean he was here for the lynch but didn't even stick around to see what happened.

WTF is that? Even as a disinterested constantly behind barely playing villager I'd like to see the flip and see if I voted right to help my team.

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Honestly if I had three shots right now I'd take out Tina, Shad and Besie.







But Im honestly feeling a Yates in SW feeling with Dice.


Please read the last bit with Dice and talk to me.

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Nolder do you care about being lynched now?

No. We still have a mislynch don't we?

It makes sense to eliminate the guy you have a bad read on over the guy you have no read on.

I'm just saying between Dice and Nikon I think it's Nikon.


Am I being distracting? I can just shut up and wait I guess lol.

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