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British Monarchy Mafia- Game Over, Town Wins!!!


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@ JS I don't really have a meta on Laine either. I knew she was town in the SW game because after Day 2, she was obviously the cop. I had her as town this game because of her activity and game solving at the end there. It had nothing to do with meta. My initial read of her was due to her lack of input in the game by that point. I find it weird that you were surprised she flipped town.

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I ONLY Town you know that!!!


This game will be much easier if you both are town Laine.


I gotchu Seph. ^.^


It'll be easier if you are too and we can town core this one to the end too?


No mishaps like last time where I have to lynch you because you're scumming it lol Ftr I read you worse than I read Zander so I need some time


I think I am a decent zander reader tbh, and your right :) I want a towny thread again!

honestly Though I have never seen him as scum now that I think about it, besides one turbo? so I guess that is to be determined still.


It's not much, but it caught my attention on my reread. This strikes me as something a teammate would say about another. Possible linking here.

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I'm going back to where I was on Day 1 before our deadline.  Vote: Eldrick  Missing from the LotD lynch, and has seemed very erratic.  Don't like how he's linking Seph and Zander either, it seems like a huge stretch to me.



I think I am a decent zander reader tbh, and your right :) I want a towny thread again!
honestly Though I have never seen him as scum now that I think about it, besides one turbo? so I guess that is to be determined still.





It's not much, but it caught my attention on my reread. This strikes me as something a teammate would say about another. Possible linking here.


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DM is back - Yay! I managed to read the thread, beginning after my vote on LotD, yesterday but when I was about to post DM disappeared. I hope I can remember what my notes mean now. lol 





Pral - no reason for early case and bussing LotD


Hally - the same as Pral


Eldrick - this is more a feeling. He is all over the place but he seems sincere. 


Snow - his claim yesterday and the fact that LotD went after him yesterday (as Pral pointed out) makes me list him as town. But I really wish that he would add something townie to this game. I don´t think he has so far. He made some votes that I didn´t agree with, didn´t actually got anything useful out of his claim (except for outing a vig) and defended LotD until the end. 





Seph - he was gone for a long time and didn´t write much in the end of D1. He said he would re-read the thread but never gave any report if he found something or not. Ended up voting LotD late since he didn´t want to vote Eld since Snow voted him. He had a good post in #778 though, where he pointed out that Zander dodged NotBob´s question about LotD and Eldrick. I liked that, because it was something that I noticed when I re-read. Not sure where I have him. 


NotBob - he have written so little. I wish he would post more, would like a list with some explanations. 


Talya - her interaction with LotD is weird. She did an ISO of his post in #667 where she found him scummy and asked him a question about his suspiciouns of Snow. In #713 she said that she still didn´t understand LotD. But then she thanked him for his explanation in #718 and seemed to let him go. In #766 she voted him because she felt warmer of Eldrick than him. I liked her questioning him but she backed down just to come back and vote him later. I should read her earlier posts but don´t think I will get the time today.


Razen - I had him as strong town yesterday but the end of the day action made me move him down to null. It´s mostly because he defended LotD as bumbling town. He did vote him later on though. 




Zander - he dodged NotBob´s question about LotD and Eldrick and said that he needed to re-read but that he was interested in Snow/Pral and Hally/Talya. After that he posted only about Razen, posts that I didn´t agree with. He then parked his vote on Razen for the rest of the day and never mentioned any of LotD or Eldrick. No progression at all. Add to that trying to clear himself with meta. 


AH - knew that she wouldn´t be here in time for deadline but still didn´t vote. She was willing to leave LotD space since it was his first game back. That´s it. 


Dice - he parked his joke vote on Zander for a long time. In #680 he says he considers voting Eldrick. In #730 he says that he is happy to vote Eldrick, LotD or Razen. He gave no reasons except that he liked Zander´s posts about Razen in a later post. As it happens, those three was the focus for most people. When he realised that he wouldn´t be here at dl he voted LotD. 



Did I forget anyone?



[v] AH [/v]



I could also vote Zander and Dice. 


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All right, so, like I said above, I'm getting more a bumbling town kind of read from LotD.  Some of his posts have been really apologetic in tone, and they come across to me as someone who is out of their depth at the moment and trying to swim their way back to safety.  I don't believe that a scum team would have left one of their members out to dry like that.


With that said, deadline is approaching, and I'm not inspired by what I've seen so far regarding activity.  I'm not liking all the parked 1 vote trains/no votes either. Right now, I'm not seeing how we get to a majority.  I think it will be interesting to see who changes their vote with the deadline approaching and who leaves it parked where it does nothing.  So I am going to unvote, vote: Lord of the Dawn.




you'd vote someone you feel is town over someone else you may think is Maf??  I hate no lynches to but not enough to come off a scum read to a town read,  Id come off a scum read for another scum read or MAYBE a null.


seems to me you were just looking for town cred and you failed imo.

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Vote Count


John Snow (2/7): Hallia, NotBob

Dice (1/7): Eldrick

Eldrick (1/7): Razen

Heart (1/7): Tina


Not voting (7/12): Aiel Heart, Seph, Zander, John Snow, Talya, Dice, and Pralaya


where are we?


MOD  can we get a DL extension?

Yes there is an extension of one day because of the error message yesterday making it so nobody could really get on.


Countdown to end of Day 2: http://www.timeanddate.com/countdown/election?iso=20150716T20&p0=263&msg=British+Monarchy+Mafia+Day+2&font=cursive&swk=1

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gonna get current today and then a re read.  was out Saturday night as I mentioned.  DM down for like ever and in 2 games.


atp i dont know when DL is but prolly only willing to vote Razen and John Snow.

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Vote Count


John Snow (2/7): Hallia, NotBob

Dice (1/7): Eldrick

Eldrick (1/7): Razen

Heart (1/7): Tina


Not voting (7/12): Aiel Heart, Seph, Zander, John Snow, Talya, Dice, and Pralaya


where are we?


MOD  can we get a DL extension?

Yes there is an extension of one day because of the error message yesterday making it so nobody could really get on.


Countdown to end of Day 2: http://www.timeanddate.com/countdown/election?iso=20150716T20&p0=263&msg=British+Monarchy+Mafia+Day+2&font=cursive&swk=1



ok not as worried still over 2 days left.

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I'm here, figuring stuff out. Don't have nearly as good of a feel for this game as I would like, and I'm not getting scum vibes off of any of the major trains. 


"read better brah"...sound familiar....lolololol.  whether right or wrong you should have some atp.

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All right, so, like I said above, I'm getting more a bumbling town kind of read from LotD.  Some of his posts have been really apologetic in tone, and they come across to me as someone who is out of their depth at the moment and trying to swim their way back to safety.  I don't believe that a scum team would have left one of their members out to dry like that.


With that said, deadline is approaching, and I'm not inspired by what I've seen so far regarding activity.  I'm not liking all the parked 1 vote trains/no votes either. Right now, I'm not seeing how we get to a majority.  I think it will be interesting to see who changes their vote with the deadline approaching and who leaves it parked where it does nothing.  So I am going to unvote, vote: Lord of the Dawn.




you'd vote someone you feel is town over someone else you may think is Maf??  I hate no lynches to but not enough to come off a scum read to a town read,  Id come off a scum read for another scum read or MAYBE a null.


seems to me you were just looking for town cred and you failed imo.


Bold is also interesting, considering that he was actually mafia.

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