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The Ultimate Showdown: PART DEUX - GAME OVER, Town Wins


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Wombat was right. We should have lynched Cloud instead of RTE. RTE's death scene and the ease with which his lynch occured, combined with Cloud's bizarro assurance that RTE was scum has all convinced me RTE was actually town after all. Cloud should be our next lynch, unless someone awesome shoots him tonight.

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This is for Csarmi's benefit (oh and DM seems to have sped up again, yay!):



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@Despo: I don't take amusement in annoying others. I never troll.


#revive - I might have missed something: how do we know Ithi is revived? I've seen nothing from Darthe about that.


#moon - I googled Wombat's poem but I found nothing so it must be something he came up with. "Remember the three things all wise men fear.  Remember Avalon.  Remember your past."  This sentence doesn't really mean anything to me. Can someone help me with it?


#Despo - He's still scum.

  On 3/15/2014 at 6:02 AM, Despothera said:

And fyi posting a bunch of garbage while still admittedly being behind IS terrible and you deserve to be scorned for it. For every little post you make while you're still behind, you're wasting time that could be spent actually catching up. 1Your thoughts mean slightly more than nothing if you aren't caught up yet2, meaning that you're just posting spam that will be disregarded by most. It has nothing to do with playstyle, if you're not caught up, you shouldn't be spamming, period. You should be catching up.


(1) Simply false. The reasons should be evident - you can do different stuff under different circumstances.

(2) That's just not false, but a very anti-town thing to propagate. You know better than that Despo.

  On 3/15/2014 at 4:48 AM, amegakure said:

guys...its time to come clean... i dont know how to read

This explains so much.


  On 3/15/2014 at 5:24 AM, Darthe said:

Can I just say that you all are in for a series of treats soon?  This game is really going to change.  I advise that you all pay attention to what questions you ask.  Some of you have been asking me things so far and have found that I am more... open than normal.  It is good to question when you seek answers.  Just, keep in mind that I can't tell you everything.

Alright. Who are the scum? <3


  On 3/15/2014 at 6:19 AM, csarmi said:

@Despo: I don't take amusement in annoying others. I never troll.


#revive - I might have missed something: how do we know Ithi is revived? I've seen nothing from Darthe about that.


#moon - I googled Wombat's poem but I found nothing so it must be something he came up with. "Remember the three things all wise men fear.  Remember Avalon.  Remember your past."  This sentence doesn't really mean anything to me. Can someone help me with it?


#Despo - He's still scum.

I did a quick google search for the poem and believe it or not the first things that popped up in google was this game. Great. After that found this line. "There are three things all wise men fear: the sea in storm, a night with no moon, and the anger of a gentle man." 


Dunno if it means anything but found it for you.

  On 3/14/2014 at 7:12 PM, Ithillian said:

Ah no ... I was mistaken. The red thing I remember seeing was the word 'red'.


I wonder why it was coloured in red?


... We had already discussed this. AJ first brought it up, well actually he said Pray's scene made him feel Pray could be scum and I pointed out the specific things in the scene that hinted that.


There's the red thing, as well as the part about his repentant eyes.


  On 3/14/2014 at 7:56 PM, Ithillian said:

Ok so I'm gonna assume that you're all




and wait for you to get over it lol.


*waits for Turin to say to put gifs in spoilers*


Oh wait he won't cause Ithi can do no harm ever


:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:


(fwiw I love the gifs and such Ithi, keep em rolling :tongue: )


  On 3/14/2014 at 9:45 PM, Lenlo said:


  On 3/14/2014 at 9:44 PM, Ithillian said:

I'll vote you tomorrow.

This is how I know you care.


I wish you could know how much it revolts me when you do this Lenlo. I'm surprisingly close to wanting to policy lynch you every game you do this crap. Joke-claiming scum once or twice during the RVS stage is one thing, continuing the act throughout the game like this is just unacceptable. Get your rear in line if you're town and quit posting so much crap fluff.


  On 3/14/2014 at 11:20 PM, Ithillian said:


stupid mobile DM not allowing a clip and a quote


HE ^^^ is not left handed


:wub: that scene


In fact it's easily one of my favorite movie swordfight scenes ever. My top three is:


3. The Count of Monte Cristo

2. The Princess Bride

1. Rob Roy


  On 3/15/2014 at 12:14 AM, Ithillian said:


  On 3/15/2014 at 12:11 AM, WWWwombat said:

Not only do English people enjoy correcting others' diction in general, but "scum" is a bad word over there.

nah isn't that. Scummy scummy scummy using word instead of give real reasons - they got no real reasons so think say scummy make it so. am really tired but yes bad guy poker tell is to say scummy lots.


like - I think they scum cos they scummy ... see?


Tbh I think that tell is more unreliable than you think- I use the word "scum" ALL THE TIME when I'm town actually scumhunting. A lot of other people use the word a lot as either alignment as well.


I do agree with it in principle tho- that scum (or mafia :wink: ) will use buzzwords a lot to make it seem like they're contributing or actually participating without having to actually back up what they're saying. I just think the word "scum" is basically too common to qualify for this tell.


  On 3/15/2014 at 12:49 AM, WWWwombat said:


  On 3/14/2014 at 4:30 PM, Darthe said:

When the group selected RTE he saw it in their eyes.  Confusion.  Fear.  Hatred.  He felt their need for death and so went willingly to his fate.  


RTE has been lynched.


Above, the shallow moon began to wane in the sky.  It would not be long before a fae sky revealed the truest darkness.


It is now Night.  You have 18 hours.



I think we have but one more night.

Until the moon has left our sight.





  On 2/13/2014 at 2:51 AM, Darthe said:


You have been given five wards to aid you in this endeavor.  Remember the three things all wise men fear.  Remember Avalon.  Remember your past.




I quote this so you cannot help but hear.

A wise man views a moonless night with fear.



Good catch Wombat :biggrin:


Andddd welcome to the town pile finally.


  On 3/15/2014 at 2:11 AM, Lenlo said:


  On 3/14/2014 at 11:35 PM, _CLOUD said:


I didn’t like Lenlo’s catch-up because he seemed to be only focusing on pointing out all the scummy moves that RTE made and he joked around a bit. It looked more like bussing than scumhunting to me.

Yes... im bussing in a game with NO CORONERS. Seriously?


This def looks like it could be a scum/scum interaction. Lenlo is right in that bussing in a no coroner game is silly, but the way in which he responds makes me think it's staged. First off, Cloud isn't pointing out behavior he thinks is scummy that is independent of anything else- he's saying Lenlo seemed like he was bussing. Let's say a coroner was forced to reveal or came forth or something and said RTE was town. Well now Cloud was able to throw a soft distancing lob @ Lenlo that can fall through easily, making it look like Lenlo is cleaner than he is. All Lenlo has to do is keep the wifom alive about RTE's alignment.


  On 3/15/2014 at 2:20 AM, Tommyrod said:

Did we figure out Wombat and Cloud yet?


Yup. They're town/scum, respectively.


  On 3/14/2014 at 11:35 PM, _CLOUD said:

I bet you are actually raging in your QT right now  :laugh:



  On 3/15/2014 at 3:41 AM, Turin Turambar said:

Finally, I don't have a QT unlike your boys Despo and Tommy. I really can not wait to read the Mafia QT after this game. Would you like to give us a little preview of what you  guys are saying in there Cloud? The tone of your post feels like you might be suffering from a little transference. Just like the over the top reaction to the mafia response memes.


Alright so while catching up I started seeing once again how OBVIOUSLY scummy Cloud was this game, and while looking at his and Turin's reaction I was thinking it could be distancing.


Then I remembered that Turin had had a few townie type posts lately, and the only thing which gave me pause was the possibility of him killing Ithi... but with Dap coming forward and claiming that kill that pretty much removes that possibility. So I then thought Cloud was still scum and Turin was having a legitimate back and forth with scum, not a distancing ploy.


But then they both HAD to use the lamest of lame "Oh I bet you're ________ on your QT right now lawlz!" moves in their posts. This really is one of the laziest and most ineffective ways to try and make your opponent look bad, and both of them using it alternatively just makes me SMH at both of them. I still think Turin is more likely to be town than scumbuddies with Cloud, but it could always be possible that they're both scum but not in the same faction or something.


At the very least I'll give Turin more town credits for taking the tunnelvision blinders off somewhat and pursuing other leads and pressuring people.


  On 3/15/2014 at 4:48 AM, amegakure said:

guys...its time to come clean... i dont know how to read


I giggled :laugh:



Off the top of my head, TG is looking stinky from his last few posts. A bunch of fluff, and the worst was his gif poke @ what Amega said about celebrating the flip. Lenlo continuing to think it's funny to keep jokingly claiming scum is horrendous and should be met with the staunchest of bertstare.gifs. Amega is meh... was whyme frymeing before and then after the flip he was the first to talk about how we don't know RTE's flip- which could have been him trying to towntell and act like he didn't know it. He's still not really contributing anything solid. Wombat is looking town now. Cloud is obviscum. Turin is >rand to be town imo.


If I get time later I wanna finally iso some of the lurkers to flesh them out a bit more. Starting audit now.


Gosh darn it I forgot to quote Cloud saying someone should revive Dice....


Yeah that was a scum claim and imo confirms Dice as scum as well. I bet Dice gets a mucho powerful role when he revives or something.

  On 3/13/2014 at 10:49 PM, Andrej said:

Don't look at his posts. Look at his wagon and those who have voted him and why.


You should understand then.

What did you mean by this, AJ?

  On 3/15/2014 at 3:15 AM, Turin Turambar said:


  On 3/14/2014 at 8:02 PM, Ithillian said:


Hi Turin


Still Vanilla?



with the little specs of vanilla in it even :biggrin::wub:

That's my favourite. With hot chocolate brownies. You need to get a pudding spoon.

  On 3/15/2014 at 10:26 AM, Ithillian said:


  On 3/15/2014 at 6:33 AM, csarmi said:

As for Darthe - he answered me some questions about coroners. He might answer for you too... or not.

What did he say?


Well, I have a good reason to believe that not getting coroners is the "norm" in this game.


From what I discussed with Darthe, it seems to me that I should get a coroner cause I'm special. He clearly stated that I would get a coroner tonight if I was targeted for a normal NK/Vig (and no one else targets me). For me it seems that no one else would - but we'll know more come daylight.


My notes on scum!Spothera:


- Nudge on Hally list

- soft pushes every which way but no dedication

- Dice stuff

- TomDes mechanics (they are denying double info by not really playing two players)

- Tom's patent "What are you even doing" maffia tell

- Des' "Night Speech" on N1

- Des giving Dice out and nudging Ithi (then keep harping on it!) to answer questions

- Tommy dismissing a whole conversation with "DM yap-yap" (cause that part was NOT uninteresting)


Forgot the instances where Despo is willing to dismiss opinions as useless.


Also I'm all caught up.


What else?


Despo is my only surefire scum read. Lynch him and you can't go wrong.


Conflicted on several players. Players I'm watching most closely include Cloud, Wombat, Dap.


I wish TG and Rags would play. At least TG lead an RTE lynch (if that can be called leading) - RTE was very likely scum so...


Too busy to order my remaining notes now. I got Mish as townish, Tina as null, Turin and Ithi as town.


Conflicted on Wombat cause actually he didn't really do like... anything. That's what my impression is, anyway. I read his tone alright tho.


Again, sorry for not being active. I have basically just gone to work and then been a zombie for over a week.  I´m way behind on everything, including mafia. I will try to catch up today. If I don´t make it I will ask the mod to replace me but I hope I don´t have to. 


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