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The Ultimate Showdown: PART DEUX - GAME OVER, Town Wins


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  On 3/7/2014 at 8:02 PM, Despothera said:

This is why you are scum Cloud. You know me well enough to know at the start of games I will often push w/e garbage I can find to start getting reactions going. I don't buy for a second that you wouldnt have considered this as town.

I did consider it. I even said so in the following post:


  On 3/7/2014 at 6:18 PM, _CLOUD said:


  On 3/7/2014 at 6:15 PM, Andrej said:

Don't you know Despo is full of it though?


He probably legitimately believes in what he said lol


So is your issue with his opinion or that he is pushing RTE for it? How are you reading RTE?

I know that he is full of it but I have a difficult time deciding if he is scum trying to push forward that ridiculous argument to lynch someone or town trying to act like a baffoon to achieve god knows what. I have slight town reads on you and RTE, and a strong town read on Salami.


I just don’t see the benefit of acting like that because you will lose a lot of credibility and I don’t think that’s worth it. You can’t expect to catch mafia’s if you act scummy on purpose because you are giving them really good reasons for jumping on your lynch.



  On 3/7/2014 at 8:02 PM, Despothera said:

More importantly the reaction I got from you was extremely telling. You straight up told me to stop pursuing that line of questioning. If you thought I was town, you should have let me go a little further to see how others reacted. If you thought I was scum, you should have let me go on to see if it was a gambit between RTE and I or something. And if you didn't have any idea what I might be you DEF should have let me go on to try and develop a read on me.

I disagree with you that I should have let you kept pushing that line of reasoning even if I thought you were scum. I think it's a difference between playstyles and that either methods would be valid. I will respond to the rest in a later quote.


  On 3/7/2014 at 8:02 PM, Despothera said:

Youre also dropping other scumtells as well. I mentioned the whyme fryme, and you also had a strange reaction to Ithi's case on Pray. Obv Pray could have been anything, but him being the sole NK N0 pretty much makes him more likely to be town. You just roll right over this fact and try your best to keep as much wifom alive.

I didn’t discard the possibility of him being town at all. I also never said that he must be mafia because of what Ithi found. I only said that he could be either and that we have no way of knowing for sure what his alignment was which is a logical observation to make.


  On 3/7/2014 at 8:10 PM, Despothera said:

I don't have to believe the things I'm saying to be town. I push fake or weak cases all the time. Either way there was NO townie motivation in telling me to stop.

That isn't true. You could just as well be scum pushing for a townie’s lynch. The problem when you act scummy on purpose is that townies have no way of knowing if you are actually being serious or not. It’s a loss-loss situation for me because if I call you out for it then I’m scum because I didn’t leave you alone to accomplish some crazy plan, but if I don’t say anything then I’m obvscum because I didn’t point out your scummy play which a townie would have done. I'm aware that this is whyme-fryme but right now I see no other way to make this point clear to you.


  On 3/7/2014 at 8:10 PM, Despothera said:

What if I was town and pursuing something dumb, but RTE WAS scum? Then you could have judged his reactions after that to try and find out for yourself.


Your arguments didn’t make any kind of sense and I suspected you were aware of this yourself too. The “what if?” scenario you are pushing for right now can be done at any time and is a weak defense.

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  On 3/7/2014 at 10:40 AM, csarmi said:

I read RTE's tone to be alright.


It seems to be popular to say things like this nowdays. What do you mean by tone? And what is a town tone and mafia tone?

  On 3/7/2014 at 8:23 PM, Ithillian said:

Mish said Hydra sound more like a Town Role.


I don't think anything is guaranteed ... Also I'm not really certain of what a hydra is.


And you'll have to bear with me, I'm playing Heartstone.

Hydra can be anything. It doesn't imply any specific alignment. AJ basically stated what a hydra actually is.


Heartstone or Hearthstone? I think the second one is a cadr game based on WoW, looks interesting.

  On 3/7/2014 at 8:29 PM, TinaHel said:


  On 3/7/2014 at 10:40 AM, csarmi said:

I read RTE's tone to be alright.


It seems to be popular to say things like this nowdays. What do you mean by tone? And what is a town tone and mafia tone?


If I knew that, I'd have elaborated.


@Tina - in case that's a serious question: you play with someone, you interact with them, you read what they write and that gives you an overall feeling = tone read

  On 3/7/2014 at 8:30 PM, csarmi said:


  On 3/7/2014 at 8:29 PM, TinaHel said:


  On 3/7/2014 at 10:40 AM, csarmi said:

I read RTE's tone to be alright.


It seems to be popular to say things like this nowdays. What do you mean by tone? And what is a town tone and mafia tone?


If I knew that, I'd have elaborated.



But you say that his tone is alright. What is it about it that looks alright? Is tone the same as gut feeling? What do you mean when you say it? Can you point to one of RTE´s posts where the tone is alright?




Yes, it´s a serious question. Because I see it more and more but it seems to be a very vague word. 

  On 3/7/2014 at 8:33 PM, TinaHel said:



Yes, it´s a serious question. Because I see it more and more but it seems to be a very vague word.

It is a very vague word.

  On 3/7/2014 at 8:32 PM, TinaHel said:


  On 3/7/2014 at 8:30 PM, csarmi said:


  On 3/7/2014 at 8:29 PM, TinaHel said:


  On 3/7/2014 at 10:40 AM, csarmi said:

I read RTE's tone to be alright.


It seems to be popular to say things like this nowdays. What do you mean by tone? And what is a town tone and mafia tone?


If I knew that, I'd have elaborated.



But you say that his tone is alright. What is it about it that looks alright? Is tone the same as gut feeling? What do you mean when you say it? Can you point to one of RTE´s posts where the tone is alright?




  On 3/7/2014 at 8:32 PM, csarmi said:



Which of my questions is this the answer to?

  On 3/7/2014 at 8:27 PM, _CLOUD said:

Despo please answer this: did you actually believe all the things you said about RTE or not?


Yes or no.

  On 3/7/2014 at 8:27 PM, _CLOUD said:

Despo please answer this: did you actually believe all the things you said about RTE or not?

I might have. Then again I might not have.




Oh and Cloud I was never acting scummy on purpose before. Pushing a case on thin reasoning at the start of a game isn't scummy. If you think it is you need to #reevaluate things




Is a fun game that you can pick up for 10 minutes and then leave - but then you realise you want to earn gold so you can go shopping and get more cards.


Is fun though.


##vote cloud.

  On 3/7/2014 at 8:37 PM, Despothera said:


  On 3/7/2014 at 8:27 PM, _CLOUD said:

Despo please answer this: did you actually believe all the things you said about RTE or not?


I might have. Then again I might not have.




Your response isn't helping and it makes me believe that you are scum because you are outright refusing to be helpful to the town. If you really believed the things you said about RTE then Tom would have voted for RTE today but he didn't. This either means that you are scum or a townie acting scummy on purpose to gather reactions. It's extremely difficult to tell the difference and in my opinion you should die either way for the stunt that you pulled but my gut tells me that you mafia so I'm going to keep my vote on you.



  On 3/7/2014 at 8:39 PM, Despothera said:

Oh and Cloud I was never acting scummy on purpose before. Pushing a case on thin reasoning at the start of a game isn't scummy. If you think it is you need to #reevaluate things


Pushing for cases that you know are fake or weak is acting scummy on purpose in my opinion.



  On 3/7/2014 at 8:48 PM, Tommyrod said:

Cloud confirmed twenty foot wingspan




You not doing anything in this game to make me think you are town doesn't make you guys look any better to me. Just a tip.

  On 3/7/2014 at 8:48 PM, _CLOUD said:

I also expect a lot more sheep to just follow onto my train in the next couple of hours.

My opinion is you'd deserve it


You're being a hypocrite at the very least by accusing Des of making mountains out of molehills while doing just that, except with even less accountability by pushing a "Despot didn't actually believe that" line as evidence of scumminess, which is an internal thought process that can't ever be proven one way or another


So it sounds like you're making stuff up to me


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