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Being Fired for New Year!


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Now that is a present!


I have just been fired by my agent  (I am a model). And this is because I was ill around Christmas and NYE. I was going to walk for designers in the uk Fashion Week who would pay as much as 15 000 British Pounds with witch I was going to pay my 5th semester and now nothing. First, my agent tells me it's no prob, dye your hair red and cut it a bit  (it was a waist long), I lost the kilos and I am at 49 kg (around 98 US measure). I have been to a previous casting and I was approved but due to my pneumonia, I can't walk now! And this means I can't pay for my Uni's final year.


Please share wihth me similar stories and how you made it out of it. I have never been fired. I feel so desperate and all my efforts are gone with the wind. What do you do in such times?



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I´m so sorry to hear that, Theo! Is there some other agency that you can talk to? Can you get another job? 


I have never been in a situation like this but I know that it´s always good to try to calm down. Then take out pen and paper and write down all options that you can think about. You should not do that at first because you will miss a lot because of the stress. Then look around you and see what people there might be that can help you out. It´s not much of an advice but maybe it helps a little. 



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Thank  you, Tina. I don't know anymore. I know they sure need profit and security that he model will walk well but castings are over now and I cannot earn that much money. I have booked 3 catwalks (this is much!) which would have made me go smoothlesly around the last year but you never know. I am very disapointed. I should have told I had cocaine reacction :(, they would take it better than a terrible flu. That says a lot.


Thank youfor the understanding, Tina. I posted this topic for all of us-when there has been something wrong.


When I shared, I feel better!

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that's a lot of money to lose, especially if you were counting on it.


have you spoken with your registrar or guidance counselor?


I got through college with a combination of loans and jobs. none that paid like yours, but enough to make it as long as I lived frugally.


sometimes losing one job has turned out to be a blessing for me because it caused me to find a better job. I know this is the career you've had for a long time, but it seems like what it demands of you may not be in your best interests in the long term.


good luck, Thea, I know you'll think your way through this.


and get yourself well. that's really what's most important.

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Dang, that sucks. *hugs* I don't have any advice to give (only ever worked for my mom's company & part-time as cashier, preeeeetty far cry from what you're doing) but I hope it all works out and that you're feeling better soon! *hugs again*

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Thanks, guys. I have options to work limited hours only as the guidance council advised and this will not be enough but I just have to accept it and go on. I feel like a rag, maybe because it was the first time and I do not know how I will tell my parents. They will blame it on them for not being able to provide, which make me feel worse. At least I am safe this semester as long as I keep a very tight budget.


Leelou, healthwise, I am not sure. I feel ok but the doctors say I should follow their orders, although I feel healthy, only a little bit dizzy. That will pass, I am not worried.


I don't care about modelling as a career but due to EU limitations, I don't have the permission to work a full-time job and study which made it perfect for this profession. I have been rejected many times for different jobs, pics, etc. but this is normal for the fashion industry but to get such a kick in the you know what by your very own agent. I am just offended I guess; I still have a lot of bitter pills to swallow.


I am sure most of you know what I mean - you sacrifice so much for a job (whether your friendship, long office hours, not being allowed opinion in front of the boss) and still they just throw you away like a disposable napkin.


Thanks again for your support, guys.

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Well I think the New Year still has a lot more in store for you. Consider your options but hopefully something bigger and better will come along. Your portfolio is still yours and while you need an agent you have a lot to work with so there's that. Awful situation but where there's a will there's a way and I know you'll find one. We are always here to support you and for you to talk to us though! Hope much better things come your way in the near future. 

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Things happen, Theo. The trick is to being optimistic rather than getting depressed, losing confidence etc. I was fired from my previous job during the time of financial recession. They were trying to cut down the jobs and I was at the lower level and easier to fire. Fortunately, money wasn't a problem for me because they gave me a two month settlement and I was confident of getting another job within that period. I spent the next month or two trying hard to applying for a lot of companies, giving interviews etc and I got a new job in a couple of months.


It was tough initially. But, I made up my mind not to dwell over the past (which you cannot change) and look towards the future (which you can change).

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Sorry to hear all this Theo, not nice being fired when you are so ill as well. 


People have come up with good advice, and you sound like you have a good attitude to it. Hopefully something will come up and help you, you never know what is around the corner. 


*hugs* and keep smiling!

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