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Vampire Diaries Mafia- Mafia Wins!!!


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I'm not even sure that Hally would be the hammer anyway. AJ's unofficial VC had 3 votes on Thea. 4 votes got added before the DL after Darthe's claim... but one of those 4 was by Smow, who switched to Darthe after AJ's count and then switched back to Thea. By my count, Thea has 6 votes, 7 if we count Hally's vote.

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Oh I know - I had it at L-1 at deadline, but I'm sure I easily could have missed one.


However the mafia people talk to each other, I bet they are finding it funny that we didn't even organize a lynch before DL. 


Well, good luck everyone!


So how do the random kills work, when we don't achieve consensus? I haven't read a game where this has happened before (or if I did, I'm not remembering it right now). 

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well oddly enough, when I did the randomizer, it chose Izabella (she had been asked to be replaced) lucky you guys... and you all were off by one vote if I counted Hallia's...


Theodora (7/8): John Snow, AJ, Basel, Aidanna,

Darthe (2/8): Tina, Despo

Despo (1/8): Darthe

Goldeneyes (1/8): Theodora

Leyrann (1/8): Arez


no lynch achieved...



Izabella, Caroline Forbes- vanilla town has been randomly lynched


Everybody had been at the Mystic Grill arguing over who else was involved when suddenly Caroline, Tyler, and Bonnie noticed that it was now dark. Worried that they wouldn't be able to get home on time, they quickly exited the Grill to head to their cars. All of them managed to make it, and Caroline was relieved when she pulled out and started home without being ambushed. Almost home, Caroline didn't notice the tree falling until it was too late and it landed on the front of her car. Pushing the air bag out of her face, Caroline was reaching for her phone to call her mom when the door was jerked open. Jumping, she turned and screamed before a stake was plunged into her heart...


it is now Night 2!!!


Deadline: Friday December 13 21:00 EST http://www.timeanddate.com/countdown/generic?iso=20131213T21&p0=263&msg=Vampire+Diaries+Mafia+Night+2&swk=1

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In the interest of avoiding another catfight tomorrow here you go AJ


I voted Theo for the following reasons:


1-Consistent rolefishing




Ok,  Wombat, would you consider revealing yourself if AJ is lynched as a townie?

Yet, why don't you name your cliam correctly, AJ? Since you have the guts to say your role, why don't you have the guts to say which Salvatore you are? Or are you fake claiming vaguely, so noone could claim against you withthe same role?





2-Offputting character claim. 


Ok, Mr Snow, I am Esther Town Vanilla - She made the originals as their mother and wanted all of them dead. whoever watches te series knows that.


3- Theo (and Aidanna now too), seem to be placing a LOT of stock in character roles mirroring the TV show. She's done it multiple times with an air of surety. I misidentified a claim and she was quick to jump on how the brothers were very different. It makes me think she knows something about the game mechanic that I do not. 


4- Also, I played with Theo in a game where she was town. She was emotionally invested and took things to heart. 3/4 of the way she was triggered as an SK and she became a totally different person. She was super cold and calculating. She's playing like the latter now. I don't like meta arguments, but I don't think I'm the only one that noticed the change, someone else mentioned it in this thread, but I can't remember who. 

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Actually disagree with you there Rags, I think Golden made his points very well. Theo should have been our lynch yesterday. Sorry I didn't show up in time to hammer, forgot deadline was so close (thought we had another day).


Darthe's desperation claim was disgusting. Hope he gets vigged tonight.


We got REAL lucky that the random hit Izabella, and even luckier to get a mod that gave us a coroner report.


Y'all still mad at me for scolding others for voting outliers?




AJ was particularly bad at that from what I remember. That whole "I think you should vote who you think is scummiest" crap was complete trite bs. Vote for who you think is scummy, but if deadline is coming up and they aren't likely to be lynched youre just hurting town with your completely pointless vote.

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Also I said ALMOST too bad to be scum. I wouldn't want a scum to slip by by not defending him/herself.


Wasn't the reason for your vote how badly she defended herself though?


"Not defending" was an overstatement for "bad defending".

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In the interest of avoiding another catfight tomorrow here you go AJ


I voted Theo for the following reasons:


1-Consistent rolefishing




Ok,  Wombat, would you consider revealing yourself if AJ is lynched as a townie?

Yet, why don't you name your cliam correctly, AJ? Since you have the guts to say your role, why don't you have the guts to say which Salvatore you are? Or are you fake claiming vaguely, so noone could claim against you withthe same role?





2-Offputting character claim. 


Ok, Mr Snow, I am Esther Town Vanilla - She made the originals as their mother and wanted all of them dead. whoever watches te series knows that.


3- Theo (and Aidanna now too), seem to be placing a LOT of stock in character roles mirroring the TV show. She's done it multiple times with an air of surety. I misidentified a claim and she was quick to jump on how the brothers were very different. It makes me think she knows something about the game mechanic that I do not. 


4- Also, I played with Theo in a game where she was town. She was emotionally invested and took things to heart. 3/4 of the way she was triggered as an SK and she became a totally different person. She was super cold and calculating. She's playing like the latter now. I don't like meta arguments, but I don't think I'm the only one that noticed the change, someone else mentioned it in this thread, but I can't remember who. 

One thing I don't understand about your list Golden - you put Thea's character claim as offputting, the second reason you voted for her, then third listed the she (and me, but I don't wanna get all defensive again) was putting too much stock into character claims? That's like taking why you voted for her, and calling her scum for it. This doesn't sit well with me. It reads to me like a double standard. 


I know that I voted Thea - not for the weird character claim, but because I had already had her as a possible scum to me - which I stated - and then I was hoping to avoid a random Lynch. We got really lucky about that random lynch. I even said it was in an effort to avoid random. 


I have mentioned characters a few times - in reference to roles like SK's, but mostly because I had questions on how roles play. And as a fan of the show - I have had a fun time (which has probably been the most fun for me so far) just thinking of the characters of the show, and hypothesizing how they may or may not be played in a game like this. Thea's role reference stood out to me, but it didn't increase my want to vote for her (which apparently it did you). I'm going to stop with the character stuff because it gets me defensive of myself, but your double standard - vote for her because of her "offputting" character claim, then saying another reason you vote for her is that she is the one putting too much stock into characters... This really is something to watch for with you buddy. 


RL though golden -I think you know it's nothing personal :smile:

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In the interest of avoiding another catfight tomorrow here you go AJ


I voted Theo for the following reasons:


1-Consistent rolefishing




Ok,  Wombat, would you consider revealing yourself if AJ is lynched as a townie?

Yet, why don't you name your cliam correctly, AJ? Since you have the guts to say your role, why don't you have the guts to say which Salvatore you are? Or are you fake claiming vaguely, so noone could claim against you withthe same role?





2-Offputting character claim. 


Ok, Mr Snow, I am Esther Town Vanilla - She made the originals as their mother and wanted all of them dead. whoever watches te series knows that.


3- Theo (and Aidanna now too), seem to be placing a LOT of stock in character roles mirroring the TV show. She's done it multiple times with an air of surety. I misidentified a claim and she was quick to jump on how the brothers were very different. It makes me think she knows something about the game mechanic that I do not. 


4- Also, I played with Theo in a game where she was town. She was emotionally invested and took things to heart. 3/4 of the way she was triggered as an SK and she became a totally different person. She was super cold and calculating. She's playing like the latter now. I don't like meta arguments, but I don't think I'm the only one that noticed the change, someone else mentioned it in this thread, but I can't remember who. 

One thing I don't understand about your list Golden - you put Thea's character claim as offputting, the second reason you voted for her, then third listed the she (and me, but I don't wanna get all defensive again) was putting too much stock into character claims? That's like taking why you voted for her, and calling her scum for it. This doesn't sit well with me. It reads to me like a double standard. 


I know that I voted Thea - not for the weird character claim, but because I had already had her as a possible scum to me - which I stated - and then I was hoping to avoid a random Lynch. We got really lucky about that random lynch. I even said it was in an effort to avoid random. 


I have mentioned characters a few times - in reference to roles like SK's, but mostly because I had questions on how roles play. And as a fan of the show - I have had a fun time (which has probably been the most fun for me so far) just thinking of the characters of the show, and hypothesizing how they may or may not be played in a game like this. Thea's role reference stood out to me, but it didn't increase my want to vote for her (which apparently it did you). I'm going to stop with the character stuff because it gets me defensive of myself, but your double standard - vote for her because of her "offputting" character claim, then saying another reason you vote for her is that she is the one putting too much stock into characters... This really is something to watch for with you buddy. 


RL though golden -I think you know it's nothing personal :smile:



Happy to explain Aid. I don't like that Theo has been trying to fit player roles e.g SK, Vig, Cop into characters e.g. Damon, Stefan. Two people claimed the brothers and she seemed certain that their roles would be a certain way. It's not hard evidence you're correct, it's a hunch based on an observation. My problem with her character claim follows along the same lines. The intro shows a group of people wary of the Originals. That family is a perfect setup for scum because there are a bunch of siblings and parents who've been on the show. Theo has claimed to be the matriarch of that Original family, a woman who wanted her kids dead. My problem is that she relies on the fact that the woman didn't like her kids to prove she is town. There's no reason to simply take that as a given. In the Walking Dead game people had roles dissimilar to their tv show characters: the 12 year old kid was the cop, his father was a cop on the show; the Doc was a nurse and not the actual Doctor from the show. So saying "the character on the show did this, so that makes my explanation correct" is suspect. There are around 12-14 series regulars and recurring characters that would likely be picked, I didn't have the mother in that list because she really wasn't on the show that much. When scum are forced to claim and their characters are obviously scummy they often look for safe fringe characters to claim, because it is likely that someone would counterclaim if they claimed a main character. My contention is that her character claim comes off as someone a scum would pick to cover up the fact that she was someone obviously scummy. So my point here is 1-I dislike the fact that she puts a lot of stock into characters and making them fit into roles because I don't know the mechanics of the game. Her doing so makes me feel like she has more information than I do. 2- Her claim is not scummy because of anything to do with her character's actions in the show, I think it's a character she picked at random to avoid saying she was Klaus or Rebecca, who are obvious scum. Yeah my advice is to try not to comment on random stuff like it is just conversation, cause people will use some random thing you said in jest as a point in their case against you at some point in time. I suck at that.

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Lol Des's claim attack is gross and I hope he gets vigged.


You didn't even say you were Cop. You just said "Cop". Worried about a LD much? And I don't buy that you'd be this apathetic as a town PR. It seemed like the laziest of lazy last-ditch fake claims to me.

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Im drunk



des seems really keen on trying.to het rif of a cop

Scummy as hell


I'm keen on trying to get rid of a claimed cop, one who I find to be vurry scummy.


Or do you still insta-believe cop claims, even tho that has come to bite you in the ass how many times?

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