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Vampire Diaries Mafia- Mafia Wins!!!


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Either I and the scum team both shot at the Doc who self protected (which is why I won't reveal who I shot)

AJ, this scenario makes no sense. If the doc's target is hit with two shots simultaneously, then standard mafia procedure calls for the kill to happen. Being protected by the doc saves you from one shot. You seem to be thinking that either you and the scum team both shot at the doc who self-protected or you got RBed. The doc being hit with both shots and surviving IMO only works if you got RBed in the first place.



I think that would also depend on the Mod's preference. If not, then what you are saying here is pretty likely. I did try to shoot you. Glad to know I tried to kill the Doc lol. Scummy Basel...




The next two people I had juggled around to shoot were Tina and GE, I think I sort of hinted at this prior to the Night phase which might've spooked the scum team and why I was possibly RB'd.


I need to go back and read before I know who to vote. I can´t say if I can do it today or tomorrow. My daughter is sick and she kept us up half of the night with her coughing. I don´t feel very well myself. 


RL reason aside, this sort of thing always pings me. Especially when put into context for how Tina was content to leave her vote on me since there was 'no other options'. Now she doesn't know who to vote suddenly?


vote Tina

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OK, Ockham's razor says: AJ is lying about being vig; he's scum and Basel blocked his scum shot.

Or am I wrong here? Is there a simpler explanation that I'm not seeing? 


Basel's claim sounds about right, Meredith Fell is a Dr on the Tv show. She's also lovers with Alaric Salzman, but I don't think it's prudent to presume that's happening. It seems a bit much for Doc to be a lover too. And really, everyone on the show is hooking up with at least one other person. 


Theo, what makes you think the game will follow the tv series so closely? In the WD game Carol was the Doc and Hershel was a VT, which is backwards. Carl was sheriff and not Rick, which would have been the logical choice there. Your assigning game roles to players based on their show characters makes it seem like you're taking something about the mechanic as a foregone conclusion that the rest of us don't. That pings. Leaning scum.


I tend to give RL excuses some deference. It seems to me Tina wouldn't lie about her kid for the purpose of an online game. Null.


Arez, I agree. I wish there were a standard voting format. This is the one I like best. I have no opinion on your game so far. I should probably reread you. Null


Hallia- I was leaning town on her until that terribad post fishing for Aj's target, as there's no way to confirm he's telling the truth about his target or even being a vig. Can't tell if this was an attempt to give credibility to AJ's claim or just bad hunting, but it's gross either way. Slimy move and any results are only an invitation to being mislead.  


Des- appears to be scum-hunting like a frenetically, as per usual regardless of what he is. Null, but with disdain. 


Darthe- Scum read, but it's mainly due to your horrible flippant attitude. I'm going to reread.


Ley- Clueless town or bad mafia. I'm still trying to figure that out. So I'll say null.


Aidanna- Meh. Took off after she was pressured. I think she's town who takes the game personally.


Rags- bunch of fluff. Need to iso. Didn't understand the town rb theory he threw out there.


Izabella- Last play was so bad I almost can't read her as scum. Scum read though.


John Snow and Dap

you have played unremarkable games imo, so I'll need to reread

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Isolate. Some other sites allegedly have a feature to view all the posts in the thread by one person at a click. I'm not sure what good this would do DM other than mafia games.



DM has it too. Click the "search" button without typing anything in the search bar, and you have advanced search where you can search on author, and per thread.



vote Theodora.


Would be good with Iz or Aidanna as well. 


You are making a mistake, unless you are from the mafia, of course. I was trying to make Womby think again before voting AJ who is townie for me.




vote Theodora

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I do not like Ockham's razor theory - I would like to look at a problem from various angles which usually (3/3 games) makes me scummy for Despo or other followers of his. Besides, this theory is so hardly applicable in the games I've played - eg. Last game - WD - no second NK, so there is no SK. And?


There is difference between The Walking Dead which is a much more complicated series when it comes to chars and the VD. Besides, we were thinking aloud, not voting based on it. If this is your case, good. Others follow. I canimagine the QT: let's push Theo a bit, when townie, she acts scummy due to emotions...


Goldeneyes, what if AJ is lying and being a cop? What if you are trying to fake-scum-hunt with this post?

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I do not like Ockham's razor theory - I would like to look at a problem from various angles which usually (3/3 games) makes me scummy for Despo or other followers of his. Besides, this theory is so hardly applicable in the games I've played - eg. Last game - WD - no second NK, so there is no SK. And?


There is difference between The Walking Dead which is a much more complicated series when it comes to chars and the VD. Besides, we were thinking aloud, not voting based on it. If this is your case, good. Others follow. I canimagine the QT: let's push Theo a bit, when townie, she acts scummy due to emotions...


Goldeneyes, what if AJ is lying and being a cop? What if you are trying to fake-scum-hunt with this post?


To sum up your points


1- You are town. We should believe it because you say you are town. Anyone questioning that is in the mafia QT plotting against you

2- AJ is town, we should believe this because of your complete lack of an explanation

3- You're right, I've played one game with you and you were emotional when town and coldly logical when SK. You have not been emotional this game, as I noted in my first post about you. So by your own logic, you're not town. It'd be interesting if you were a 3rd party two games in a row, but you're likely just scum. 


If AJ is lying and is actually a cop it's a terrible gambit. Why would you fake claim a role that's just as likely to draw a NK as a cop? What if you're flailing here pushing all these what-if scenarios? 

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I started to read but I realise I have to finish tomorrow. Who have claimed so far?


Basel - doc

AJ - vig

? - AJ´s brother


Arez claimed Stefan.


If you're judging your own scumminess on how Des views you then you're doing it wrong. The guy sees what he wants (no offense Des).


Lol I agree here.

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So, GoldenEyes, you made this looong post for skimming? As I see so many words and most of them are attached to a Null opinion or re-read intention. You have opinion on me (forming a tail/train) and Iz, who is less than active, sorry Iz. That is skummy, Golden, for such a large thread. And though, it seems familiar... oh, yes, Ley makes the same posts. Let's post a 1000 words, saying nothing.


Vote GoldenEyes


Tina, I don't know your alignment, but who cares, I hope everything to be all right with your daughter.

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Rags- bunch of fluff. Need to iso. Didn't understand the town rb theory he threw out there.

hey hey hey now, I haven't been as fluffy!  I just ease into the game. 


Andrej claims to be a vig.  So there could have been two kills.  Andrej evidently went after the doc.  Where's the other kill? 

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GE - I don't understand what you're failing to see here. Yes, the simplest explanation would be that Basel blocked my 'scumkill' but that would only apply if I was a SK. The mafia team has a collective killing ability unless the Mod has purposely made it so only one of them can kill, therefore if I was a member and got RB'd they would still be able to. That still doesn't explain the lack of another kill last Night. Have you been paying attention? Several theories have been put forward. With Basel now claiming as the Doc it's very possible that the mafia targeted him and I was simply RB'd by someone.


Additionally, I have claimed a prominent character in the story that most have agreed on that would be Town aligned. You seem to be weighing all options, which is good on your part, but eventually you're going to have to just say 'okay, this dude is Town' and move on. You're barking up the wrong tree.

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I do not like Ockham's razor theory - I would like to look at a problem from various angles which usually (3/3 games) makes me scummy for Despo or other followers of his. Besides, this theory is so hardly applicable in the games I've played - eg. Last game - WD - no second NK, so there is no SK. And?


There is difference between The Walking Dead which is a much more complicated series when it comes to chars and the VD. Besides, we were thinking aloud, not voting based on it. If this is your case, good. Others follow. I canimagine the QT: let's push Theo a bit, when townie, she acts scummy due to emotions...


Goldeneyes, what if AJ is lying and being a cop? What if you are trying to fake-scum-hunt with this post?


To sum up your points


1- You are town. We should believe it because you say you are town. Anyone questioning that is in the mafia QT plotting against you

2- AJ is town, we should believe this because of your complete lack of an explanation

3- You're right, I've played one game with you and you were emotional when town and coldly logical when SK. You have not been emotional this game, as I noted in my first post about you. So by your own logic, you're not town. It'd be interesting if you were a 3rd party two games in a row, but you're likely just scum. 


If AJ is lying and is actually a cop it's a terrible gambit. Why would you fake claim a role that's just as likely to draw a NK as a cop? What if you're flailing here pushing all these what-if scenarios? 


I meant the last one what if AJ is lying to cover he is the cop? And don't tell me in your Quiet Thread you have not discussed this. I always push what if scenarios and guess what, aren't we all doing this. You are a lawyer in RL, you can "make me believe I am scum, you are clever and good". However, there are other players with a lot of experience to see through you. Unfortunately, they don't know how I play. Or they simply don't care as long as we become less.

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Alright, so setup. a) yes, I saw TVD, or at least a few seasons of it. What can I say, I was bored. 

Doing this because 0 NKs when we have a vig claiming to have shot is important.

Damon is an ideal SK. 

The Originals make a pretty decent cult too. They can compel just about anyone.  (>inb4 spreading fear of cult)

If there is a RB, vig would be a pretty good choice at this stage in the game, so plausible. But the doc getting the mafia kill too? Probabilities are rapidly dropping.

Alaric is a better option for a SK if he is in the game. If Damon is a SK, he might be triggered like the Walking Mafia game AJ created: so if Elena is killed Damon becomes SK.


I just want to stop that right there. Alaric is not a SK - I only know this because I am Alaric, and Vanilla town.




Ok here are what I can see after reading everything through. I did have a vote placed on Wombat - but it wasn't part of the train, I misunderstood something and I should have removed it before I went MIA. Some of what I think about people's alliances are due to the town flip for Wombat. Since he is the only person I know for sure is town with me at this point. 


AJ: I'm not sure how he usually plays. I had a slight town read on him, but more willing to believe it with his character claim. No one has disproved this, and I doubt Time would make a game without that character. (I love the series btw) But I don't quite understand the Vig role yet, and his move to vote for Wombat is suspicious. He also played some silly votes, even when serious game time started. I am still leaning town, but not enough to be confident. 


John Snow: Not much for me to work with. Jumped the vote on me for my banter jokes with Rag, then some not as serious posts, then toward the end of the deadline moved his vote to Wombat. Stronger scum read here so far than town. 


Hallia: Not sure about her - she says she is gullible and seemed understanding of my ridiculous flailing. She voted AJ for a bit, then after his reveal moved to the Wombat train. Not sure about her at all yet. Need more. 


Me - Vanilla town. I can give my character if needed. 


Tayla/Darthe: I was getting a pretty strong scum read on her early on, and that really hasn't changed since Darthe took her place. When someone replaces, do they have the same character? Darthe stated he was not wanting to read through the posts so far - is someone updating him, which would make him mafia, yes? Tayla started the Wombat voting, but I think Darthe moved it to Des later - I might need to read the Tayla/Darthe posts again, but this is my strongest scum read. 


Rag: Stated a town read on Basel, mentioned Tina later. He has lots of fluff posts, then says he has a bad feeling about Goldeneyes and Wombat. He later moves his vote to Wombat. I said earlier he is being nicer than other games I have seen him play, and this hasn't changed. I put him in my probable scum group. 


Thea - stated scum reads on Tayla/Darthe - which is where I am leaning, she did some rolefishing, and in the end never voted. This is more suspicious to me. Leaning scum here too. 


Tina: Suspicious of Tayla/Darthe - I don't have much here though. I want to say town because Tayla/Darthe is my strongest read thus far, but I need more, so I could go either way here. 


Dap: Said he was leaning scum with Basel, then Votes snow for equal trains, then moves his vote to AJ. Mild scum read but need more. 


Bella: Not much being said here. Voted Darthe. I need more - I want to say town, but I am not sure about her yet. I need to read more here - did she keep her vote on Darthe, or did she go unvoted during the final count? I need to check that later. 


Wombat - Town


Ley: seemed very understanding of my flailing, but I need to try to not let that make me think town, when it could be something else. He had voted Aj, then moved to the Wombat train. I liked his reads on people, but with the vote for Wombat I am unsure. More of a scum read, but I need more. 


Despo: Voted Tayla, had a lot to say about my scummy behavior. I didn't like the post where he joked about "being harder to catch when scum" about changing meta which included a wink face. I'm leaning town here, but then he posted a big list about why womby and Darthe are scum together with Arez. I am leaning town with Despo, but need more. 


Basel: not much has changed from what I said earlier here - leaning town, but he hasn't given me nearly enough to go on. He has a few non game related posts after the whole thing with AJ, then is complaining about phone and stuff. Not sure about him yet. 


Arez: stated a scum vibe with JS, not too much informative posts for the game happening, then he jumps the wombat train. I need more from him - he feels slightly scummy but I'm just not sure and haven't read a game he has played before, so I don't know anything about how he plays. 


Golden: Not being quite as aggressive as I normally see him, which is suspicious for me, but I do know he had family stuff this weekend and that could be causing less posts. He did say he felt Wombat was town. I am leaning town with him here as well. 


So in short my list for likely scum reads: Tayla/Darthe, Ley, Thea, Rag


Not sure of anyone, but need more from JS, Hallia, Tina, Dap, Arez, Bella


I'm really not sure of anyone and totally suspicious at this point, but leaning town with AJ, Golden, Basel. 


So a couple last questions if people didn't see them in this post earlier: How exactly does the Vig role work? Does Darthe have the same character that Tayla did (because her posts were part of my scum read here). 


Ok - I have to check a few things on DM - will maybe check more later, but I'm going to also go to bed shortly. I hope this helps everyone see that I do want to learn, and do a better job scumhunting and being less defensive. Again, I apologize for leaving, but I do want to learn.



Okay Aidanna, two things I appreciate from you:


1. That you decided to keep playing

2. That you thoughtfully gave us your thoughts on everyone, very helpful ty


Two things I don't quite appreciate:


1. You try to distance yourself from Wombat's lynch, saying you weren't part of the train.... this is a really bad thing to say. Your vote counted just like anyone else's. Regardless of if you meant to leave it on him or not, don't try and shrug away responsibility for helping to lynch a townie. Looks extremely questionable.

2. I like you getting your reads out... but I don't much like the reads themselves. You're too noncommittal in most of them, saying you "need more from them" in far too many examples. Plus, your list of scum/"need more from" reads at the end doesn't exactly jive with the reads you give earlier in the post. However, I think it's more likely that scum would not get their "reads" mixed up, whereas a newer town player might, so I have a tentative town read on you for now. That being said, I would still like some definitive opinions from you on some players, not all necessarily, just the ones who stand out most to you.



I am sorry but RL happened and I had important guests who came earlier. Don't forget that we live in diferent time zones. And that I suddenly disappeared from all DM - this could be checked. It would not make any difference though as I would have voted Talya/Dathe. Of course I am trying to find more information. What is the rest doing?


Saying that your DM activity could be checked makes it look like you have a guilty conscience. And btw, "checking" that would accomplish nothing, since you could have kept off DM for a while knowing that others might find you not checking back in to be strange.


Major ping.


Cool. I am ten pages in. Here is what I got:


Wombat was defensive early on which was odd for him. I can see this as the basis for some people running with his train so jt will be hard to effectively analyze late game.


Hally is safing which is also odd but not scummy.


Early game interactions suggests that we will have a scummer between Andrej and Aidanna. My bet is aidanna.


Rag looks sexy this game. 10/10 would sheep


My spider senses tell me that I shouldn't trust Theo. Or maybe it was that SK game.


Tina is good to go. Her and basel are my two most trusted at this point.


Des has the same number of posts as I do and at this point I'm not even a player.


Arez looks fine.


Should lynch a newbie. Seriously. Its a coached group but each of them are tossing tells.


Why is Hallia safing not scummy? I find her extremely questionable of late.


And how is Basel one of your "most trusted"? I liked his reactions to the train on him earlier, but I DON'T like him failing to contribute after that as well as his recent posts.


I can only assume you're trying to troll me with that crap about me having the same amount of posts as you. Dude. You freaking spammed the thread when you WEREN'T EVEN PLAYING YET, and then have thrown out spam after spam, filler after filler. I could iso you and mebbe find 4-5 posts of actual meaningful contributions to the game. I dare you to find 5 posts of mine that do not offer SOME kind of contribution. Troll elsewhere, Mr. Toolbag.



That was uneventful.


You sound disappointed. Sad that you weren't able to get rid of a townie?



^^^ About as opportunistic as it gets right here.


I wonder if you tried to target the same person as mafia, and doc got lucky?  Can I ask who you tried to kill?


Such a blatant antitown move. Thinking you are scum. You're also back to your old tricks again, skating by without offering much in the way of your actual thoughts about other players.




^^^gratuitous pic designed to grab Hallia's attention


HALLIA: Why have you only gotten out town reads so far? Why have I not seen you point out any behavior which seemed scummy to you? Why have you ducked questions and comments directed at you?




I'm leaning the latter.


My guess was that the Doc protected me, and Mafia tried to pick me off and block me at the same time. I think I telegraphed pretty clearly who I was going to shoot at yesterday.


@AJ: I'm so, so sorry , but the doc shouldn't be so sure of your townieness. Even if you are telling the truth, vigs often do town more harm than good.



He WAS the only claimed PR yesterday however, so it's not outlandish at all to think that the Doc might have protected him.




Funny you should say that Basel.


I was blocked.

So the vig and scum kill both got RB'ed?


May not be an awful idea for the town roleblocker to come forward.  Chances are they blocked a killer.



Shameless rolefishing.



It doesn't look in any way like it's trying to rolefish subtlely, so why even point this out, Basel? There's an obvious benefit to a Blocker coming forth if they blocked a kill. If Rags wanted to fish more discretely, I'm pretty sure he could do so.


Looks like a fake scumhunting post to me, and looks like you don't want it revealed who blocked a kill last night.



In answer to your two questions - 1. I made a mistake with wording - I was definitely voting for Wombat, and I never took my vote down. I didn't however, jump on his train at the end. I voted for Wombat, got overly emotional, misunderstood something he said, left the game for a bit. I should have taken my vote for him off, which was really all I was trying to say. I'm spending a lot of time taking care of an Aunt dying of cancer, and my emotions aren't handling anything very well. I'm trying to keep them in check and learn to play, but I totally misunderstood what Wombat said. I do wish I would have had more time to get on and read, and to remain emotionally neutral, but my life is seriously rough right now, and this game is bringing all of my anxiety about everything out. I wasn't at all trying to distance myself from the lynch, just the people who jumped on at the end, and could possibly be scum as I see them. Like I said, I voted him way earlier, over something fairly stupid on my part. 


2. I bolded the part in my quoted text that where I very specifically said 4 people that are high on my scum list - I don't know how to get more specific than that. I like how you are giving me a chance, but asking me to repeat myself isn't going to change what I think. Right now high on my scum list is Darthe, then Ley, then Thea, then Rag (sorry Thea - you know I love you.) Any of that group I would be willing to lynch - especially Darthe. If you want me to get more concrete - Darthe I would bet 80% chance at least is scum. Ley, Maybe 70%. I found it interesting that he didn't even want to read the game at first - why? Does he know who is scummy teammates are and doesn't need to see the rest of us bickering?  Thea - Earlier I would have said 70% for her as well, but some of the stuff happing most recently that I just read is making me want to push her higher up my list as well - we should watch and see how this plays out with her. Rag is my last - I see not much real information on what he thinks coming from there. Usually I see more from him in games I have read. Even now, he is still just meandering, saying he "just eases into the game". The time for easing into the game has long passed. For any of these people to show me that they aren't scum, some major things need to happen, because otherwise they are going to stay on my scum list. My opinion of their alliance hasn't changed. 


I don't know how to popcorn. Would you please explain it? My mentor has taken ill, and we live on opposite sides of the world, so I would like a small bit of help once in a while. Thank you. 


I am ready to cast my vote for Darthe though. (sorry Darthe - nothing personal)

vote Darthe


Is that specific enough for you Despo?

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You are voting, Aida, only to prove to Despo, you are being specific? Don't do that. Vote for the person you think is scummiest. If it is Darthe, ok,but only because you think he is.


This is a game, Aida, I will not stop being your friend because of your vote. But just don't let yourself being pushed

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