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Vampire Diaries Mafia- Mafia Wins!!!


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Thats just time consuming as all hell and a bitch to gollow on mobile


incidentally have either of the cop claims character claimed? Cos they need to


Im gonna do yall a favor- Im NOT going to character claim. For one, I don't remember my character's name and am meh about checking again for that, but more importantly I wanna help yall break some bad habits.


There should be NO REASON anyone has to rely on character claims to figure this out here. I'm going to break it down simple first, then get a bit lengthy after that, and then finally look for more scummies and show my reasoning why I suspect them.


If, after all this, you think I'm scum and that Darthe is telling the truth, by all means, lynch me. But I'm not letting the lame discussion about theme and character and setup speculation and all that crap continue if I can help it.

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Okay short and sweet first.


Ooh will I die or will it random?



Here is Darthe's "claim". I mean, really it speaks for itself, but to elaborate:


He never says "I'm the Cop". I pointed this out before, that he might have been purposefully unclear so that he couldn't be LD'ed, or mebbe even keep from being CC'ed.


He taunts everyone with the "will I die or will it random" line. There's no way a cop who is being forced to claim early in a game is gonna be so cavalier about his own death. He's gonna claim and tell everyone to get the heck off of him posthaste. Frankly this is one of the laziest fake claims I've ever seen, can't believe the people who bought it so easily.


Next part is- notice who spoke out against it. When a scum has a fake claim like that, they're gonna look out for those who don't seem to buy it, thinking that there's a good chance that person is the actual role that they fake claimed. Tina thought it was bs, and lo and behold she gets NK'ed. I can see a claimed cop not getting NK'ed, obviously the scum team might not want to deal with the wifom about whether he'll get protected. But them killing one of the few people who questioned his claim? Makes it look a lot more like scum knows Darthe isn't the Cop. Also Tina was against Darthe before his claim as well, so Darthe's team might have wanted to shut up one of his detractors.


Lastly, and this is more for people who know Darthe's meta fairly well (so like mebbe 2 or 3 of the players left in this game that qualify lol, but if this helps convince them it's worth it). Darthe has been straight up apathetic as hell in recent games. It got me to thinking in another game when he flipped scum- he's done this before. Not too long ago, he kept getting roled as scum again and again, happened like 7 times in a row if I'm not mistaken. Towards the end, he was acting just like he is now, barely even tried making it look like he cared about scumhunting. He'd get rung up early, would try fake claiming, and would often still end up being lynched fairly early in games. Basically he was tired of being scum all the time, and lost his motivation to try and act like he was town. He even admitted as much himself at the time.


So fast forward back to the present. He's flipped scum in a couple of recent games, and is once again displaying that same apathetic attitude. Dude keeps getting roled as scum again.


As far as myself, I purposefully questioned Darthe's claim on purpose. I wanted it sorted out immediately so people would continue keeping their eye on Darthe, not letting him skate by for a while. I'm not stupid, I know this endangered myself since scum could figure out I was the cop, and NK me. However, I got some tricks up my sleeve :wink:


Plus, since I had yet to get a guilty view anyways, I figured even if I died it would at least force the issue and get Darthe lynched, as well as make those who attacked me for questioning the claim look worse.


Speaking of which, I'm gonna go check those people out, in case I run out of time to do a Darthe iso.

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Looking back Darthe's comment about me white knighting him does seem a little off. Almost like a warning that I would look bad if he flipped. Then again, his attitude towards his lynch could be him knowing his claim would get him off the hook.


Despo - Would you give us your views?


Same for you Darthe. You seem to be suggesting you have gotten a guilty view on Despo by voting him the last few days.


The big question I have is why neither of you were NK'd.

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Okay this is really a rundown of what has happened over the past few pages, so anyone who has stayed up to date will obviously have already seen this recently. But to try and put it in context:


Lol Des's claim attack is gross and I hope he gets vigged.


Notice how he says my "claim attack" is gross, not me attacking the cop? Big tell right there.


Im drunk

des seems really keen on trying.to het rif of a cop
Scummy as hell


I got Dap as town, and he tends to fall prey to this formulaic thing I was talking about a lot, and is prob the one thing about Dap that frustrates me a lot. He can vouch for this as well, me and him have sort of butted heads about this in the past. So he sort of gets a pass here, altho there is stuff later worth considering.


I dont insta believe but i leave be till countered


He says here he doesn't instabelieve it but will leave it be till countered, yet after I bring up a specific game this kind of policy ended up biting town in the ass really hard, here is his response:


Sketchy or not
Until there is a CC I'll not vote Darthe


First him solidifying his stance on the issue


I know the game you were talking about
I'm more lax on the formula after that game actually

But still it's night. Come day we can scrutinise Darthe and evaluate the claim but for now leave it be



Then here he says he's more lax on the formula...


But he is still apparently just as obstinate about this issue as he's always been. Still don't think he's scum, just wanted to point that out.



Darthe's desperation claim was disgusting. Hope he gets vigged tonight.

So you are actually hoping that a claimed cop with no CC gets NKed? :blink:






Basel and Ley both chime in, questioning my questioning of Darthe's claim. Obviously since Darthe is lying and scum, his teammates could defend him easily under the guise of acting flabbergasted that a town would question a Cop after he's claimed.


I'm not sure which of these posts is worse. I had already suspected both, incidentally. The way Ley chimes in with "Apparently" and that's it looks worse prima facie, since he's essentially just bandwagoning onto the point both Dap and Basel have already made. But the way Basel tries acting incredulous about it, like he's never seen something so crazy before, is just as bad. He's played with me enough to know I hate the practice of "don't lynch that PR claim without a CC". His disbelief is completely disingenuine.


Darthe´s so called claim is just terrible. 


Here's Tina questioning the claim




...And here's Darthe's response. So Darthe attacks me for questioning his claim, but after Tina does so he just goes "meh"?


Beauty of being a cop is that I don't have to do all of my hunting on thread. It is actually counterintuitive.


Aidanna criticizes Darthe for not actively giving his reads, views, or contributing to the scumhunt.


Darthe defends himself by saying it is counterintuitive to hunt on thread as a cop. But that's not true at all, and I explain why in this post:


Cop normally can only view one person and at night. I don't think Darthe was referring to another thread, but that he does his "scumhunting" in his role pm with the mod where he submits his "NA"

I agree with the other points you made Aidanna. I think the Cop is best suited to lead town. They don't say "follow the cop" for nothing. A cop that isn't actively scumhunting on thread as well is really just limiting his effectiveness, since the discussion generated from his opinions can help him better choose who to view.

In general, every townie should be as committed as possible to getting out their reads and opinions.


And this is Darthe's response:


God you are whiny. Relax, if you intend to be antagonistic in your posting you shouldn't expect positive responses.


Where in that last post am I being antagonistic? If anyone could show me I'd greatly appreciate it. Now, Darthe could have said I was being patronizing, or preachy, since I was only telling him stuff he really already knew, but antagonistic? For a mafia game that's actually not even close to an antagonistic post. I barely even mention Darthe directly, and am speaking more in generalities.


Basically, Darthe gets defensive and just wants to move on cause he's too apathetic to properly defend himself here.


So lets get moving here. Nobody has asked who I viewed which is disheartening but I supoose it waits for morning.

If I die it should be obvious.


Just realized it's more likely that Darthe was asking why people weren't asking who he was planning on viewing that night. I thought before he was trying to make it seem like it was odd that people weren't asking for his earlier viewings, which Dap answered very well: If he had a guilty, he would have told us. Asking for innocent viewings is generally antitown (because it makes that confirmed townie a primo NK target)


That being said, this still looks odd to me. Why try being coy about who you're viewing that night? And why would it be obvious if he died? If I was scum and he actually WAS the cop, questioning his claim and then killing him would put me in the noose so quick I wouldn't even have time to gloat about Darthe dying.


He is. Wheter he does, though, is up to him.


Aidanna asks whether or not Darthe is allowed to share his viewings, Ley sort of shields Darthe from having to answer this however, saying it's up to him if he wants to reveal them. Kinda a null tell here, but still thought worth pointing out considering my read on Ley and his supporting others attacks on me recently.



So lets get moving here. Nobody has asked who I viewed which is disheartening but I supoose it waits for morning.
If I die it should be obvious.

Cos if it had been a mafia found, you would of told us with your claim



Here's the part I was talking about, Dap thinks the same thing I did initially, and answers well.



Official Vote Count
Womby (9/9):   Aidanna, Des, Ragnarok, AJ, Arez, Hallia, John Snow, Leyrann, Basel
AJ (2/9): Goldeneyes, Tina
John Snow (1/9): Player
Despo (1/9): Darthe
Theodora (1/9): Womby
people not voting (2/16): Izabella, Theodora


Theodora (7/8): John Snow, AJ, Basel, Aidanna,
Darthe (2/8): Tina, Despo
Despo (1/8): Darthe
Goldeneyes (1/8): Theodora
Leyrann (1/8): Arez

Not voting:
Hally, rag, dap, Ley, golden,



This is also pretty interesting- Darthe had his vote camped on me both days. The people voting him at the end of the day yesterday- me and Tina. If Darthe had his vote on me both previous days, why was he making it seem like he just now got a guilty on me? It would have been more believable had he claimed to have already viewed me, but he was too apathetic to truly go big with his false claim.


des is scum


Here's something interesting, in fact this is prob one of the best points I found against him in the recent stuff-


Notice how Darthe says I'm scum, but doesn't actually say he viewed me? He wants to leave himself as much wiggle room as possible. He wanted to make it so that if people didn't blindly follow along, he could back out and say he never actually said he viewed me. Darthe is like that, he tries to be as sneaky as possible. He never actually said he was the cop when he claimed, and never said he viewed me. He's relying on others making the assumption that he said something so that he can always backtrack later on.


Or what if he had succeeded in getting me lynched? He apparently didn't realize that I was the actual Cop, so prob thought when I flipped town that he could say he was redirected or something. OR, say he never viewed me at all but thought "for sure" that I was scum.


The sad thing is, I might as well mention now that there is one angle to all this that I am considering, but still not close to accepting yet: He could have false claimed as town. His reads have been off lately, and honestly could think I'm scum, and is pulling this stunt cause he thinks it might work. Darthe has done stuff like that before as a VT. I'm not really willing to accept this yet, cause he HAS been uberscummy throughout the game (coasted by, hardly contributed at all, which Tina called him out for).



Here's the issue I have with that
Des was the biggest out speaker to your claim. Makes sense for you to view him, but doesn't make sense for him to do if he was mafia.
He would know he would very likely be viewed. Dumb move for mafia

So yea. If I accept your claim, the viewing doesn't make sense unless there are other forces at work
If I don't accept your claim it makes more sense but without a counter seems strange.

I'm thinking des is town though. He was my town read


Dap makes a good point here.



des is scum

Yeahhhhhh Darthe just exposed himself even more than before. Kills one person who spoke out against him, claims a guilty against the other.

There's a reason I spoke out as much as I did against his claim. I'm the Cop. No guiltys yet unfortunately. Wish I didn't have to CC tho. If y'all dumped that formula I wouldnt have had to most likely.

Vote Darthe


This is hilarious, I now have a headache. The two most consistently scummy meta DM players in the game go head to head to see who is the filthiest. I'm going to ISO you both tomorrow and I already feel like I need a shower.



Def don't like this post AT ALL. Prob the first thing I've personally seen from GE that seemed sketchy to me this game, I know others have been suspicious of him but I stayed out of that theme/setup discussion.


First of all, me and Darthe are hardly the two "scummiest" meta players on DM. If anything I'd pick Cloud and Verbal, those guys always end up as either scum, or townies that look REALLY scummy early on. Darthe and I are two of the best players on DM, if yall don't mind me tooting my horn (we do have a ton of great players however, so it aint exactly lonely at the top or anything).


I think GE says this to try and distance from Darthe, and to give himself an excuse to iso us. Any smart player realizes you can manipulate JUST AS easy, if not easier, with an iso as with a normal post. You can selectively pick quotes that back up your reasoning, leave out others which don't, and twist stuff out of context.


I really don't see why anyone would need to iso me and Darthe to figure this mess out. Darthe has barely contributed this game, I have tried my darnedest too. Darthe camped his vote on me two days in a row, I have tried to make sure town secures lynches to give us info. For anyone paying attention the entire game, the choice between me and Darthe should really be an easy one.


Desicisions, decisions... ISOing is probably a good idea indeed.


And look who back up GE with the iso thing.


So, just from a cursory look back at recent events, I'd say Basel, Ley, and GE are the best bets for Darthe's teammates, but that of course is excluding a lot of other stuff that happened earlier this game. Obviously tho the recent stuff stood out more to me. From what I can remember before this recent stuff, Theo still seemed scummy, and Rags was starting to look odd (especially with how fast he recently backtracked on something after I spoke out about it).


I got town reads on AJ, Arez, Dap, and Aidanna. Tina was another I had a strong town read on, unfortunately she's gone now.


I would like a good bit more contribution from Hallia and Snow. I suspected Hallia somewhat earlier, and pretty much don't remember almost anything Snow has contributed with this entire game.

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Looking back Darthe's comment about me white knighting him does seem a little off. Almost like a warning that I would look bad if he flipped. Then again, his attitude towards his lynch could be him knowing his claim would get him off the hook.


Despo - Would you give us your views?


Same for you Darthe. You seem to be suggesting you have gotten a guilty view on Despo by voting him the last few days.


The big question I have is why neither of you were NK'd.


I haven't gotten any guilty viewings. Why would I want to endanger townie's lives by revealing that sort of thing on thread? If I think I might die soon, I'll get those reads out, don't worry.

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That's prob the last time I'll respond to someone asking for my innocent viewings btw. Not trying to be combative, just this matter shouldn't need a ton of other stuff to corroborate either's claim. Darthe's was terribad, and he has dragged his feet all game as far as contributing to game discussion. And Tina's NK alone really should be enough to show he's lying.

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I agree with Dap, character claims would help a lot in deciding who is who.


Someone else mentioned that Tina was one who doubted Darthe's claim and was consequently NK'd. This could also be mafia trying to frame Darthe. Just an idea.


@ Ley - on gut, who do you believe more?


I'm not sure. Darthe hasn't really been helping, but then again, he never helps a lot. You make a good point right here, that it could be framing, but that'll just end up being WIFOM.


What I don't like about Des, is how he refuses to character claim, but his post after that sounded well for the most part. I'm slightly edging on Des' side at the moment, but I have yet to do the ISO.


Okay short and sweet first.


Ooh will I die or will it random?





Here is Darthe's "claim". I mean, really it speaks for itself, but to elaborate:


He never says "I'm the Cop". I pointed this out before, that he might have been purposefully unclear so that he couldn't be LD'ed, or mebbe even keep from being CC'ed.


He taunts everyone with the "will I die or will it random" line. There's no way a cop who is being forced to claim early in a game is gonna be so cavalier about his own death. He's gonna claim and tell everyone to get the heck off of him posthaste. Frankly this is one of the laziest fake claims I've ever seen, can't believe the people who bought it so easily.


Next part is- notice who spoke out against it. When a scum has a fake claim like that, they're gonna look out for those who don't seem to buy it, thinking that there's a good chance that person is the actual role that they fake claimed. Tina thought it was bs, and lo and behold she gets NK'ed. I can see a claimed cop not getting NK'ed, obviously the scum team might not want to deal with the wifom about whether he'll get protected. But them killing one of the few people who questioned his claim? Makes it look a lot more like scum knows Darthe isn't the Cop. Also Tina was against Darthe before his claim as well, so Darthe's team might have wanted to shut up one of his detractors.


Lastly, and this is more for people who know Darthe's meta fairly well (so like mebbe 2 or 3 of the players left in this game that qualify lol, but if this helps convince them it's worth it). Darthe has been straight up apathetic as hell in recent games. It got me to thinking in another game when he flipped scum- he's done this before. Not too long ago, he kept getting roled as scum again and again, happened like 7 times in a row if I'm not mistaken. Towards the end, he was acting just like he is now, barely even tried making it look like he cared about scumhunting. He'd get rung up early, would try fake claiming, and would often still end up being lynched fairly early in games. Basically he was tired of being scum all the time, and lost his motivation to try and act like he was town. He even admitted as much himself at the time.


So fast forward back to the present. He's flipped scum in a couple of recent games, and is once again displaying that same apathetic attitude. Dude keeps getting roled as scum again.


As far as myself, I purposefully questioned Darthe's claim on purpose. I wanted it sorted out immediately so people would continue keeping their eye on Darthe, not letting him skate by for a while. I'm not stupid, I know this endangered myself since scum could figure out I was the cop, and NK me. However, I got some tricks up my sleeve :wink:


Plus, since I had yet to get a guilty view anyways, I figured even if I died it would at least force the issue and get Darthe lynched, as well as make those who attacked me for questioning the claim look worse.


Speaking of which, I'm gonna go check those people out, in case I run out of time to do a Darthe iso.


You talked about the "wifom of the Cop getting protected or not", but if AJ spoke the truth and got blocked night one (how about this night by the way? We again only had one night kill), couldn't they just block the (claimed) doc and then kill the cop? Or maybe there's another reason why they didn't?

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You talked about the "wifom of the Cop getting protected or not", but if AJ spoke the truth and got blocked night one (how about this night by the way? We again only had one night kill), couldn't they just block the (claimed) doc and then kill the cop? Or maybe there's another reason why they didn't?


Forgot Doc was "outed" already. If anything, this just confirms for me that both Basel and Darthe are definite scum together. I believe that AJ was blocked, so why wouldn't Basel have been blocked and killed by now? Why wouldn't they have blocked Basel and killed Darthe last night? Or, even if they don't have a blocker, why not target Basel last night in the hopes he'd be protecting the "claimed cop".


There's just way too much stuff that doesn't make sense with that whole shebang. Tina being NK'ed illustrates that scum apparently didn't "buy" Darthe's claim imo. They knew he wasn't Cop cause how could he be scum and Cop at the same time?



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Basel and Ley both chime in, questioning my questioning of Darthe's claim. Obviously since Darthe is lying and scum, his teammates could defend him easily under the guise of acting flabbergasted that a town would question a Cop after he's claimed.


I'm not sure which of these posts is worse. I had already suspected both, incidentally. The way Ley chimes in with "Apparently" and that's it looks worse prima facie, since he's essentially just bandwagoning onto the point both Dap and Basel have already made. But the way Basel tries acting incredulous about it, like he's never seen something so crazy before, is just as bad. He's played with me enough to know I hate the practice of "don't lynch that PR claim without a CC". His disbelief is completely disingenuine.


He is. Wheter he does, though, is up to him.


Aidanna asks whether or not Darthe is allowed to share his viewings, Ley sort of shields Darthe from having to answer this however, saying it's up to him if he wants to reveal them. Kinda a null tell here, but still thought worth pointing out considering my read on Ley and his supporting others attacks on me recently.


I don't understand how facts are scummy.



Desicisions, decisions... ISOing is probably a good idea indeed.


And look who back up GE with the iso thing.



I mean ISOing so that I can see all your and Darthe's (and Talya's) posts, without having to look through the rest of the thread. If I'm not entirely sure about the context anymore, of course I'm looking it up.

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vote Darthe


I'm following Des with the NK logic. With both me and Basel claiming as Town PRs with a potential mafia RBer I can't help but wonder why one of us isn't dead. That said, I'd like to give Darthe a little more credit than to off someone who spoke so openly against him.


So far I am generally disappointed with this game. I have liked Aida's and GE's posts recently and I am still reading Ley as scummy. The "hmm gotta ISO" thing just came across badly.


Despo - Wpuld you entertain the thoughts of another game having potentially multiple Cop roles? Also, considering it is Day your innocent viewings would significantly reduce the pool of lynch worthy players. I ask for that reason along with the fact it would take the scum team multiple Nights to kill off that many Conf-Towns if you are indeed the Cop.

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I'm not trying to barrel over this game but I am the cop and I found mafia. If you kill me I fant find anyone else. Know that Rag is town. It won't make much difference what order we go in though with an outted doc :/ Had really high hopes of sliding through the day more D2. Des IS mafia and he is CCing cop after I caught him. If you aren't voting that then you are wrong, no matter what he weasels.

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Des. Your point on why darthe and basel wetent killed hinges on the fact that AJ is telling the truth


im not sure enough on that.

He could still be a SK or even mafia trying to sew wifom (unlikely i know but possible)


Ill clean this up tomorroe . Right now im a little drunk and its 4am after an anus of a shifr at work

yiu can all just enjoy this mess a lirtke while longer

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The big question I have is why neither of you were NK'd.

My first guess would be that scum wanted a guaranteed kill on someone who they could be sure wouldn't be protected. They had no way of knowing whether I would protect Darthe or if I might expect them to shoot me (under the assumption that I would protect Darthe) and therefore self-protect. For all they know, my earlier comment about how a doc should self-protect instead of saving a claimed vig was an attempt to draw the NK to to you and then I would protect you. So that's three players that they might shoot at and have the NK fail. Why not go for the sure thing so you'll at least be able to decrease town's numbers?


My second guess is the reason Des has been hammering at incessantly. Tina was going after Darthe, so they killed her for it. Either to remove opposition, as Des says, or to make Darthe look scummy and frame him, like you mentioned in post #750.



You talked about the "wifom of the Cop getting protected or not", but if AJ spoke the truth and got blocked night one (how about this night by the way? We again only had one night kill), couldn't they just block the (claimed) doc and then kill the cop? Or maybe there's another reason why they didn't?


Forgot Doc was "outed" already. If anything, this just confirms for me that both Basel and Darthe are definite scum together. I believe that AJ was blocked, so why wouldn't Basel have been blocked and killed by now? Why wouldn't they have blocked Basel and killed Darthe last night? Or, even if they don't have a blocker, why not target Basel last night in the hopes he'd be protecting the "claimed cop".


There's just way too much stuff that doesn't make sense with that whole shebang. Tina being NK'ed illustrates that scum apparently didn't "buy" Darthe's claim imo. They knew he wasn't Cop cause how could he be scum and Cop at the same time?






Des, this is scummy. First off, I don't see how scum would have more than one RB a night. For them to block me would mean exposing themselves to a potential NK on one of their own from AJ. That strikes me as good enough reason to not block the doc.


Secondly, AJ is also still alive this day. Since there was no kill attempt on either the claimed cop or doc, by your logic, we must both be scum. So why are you willing to give AJ a free pass? Is it because he claimed Damon, and Damon is a character unlikely to be scum? Oh, wait... you've been discounting the importance of character claims all this time and refusing to give your character. Therefore, AJ's character claim should be meaningless. His survival should make him look scummy by your argument.


Third, I'm feeling that Darthe and me were left alive (at least partially) precisely to open up room for the very argument you are making about us still being alive. "Let's leave them in the game, people will assume scum should have shot at one of them if they're both town." And here you are questioning why we are both alive to carry out the plan.


vote Darthe


I'm following Des with the NK logic. With both me and Basel claiming as Town PRs with a potential mafia RBer I can't help but wonder why one of us isn't dead. That said, I'd like to give Darthe a little more credit than to off someone who spoke so openly against him.

Darthe is brighter than this. I'm finding it far more believable that Tina was killed in order to set up a case against Darthe. As to why one of us isn't dead, see above.


Vote Des

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@Ley: Youare quite scummy to me - ISO-ing you brings a seriees of post where you reveal nothing as reads,; say you don't go to extremes (well a person is either mafia or town, what is a person nnot going to extremes doing here?);  try to sound like the good guy, giving some newbie advices, then this is your quote:


Ley: "I know this all too well. This has happened to me time and time again in the past. I have to defend so much I don't get to remember other people's actions, and even if they do, they're all about me anyways. And then I get accused for not scumhunting. Oh well. Let's see if I can do better this game."


Then your great scumhunting continues with voting me with an opinion: that I was not defending too well, in fact it was so bad, that I should be gone. It has been pointed out to you that not giving clear reads is not great scum-hunting and while ISO-ing the pattern forms in my mind about you: you have been on the 3 of every opportunistic trains this game has, asap. (Wombat, AJ (as soon as it was formed), mine). My defence follows:




1. 3 games are not enough in order to create meta on me, you yourself said this is not a steady opinion to vote me on. Sometimes I am emotional, sometimes, more reserved, that is my character in RL like most people.

2. I was asked to claim and so, I did - The mother of the Originals is a witch not an Original or a vampire and she wants them dead more than anything else, like a redemption act. I was given this character and if you don't like what characters are included, you could complan to the Mod after the game is over. I have a controversal charcater and I would not pick this one if it was a fake claim.

3. I am expressing different opinions, asking questions, ISO-ing, so I could check irregularities in the behaviour and so Darthe, Despo, Ley and Rag seem strange. Hall, we need something more from you, Rag, Arez, Snow.


Despo - you come overdefensive, just the opposite of Darthe. And Darthe, let's take it you are the actual cop, why viewing Rag since he had said almost nothing and not looking at more controversial players like AJ, Ley, GD, or myself?


Despo and Darthe, I have to agree with Hallia but full claim seems a dirty word for you both and I wonder why. But let's see what this "war of the cops" will bring us.

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