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Well I am town and also have a symbiote. So your premise is either totally incorrect or you are making this all up.


Maybe you might try going back for help from your QT MOD clarification.

Right. Pre-empting the cop view and trying to confuse. So, even if I view a symbiote, you can say that you could be town.

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Well I am town and also have a symbiote. So your premise is either totally incorrect or you are making this all up.


Maybe you might try going back for help from your QT MOD clarification.

Right. Pre-empting the cop view and trying to confuse. So, even if I view a symbiote, you can say that you could be town.
I'm merely stating a fact. You are the one making assumptions about what something means while disregarding evidence that doesn't support your theory.


I am town so of course I can say that.

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Wow. Don't know what else I can say. I don't think there's a facepalm epic enough for this fiasco of a game. SOOOO many reveals today, and if Turin is telling the truth then it's looking like it might be possible that BOTH Lenlo and Pray are telling the truth, and that Pray cc'ed unnecessarily. This also potentially explains why were seeing so many investigative role claims: Talya knew that some of them weren't as powerful as they would usually seem, so put more in to try and help town. For instance, Lenlo might be able to check mafia but not symbiotes or replicants, while Pray can check symbiotes and... wait are the symbiotes and replicators at all related in any way? Mebbe Pray can check symbiotes and replicators but not mafia. If he can't, mebbe that's what Darthe's role was for.


There's also another scary possibility. With so many investigative roles, it could be that Talya bumped the number of scum in this game, especially if there's two mafia teams. Which means that with 6 dead out of 18 players and likely all of them town, we could be sitting at 6 town to 6 scum already, making this a LOT closer to lylo than we thought. Even 7 town to 5 scum (assuming only one mafia team) is still dangerously close, especially if there are multiple antitown killing roles out there still. Even if some of our investigative role claims are lying, I don't see Talya putting only 4 original scum (out of 18) in the game at the beginning. There could of course be a recruiting element out there, which would seem to fit the flavor a bit (symbiotes, replicators), which would once again mean that we might be close to endgame. All this means that we CAN NOT mislynch today.


For now I'm going to unvote. Darthe already said he DID visit Wombat last night, so Hallia doesn't seem to be lying about that. Could be a gambit between the two, but meh I don't see that being the case. Not sure I want to vote either Pray or Lenlo atm, since there's reasonable doubt that both could be telling the truth. I'm starting to lean towards Dap, I saw some good points raised against him recently and I don't like how he drew attention to Turin's reveal possibly breaking the rules, looks like him trying to get someone modkilled. I want to mull things over first tho.

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Did you check the wiki? It appears that the wiki states there are good symbiotes. Why would you discount that in your assumptions?

I already told why it didn't make sense having a role to check symbiotes and them being any alignment. It is pointless

It depends. Having a symbiote could mean something else. It is your assumption that links symbiotes with alignment despite the mod NOT confirming it. In fact her advice to check wiki along with the wiki information that there are good symbiotes seems to invalidate your assumption.


Oh how did Len out some mafia?

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Did you check the wiki? It appears that the wiki states there are good symbiotes. Why would you discount that in your assumptions?

I already told why it didn't make sense having a role to check symbiotes and them being any alignment. It is pointless
IIn fact her advice to check wiki along with the wiki information that there are good symbiotes seems to invalidate your assumption.


Oh how did Len out some mafia?

Who are the good symbiotes from wiki? Do let me know. Show me the link where they say that.


Len's "reveal" who he saw at night. After you coming out trying to preempt the alignment of symbiotes, it more likely Len slipped.

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Meh! How do we solve this? If Turin is telling the truth then Pralaya might be lying. Or he and Lenlo could both be telling the truth. Or Pralaya is a sort of cop and Turin is a kind of miller. Or Turin is trying to save Lenlo. Or we have a lot of investigative roles and a mafia that is able to hide from those roles in different ways. 


Then we have the nearly unkillable vig. Really powerful role, wich I really doubt. 


What if we leave all of the investigators alive and here what they have to say in the morning? All will have to give us their results since they are out already. 


Vote Dap



If you have any good ideas how to solve this I´m all ears and I´m willing to change my vote. 


Also - NotBob - you have basically said "lynch Darthe" from day 1. Don´t you have anything else to offer?

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Alright so the way I see it, our safest bet for a lynch today is between Turin and Dap. This way we don't risk losing an investigative role, and in Turin's case we find out if someone CAN have a symbiote and be good in this game. In Dap's case, we'd test his whole invincible role claim thing (already thinking that Dap saying he's harder to lynch and inviting votes upon him could have just been him trying to keep from getting lynched at all, reverse psychology style).


Gonna case Dap first. And fyi, CS's trick didn't exactly work as well this time, so these quotes will likely be out of order, won't be chronological.


http://www.dragonmount.com/forums/topic/84776-mafia-stargate-sg1-day-3/?p=3034035 and http://www.dragonmount.com/forums/topic/84776-mafia-stargate-sg1-day-3/?p=3034043 both are early on in the game, after he revealed having a vig shot. He's somewhat defensive in the first, making excuses for his inactivity even tho he already said he'd be shooting the lowest poster that night. In the second he says he could always do a day shot instead. I noticed looking through his posts that Dap has QUITE a bit of fun slipping out little teaser things about his role, this is one of the times. Interestingly enough, since it's much more common to see a day Vig than a mafia with a Day kill, this could have been Dap trying to look more townie. Interesting that he never actually used a day shot, which would have made him look a lot better in my eyes.


http://www.dragonmount.com/forums/topic/84776-mafia-stargate-sg1-day-3/?p=3034529 - Dap waffling over how he will use his Vig shot. At the time I didn't think much of it, seemed more townie to change your mind and not shoot blind. But why make the threat in the first place? And this post came relatively early in the day as well, why change so quickly to saying you'll shoot for info instead? Could be that Dap was just trying to lay the foundation for him shooting elsewhere, so that he wouldn't get fos'd for it afterwards. The behavior of someone who is aware of how his actions will look.


http://www.dragonmount.com/forums/topic/84776-mafia-stargate-sg1-day-3/?p=3034567 and http://www.dragonmount.com/forums/topic/84776-mafia-stargate-sg1-day-3/?p=3034573 are a bit strange. First is more defensiveness in response to pressure from Cindy, where he's stating why he isn't voting (for someone who threatened with a vig shot to promote activity, making excuses for inactivity and withholding a vote looks really odd). And yet, RIGHT after that he notices a developing train and decides to throw out a vote "for competing trains" even tho there were earlier chances to do so. Reeks of him realizing the hypocrisy of his actions after being called out by Cindy, then trying to throw out the quickest vote he could


http://www.dragonmount.com/forums/topic/84776-mafia-stargate-sg1-day-3/?p=3035078 Hmmmm THIS is interesting! Down at the bottom of the post, after being questioned about his role by CS, Dap breadcrumbs the lynchproof thing in a "joke" full claim. Also says he is an insane cop. Could have been him trying to subtly rolefish, while also laying the foundation for him to claim lynchproof later. Notice how now he says it's 50% effective? Perhaps to make it more believable after saying he has a permanent BPV?


Ohhhhhh man JACKPOT. http://www.dragonmount.com/forums/topic/84776-mafia-stargate-sg1-day-3/?p=3036813 - at the bottom he says he plans on shooting Basel, and tells Basel to claim now. Cindy tells him to shoot blind if he wants, and in http://www.dragonmount.com/forums/topic/84776-mafia-stargate-sg1-day-3/?p=3036831 Dap says he specifically asked for a reveal so he wouldn't be shooting blind. And YET in http://www.dragonmount.com/forums/topic/84776-mafia-stargate-sg1-day-3/?p=3037182 he says he can't wait any longer and submitted the shot! And we all know it ended up being Basel that he shot, and after getting flak for it he continuously says Basel softclaimed after he submitted the shot. Then why act like you weren't going to be shooting blind, when that's exactly what you did?


You know what, honestly this is easily enough for me. Between the stuff I just saw, and the fact that Dap has been having fun all game teasing us about his role and continuously adds on whatever parts he wants to it, the fact that he claimed to not have sent in a kill on a night with THREE deaths, and then recently comes in and invites votes upon himself, I'd say that voting Dap is the way to go today.


If I'm not too tired when I get home tonight, I'll go ahead and check on Turin's post this game just to make sure.

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Hmmm not all of the links ended up turning into hyperlinks. You can copy/paste the ones that dont into the url window on your browser tho, Just checked and that still works.


Also better put my vote in a non-WoT post so Talya doesn't miss it.


Vote Dap

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That was why I asked the mod first.

If that's the case then ditto

I got one too


I was trying to be coy about it





Wow, and then Dap makes it even easier for us roflmao. Uses Turin's reveal to try and preempt a cop view himself.




Come on yall, let's lynch this turkey.

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Did you check the wiki? It appears that the wiki states there are good symbiotes. Why would you discount that in your assumptions?

I already told why it didn't make sense having a role to check symbiotes and them being any alignment. It is pointless
IIn fact her advice to check wiki along with the wiki information that there are good symbiotes seems to invalidate your assumption.

Oh how did Len out some mafia?

Who are the good symbiotes from wiki? Do let me know. Show me the link where they say that.

Len's "reveal" who he saw at night. After you coming out trying to preempt the alignment of symbiotes, it more likely Len slipped.

i linked you the whole wiki in symbiotes which included the explanation on the tokra whose relationship with their symbiotes is one of willing coexistance and not enslavement, so they reject the supposed inherent evil of the gould symbiote and are, for the most part, for most of the show, good guys.


there are also rebel jaffa, good guys, who have symbiotes, like tealc and like bratac who got killed in this game and flipped town.


there are also characters from the show who have had symbiotes for brief periods for the purposes of healing.


so alignment, even within the game as we know it by flips right now, cannot be solely determined by symbiote.


fos for misrepping a simple enough wiki that was posted right here or fol, laziness, for not reading it.




turin did not give enough info to reveal his char, and id ask turin - are you sure your char has a symbiote now?


from the game play (ie spider form replicators, cassandra a young child, kawalski alive) id say were not too far along in the series.


if youre sure and we believe you we cant believe pray.


but i still have probs w clean, not clean. not in the shows parlance.

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Voting me doesn't fully solve it unless I die, if I die you'll know I've spoken the truth

If I don't, well I've spoken the truth about BPV atleast and it should help you believe the rest

the bpv was supposed to keep you safe from nks


you said you have 50% chance of surviving the lynch.


then you said you had to be shot twice the sane night to die.


no, surviving this lynch will convince me of nothing except you have some lynch protection.


and youre character hinting like crazy and the character(s) youre hinting are in no way town and may not be aligned with scum.


and you are too dangerous to live.

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Hmmm not all of the links ended up turning into hyperlinks. You can copy/paste the ones that dont into the url window on your browser tho, Just checked and that still works.


Also better put my vote in a non-WoT post so Talya doesn't miss it.


Vote Dap


Are you suggesting I am blind and might miss it!,...probably and thanks, lol

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