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I don't think we've met yet Pink! Hello there! Be sure to stop by the Warder's Yard and the moat!


SO!! As this is a social group, why don't you two become sociable Pink and Eldur. Tell us a  bit about yourselves. How long have you been blighted with this series? How many times have you weeped over the lost hours of your life as you heave one installment or another to the ground in frustration only to crawl whimpering back to the book and critically examine it as you clutch it to your breast to ensure it is still whole and then continue to abuse yourself shamefully reading on into the god hours of the morning? What characters are your favorites to hate? What do you do? Are you students or working or fancy shmancy successful entrepreneurs? Do you have any hobbies? Like travel? Where'd you go? Are you ACTUALLY going to answer these questions or slowly nod your head and back away? I'd back away. From this whole place if i were you. Bunch of bleedin nuttos in here. Me? I', perfectly normal. DON'T LISTEN TO THEM! 

We haven't met yet.  But now we have. Hello!  I'll definitely stop by the yard, and possibly this moat. I don't know why, but that sound ominous.


And yay! Questions!   


1. I have been reading these books since their inception.  Which means I'm kind of old.


2. Three. I have wept three times. Tears of frustration crept down my face three times since beginning this series.  Three times have my friends and family been confused and befuddled, even alarmed at the heavy 'thud' of a 500+ page epic description of 'braid-tugging' makes contact with the hollow drywalls of my apartment.  Often this would be accompanied laments and complaints about there being too many main characters.  "WHY? Why can't we just kill a few of them off?"  Eventually, I'd grimace, tug my braid, pick it back up and continue reading instead of studying/cleaning/eating/etc.


3.Favourite character to hate?  That's a good one. Probably Siuan Sanche. She's SO annoying, yet for someone reason I find myself cheering her on, and being happy when things work out her way.


4. What do I do?  Well. I just finished school, and I have yet to find a job.  So I've been occupying my time with hobbies.  




5. My hobbies include baking, eating the baked goods I just baked, rollerblading (I used to run a lot but I messed up my Iliotibial band), knitting, video games, reading, walking, posing awkwardly for pictures with statues, I play several musical instruments, and I like playing practical jokes on colleagues (which I can't do because I'm unemployed - but watchout working world!). I've traveled a bit, but not a lot as I don't have much money. I've been all over my own country, most of the states, Mexico, England, the Dominican Republic, India, and Dubai.




Anyway, I'm off to visit this yard place, and potentially this moat place, too.

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We haven't met yet.  But now we have. Hello!  I'll definitely stop by the yard, and possibly this moat. I don't know why, but that sound ominous.


Nothing to worry about there......... <.<


And yay! Questions!   


1. I have been reading these books since their inception.  Which means I'm kind of old.


 You and me both! lol. My brother got me started on them right before i entered highschool. I played D&D and things and he just started reading fantasy and thought i'd like it as well. He quit on them after the fifth book. I was not so strong lol


2. Three. I have wept three times. Tears of frustration crept down my face three times since beginning this series.  Three times have my friends and family been confused and befuddled, even alarmed at the heavy 'thud' of a 500+ page epic description of 'braid-tugging' makes contact with the hollow drywalls of my apartment.  Often this would be accompanied laments and complaints about there being too many main characters.  "WHY? Why can't we just kill a few of them off?"  Eventually, I'd grimace, tug my braid, pick it back up and continue reading instead of studying/cleaning/eating/etc.


YES! Thank you! FANTASTIC answer by the way lol 


3.Favourite character to hate?  That's a good one. Probably Siuan Sanche. She's SO annoying, yet for someone reason I find myself cheering her on, and being happy when things work out her way.


Emo Perrin. Was one of my favorites for a hot minute until, well i don't want to give spoilers but you know what happens. *mutters and shakes head*


4. What do I do?  Well. I just finished school, and I have yet to find a job.  So I've been occupying my time with hobbies.  




Work in a mail room. Yay 


5. My hobbies include baking, eating the baked goods I just baked, rollerblading (I used to run a lot but I messed up my Iliotibial band), knitting, video games, reading, walking, posing awkwardly for pictures with statues, I play several musical instruments, and I like playing practical jokes on colleagues (which I can't do because I'm unemployed - but watchout working world!). I've traveled a bit, but not a lot as I don't have much money. I've been all over my own country, most of the states, Mexico, England, the Dominican Republic, India, and Dubai.


I have traveled no where. I'm lame.



Anyway, I'm off to visit this yard place, and potentially this moat place, too.


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Always on cue ;) (HE'S ALWAYS WATCHING!!!!!!)


[insert Fnorrll rambling about the rules which makes me think I'm rubbing off on him]


Its a tricky balance to describe but you'll get it through interacting with us! Just remember, we are here to be social, not to role play. The little bit of role playing we throw in is purely for fun. Like this, for example:


*pushes and load of extra paperwork into Aiel Heart's arms and exits stage left*





I cannot express the joy I feel in my heart as I accept more paperwork


*exits stage right*





*come back on looking puzzled* when did we get a stage?!?!? *looks around*





*snarls at snarky*


Too many indeed...


*Goes on muttering to himself about taking Fnorrl's job*



You did not just go there...


Dya want it? If Elgee agrees, it's yours!












What's the salary like? (If Elgee even pays)


and do I get health care rebates with it?

DON'T LISTEN; IT'S A TRAP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




still kind of feels weird how a guy can be Aes Sedai... :dry:

Lews Therin was one :P


And not any weirder than those female warders in my opinion ;)


I personally love the fact that there can be male Aes Sedai!

Down With Oppressive Gender Roles!



I also thought the idea of women Warders was really awesome and novel.  But then I remembered that Birgitte exists, and she's *in* a novel.  So now the idea of women Warders is merely awesome.

Hahahah and hmmm we're not novel anymore :P




Heheh I love all of the interested new faces!!!! 

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Emo Perrin. Was one of my favorites for a hot minute until, well i don't want to give spoilers but you know what happens. *mutters and shakes head*


lol  Emo Perrin.  That's an accurate description. ^_^



Hahahah and hmmm we're not novel anymore :P

Still awesome, though!



I live how having new people gives us all the excuse to go crazy. Not that we need it, but things tend to be even crazier when new people show up.



Hi all!!

I think it's called "training".  Us new people need to know who interact with the veteran members.  Also, Hi!

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I don't think we've met yet Pink! Hello there! Be sure to stop by the Warder's Yard and the moat!


SO!! As this is a social group, why don't you two become sociable Pink and Eldur. Tell us a  bit about yourselves. How long have you been blighted with this series? How many times have you weeped over the lost hours of your life as you heave one installment or another to the ground in frustration only to crawl whimpering back to the book and critically examine it as you clutch it to your breast to ensure it is still whole and then continue to abuse yourself shamefully reading on into the god hours of the morning? What characters are your favorites to hate? What do you do? Are you students or working or fancy shmancy successful entrepreneurs? Do you have any hobbies? Like travel? Where'd you go? Are you ACTUALLY going to answer these questions or slowly nod your head and back away? I'd back away. From this whole place if i were you. Bunch of bleedin nuttos in here. Me? I', perfectly normal. DON'T LISTEN TO THEM! 


@All- Thanks for the warm welcome.


I've been reading since sometime around 2006. I know it was in highschool and I graduated in 2007. I took my time reading all the way up through Knife of Dreams before I ran out of books. After that I decided that I wouldn't pick up the series again until it was finished because if there is a long break between books I reread the entire series before the new book and... that takes to long with WoT.


So I finally finished the series a couple weeks ago starting all the way back at Eye of the World. I never tossed away the books. There were points that it got kind of dry when I would take a break before resuming a bit later when I was feeling up to it. I mean there were parts where some of the character arcs were wearying to me but there was always at least one character who I really wanted to get back to reading about.


There are only 3 parts that brought tears to my eyes:


WARNING - This includes MAJOR spoilers from the final books - WARNING


1. Rands redemption on Dragonmount.

2. Rands reunion with Tam after Dragonmount.

3. Egwene's death.



I'm having a hard time coming up with characters I truly hated so I'll do the ones I liked. (Oh wait, I always hated Mellar, Gallina, and Taim!) There was no one character who was my favorite the whole series. I liked Mat mid-late in the series. Rand and Perrin early / late in the series. Egwene late in the series.


The characters I liked the whole series were all pretty minor. The ones I can think of right away Thom, Talmanes, Lolial, and Hurin.


I currently am a caretaker for the elderly. 


I like hiking, video games, contra dancing, reading (of course), and if I can find one to ride boats and horses. Though I need a big horse to carry my 6'7" self. I want to get http://www.personal.psu.edu/wbs14/blogs/equine_breeds/19_Hand_Percheron_Team_01_by_escapist1901.jpg'>percherons someday.


I really want to go to a _____con sometime. I'm thinking Dragoncon, Jordancon, or Paizocon. All three would be quite a trip for me though. I also really want to visit Europe or Japan sometime as I've never been outside North America but I love history.

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I have horses!  Mine are Arabians and they are sturdy fellas, especially my hubby's gelding.  He's built like a brick outhouse.


The only draft horse breed I've ridden is a Clydesdale and it was a former Budweiser hitch horse.  Wow, but he was huge!  A friend had a Perch/Arab filly cross that was pretty nice but she was a BAD windsucker . . . :sad:


I've been to Japan!  Really neat country to visit.   I've been to Sasebo and Yokusuka (flew in to Narita Airport).  And I've been to Germany (have family there) and we vacationed in Italy and Luxembourg and Austria while my dad was stationed in Germany.  I would LOVE to go back over there and take my hubby and kids.

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*humourless bastard* male aes sedaii dont wear dresses



I'll give you that. They usually require a small nudge in the right direction >.>






I don't like to wear dresses so I don't think my Red Bonded One will wear one either.

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Hey, if I'm coming to JordanCon all the way from Norway (and trust me, I shall!) then you can come too :biggrin:


SQUEEE!  Are you really going to go Mish?  I hope so!  It will be so great to see you in person!  <3



Oh, also, welcome Eldurian and BrightPinkVenom!  Please stop by the White Ajah if you become members of the Tower.  I'll give you some cookies!

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That's the plan Mashi! I've reserved hotel rooms for me and the man *nods* This is, of course, presuming that the beuracracy around my permanent disability money all goes as planned so that I actually will have money to go :laugh: I'm sooo looking forward to meeting you all!

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I would sell a kidney for a chance to go to Jordan con and meet you folks. Would be epically epic methinks. Especially the drinks after! hahaha don'tjudgeme



Dude Eldur, on the same page as you. My fav characters throughout were mostly background characters. I was always waiting for Hurin to pop back in SOMEWHERE. lol But Bayle and Egeanin and Thom have consistently been favs throughout. Egwene just..........annoyed me. She was too perfect of a victim. Always triumphing over INSANE circumstances. Made her more and more unrelatable to me. Except when her inner crazy came out in regards to the Seanchan. If that would have been played up more maybe i could have liked her more. Fav female character though would have to be Min.

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