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Despothera's House of the Undead Mafia! Game over! Town wins!!!!!


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Awesome scene Despo!


To respond to a few quotes:


Good job with the following cloud. Keep up the sheeping.

Sorry for the lack of postage today. I'm suffering from a slight case of brain-deadness. Work was highly meh.

I don't think it's sheeping when someone has clearly explained what he finds scummy about the person he is voting for.



I can see the point you are making against Mish's vote on Ley. I think she had more than enough time to be suspicious of Ley, but she only choose to vote for him after reading RTE's case on him which she basically copy pasted. Having said that, I can never read her in mafia games >.>

I guess your early profiling makes sense now that you have finally explained it :P Why do you think Maw and Mish are mafa teammates? I didn't seem to find anything connecting the two of them.

You think I had more than enough time to be suspicious of Ley, like I was sitting around just waiting for a good time to throw on a vote. Not true. I spent the whole time before that going back and forth with myself if I found Ley sspicious or not. So when I was logged in earlier today, I did a quick reread of the game, focusing on his posts. RTE basically said exactly what I was thinking, so I referenced his case. After my re-read Ley stuck out like the most iffy to me, so I placed a vote.


Fair enough.


I don't know why Maw's "3rd party" read is an issue. If he was trying to trap Ley, he could have as well said "scum" and be done with it. Why would he have wanted to bring the topic unless he was actually airing his suspicions?

The point is that a townie would call someone who they find to be suspect 'scum' or 'mafia', especially on Day 1 where there is little to info available about the setup. It didn't seem to me that Maw was trying to trap Ley. I think he wanted to raise the possibility of their being a third party and that made him slip up.

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Catch up post:


Dice is First. Yay?


Spammy spam.


Cloud - "Screw mafia. Let's just host a party" Made me think of the Casper movie for some reason.


Ithi right of the bat says weird things about Turin. Jokey or not?


Ley following up on Ithi's first post is weird, but the Yolo part makes me think its halfway a joke.


And the conversation about it begins predictably. Ley asks if it looks even 1% serious. I think it looked about 50% serious.


Turin reads my future mind. Leyrann's just being confusing now.


Oh hey, look Darthe pops in and assures everyone that me, Berf, and Turin are town. Good to know. Thanks Darthe.


Wombat says Turin, Ithi, and Ley all look terrible. Ithi I don't see a problem with as of yet, Turin and Ley are reacting weirdly, but oppositely. Also LOL at just because Despo is running the game doesn't mean you have to play like him.


I didn't see what Turin did as out of character for Turin lately. So Ithi saying that is suspect IMO. Also suspicious about Wombat meta is weird to me.


I don't think your vote on Turin caused the mess Ithi, I think its Leyrann's follow up and then everyone's reactions to that.


Ithi is using direct questioning techniques. I ususally see this from town Ithi more often than mafia Ithi.


Basel comes in with an opportunistic vote leeching off others reasons and adding in baseless accusations.


Turin joining Ithi's argument against Wombat meta is bad.


Berf - "Why does this have be an 'interesting' day 1?" Why shouldn't all Day 1's be interesting?


Basel comes up with evidence for what I mentioned earlier was baseless accusation. Fair enough. Though it does seem to be stretching it a bit.


Yates hasn't played with Ed before. Ed's a crazy monkey man and says crazy monkey things. I like the policy sheeple vote on Cloud though.


Leyrann just WoTed all over the place and I don't remember anything of it being significant in any way.


Pralaya, wasn't certain a speedlynch was necessarily a scum tell. 


Basel says Leyrann said Turin is off meta. I don't remember that, and apparently neither does Ithi.


Berf doesn't seem to care what's going on between his FoS all D1 players and his earlier "why did it have to be an intersting Day 1" post. Berf... you're doing it wrong.


Caution: Wombat's using big, smart words.


Berf comes out again being all berfy.


And Mawth RANDOMLY asks if a Jester can get itself modkilled. Weird. 


And Yates hits the nail on the head about what's happening in the game. 


Ooop. Leyrann's starting to get testy with Mawth and Basel. 


And Mish is confused.


I call gambit. 


Ed is Ed.


Re-reading my post at this time, I see I had no idea what was going on very much. I thought Basel was town and now I think he's my #1 suspect after re-read. Almost all my opinions in that post feel moot to me now.


I still think that the back and forth with Wombat and Ithi could have been conjured, but I'm not thinking that as much anymore as my re-read has led me in other directions. I still agree that the blind eye to Turin thing not coming up much is suspect of Ithi but I also think Turin is prodding Wombat being scummy with his uncertain motivation talk. 


"You don't like my Meta, well what about YOUR meta, my meta is fine. And while you are talking about Meta, I'll let you know know that my meta is right on meta. So why don't you meta yourself right in the meta." - Wombat and Turin's debate.


I ask why is nobody playing for no good reason since I'm not participating much. Shame on me.


RTE makes a good point on why to vote Ley. Ley seems to be backtracking on her initial joke vote and is now saying it is a way to get the game rolling. Those are two very different things. Big change in position I think.


Mish's vote feels lazy. She's usually quite hesitant to vote Day 1 or even 2 as town.


Glad to see Tiink agrees with me. Many lazy votes piling on a few good ones early on.


@Tiink - Wuhan, Hubei. Its kind of central China, a pretty big city that nobody outside China really hears about. In any case, if you are going to China hit up Beijing, Xian (for the terracotta warriors mainly), Guangzhou for the food, and Shanghai. 


Cloud catches up.


Ithi makes an excellent point about Maw's 3rd Party tell.


Ley takes Ed to seriously for a minute here. Yates missed Ley' point about having a legit reason to vote Mawth.


Darthe is being obtuse about voting in Red to make a point and Ithi's response is my same feeling, but people are starting to make a big deal of it for no reason.


Not much more seems to be happening. 


Pralaya mentions the middle votes of Dice RTE and Mish are vague and he believes one or more to be scum. I would agree with this and lump Basel in for good measure.


HORRIBLE defence from Ley with that whole 40 hours 20 hours thing. Not good at all.


I don't know what Ley originally said but it says "you are a silly monkey" and "belly of the almighty saarlac" now so its was amusing to see Ithi put on Mod Hat over it. I'm sure it was justified, but now it looks funny.


Leyrann flips town. Can't say I'm suprised.


Current supects: Basel, Dice, and Mish
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"You don't like my Meta, well what about YOUR meta, my meta is fine. And while you are talking about Meta, I'll let you know know that my meta is right on meta. So why don't you meta yourself right in the meta." - Wombat and Turin's debate.


Ha! 5 BT points for this. Reminded me of this:




Ley seems to be backtracking on her initial joke vote

LOL. A game with BG hasn't officially started till he gets someone's gender wrong.



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"You don't like my Meta, well what about YOUR meta, my meta is fine. And while you are talking about Meta, I'll let you know know that my meta is right on meta. So why don't you meta yourself right in the meta." - Wombat and Turin's debate.


Ha! 5 BT points for this. Reminded me of this:




Ley seems to be backtracking on her initial joke vote

LOL. A game with BG hasn't officially started till he gets someone's gender wrong.




5 points more to BG for the first quote as I nearly fell out of my chair when I read that.


And 5 to Despo for the second quote because I was thinking the EXACT SAME THING. 


Also Ithi's stance in the Darthe matter is very much her using her mod hat. She is in charge of all things Mafia in the BT so it is like if Wombat had to do something on the Mafia board in a game he was playing in.


(too bad this didn't happen yesterday I could have given 10 each)

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I mentioned you once later too for your middling vote position echoing what Pral said. Also felt like an opportunistic vote. No worries though, you are probably #3 out of the 3 names I listed. 

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Yates is town.


Wombat may be mafia.


This has been quite productive. I love townhunting. Much easier than scum hunting and it allows me to order reads.


I have a plan of action tomorrow, pretty sure I have two mafia bagged as well. Ill be back with the info for you guys soon.

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Thank you for the points gentlemen ... and I find that a Star Wars reference generally fixes most things :)


Night Time chit chat ... my favourite.


*curls up on the sofa with a cup of tea*


I have to say ... I'm so used to modding games here and being an actual Mod too - that I was a little perturbed in another game I'm running elsewhere where I can't edit other people's posts! I feel like that feeling when you realise you've left your phone at home :sad:

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I have to say ... I'm so used to modding games here and being an actual Mod too - that I was a little perturbed in another game I'm running elsewhere where I can't edit other people's posts! I feel like that feeling when you realise you've left your phone at home :sad:

You're thinking about it all wrong. Think of it as though you are a fairy and you just can't read the minds of vampires. It's soothing.
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Oooookay. I'm really sorry about dissapearing like that guys. Murphy's law kicked in and stated that I didn't need time to play mafia. Work was way busier than usual the past couple days and something unexpected came up last night. Anyway...


I guess I'm out of practice as far as third parties go. I thought I had gotten good at spotting them. Still think Ley's play was indicitave of one.


The only thing that really stuck out to me the first time through was this:




Tiink and Ley are bothe towne.

Ley isn't going to be tons of help though.

@Mod, I voted maw. Please update your VC to accurately reflect that I was indeed the first vote.

You never voted Maw. To count, votes must be in red AND bold.

I voted him. Red is stupid. Mod can accept it as bold or waste time. It's a bad rule on DM.


...Oooookay then. This... is a highly pointless distraction from the game. Why do you feel the need to make a deal out of this? It isn't your game, it's the mod's. If you object to his rules, play somewhere else.


Anyway, at the bare minimum i'll check in once every day. Sorry about my absence.

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Love that you use the distraction to distract from the fact he said he wanted to vote you. Did the vote ever get done proper? I mean if he had REALLY wanted to vote you he could have done so at any time - it really isn't difficult and I manage fine on my phone. Maybe the drama was all made up and he didn't actually want to vote you at all.


Maybe this is a big game the two of you have made up.

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