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Lord of the Rings Mafia [Advanced Mafia] Town Wins!!!!

RandA lThor

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Official Vote Count:


Kronos(1): Turin, 

Despo(1): Hally

Hally(1): Chuckles, 

RTE(11): Dap, Despo, BG, Peace, tina, pank, dice, cloud, noli, heart, tayla

Cloud(1): RTE

Chuckles(1): WBK


Not Voting (4): Nya, Ley, Tigs, Thorkin


With 20 alive, it takes 11 to lynch.



Deadline: http://www.timeandda...ngs Mafia Day 3






should be right 

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@AH Concerning the discrepancies in my role reveal I totally spaced and missed Talya's thing during the night. I was trying to be vague about my role to not give too much away calling it practically useless to avoid drawing too much deadly attention to it. then I realized that Talya's role was near identical to mine after Despo? mentioned I was piecing my claim together off someone else's. Rereading, I didn't see any reason to hide it anymore.

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'scuse me, I voted! Please don't tell me that didn't get counted? I've seen bolded ones accepted in other games too when people forgot how to do the colour!! *sulk*


Mod's can't assume what you mean when you vote with the wrong color.  Fake votes are a legit tactic.  No mod should intrude on that.

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Meh. I posted after that saying I dont know how to do the colour and that I have to run, and I've only managed to get on now, about 10 hours later. No fair, I've seen emore than enough exceptions made in other games when twas clear a player couldnt do the red thing, but whatever. I tried :madmyrddraal: Meh.


Maybe the real Mod will count it too :P


...actually *simply goes back and edits* :rolleyes:




Nyan--hasn’t been around much. Has been going along with things a lot if memory serves. Coming in without really posting thoughts. Gave a few things to try to go off of based off of what confirmed mafia said but...

May I just say, I was thinking down a RTE/Kronos track quite early too, when I did my dead-scummies analyzey thingy. Because I do a quick skim on my phone on the trainride home, I actually thought for a while there that I was first to shed that light on them as suspects, before I just went back and saw that Dap and Turin have been building a case on them round the same time... I feel useless now :P But at least I feel better that I thought I saw that first XD



@Nyn:Spell color the right way, and I don't think you need the quotation marks around red.


[ b ][ color=red ]Your Vote[ /b ][ /color ]


without the spaces of course



Ok, lots happened since i last was here. There's a few interesting cases made that i was almost swayed by, but after they've been quite active in the last pages, I'm sticking to my suspicion on RTE/Kronos, as I mentioned in my last posts.
Havent fully caught up, have to work now and I'm definitely gonna vote this time. [colour=red]Vote RTE[/colour]

Pretend you’re American for a minute and spell color without a u XD


*face...palm...* Duhhh, thanks XD

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FYI, BG and I are on a Mason Team.  I can confirm all of BG's info as true as far as his role goes.


He has to search for someone. If found that person had a 25% chance of dying.   Pretty much like what Talya explained about her role. 


Waiting on confirmation from the mod on if we can state who he is searching for cause it may be considered a character hint.


I'm gonna disappear into my back yard now and shovel a bunch of gravel...ooooo what fun that is on a hot day.

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Quick some-up because I have somewhere to be in 10 minutes


Turin and Panchi--have liked a lot of Turin’s play and he caught Firebird. Not too much from Panchi but for now I trust them both well enough.

Des and Piano--both reading town to me, both contributing a lot, I feel like they’ve had some good cases as well.

Talya--have felt a little better about her today, though she’s been quieter.



No Read

Nolirion--really no clue

Throkin--really no clue

Tigraine and BBee--I want to say seems townish to me because I’ve liked the few posts that they’ve posted, but I’m still suspicious and need more from them.



Mixed Read

Tina--been quieter as well, there’s been things she’s said that I’ve liked and things she said that I haven’t. Is kind of skipping under the radar right now. Chuckles voted her for “lurking.”

Peace--is still staying at the edge of my radar, still feel like there’s something funny going on, but I liked more of his posts today. Still feel like he’s slippery and am watching him.

Cloud--been seeing less of him since he isn’t getting as much heat. His posts still feel fluffy to me when he does come in. Might want to look at him more closely again soon.


Nyan--hasn’t been around much. Has been going along with things a lot if memory serves. Coming in without really posting thoughts. Gave a few things to try to go off of based off of what confirmed mafia said but...

Hallia--was way too indirect about the reveal and also the posting without saying anything for a while and the slip is understandable but still.

BG--the stuff around the reveal and the plan with Hallia that I pointed out before, as well as early pushing for the Darthe lynch and he’s being kind of quiet in my opinion and flying under a lot.

Dice--still not around much (understandable) and doesn’t give many thoughts when he did. Plus the Darthe-Basel flip lynch comment thing.

Chuckles--last few posts have been weird and his vote on Tina was weird and I don’t recall much of his early playing. Will have to look at closer.

Kronos--all of the stuff I mentioned before plus all of the cases on him and he’s not really addressed them much that I can recall....

RTE--weird doc claim is acting strangely about the whole thing, has been a little odd this whole game, and though I liked him at first he’s been getting more and more scummy and now he’s squirming while trying to appear calm.

I can go with vote RTE.

Haha! This cracks me up but is extremely accurate. I plan on finishing reading the last 10 pages and will hopefully post from work. Can I have a vote count please?


A few things from this though. A definition of what is confirmed and how did we come to conclusion that there was a Cop for the mafia? Just a clarification please. Thanks!

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FYI, BG and I are on a Mason Team.  I can confirm all of BG's info as true as far as his role goes.


He has to search for someone. If found that person had a 25% chance of dying.   Pretty much like what Talya explained about her role. 


Waiting on confirmation from the mod on if we can state who he is searching for cause it may be considered a character hint.


I'm gonna disappear into my back yard now and shovel a bunch of gravel...ooooo what fun that is on a hot day.



We thought it would be best to reveal in case I was targeted since me revealing my role potentially makes me a target for mafia.

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UNOfficial Vote Count:


Kronos(1): Turin, 

Despo(1): Hally

Hally(1): Chuckles, 

RTE(11): Dap, Despo, BG, Peace, tina, pank, dice, cloud, noli, heart, tayla

Cloud(1): RTE

Chuckles(1): WBK


Not Voting (4): Nya, Ley, Tigs, Thorkin


With 20 alive, it takes 11 to lynch.



Deadline: http://www.timeandda...ngs Mafia Day 3






should be right 



current VC


'scuse me, I voted! Please don't tell me that didn't get counted? I've seen bolded ones accepted in other games too when people forgot how to do the colour!! *sulk*

  who did you vote for nya, so that i can add it to the VC

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RTE that whole "its my first time as doc" thing doesn't fly. You have been in enough games to know



NYA   if you want your vote counted i suggest  you re do it totally in case Rand does not look that far back. he is going to have a ton of pages to go thru



and a vist from the Mistress...nice to see you ithi !!

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Was it your last year there Rand?

No, but most of my life was tied to school (friends, activities and so on) and now its all gone for a few months.  Feels weird.



RTE that whole "its my first time as doc" thing doesn't fly. You have been in enough games to know



NYA   if you want your vote counted i suggest  you re do it totally in case Rand does not look that far back. he is going to have a ton of pages to go thru



and a vist from the Mistress...nice to see you ithi !!

I went back and looked, but for future reference, I follow voting rules to the word so as to give people loopholes to go through, in case of strategies.



Official Vote Count:


Kronos(1): Turin

Dice(1): Heart

Despo(1): Hally

Hally(2): Chuckles, RTE

RTE(11): Dap, Despo, BG, Peace, Nya, Tina, Pank, Dice, Cloud, Noli, Talya

Chuckles(1): WBK


Not Voting (3): Ley, Tigs, Thorkin


With 20 alive, it takes 11 to lynch.


That's a lynch!


Deadline: http://www.timeandda...ngs Mafia Day 3


Scene coming!

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As the Fellowship rode towards Rohan, they heard about darkness growing around Mordor.  They could not all move together as one, if they wanted to get everything accomplished before Sauron gained too much power.  However, the Fellowship was too close to see what needed to be done.  None of them wanted to mention, it for fear that if they split up, it would be easier to destroy them.  Frodo could see the truth however.  He knew that they must seperate, but he did not want to endanger anyone else.  He was the Ringbearer, and he would take it to Mount Doom.  Besides, one person would be stealthier than two or more.  He moved to go to his horse and started packing.


Sam woke up as he heard noise coming from the horses.  Quietly, he crept to where they were and was astonished.  Frodo had started to ride away!  Sam quickly got atop his horse, and rode to Frodo.  Frodo sighed as he saw Sam coming.


"Sam, this is something that I must do alone.  I was given this task by Elrond, and now I must complete it.  There is no need for you to risk yourself on this perilous journey."


"No Mr. Frodo.  At the very beginning of this journey, Gandalf told me to protect you, and I shall.  I'm going with you"


And so the two of them set off away from Rohan and their Fellowship, and towards the smoke of Mordor.




Days after, Frodo and Sam arrived at Mordor, they were hungry and thirsty, yet they were flowing with adrenaline, having finally reached another step to their final destination.  They slowly laid down their blankets and fell asleep.


Above them, something dark crawled in the night.  Something horrible, that no one had beaten.  She always took what she wanted, and right now, she wanted hobbit meat.  She quietly and carefully climbed down toward them.  However, no matter how careful one is, mountains are old, and the stone is not completely sure.  A small chip broke off, and landed on Sam's forehead with a thunk.  He quickly woke up along with Frodo and they both were looking up at the monstrosity they saw above them.  They ran before she dropped on them and started to fight her.  She was not used to having to work so hard with her food, and started attacking Frodo.  Frodo got the opportunity to slash her in the leg though, and right before Shelob could react, Sam slid below her before she stumbled and fell, and held his sword strong in his hands under her.  Shelob fell straight on it, and screamed in pain.  She attempted to scuttle away but Sam and Frodo together stabbed her in the head, and she fell and died.  Sam and Frodo, tired, fell back asleep, weary after getting past one of many obstacles of Mordor.


RTE, Shelob, 1-shot mirror mafia has been lynched.


It is now Night 3.  Deadline: http://www.timeanddate.com/countdown/generic?iso=20130601T16&p0=803&msg=Lord+of+the+Rings+Mafia+Night+3

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