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How Did Your Predictions Go? (Full Spoilers)


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Egwene and Gawyn would die in a blaze of glory

Rand would body swap to escape death and get a new body

Mat would lead the forces of Light against Demandred

Mat was severed from the Horn

Moridin would use Callandor as per Mins vision of an onyx hand



Mat and Perrin are Heroes of the Horn (although Perrin could still be I guess)

Demandred was in Seanchan and was the new leader as stated in ToM prologue

Fain would have something to do with the new Dark One seal

Lan would die and be the Wolf in the dark prophecy

Mat would kill Demandred

Slayer would turn good and redeem himself in the end by slaying one of the Forsaken

Mat would convince Tuon to abandon the whole damane aspect once TG was over (could still happen, but we just didnt read about it.)

Logain would become leader of a combined White and Blacktower.

Tuon would blow the Horn.

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I did get right in my prediction that Avi would kill / cause Greandals fall :rolleyes: even if it was a half serious parody of others who wanted to pair up all the  A- characters and their opposites in some sort of killing/duelling list .


I'll admit a few mistakes.....







Demandred wasn't the King of Murandy. For some reason, I still think that I had read somewhere the lands other than Randlan and Seanchan would play no part in the Last Battle aside from being mentioned from time to time. I just can't figure out where I seen that before.







I disagreed with the body swap all along and just didn't see it ending that way. I did enjoy the ending. (But I still don't like the body swap).







I thought for sure Nakomi was Verin, but now I guess we'll never know.







I thought we would find out more people were secretly darkfriends. Maybe a key Aes Sedai or a couple of Wise Ones. Instead, we get a member of Cha Faile as the only surprise.







I thought Fain would play a bigger role. I never went in for any of that "He will replace the Dark One" theories, but I did think he would raise a little more havoc. Especially since he turned into Shazam!







I had also believed the Seanchan would play a bigger role in the Last Battle. Instead it was mostly Mat, and I will NEVER consider him to be a Seanchan!


Some things have been clear for a long time, just like the Seanchan attack on the WT, and the rescue of Moiraine:

- Rand would survive the Last Battle (I was aware of the bodyswap theory but didn't think too much on HOW Rand would survive, since the authors could do whatever they wanted, including some sort of a revival of Rand). He would kill Ishy in the process. Since destroying the DO would not solve the Problem of Evil, the most obvious other course of action was filling the Bore - but I thought that was too blatant and hoped for something else :/.

- I did expect Rand to have a psychological battle with the DO, though I also thought there would be some more action inside Shayol Ghul itself.

- Matt would command the good guys in the LB. He would get Tuon to ally with the Randlanders. I suppose it was also fairly clear that Demandred would command the Shadow's armies.

- Perrin would kill Slayer.

- Since that little Borderland country was too small for Demandred, that only left Shara for him. I guess this one wasn't 100% obvious beforehand, though it became so after the Council at Merrillor.

- The good guys would free the Black Tower. Though I expected more fireworks in the battle for the BT. Then later, with the BT taking its sweet time to join the LB, it was clear they would teleport to save the day on one of the battlefronts, and the Andor/Cairhien front was the obvious place to go.

- It had been suggested for a long time that someone other than Matt, but close to Matt, would blow the Horn. Since Olver in all likelihood is the reincarnation of one of the Heroes of the Horn or something like that, one could immediately guess (with good accuracy) the outcome of the Faile/Olver plot the moment it commenced.


Some things were hard to guess, such as who would die. That's partly because RJ and BS don't play fair and constantly revive characters or fake their deaths. Though some people (not me) guessed that Egwene would die when they saw Bela die; and others figured out Perrin would kill Lanfear.


Things I guessed wrong:

- I thought Logain would waste a Forsaken or two, or smash some Shadow army, or free the BT, or something.

- I thought Alivia would be far more important that she was.

- Same thing with Fain. I half-expected Fain to be a wildcard, and to cause troubles for both the Shadow and the Light.

- I thought Rand, Matt and Egwene would use the fact that Suldams (?) can channel to intimidate and manipulate Tuon.

- When Galad and Logain went after Deedee, I thought they'd coordinate to kil the s-o-b. Then when Lan charged Deedee, for a while I thought he'd just get killed - not so much by Deedee as by Deedee's bodyguards. Though once the duel commenced it was clear what would happen, but still hard to guess it Lan would live (I thought he'd die).

- I thought one of Lanfear and Ishy would somehow turn to the light, possibly dying or burning out in the process.


It's pretty clear that civilization is basically destroyed in its entirety at the end of aMoL -- every nation pulled all of their resources together to fight in the last battle, and 90% of them died.


I disagree with that one. Between 1900 and 1950, Russia went through 5 cataclysms (Russo-Japanese War, WW1, Civil War/ Red Revolution, famine/purges, WW2), and it survived and even prospered to some extent. A similar claim can be made for Germany, which was back on its feet by the 1960s. I'd even argue that Randland barely suffered any great damage in the war. They didn't quite win the way the US won the two World Wars; but perhaps they won the way Britain won - with the loss of the best of a generation, with a few cities bombed to rubble, but, on the overall, in a decent enough shape, ready to enjoy a golden age (which may or may not have happened in England, but is bound to have happend in Randland).


Personally, I had assumed Nynaeve would bring Rand back, three days after the end of TG.  Why?  Because (IIRC) early in the series, it was pointed out that the only things that couldn't be healed were stilling (check), the taint (check), and death (...) - and a comment was made that Nynaeve wouldn't be happy until she'd brought back someone three days dead, or something like that. 


I thought the same thing about Nynaeve, for the exact same reasons.


If Russia and Germany can survive world war 2, then Randland can survive. And I doubt 90% of the army got wiped out, and not even close to that of the general population. Huge areas of the world would have been depopulated of course, such as the Borderlands, Andor, I cant imagine Arad Doman having many people after its been at war for like two straight years. But generally, everything else is fine.


Not to mention, the Seanchan seemed to get by relatively unscathed.


The White Tower certainly can't do it -- even if Cadsuane somehow manages to remove the oaths so that she can survive more than a year or two as Amyrlin, how many Aes Sedai are left alive in the world? Certainly less than 100.

Why is there less than 100 Aes Sedai left?


Things I predicted correctly

- Lan and Nyn living

- Body Swap

- Tenobia and Bashere meeting their end

- Rand not just patching, but fully repairing the DO's prison in preparation for the next AoL.

- I was correct Callandor's part in 'The three becoming one'.


I was incorrect

- Egwene dies. I DID NOT see that.

- Mat killing Fain

- The Sharan Army. I hate it. Absolutely hate that the Sharans had a part in this.

- A town in the Blight. Again, I hate it. The logistics of it just don't make sense.

- Mat as a HotH. Crock of shit. Noal is a freakin HotH, but Mat is not? WTF!!

- I thought Fain would kill Shadar Haran.

- I also thought that Fain would be used as a buffer in the new sealing of the DO.

- Suian and Bryne. Pretty lame that the bloodknife scene wasn't what Min was talking about.


I've had many theories but far less predictions, non at all on this forum actually... I did actually make some predictions/doomsday predictions around maybe 8-5 years ago? I visualized much of the book exactly the way it turned out and some of the scenes almost in exact detail. Not all of course, but some scenes were so similar to the ones I had in my head that it is downright frightening.


I will only post the ones that came the closest:


1. Lan killing Demandred.


2. Moggy survives the last battle and then gets taken as Damane.


3. The Great Lord having a philosophical discussion with Rand and it turns out it was always about choice.


4. The way Mierin dies and who kills her, why and where. (I'm not kidding you. I recall reading a foreshadowing I think in book 3 where Perrin contemplated snapping Lanfear's neck like a twig when he saw her in the world of dreams but back then he couldn't do it because she hadn't done anything directly to him. Anyway I saw this as a huge foreshadowing and came up with the exact scenario as it played out.)




I was incorrect


- Mat as a HotH. Crock of shit. Noal is a freakin HotH, but Mat is not? WTF!!



Perhaps in every Age where the "Bore" gets fully restored, there are "Mat and Perrins"  as well.   It was mentioned that Mat had done enough to be tied to the Horn.  Maybe he and Perrin are  occasionally spun out just to help the Dragon who also isn't tied to the Horn as a hero. 


Oh, one thing I'm super psyched about was calling the


Perhaps in every Age where the "Bore" gets fully restored, there are "Mat and Perrins"  as well.   It was mentioned that Mat had done enough to be tied to the Horn.  Maybe he and Perrin are  occasionally spun out just to help the Dragon who also isn't tied to the Horn as a hero.  

I don't think it was stated that Perrin was not a HotH. I'm still sticking to my thoughts on that - that Perrin is a Hero.


Just going with your idea, a particular soul is spun out at it's time of need to do heroic stuf...wouldn't that be the definition of a HotH?


Oh, and I'm psyched that at the end to last few lines were 'Loial, son of Arent son of Hamel' or whatever.


I called that back in '97.


I thought Tuon would have to channel to save Mat - wrong
I thought Perrin would have to choose between saving Faile and the world - right
I thought Nyneave would have to heal Rand or someone from the dead - wrong (Talmanes doesn't count)
I thought Rand would die early in the book and then come back (Nyneave or TAR) - wrong
I thought blowing the horn and Hawkwing's return would convince the Seanchan to join alliance - wrong


Oh, well  :)


I predicted that it would end with:


"But it was an ending."


However, I thought they would forego the "it was a beginning" section to set up for it.

Guest thegraveisnobartomycall

Wrong about Rand dying and being called back when the Horn was blown as a Hero. Elayne could have done the same thing she did with Birgitte and bonded him to make him mortal again.


I suspected when RJ passed that the ending would come from these boards, so I stopped posting altogether. Kinda wish I hadn't because in a way we all contributed our crackpot theories (some more outlandish than others) and many of them subsequently appeared in print.


Enjoyed the 20-odd year ride, but I was also (unfortunately) wrong about how amazing the ending would be. Feeling numb and hollow inside. Time to finish writing my own epic fantasy, just like all of you wonderful people who've been inspired by our late, great muse. RIP Mr Rigney.


I thought Tuon would have to channel to save Mat - wrong
I thought Perrin would have to choose between saving Faile and the world - right
I thought Nyneave would have to heal Rand or someone from the dead - wrong (Talmanes doesn't count)
I thought Rand would die early in the book and then come back (Nyneave or TAR) - wrong
I thought blowing the horn and Hawkwing's return would convince the Seanchan to join alliance - wrong


Oh, well  :)


I actually would have preferred all those to what occurred in the book, Pitz.




As for mine, it was a total trainwreck: 


1)Rand would bring back a Nym to help the Tinkers and perhaps even salvage the Ogier for the 4th Age - WRONG


2)The Death of Bela - RIGHT


3)Perrin loses Faile, Berelain loses Galad. The Wheel turns, they hook up - WRONG


4)Bair was a Darkfriend, betrays the attack at Shayol Ghul at the worst possible time, perhaps stealing Seals - WRONG


5)Mat uses the Heroes of the Horn to defeat an ambush by Fain with Mashadar - WRONG


6)Moiraine leads the circle that finishes Sealing the Bore as Rand fades into the Body Swap - WRONG


7)Perrin as the Wolf King seals the alliance with the Seanchan - WRONG


8)Narishma, not Logain, kills Taim during a detailed Battle for the Black Tower - WRONG


9)Moiraine and Siuan are restored to full channeling status after being stilled and Healed by Flinn. Siuan dies anyway, which means Byrne dies too - 1/2 WRONG


10)Bashere's wife was a Darkfriend - WRONG


11)Mat and his medallion and ashandarei tear up a Forsaken, most likely Demandred, who's the general for the forces coming out of the Blight - WRONG


There were little things that I expected that did not happen but the major one that I have waited for since the mid 90's was Perrin finding "THE Song" for the tinkers.  I thought this was foreshadowed way back in EoTW. Perrin spent so much time with the tinkers and he was probably the best of Loial's human friends. I have been convinced forever that Perrin and Loial would find the song and heal the land.  Maybe teach the Aiel to sing again, something like that. There was one scene in the last book where Loial sings a new song of life during one of his battles, but there is not really a big deal made about it and the tinkers never hear it.  That is really the only major disappointment I had with the entire book. Over all, most of the plot points were wrapped up to my satisfaction.


I also had a theory that although Moiraine and Nyneave would go with Rand into Shayol Ghul to face the DO, something would happen and take one of the girls out and some how Tuon would show up to lead the circle since she is so great at working with damane.  Hence fulfilling the vision of the black hand holding Calendor.  I was way off on that one. 


Rand and body swap OK

Egwen alive NO

Mat +Tuon +sex OK :-)

End like Lord of rings NO

Taim is Demandred NO

MAt help Rand with Tuon an company OK

Mat leading army from begining half OK




 Demandred in Shara...I thought this was pretty obvious, actually

 Rand and Moridin Body swap

 Rand not being able to channel after the Last Battle

 Using dragons + gateways...not sure why they didn't use gateways more in battle, actually.




   Red veils were Sharan advance forces

   Perrin and Faile would die

   Padan Fain would be critical to defeating DO

   I had a weird theory that the dark one would be destroyed, and in doing so the ability to channel would be wiped out from humanity. Glad I was wrong.

   Galad does something awesome (why didn't you do something awesome, Galad?) 

   Lanfear redeems herself



 Totally Surprised:

   Min as Truth Speaker

   Wolves summoned by the horn (thought it was kinda contrived)

   Lan kills Demandred 

   Olver as hornsounder

   Egwene kills Taim (glad it worked out that way tho)


"Egeanin is the woman with the sword over her shoulder" is one I got right. The others weren't 100% right. And that's from Luckers AMoL Predictions thread. There

might other minor ones I got right from the "You Called it Thread." (e.g. Sorilea is not a DF).


Davram Bashere being compelled by Graendal --Right (although I didn't foresee the other great captains)

Agreed with the body swap although was hoping for something else.

Did anyone get a good impression of who the "Broken Wolf" was?  I feel that it was revealed to indeed be Ituralde, and had that Shadow's prophecy been fulfilled, that things would have gone very badly at SG.


I always thought that the prophecies of the Shadow weren't concrete.  That they opposed prophecies of the Light.  And that only one or another would be fulfilled.  If Ituralde gives that order at SG, shadow prophecy fulfilled, and very bad things ensue, but thankfully didn't happen =)


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