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How Did Your Predictions Go? (Full Spoilers)


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Got these right:



Demandred in Shara.

Egwene going out in blaze of glory.

Gawyn getting butchered.

The Big Three live.

Rand getting to live incognito.


I do believe I got next to nothing correct. Perhaps worst was when Egwene died and I had a flutter of hope that she would answer the Horn and Artur Hawkwing would say something to the effect of "Ahh, so you join us once more, Latra. Though I suppose you will wish to be called Egwene now." Alas, it was not meant to be so.


Still, even if my specific predictions were ...off, I am glad the future without Shadow was included. There would have been no end to my frustration if Rand had succeeded in killing "...the Shadow in every man's mind...". I am, however, frustrated by the downplaying of Moridin, Lanfear, the Eye of the World, and especially the Dark One, though I suppose it is his nature.


Demandred was in Shara and would whoop everyone with a might whooping of doom-Right

Logain and Taim wouldn't face of-Right

Rand and Demandred wouldn't face off-Right


True Power used as a buffer-Right

Bela makes an appearance-Right

One or more of the 5 die-Right



Moghedien servives to the end?....-oh so wrong ....c'mon guys....What the hell?!


The main things I was right about were

Taim was not Demandred, if one of the main edmonds field characters died it would be Egwene, and some sort off body swap (though to be honest it still doesn't make a lot of sense to me how it happened).


My main prediction I was wrong on were

That Demandred being in Murandy.  I never thougth Shara simply becuase the "problems" there I thoght was RJ's way of not having to write about it like the civil war in Seanchen. 

Thought for sure Lan was going to die.


things i got right:


verin said the last battle would be fought in a way Rand had no idea, or something like that.


I said that i really hoped it wouldnt be Rand yelling at the DO in a "battle of wills."


and basically that happened.  I wanted a "rand swings his sword, DO blocks with his arm, and launches counter attack..."




Got these right:



Demandred in Shara.

Egwene going out in blaze of glory.

Gawyn getting butchered.

The Big Three live.

Rand getting to live incognito.


Personally, I had assumed Nynaeve would bring Rand back, three days after the end of TG.  Why?  Because (IIRC) early in the series, it was pointed out that the only things that couldn't be healed were stilling (check), the taint (check), and death (...) - and a comment was made that Nynaeve wouldn't be happy until she'd brought back someone three days dead, or something like that.  Basically, I'd expected her to go to TAR, find Rand, and rip him right back off the wheel.  After all, she's the one that learns weaves fast, and she alone saw Moggy rip Birgitte out of TAR.  The new body wouldn't look like *Rand* though, and he'd go on to live incognito.


Egwene - I assumed she'd survive, actually - but as a Turned dreadlord.


Gawyn - Oh yeah, his death was obvious from the get-go.  But I had assumed that he'd get a medallion from Elayne, and be involved in Egwene's fight with Taim - Taim would smirk at Gawyn, use most of his power to hold off Egwene, and then be struck down by a man immune to the one power - using a sword.



Demandred in Shara

3 becoming one being the three powers with Rand/Nynaeve/Moraine/Moridin (edit: also got that callandor amplified the TP)

I agreed with the body swap theory


Those were my main three predictions that I had solid opinions on, so I'm happy I got those. That's not to say I wasn't surprised by anything... like Egwene. Oh, poor Egwene.


Right: a fake seal, Mat being unlinked from the Horn, anti-balefire (can't find the ref, sorry). Galad dying.


Wrong: DB a DF, Olver having a go at Mat, Rand dying and staying dead, the other male a'angreal being the  White Bridge itself.


Delighted by: Olver becoming the Hornsounder!


Saddened by: Siuan and Gareth dying.


Surprised by: Egwene and Gawyn both dying.


Things I got right:  Gawyn dying doing something incredibly stupid.

Egwene dying later in part because of Gawyn's death.

Perrin's second time saving Rand stopping Slayer's assassination attempt.

Fain being killed offhand and unimportant. 

Demandred not being totally evil. 

Lan and Nynaeve surviving 

Androl's Gateway Talent being key to the BT coup. (Although really... this one wasn't exactly difficult to find out) 

Red-Veiled Aiel being the corrupted male channelers and raised in the Blight over the years. 

Similarly, the Blank in the Blight - although I only got it half right I suppose, just that there was a DF Aiel sept. 


Things I got right:  Gawyn dying doing something incredibly stupid.

Egwene dying later in part because of Gawyn's death.

Perrin's second time saving Rand stopping Slayer's assassination attempt.

Fain being killed offhand and unimportant. 

Demandred not being totally evil. 

Lan and Nynaeve surviving 

Androl's Gateway Talent being key to the BT coup. (Although really... this one wasn't exactly difficult to find out) 

Red-Veiled Aiel being the corrupted male channelers and raised in the Blight over the years. 

Similarly, the Blank in the Blight - although I only got it half right I suppose, just that there was a DF Aiel sept. 

Well not all of the Red veiled Aiel were corrupted or could channel from they way I read things.  From the sounds of it those with the sharpened teeth were the ones corrupted against their will.  The non sharpened guys were born in raised in that village I am guessing.


Things I got right:  Gawyn dying doing something incredibly stupid.

Egwene dying later in part because of Gawyn's death.

Perrin's second time saving Rand stopping Slayer's assassination attempt.

Fain being killed offhand and unimportant. 

Demandred not being totally evil. 

Lan and Nynaeve surviving 

Androl's Gateway Talent being key to the BT coup. (Although really... this one wasn't exactly difficult to find out) 

Red-Veiled Aiel being the corrupted male channelers and raised in the Blight over the years. 

Similarly, the Blank in the Blight - although I only got it half right I suppose, just that there was a DF Aiel sept. 


lol dude...Demandred was pretty much 100% evil.  It doesnt get much more evil than spraying balefire all over for the Dark One's side in the Last Battle.


Here is pasted from predictions a couple of weeks ago, with annotations:



Rand will "permanently" defeat/destroy/trap the DO. Rand will die in some rather normal way, but come back as a HoTH and fight some incarnation of the DO in the sky. He will do something crazy, destroy the Wheel, the DO, the TP and the OP. The OP will not be truly destroyed, but become inaccessible for some reason, and obviously if the DO is destroyed one would assume the TP is inaccessible as well. He doesn't end up alive at the end of the book.




Everyone will be magicless and time will become seemingly linear as DaoineSidhe said. At some point millennia later after we nuke ourselves stupid or something, the world will "break" again, and the DO, the TP and the OP will be released onto the world again (so I guess not that linear, huh?). 




As many have said, the Tower will be destroyed, but will be rebuilt, and will be like the parliament building or whatever you want to call it. They could have two, one being Elaida's, and one could be like a House and the other a Senate. Not sure if non-USA people will get that reference, but I assume their educations are superior to ours, and they probably know more about our government than we do.




Matt will live as commander of Seanchan, and the damane issue becomes irrelevant as there is no more OP.




Faile and Perrin live as king and queen, possibly with Galad as their general, but I think he probably returns to Andor to serve the Lion Throne.




Nyn and Lan or Lan jr.live to be queen and king/prince.





Logain will kill Taim and lead the black tower to TG, will not die. Could even hold a position in my New Senate idea.




Moraine, Cad, Alanna, Elayne, Birg, most if not all forsaken, and about all other main characters die.





Eg dies, Gawyn dies soon after.




Avi, Thom and Min raise Rand's brood, Rand and Elayne's daughter take Lion Throne eventually.




Of course Nyn cures death.




Bela DOES have some actual importance. She is not the DO or a DF or the creator, but she has to friggen do something!




Not exactly a "prediction" especially since I'm pretty sure RJ answered the question, but I think pains were taken to show the level of blademastery in the three Demandred duals.  I've seen long threads on DM where people disputed RJ's ranking of the blademasters.  I always believed that Lan was above both Gawyn and Galad, and I think it was shown that he was.   


A couple more:


I was delighted to see that Mat did indeed take to the skies on a to'raken. Pity he didn't have a few of Aludra's grenades with him..


In the final confrontation at the bore, Rand drew the TP through Moridin, not direct from the DO, which I think confirms that his accessing the TP in the fight with Semi was accidental. (But I may be wrong about that.)



Wrong: I thought the red-veils were relatives of the 'finns.


ETA: Re anti-balefire weave:




I got the Gateways into helping Lan out in the begining right.


My favorite prediction I got right was about the Ogier just unleashing furry. These were some of my favorite part of the books. I don't know why, but I love the Ogier fighting


Things I got right:  Gawyn dying doing something incredibly stupid.

Egwene dying later in part because of Gawyn's death.

Perrin's second time saving Rand stopping Slayer's assassination attempt.

Fain being killed offhand and unimportant. 

Demandred not being totally evil. 

Lan and Nynaeve surviving 

Androl's Gateway Talent being key to the BT coup. (Although really... this one wasn't exactly difficult to find out) 

Red-Veiled Aiel being the corrupted male channelers and raised in the Blight over the years. 

Similarly, the Blank in the Blight - although I only got it half right I suppose, just that there was a DF Aiel sept. 


But was the Slayer Assassination attempt really the save? I still think there is the possibility for Moraine/Nyaeve to have protected him. 


I honestly think the second save was from Lanfear. 

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Was right about Demandred's territory being Shara, which I've believed for over a decade, and was strengthened in when the Sharaman showed up in Tear in CoT. That one seemed obvious to me from the first mention of Hawkwing's daughter leading an expedition there to take over (unsuccesfully), with the Semirhage / Demandred parallels making it blindingly clear. Not sure why more people didn't believe that, especially when the Aiel reported that the Sharan trading posts were at war.



Was right about Mat's connection to the Horn of Valere being severed by Rahvin.



Was right about the body switch.



Oddly, was right about my looney theory (which I swear you can find somewhere in an archive of rasfw-rj from about 1997) that somebody would think to open a gateway to the inside of a volcano.



Was wrong about pretty much everything else.

Reading the chekov's gun thread, I had to agree that Shara would be involved somehow.

I figured, They would side for the light (like riders of rohan type scenerio) and the seanchan, wouldn't (not in its entirity) and at least some of there beasts would turn..


Body switch theory? Yea, Pretty much figured something like that was going to happen with him and morrodin. Though, I figured it would happen sooner not as late as it did.


Gateways to lava? Yea, was always a fan of that kind of idea. Specially with gateways to the depths of the ocean (huge water pressure streams) as well as... using them to power turbines for electricity. :wink:


Though, I'm still kinda of saddened, that they didn't use.. Androl? in a very large circle.. And just put a large, horizontal Gateway, through the entire mountain side, with the exit above it, wait about 2 seconds than wink it out.

Nothing like dropping a mountain on someone! :wink:



predicted rand and moridin will merge and one dies. moridin. predicted rand will retire and disappear with no access to one power Not bad.


Well, I wouldn't say he has no access to the one power. None to Sadian, but to the one power? Nah, He' has access to something alright. :wink:


As for me, My prediction was...

Rand wouldn't just destroy the Dark one, but the Creator at the same time (through the One Power) And in doing so, would shatter the wheel of time, the dark one, the creator, and the true source and the true power. Leaving not just rand (if he survived), but all channelers, without access to either.


In the predictions thread, I had predicted

Fain killing Morodin (didn't happen)


Rand vs Shadar Haren (didn't happen... Bloody hell.. we only see his freaking corpse like dish rages next ot morrodin! Bah... Anti-clamatic that!)


Tinker/Aiel/Loial banding together to forge the song. (this.. almost happened? Rand figured it out somehow... Loial has the beginnings. and the Aiel & Tinkers will probably have encounters in the future...still.. Was hoping they'd discover the song...)


Wasn't set on either mat or perrin dieing, or living... Though, I was right about mat losing something... He lost several friends. o_O

Perrin could easilly go back to the two rivers and start up manatheran.. Its possible.

Mat going back to seanchan... seems inevitable.


World tree Idea?


We have that woods Rand caused.

Then therse also that crystalaline effect that happened to Egwene, that looked like a large 'tree'.



5) Rand Dies, but doesn't Die. I'm guessing his blood on the rocks, might not be Rands, but perhaps his half-brothers. By breaking the Dark Ones Seals, and Resealing him. Rand also, Removes the One Power from the world, thus his wounds should be mortal. And its possible, that the Creator, (Returns?) Through Rand, temporarilly to reseal the DO permantly, at the same time, removing the very power that could possibly unlock the DO again. I'm expecting rand will be a blind begger at the end of the novel, watching over his family. (Paul Atreides)

Can you say.. Hit, Miss Hit Miss Hit Hit Miss Miss? :wink:


6) Sharan troops, could emerge at the last minute of a grand battle, to push the shadowspawn back, giving both the Aes Sedia, The Male version, and the Aiel & there Song, room to attempt to reseal the DO's Prison.


I called sharan troops, just the wrong bloody side! :wink:



7) Seanchan will find that some of there weapons will turn back to the shadow.

This could only be right, if you consider 'turn back to the shadow' as a gorm decapitating a trolloc. :wink:

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Bela DOES have some actual importance. She is not the DO or a DF or the creator, but she has to friggen do something!



haha, forgot to mention Bela in my predictions. (was busy that day)

But after reading the book?


I think the creator gave Bela that extra little oompf to run faster than a horse like her should. :wink:


Bela's death.

Was more Heroic than Gawyns & Egwenes. :wink:


My favorite prediction I got right was about the Ogier just unleashing furry.

Lol . What an image!


These are from the predictions thread and some others I've posted at various times.



- Lan will survive the battle at Tarwin Gap.

- Min finally gets to (successfully) stab someone

- Demandred causes an awful lot of damage but never quite gets any main characters, he's outmaneuvered by Mat at the last moment - I suppose that last bit is arguable

- Rand either knows how to mask his bonds or has a ter'angreal to hide his whereabouts whenever he wants (like the dull dagger)

- The patches of sunlight follow Rand about - NOT anyone else

- Nynaeve does not cure death

- No one takes up the Way of the Leaf

- Mat never makes it to FoM

- Perrin deals with the BT dreamspike

- Egwene dies

- BT and WT do not combine or live together happily ever after - too many differences between them

- Gawyn, Galad and Birgitte are toast (she gets to come back though) - 3/4 right, Galad didn't die in the end



- Perrin and Faile take the Broken Crown fairly early on - they do, but not early on

- We never find out who Nakomi was and she does not appear again - we don't, but, arguably, she does appear

- Egwene's vision of the Seanchan woman is Leilwin offering some sort of a temporary solution which enables Egwene to deal (and accept working) with Tuon - definitely Leilwin, the rest is arguable

- Logain has been captured and Androl's escape attempt will coincide (more or less) with an attempt to turn him. Both escape, with a few others, but the BT survives. Logain regroups and recovers, then takes it upon himself to get rid of Taim. The BT is destroyed but Taim escapes. Naeff arrives in the nick of time to do something vital. Logain goes on to lead the AM but does not necessarily survive all the way to the end. - quite pleased with that one considering I made it up on the spot.

- Mat dons a disguise at some stage, it's good enough to fool Bode - the foreshadowing that made me say that probably referred to Mat entering Ebou Dar, I thought it was going to involve AS or the WT



- There will be a major battle at or near Baerlon with troops and refugees hiding in the Mountains of Mist, either before or after the battle.

- Talemanes' best pipe will lead some of the DO's forces astray

- The White Tower will be destroyed

- Cadsuane will die in a blaze of glory, taking down Taim

- Moiraine kills Cyndanne and probably Rand - meh, i was on the right track, but not close enough

- Nynaeve will work out how to detect men channeling and redirect saidin . I suppose this may be achieved using a ter'angreal, but I'm hoping for something more spectacular.

- Elayne will find herself in the Ways and figures out how to fight the Black Wind (the same way the Sea Folk control ordinary wind)

- Demandred is in Murandy - Gah. My first idea was that he was in charge of Sharan troops. Should have stuck to it.



Warder Sleete, Zaida and Lord Edorion are DFs. There is also a WO DF, but I can't make up my mind who it is.


edit: forgot that Galad didn't  actually die


I long ago made a prediction that I felt very confident about and which ended up being 100% wrong.   Based on Min's viewings of Logain's glory and Rand being a beggar I thought that history would remember Logain as the Dragon Reborn who saved the world and Rand as a false dragon.   No one after the Last Battle would try and correct anyone seeing it this way in order to let Rand quietly get away to live a quiet life.  One of RJ's themes had been how history gets misremembered so I thought it would fit. 


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