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Basel Gill

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Vote count:


Len (1): Ithi

Ithi (4): RTE, Len, BG, Ley 2.0

BG (2): TG, Smiley

RTE (2): Turin, Kaylee

Smiley (1): Darthe 2.0


With 16 alive it takes 9 to lynch.


Not voting (6): Maw, Tress, Chuckles, Time, Des 2.0, Random





Basel those colors! So confusing! I thought we had killed all the mafia there for a moment, geez.


I've got no clue why you would think that, Len. I totally didn't look at other games after Ithi explained the color coding stuff and see that red is almost always used for mafia. Nothing of the sort.

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Welcome to today's Ithi post. I'm really not in the mood today but I will try.


I wasn't blocked, I got my result. The only person who says they were blocked was the Cop. Ley has taken about three days to come up with this, probably because the Lynch on me is stalling.


I still think Len is the best way to go. So many people have come out hard on me since I accused and voted him. Please read his posts ... Honestly, has he done anything on his own at all. And he definitely was against smiley and then flipped. Surely you must see it. And Ley is probably a team mate trying to get me killed. And WoT is another.


I can't really post more today. It's the first anniversary of my F-in-L's death and we are going to Scarborough. I won't be here to change my vote or post again today. Sorry.

Im still against Smiley, your just the better option.

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Ithi, first, it was Night 3 he got replaced, and he seemed to still be active enough to send something in Night 2, second, except for you, there is noone with more than two votes, if I would defend someone, mostly in a way like this, I wouldn't do it that early. The risk would be too big. I mean, if someone has two votes, what's the chance he'll get lynched? A lot smaller than the chance I get lynched. No, I know that you're lying, and if I die, that's worth it, because I know I caught the first mafia of this game.

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This game has been going for at least two weeks, maybe three. Back when it started you surely had no chrismas break...


I must say I don't really like your posting, Maw. Only reason I keep my vote on Ithi, actually, is because I know she is lying.

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This game has been going for at least two weeks, maybe three. Back when it started you surely had no chrismas break...


I must say I don't really like your posting, Maw. Only reason I keep my vote on Ithi, actually, is because I know she is lying.

The time before any break is always filled with ridiculous amounts of schoolwork. You should know that.

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<blockquote class='ipsBlockquote'data-author="wheeloftime13" data-cid="2716193" data-time="1356296257"><p>

<strong class='bbc'><span style='color: #ff0000'>vote BG</span></strong><br />

<br />

... have a bad feeling about him for some reason...</p></blockquote>


This is useless. Give reasons or don't waste the time of tryi g to cover it as anything other than a bandwagon.

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For now Unvote With deadline tomorrow, and it being Christmas Eve, I"m hoping we can achieve a lynch. With that in mind the two biggest trains are BG and Ithi. I'm still thinking Ithi is more likely town. BG I'm always unsure of. I understand the case on Ithi, but is there a reason for voting BG other than bad feelings? Maw you said your vote was for him manipulating trains, can you explain please? I'll be online tomorrow afternoon and will place my vote then. 

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Okay, catching up quickly and skimming a bit...


@Kay - Yes, RTE should be on the list of four that I made a few pages back.  


@Ley2.0 - So you're saying that you are a town RB? 


@Ithi - Well, it appears either you or Ley2.0 is lying.


@Darthe2.0 - Why do you say no about lynching Ithi/Ley2.0?  BG has solid reasoning that one of them must be mafia, so either lynch gets us much needed info and reveals at least one scum. 

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For now Unvote With deadline tomorrow, and it being Christmas Eve, I"m hoping we can achieve a lynch. With that in mind the two biggest trains are BG and Ithi. I'm still thinking Ithi is more likely town. BG I'm always unsure of. I understand the case on Ithi, but is there a reason for voting BG other than bad feelings? Maw you said your vote was for him manipulating trains, can you explain please? I'll be online tomorrow afternoon and will place my vote then. 


I started the BG train after doing a reread and noticing that his voting pattern and comments seemed to follow others and to work toward having no accountability. Also because BG asked for name claims and it was shortly after that Ithi revealed the Master Forger.  So, given the back and forth it seems either Ithi is mafia or BG and Ley2.0 are mafia teammates.

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If Ithi/Ley2 are both telling the truth both can be town so the lynch is stupid.  From a mafia members perspective it would incriminate one of them so neither would do it.   IE: it isn't the only option, BG was LLL or went full stupid, and both are town because neither is dumb.


Hence, lynch Smiles or BG.  The ithi lynch went full ****** long ago.

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I started the BG train after doing a reread and noticing that his voting pattern and comments seemed to follow others and to work toward having no accountability. Also because BG asked for name claims and it was shortly after that Ithi revealed the Master Forger.  So, given the back and forth it seems either Ithi is mafia or BG and Ley2.0 are mafia teammates.

I had actually forgotten about this. 

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Agree with Darthe. i unvoted her despite still thinking her mafia, against my better judgement, but the day's activities make me think there are better targets. Surprisingly, what stands out to me as of right now, coupled with  the previous days' activities is kaylee. 




I think the lynch of Ley or Ithi would give us more info atm. For one it'll clear who was lying and yes, if she turns out to be town, then Ley was lying and we found a scum for sure. 


This, to me, is the perfect, safe mafia post. Most of us are guilty of sporadic gameplay this game, but kaylee's activity and collection of posts like this leads me to believe she's been playing it too safe, and needs some pressure.


Vote Kaylee

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Agree with Darthe. i unvoted her despite still thinking her mafia, against my better judgement, but the day's activities make me think there are better targets. Surprisingly, what stands out to me as of right now, coupled with  the previous days' activities is kaylee. 




I think the lynch of Ley or Ithi would give us more info atm. For one it'll clear who was lying and yes, if she turns out to be town, then Ley was lying and we found a scum for sure. 


This, to me, is the perfect, safe mafia post. Most of us are guilty of sporadic gameplay this game, but kaylee's activity and collection of posts like this leads me to believe she's been playing it too safe, and needs some pressure.


Vote Kaylee

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