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Basel Gill

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[Des' case about Thorum]



I find this the best case in the game so far, and I'm going to put my vote on Thorum for now. I am, however, also willing to switch to Darthe, as I'm not sure he's indeed speaking the truth. unvote vote Thorum

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Well then. I don't like darthe's claim. At all. Assuming the role works the way he says it does, that statement he gave? If he's mafia, it'll show up true as well. Our options for that: 1) have the LD check him. Inconclusive because of his role. 2) Have the cop check him. Would at least let us confirm his alignment, and we can take the role on faith if he's town. 3) Have both check him. Would give conclusive evidence about both his role and his alignment, but thats a hell of a lot of firepower to throw at a confirmation for one person who doesn't seem to have a very useful power. 4) Lynch him. We learn his role and his alignment, but we lose his input.


Personally, I lean towards number 4. I don't feel like he's a powerful enough role to justify not killing him, to stop a random if nothing else, and theres quite a lot of wifom we could clear up that way.


In conclusion: UNVOTE VOTE DARTHE. I will be back online before deadline, and i am willing to switch to a Thorum lynch.

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No, no, no. Vote me people! I wanted to save myself for the NK and help protect our PR a bit but at least I can get womby and have netted some really odd ass behavior from Len (who has suspiciously been quiet and ignored here), Thorum, Ithi, and Tina. Des is town. Watch those four! Use my death (my role makes me a liability) to vet a PR. unvote vote Darthe

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I don't get why Darthe would hold back on a rubbertongue claim. I think we should lynch him. Also, I have a confession to make. I am not an investigative role. The shibboleth was a ploy to get people to demonstrate towniness and nothing more. So yeah, the doc should not protect me tonight.

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@ Darthe - Don't link me with Tina and Thorum just you're annoyed I spotted there was something up with you. I think it was you who was acting odd, you even apologised for it, and now you apparently have this insane crazy role that I just don't believe. I'm pretty sure I didn't go for Ley when everyone was going at him, and I've spotted Tina's flaws too. I am voting for a person who I feel is anti Town, and even you admit at the very least you are a liability for Town.


I don't like having liabilities left in games. You need to go.


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OK, first off, I am town.


Secondly, I still don't trust BB but it seems like the tides of the game have swept everyone's votes elsewhere. That being said, my vote would kind of be wasted almost. I'm kind of stuck between Darthe and Thorum. I really, really haven't fully gotten down to why Darthe is suddenly putting his neck on the block, but I feel like he's almost spun a story he can no longer explain. I feel like he may have stuck his foot in his mouth and caught himself trying too hard. I feel like because he has less and less answers to the questions and accusations that he's resigned that it would be easier to die than to carry through.


Given this is day 1, I still think it is all pretty hit and miss. But at the same time it would be pretty awful for someone to randomly die after so much deliberation. Also, I do agree that if what Darthe has been saying is true, he isn't that much of a help to town anyhow. Obviously I'd much rather lynch a scum than a fellow townie, but at this point I personally have a lot of trouble figuring out who those people are. One thing I do know is Darthe has been a driving force in this first day. I just don't know where he really has been headed. Worse, I'm not sure he has either.


Unvote. Vote Darthe.

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No, no, no. Vote me people! I wanted to save myself for the NK and help protect our PR a bit but at least I can get womby and have netted some really odd ass behavior from Len (who has suspiciously been quiet and ignored here), Thorum, Ithi, and Tina. Des is town. Watch those four! Use my death (my role makes me a liability) to vet a PR. unvote vote Darthe

Going after someone for lurking during obvious sleeping or working hours is only going to hurt you Darthe.


Also I hate how your linking people before your death and spreading general wifom before your lynch. If by some stroke of stupidity you end up flipping town all your doing here is making it harder for town by linking everyone together this way,

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It isn't harder. You have my opinion, my reads, my knowledge. Mafia will attempt to discredit me, however my flip shows enough. So long as people think and consider what I have said, this can be both valid and successful. The town loses a liable role and gains info.


Also, Womby is town. Good play sir, I really held off my info for dear that I would hurt the LD I was protecting more.


Ithi, Lenlo, Thorum, Tina. Lynch these and find a guaranteed 2 mafia.

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No, no, no. Vote me people! I wanted to save myself for the NK and help protect our PR a bit but at least I can get womby and have netted some really odd ass behavior from Len (who has suspiciously been quiet and ignored here), Thorum, Ithi, and Tina. Des is town. Watch those four! Use my death (my role makes me a liability) to vet a PR. unvote vote Darthe

Going after someone for lurking during obvious sleeping or working hours is only going to hurt you Darthe.


Also I hate how your linking people before your death and spreading general wifom before your lynch. If by some stroke of stupidity you end up flipping town all your doing here is making it harder for town by linking everyone together this way,



I think there's actually a good chance he flips town.  His play kinda makes sense on reread.

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It isn't harder. You have my opinion, my reads, my knowledge. Mafia will attempt to discredit me, however my flip shows enough. So long as people think and consider what I have said, this can be both valid and successful. The town loses a liable role and gains info.


Also, Womby is town. Good play sir, I really held off my info for dear that I would hurt the LD I was protecting more.


Ithi, Lenlo, Thorum, Tina. Lynch these and find a guaranteed 2 mafia.


Good play yourself.  Sorry our plays ended up clashing.

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I think Darthe's plan was to post in one post something like


"There is a Lie Detector in this game."



Then post in another post


"I am a rubbertongue.  My true statements will view as false to a Lie Detector."



That way, the LD could have checked the first post to vet his role.


I think Darthe is town, but at this point we kinda need to lynch him =\

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Yeah. I actually would like to correct the order of my scum list by switching a couple.. So it should be Ithi, Thorum, Tina, and Lenlo in order of strength of my read.


Also, I am 99% certain on my town reads. They are probably my most significant contribution to the town. Please remember them heartily and use them well.


How many votes until we flip me and I become one with the force?

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Darthe, it's day one. Unless you're a daytime finder or a mafia, you don't KNOW anyone's alignment but your own (and there's probably a few other rare roles).

I suppose you would have made another roleclaim had you been a daytime finder  :wink:



I'll try summarizing why I think Tira and Des are connected over the weekend (and look up on Churchill, that keeps bugging me).


Well, Rand, that was the hammer.

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I think Darthe's plan was to post in one post something like


"There is a Lie Detector in this game."



Then post in another post


"I am a rubbertongue.  My true statements will view as false to a Lie Detector."



That way, the LD could have checked the first post to vet his role.


I think Darthe is town, but at this point we kinda need to lynch him =\

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